I'm tired of this S#!t!


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That's kind of what I was thinking too.

Women, generally, fall into one of these types:
- lying about men's baldness not being a problem for them (because they don't want to hurt the guy's feelings)
- lying about men's baldness not being a problem for them (because they don't want to be seen as shallow)
- being honest about how they hate men's baldness, but doing so in such a hateful manner.

I don't blame women for not liking bald men. I just wish more of them were honest about it, while not being such a b**ch.

It's unfair how women act, though I blame the media more than anything else. Even when women don't act like such b****s, the honest truth still hurts to the core. The way women see it goes down to these two responses:

"I am a married middle aged female (my husband has a very thick head of hair). I was never attracted to balding/bald men when I was dating. I still find them quite unsexy now. Balding was a "filter" when I was dating. I could like a balding/bald guy as a friend (and still have bald friends who were balding when I was single). But I could never find them attractive enough to begin dating. For a love interest, they were a complete turn-off. They stayed friends and I value their friendship."

"Leaving personality out of the equation entirely, or assuming two men have the same, great personality, I'd definitely go for the head of hair one --- pet peeve is when a young guy shaves his head on PURPOSE -- not sexy, makes no sense to me at all."


The sad fact is that "baldies" are:
a. Left out completely from the dating equation (friend-zoned and potentially forever alone).
b. A minority will still consider you but there is always a preference for guys with full head of hair.
And this is bad, because there will always be an "if" she was dating that other genetically privileged guy. I wouldn't be surprised if some study claims women are more predisposed to cheat on bald men.


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It's unfair how women act, though I blame the media more than anything else. Even when women don't act like such b****s, the honest truth still hurts to the core. The way women see it goes down to these two responses:

"I am a married middle aged female (my husband has a very thick head of hair). I was never attracted to balding/bald men when I was dating. I still find them quite unsexy now. Balding was a "filter" when I was dating. I could like a balding/bald guy as a friend (and still have bald friends who were balding when I was single). But I could never find them attractive enough to begin dating. For a love interest, they were a complete turn-off. They stayed friends and I value their friendship."

"Leaving personality out of the equation entirely, or assuming two men have the same, great personality, I'd definitely go for the head of hair one --- pet peeve is when a young guy shaves his head on PURPOSE -- not sexy, makes no sense to me at all."


The sad fact is that "baldies" are:
a. Left out completely from the dating equation (friend-zoned and potentially forever alone).
b. A minority will still consider you but there is always a preference for guys with full head of hair.
And this is bad, because there will always be an "if" she was dating that other genetically privileged guy. I wouldn't be surprised if some study claims women are more predisposed to cheat on bald men.

Don't forget about the ones who slip on having a half-decent personality, those don't even making it through to the friend zone. The hard battle of finally getting into her platonic bubble as a friend. Meanwhile the socially awkward NW1 can become a lover all because he's got the right genetic package. His lack of knowledge, and experience is often over looked because after all it's all primal and looks are all that matter when seeking a mate. Everything else becomes secondary :laugh:



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I'm tired of articles like this:http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/99c62b4e-3b06-11e3-87fa-00144feab7de.html#axzz3MIOuQto3

ok try this one

why use baldness as an example, there are millions spend on finding treatments for other conditions that are not deadly, why not mention that.
for example skin aging, how many millions are being spend on that.

this is crappy, if a burn victim loses his hair it's sad, if somebody who has AA or UA loses his hair it's sad, but if it's Androgenetic Alopecia then it's a different story.


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The people behind those articles are incredibly stupid. So because there's one life threatening issue, all other issues must be stopped?

There are 7 billion people in this world... who's to say the small number of 5 research groups (lauster, jahoda, cotsarelis, christiano and tsuji labs) cannot continue working on hair loss solutions? Does their work somehow hinder the work of others in malaria, or cancer, or something else? Alopecia sufferers have FIVE credible research teams globally working on a permanent cure. THATS IT. And yet even this is too much?

The fvcking arrogance of humanity.


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The sad fact is that "baldies" are:
a. Left out completely from the dating equation (friend-zoned and potentially forever alone).
b. A minority will still consider you but there is always a preference for guys with full head of hair.
And this is bad, because there will always be an "if" she was dating that other genetically privileged guy. I wouldn't be surprised if some study claims women are more predisposed to cheat on bald men.

Baldness is just one dimension of attractiveness. The same analysis holds for facial aesthetics, and height.


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Baldness is just one dimension of attractiveness. The same analysis holds for facial aesthetics, and height.

Regarding facial aesthetics, it's very subjective. You can look like, say Adrien Brody but with a full head of hair you can still play it off nicely. Girls don't usually mind dating dudes with a big nose or big ears because facial proportions are not generally judged by women (just take a look at your ugly *** friends hooking up with hot chicks).

I do agree on the height issue, I've seen women making fun of short guys. Bald guys and short guys will have to overcompensate for it, though I have ever heard a women saying short dudes are "gross" as they often refer to bald men.


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In all honesty, at my age (51), if I weren't married, the number-one thing physically that would turn me off would be a guy who's really fat. Hair would be of ZERO importance to me (my husband is pretty bald on top). I keep myself in the best shape possible (treadmill, weight lifting); I'm 5'3", 105 lbs. I say this because I don't want you to think I'm some unattractive blimp so that's why I wouldn't care about baldness. I do get hit on by younger guys. Of course, most of you guys here are young enough to be my son, and women in your age group don't feel as I do--yet. I wish I could put my mindset into their bodies for you. That's what I think to myself every time I read your posts. You're all too good for these narcissistic, shallow women. You've made me look at society much more realistically and, sadly, realize the fate that awaits my son, who is in your shoes.

no offense your FIFTY ONE!
No one on this forum is looking for a 51 year old woman to hook up with. My current GF is 10 years older than me. While it was fun a few years ago its nothing but hell now.
The sad fact is that most bald guys have to have that perfect storm of situations now.
Good looking day, happy, possibly wearing a hat.
And 100% SURE there is no one at ALL with hair and on par with looks.

YOU WILL NOT get attention.
The only solace you have given most guys here is that by the time they hit 55 they'll be swimming in old lady poon.

Your son is doomed and you should feel bad for it. You should never have bred knowing baldness was in your family.


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You should never have bred knowing baldness was in your family.

Come on, that's a little harsh isn't it? You are basically saying her son should have never been born, and her son is probably the most important thing in her life.

Also Swingline, why can't you break up with your gf? You constantly write about how you are stuck in that relationship, but why? Surely there must be a way to get our if it's really as miserable as you say. Don't complain about something that you can change. And you CAN get out of that relationship, it's not like she'll kill you if you leave? Or?


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Come on, that's a little harsh isn't it? You are basically saying her son should have never been born, and her son is probably the most important thing in her life.

Also Swingline, why can't you break up with your gf? You constantly write about how you are stuck in that relationship, but why? Surely there must be a way to get our if it's really as miserable as you say. Don't complain about something that you can change. And you CAN get out of that relationship, it's not like she'll kill you if you leave? Or?

I have a pretty large sum of money wrapped up in a contractual agreement. Im trying to look into legal ways to get whats mine back before I walk out and give up everything I own and leave 20K+ in her hands like a lotto winning.
So no at the moment I CANT leave. In fact I have been trying to push her very hard to finally give in. I dont even sleep in the same bed anymore.

and regardless if he the most important thing in "her" life is irrelevant. Its HIS life, not hers. Thats a selfish outlook. Just as bad as we here who feel its our parents faults for breeding knowing they had pathetic genes. In the end her decision was selfish if she KNEW he was going to be bald.


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and regardless if he the most important thing in "her" life is irrelevant. Its HIS life, not hers. Thats a selfish outlook. Just as bad as we here who feel its our parents faults for breeding knowing they had pathetic genes. In the end her decision was selfish if she KNEW he was going to be bald.

I really doubt what going through her head as she made her son was wether he'd be bald or not. You are clearly not a parent because if you was you'd see it differently. It's also not set in stone that someone will be bald because (some of) their relatives are.

I can understand how baldness turns you bitter in life but honestly think before you write such hurtful things. Trying to make her feel bad for having her son isn't going to help anyone because the situation is as it is.


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Its impossible to "know" that the gene will be passed on.
If her father was bald and or her husband then there is a 50 50 shot it will be. Not worth the chances

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I really doubt what going through her head as she made her son was wether he'd be bald or not. You are clearly not a parent because if you was you'd see it differently. It's also not set in stone that someone will be bald because (some of) their relatives are.

I can understand how baldness turns you bitter (realistic not bitter) in life but honestly think before you write such hurtful things. Trying to make her feel bad for having her son isn't going to help anyone because the situation is as it is.

No I am NOT a parent. Because I am a logical deliberate ADULT! I realized my genes are not worthy to be passed on to others. My brother realizes this to. We are the most UNSELFISH of all people in the world. We would not be good parents and our physical and mental genes do come with unsatisfactory traits.

To just simply say "I want kids and dont care how sub par I am" is an awful way to progress the species, and just selfish.... very selfish.


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I have a pretty large sum of money wrapped up in a contractual agreement. Im trying to look into legal ways to get whats mine back before I walk out and give up everything I own and leave 20K+ in her hands like a lotto winning.
So no at the moment I CANT leave. In fact I have been trying to push her very hard to finally give in. I dont even sleep in the same bed anymore.

and regardless if he the most important thing in "her" life is irrelevant. Its HIS life, not hers. Thats a selfish outlook. Just as bad as we here who feel its our parents faults for breeding knowing they had pathetic genes. In the end her decision was selfish if she KNEW he was going to be bald.

Why don't you just look for a hotter gf without telling your current gf. If you find her then it's worth the financial loss. If you never find her then you will be in no worse situation as you were before. Simples.


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If her father was bald and or her husband then there is a 50 50 shot it will be. Not worth the chances

- - - Updated - - -

No I am NOT a parent. Because I am a logical deliberate ADULT! I realized my genes are not worthy to be passed on to others. My brother realizes this to. We are the most UNSELFISH of all people in the world. We would not be good parents and our physical and mental genes do come with unsatisfactory traits.

To just simply say "I want kids and dont care how sub par I am" is an awful way to progress the species, and just selfish.... very selfish.

come on really, if we shouldn't have kids because of some genetic flaws, then there would be no person left on this earth. Everybody has a genetical flaw, this sounds almost like nazi theory sorry.


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Why don't you just look for a hotter gf without telling your current gf. If you find her then it's worth the financial loss. If you never find her then you will be in no worse situation as you were before. Simples.

1) finding a girl who can keep quiet until I get all my stuff settled is tuff.
2) Im so super busy just dealing with the mess Im in right now and staying sane is taking 110% of my being.
3) nothing is worth a financial loss


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Evillocks, no amount of love or money for my son will ever make things right. Even a hair transplant isn't guaranteed success for everyone.

I know, I'm going through the same. If I could choose between becoming the richest (money) person in the world or having a full head of hair, I would not hesitate a second to choose the hair!


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I know, I'm going through the same. If I could choose between becoming the richest (money) person in the world or having a full head of hair, I would not hesitate a second to choose the hair!

Oh no way, take the money. You could buy the best system in the world like the stars so no one would ever know.
Then you'd still have enough money to get all the sexy cabana boys you could ever dream of.



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Oh no way, take the money. You could buy the best system in the world like the stars so no one would ever know.
Then you'd still have enough money to get all the sexy cabana boys you could ever dream of.


The best system in the world wouldn't be nearly as good as having my own hair, so no I'd take the hair any day :)

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Just a shame I don't have that choice...


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She is from norway. money is not the issue for those people :p

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Swing, you have to get rid of that women ASAP. I was in "similar" situation, in relationship for almost 7 years. Only after I dumped her *** was able to breath again. Not worth of any money.