I'm in the dumps


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ok, but now your gettin it from merlonipharma...why are you still alternating?

Mainly to use up the Proscar :oops: I have a load left over and can't be arsed to sell it. I would stick with Avodart EOD rather than daily anyway because I want to minimise sides, which have hit home a little. Ejaculate volume is way down. Ah, doesn't matter, sex is pretty boring anyway. I prefer Call of Duty 3 on the Xbox!


Pondle said:
Ah, doesn't matter, sex is pretty boring anyway. I prefer Call of Duty 3 on the Xbox!

you must be doing it wrong or maybe that's not the problem. have you tried with a guy?


Nathaniel said:

I was reading your regimen and you really need to give minoxidil more time. It took me 6 months until I could go out again without a baseball cap when I started.

Yeah I know. It's just that it's summer and I'm very active in sports and cannot hide under a cap all the time. For example this week I have 2 soccer games to attend. But I know that I need to give it more time, I'm not about to drop it this soon. Did you have a shed by the way?


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JayMan said:
Pondle said:
Ah, doesn't matter, sex is pretty boring anyway. I prefer Call of Duty 3 on the Xbox!

you must be doing it wrong or maybe that's not the problem. have you tried with a guy?

LOL no man's taking that route with me! :shock: I'm just generally crap in bed. At least I have a good excuse now I'm taking these drugs 8)


New Member
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Hi GrowHairGrow!,

my situation looks similar: f*cking hairloss is my
ambassador of hate/pain since 4 years now. And I took finasteride 1mg
since the beginning of hell on earth...

My opinion is:

Throw minoxidil away (as far as you can!), I tested it for 2 years and I felt it would destroy the roots of my hair. I heard similar things of other users.
(I know it sounds unbelievable, but most people put minoxidil on serious balding spots, so everybody would say it's because of male pattern baldness of course
but I think that minoxidil over stimulates the roots and they will be damaged/ destroyed minoxidil is also very primitive in its application
and it will be the first product which everyone will throw away when a
better pill (the thing with the pill will probably never happen) or a gene therapy hits the market (too late for us!)). Another fact is that if you're
going down the road, minoxidil is not the stuff to prevent that. It's also
very incriminating to think every morning/evening of your hair because
of the minoxidil-routine. Last but not least don't destroy the skin on your
head if you have to shave it, it's better to have a healthy skin on the head.

Fact: minoxidil is crap and maybe quickens hairloss.
minoxidil can not stop male pattern baldness it maybe can create
minoxidil addictet fluff hair.

I saw a scientific picture on the net with minoxidil - no big deal. And there are few picture which show the effectiveness of it.
And it also will not work that long, maybe 2 maximum 4 years...

Finasterid: You said you divide pills, this could reduce the effect
of the pills against male pattern baldness because by cracking them you destroy
the protective cover so the finasterid maybe couldn't work.
(it will maybe be destroyed or absorbed in your stomache)
Take the expensive propecia pills or don't break proscar..etc..

The disgusting truth:

At the moment there is no testet medicament on the market
which really stops hairloss if you have a serious male pattern baldness.
The best product is propecia, but it's too weak for
brutal male pattern baldness. I think 0,1 mg dutasterid per day would work well
even for more hard male pattern baldness. But it doesn't exist. Maybe it would
also work to take 3 X 0,5mg dutasterid per week and the rest
propecia. But no serious Doctor would subscribe you avodart 0,5
or recommend it to take it every day (!). It's designed
against prostate disease. It effects the body very hard and
no one knows where you or your potential children will
end.... Another thing is to take it with an age of 45 to 50 where
most men take it against their prostate thing is another
story compared to someone who isn't 30 yet. Know people
with dutasteride seem to be in advantage maybe future will
proofe them to be at a disadvantage they never could imagine
not only because they'll
loose their hair anyway because dutasteride will not work for them
anymore (and ther is nothing harder) and the thing with
the underestimated "sides" will become truly harmful.
It's one thing to loose your hair another thing to lose the
manhood. I think most women in normal life will be much more
effected on having no children and a decayed man than on the
other stuff.

I would also recommend to take propecia/proscar (do not
divide!) all the time because it's more tested (at least 1 mg)
and you will also maintain a much better donor hair if you
decide to make a hair transplant in the future.

I know little bit off your problem the whole post, and I sometimes
pretended to be very adult which I'm really not.

I feel beside this also very destroyed and live loosing.

I wish you all the best and good luck to find your style.


Senior Member
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F20, I don't think splitting pills makes any difference to the active ingredient. I agree with you that minoxidil is crap, though.


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f@20 said:
I don't know and it's too dangerous to test it, and how to test it ?

Er, I've done it for 18 months! It's fine. Many people make topical solutions by crushing the pills. It makes no difference and is only dangerous if you're a pregnant woman who comes into contact with finasteride.


Senior Member
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I don't like minoxidil either. I think it is good for guys who are good responders, though. I think Tricomin is a better option.

As for finasteride being broken down in the stomach...
Finasteride is a steroid. So is cholesterol. We know that cholesterol is not broken down in the stomach, or at least not completely.

The film could just be to protect finasteride from oxidation and moisture when it is in the bottle.

They say not to chew time released drugs. Also asprin has a coat just to protect your stomach, not to protect the asprin. I don't think I've ever heard of a drug getting broken down in the stomach. I know that my dutas dissolves in my mouth if I don't swallow it right away. It fell apart in water after 10 minutes. Not sure if stomach acid helps keep the film in tack. Most pills boast how fast they break apart. In fact, if that pill does not break apart fast enough in the small intestine, you won't absorb. I called merk and asked them if I may chew propecia. They said they did not know, but it does not say on the bottle not to, so it probably is OK. My doctor and the pharmacist did not think it was a problem either.

I guess you could take finpecia EOD with proscar 1/4 EOD for extra safety, but I think cutting the proscar is fine. I'll also put a proscar pill in a vial of pH 2 HCl and see if it dissolves. I bet it will. I bet the dutas will to, in less than 10 minutes.


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JayMan said:
Pondle said:
Ah, doesn't matter, sex is pretty boring anyway. I prefer Call of Duty 3 on the Xbox!

you must be doing it wrong or maybe that's not the problem. have you tried with a guy?

maybe he can't get a pretty girlfriend.


Experienced Member
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Hi, f@20

Did you read any of this somewhere, like in a study, or did you pull all of it out your twisted, bitter ***?




Senior Member
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Pondle said:
f@20 said:
I don't know and it's too dangerous to test it, and how to test it ?

Er, I've done it for 18 months! It's fine. Many people make topical solutions by crushing the pills. It makes no difference and is only dangerous if you're a pregnant woman who comes into contact with finasteride.

she would need a lot. she'd have to swallow a fraction of a pill. that "do not touch" is just to cover their butts in a law suit. It would not do anything.


Experienced Member
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f@20 said:
Hi GrowHairGrow!,

my situation looks similar: f*cking hairloss is my
ambassador of hate/pain since 4 years now. And I took finasteride 1mg
since the beginning of hell on earth...

My opinion is:

Throw minoxidil away (as far as you can!), I tested it for 2 years and I felt it would destroy the roots of my hair. I heard similar things of other users.
(I know it sounds unbelievable, but most people put minoxidil on serious balding spots, so everybody would say it's because of male pattern baldness of course
but I think that minoxidil over stimulates the roots and they will be damaged/ destroyed minoxidil is also very primitive in its application
and it will be the first product which everyone will throw away when a
better pill (the thing with the pill will probably never happen) or a gene therapy hits the market (too late for us!)). Another fact is that if you're
going down the road, minoxidil is not the stuff to prevent that. It's also
very incriminating to think every morning/evening of your hair because
of the minoxidil-routine. Last but not least don't destroy the skin on your
head if you have to shave it, it's better to have a healthy skin on the head.

Fact: minoxidil is crap and maybe quickens hairloss.
minoxidil can not stop male pattern baldness it maybe can create
minoxidil addictet fluff hair.

I saw a scientific picture on the net with minoxidil - no big deal. And there are few picture which show the effectiveness of it.
And it also will not work that long, maybe 2 maximum 4 years...

Finasterid: You said you divide pills, this could reduce the effect
of the pills against male pattern baldness because by cracking them you destroy
the protective cover so the finasterid maybe couldn't work.
(it will maybe be destroyed or absorbed in your stomache)
Take the expensive propecia pills or don't break proscar..etc..

The disgusting truth:

At the moment there is no testet medicament on the market
which really stops hairloss if you have a serious male pattern baldness.
The best product is propecia, but it's too weak for
brutal male pattern baldness. I think 0,1 mg dutasterid per day would work well
even for more hard male pattern baldness. But it doesn't exist. Maybe it would
also work to take 3 X 0,5mg dutasterid per week and the rest
propecia. But no serious Doctor would subscribe you avodart 0,5
or recommend it to take it every day (!). It's designed
against prostate disease. It effects the body very hard and
no one knows where you or your potential children will
end.... Another thing is to take it with an age of 45 to 50 where
most men take it against their prostate thing is another
story compared to someone who isn't 30 yet. Know people
with dutasteride seem to be in advantage maybe future will
proofe them to be at a disadvantage they never could imagine
not only because they'll
loose their hair anyway because dutasteride will not work for them
anymore (and ther is nothing harder) and the thing with
the underestimated "sides" will become truly harmful.
It's one thing to loose your hair another thing to lose the
manhood. I think most women in normal life will be much more
effected on having no children and a decayed man than on the
other stuff.

I would also recommend to take propecia/proscar (do not
divide!) all the time because it's more tested (at least 1 mg)
and you will also maintain a much better donor hair if you
decide to make a hair transplant in the future.

I know little bit off your problem the whole post, and I sometimes
pretended to be very adult which I'm really not.

I feel beside this also very destroyed and live loosing.

I wish you all the best and good luck to find your style.

All BS


New Member
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flimflam said:
Hi, f@20

Did you read any of this somewhere, like in a study, or did you pull all of it out your twisted, bitter ***?



What do you refer to ?

To breaking tablets?

I don't made it up. I talked to a pharmacologist he wasn't sure
if proscare would work when it's parted. Then he called Merck and asked them. It's obvious that they would say that they strongly recommend to take original Propecia but its also obvious that we cannot just
say cutting proscar will work optimal, it may work but not properly.

There is just no TESTSERIES

Some Facts:

Truth is there is no finished TESTSERIES for dutasterid and we
don't know how it affects your body especially in young ages under long- term use.

Truth is there will be no dutasterid test series reassumed to
see how it works against male pattern baldness because:

1. It may have some bad sides - because of that Glaxo
skipped research. (a bit more than with finasteride)

2. (This now really may be the truth)
The profitability of a very effective male pattern baldness-killer for example a dutasterid
0,1 mg tablett a day which equals 5 mg Finasterid was predicted
to be not very high. It was very hard to bring finasteride on the market
because of the media and the side affect stories (look at v****
the whole stuff with hormones always will be compared with stuff
like that)
which isn't that strong and my have less sides.
Glaxo then known as Glaxo-Wellcome (now known as
GlaxoSmithKline ?) decided to stop any further research
in this field. (For the money and the reputation it's better to develop
some serious drugs.)

3. Dutasteride in Avodart 0,5 mg developped by Glaxo Smith/Kline
are not separable (as collegechemistrystudent mentioned it's a gel
tablet) to avoid the use as a hairlosstreatment


Truth is propecia was developped for men with mild to moderate hair loss
and there are no further facts than the 5 year studies from 2001 which is now 6 years old - no further development since and we don't no
what it does to you body either under a long-term use

Truth is propecia often reduces hair loss but will not totally stop
it which will lead to male pattern baldness final stage

Truth is drugs like v**** (ok another topic) seem to work fine
after some years people had horrible sides (ok it's different with finasteride
but there is still not enough knowledge)

Truth is there is no new hopeful medicament on the horizon
and hairlosstreatment is sticking in its children's shoes. As well
as hair transplants

sad but true it's like that...

The thing with minoxidil ?

as I already said a lot of people who had a long-term treatment
with minoxidil came to this conclusion (many different forums many power
users and also a researcher told me that minoxidil would not stop
hairloss in any noticeable way( I know 2 docs 10 different

I also forgot to mention that many minoxidil users had a never-ending
shedding with minoxidil, not only in week 2 or 4 ...

minoxidil is STONE AGE

It's also something you mentioned which is true everybody can pull
something out of his twisted bitter *** becaus in serious hairlosstreatment
there is hardly research, it's to expensive and unprofitable.


f@20 said:
But no serious Doctor would subscribe you avodart 0,5
or recommend it to take it every day (!). It's designed
against prostate disease. It effects the body very hard and
no one knows where you or your potential children will
end.... A

BS as solo said. So which natural product are you sellin, boy? Come on, boy, what you sellin?


New Member
Reaction score
Solo said:
f@20 said:
Hi GrowHairGrow!,

my situation looks similar: f*cking hairloss is my
ambassador of hate/pain since 4 years now. And I took finasteride 1mg
since the beginning of hell on earth...

My opinion is:

Throw minoxidil away (as far as you can!), I tested it for 2 years and I felt it would destroy the roots of my hair. I heard similar things of other users.
(I know it sounds unbelievable, but most people put minoxidil on serious balding spots, so everybody would say it's because of male pattern baldness of course
but I think that minoxidil over stimulates the roots and they will be damaged/ destroyed minoxidil is also very primitive in its application
and it will be the first product which everyone will throw away when a
better pill (the thing with the pill will probably never happen) or a gene therapy hits the market (too late for us!)). Another fact is that if you're
going down the road, minoxidil is not the stuff to prevent that. It's also
very incriminating to think every morning/evening of your hair because
of the minoxidil-routine. Last but not least don't destroy the skin on your
head if you have to shave it, it's better to have a healthy skin on the head.

Fact: minoxidil is crap and maybe quickens hairloss.
minoxidil can not stop male pattern baldness it maybe can create
minoxidil addictet fluff hair.

I saw a scientific picture on the net with minoxidil - no big deal. And there are few picture which show the effectiveness of it.
And it also will not work that long, maybe 2 maximum 4 years...

Finasterid: You said you divide pills, this could reduce the effect
of the pills against male pattern baldness because by cracking them you destroy
the protective cover so the finasterid maybe couldn't work.
(it will maybe be destroyed or absorbed in your stomache)
Take the expensive propecia pills or don't break proscar..etc..

The disgusting truth:

At the moment there is no testet medicament on the market
which really stops hairloss if you have a serious male pattern baldness.
The best product is propecia, but it's too weak for
brutal male pattern baldness. I think 0,1 mg dutasterid per day would work well
even for more hard male pattern baldness. But it doesn't exist. Maybe it would
also work to take 3 X 0,5mg dutasterid per week and the rest
propecia. But no serious Doctor would subscribe you avodart 0,5
or recommend it to take it every day (!). It's designed
against prostate disease. It effects the body very hard and
no one knows where you or your potential children will
end.... Another thing is to take it with an age of 45 to 50 where
most men take it against their prostate thing is another
story compared to someone who isn't 30 yet. Know people
with dutasteride seem to be in advantage maybe future will
proofe them to be at a disadvantage they never could imagine
not only because they'll
loose their hair anyway because dutasteride will not work for them
anymore (and ther is nothing harder) and the thing with
the underestimated "sides" will become truly harmful.
It's one thing to loose your hair another thing to lose the
manhood. I think most women in normal life will be much more
effected on having no children and a decayed man than on the
other stuff.

I would also recommend to take propecia/proscar (do not
divide!) all the time because it's more tested (at least 1 mg)
and you will also maintain a much better donor hair if you
decide to make a hair transplant in the future.

I know little bit off your problem the whole post, and I sometimes
pretended to be very adult which I'm really not.

I feel beside this also very destroyed and live loosing.

I wish you all the best and good luck to find your style.

All BS

Very good argumentation.


New Member
Reaction score
JayMan said:
f@20 said:
But no serious Doctor would subscribe you avodart 0,5
or recommend it to take it every day (!). It's designed
against prostate disease. It effects the body very hard and
no one knows where you or your potential children will
end.... A

BS as solo said. So which natural product are you sellin, boy? Come on, boy, what you sellin?

I'm sellin my own opinion, sorry to offend you. But this is how I see it.
No need to be rude.


f@20 said:
JayMan said:
[quote="f@20":c2942]But no serious Doctor would subscribe you avodart 0,5
or recommend it to take it every day (!). It's designed
against prostate disease. It effects the body very hard and
no one knows where you or your potential children will
end.... A

BS as solo said. So which natural product are you sellin, boy? Come on, boy, what you sellin?

I'm sellin my own opinion, sorry to offend you. But this is how I see it.
No need to be rude.[/quote:c2942]

sure thing, boy. didn't mean to offend you. wouldn't want to do that.but your opinion is totally wrong, boy.