I saw so many homeless/ panhandler/ crackheads with NW0 today


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Had to go into the city today and I swear every homeless man had a perfect NW0. What is up with that?
Because in the end, it comes down to genetics. Your value as a human being whether it is having romantic relationships, friends, a career, or respect is going to come down to how the genetics turn out. If you have bad genes then society views you as subhuman and not even worthy of human rights. Probably not even human enough to go to heaven so not even God can save you now.


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Funny I was thinking about this same thing the other day. I was watching a documentary where was this relatively old former crack-cocaine and whatnot drug user, who had perfect thick hair. And he probably hasn't taken care of himself at all. I, on the other hand, have been leading a very healthy life especially after I realized I was balding. I watch what I eat very carefully, exercise, keep my weight in check, etc. But still I have shitty, diffuse thinning and receding hair. You can't fool genetics.
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High suicide rate amongst homeless already. Now imagine balding and homeless.


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being at most nw1 is mandatory requirement for homelessmaxxing. even meth addict/coke addict i met when i was as locked up in a mental institution all had more hair than i did ... life is unfair