I hairloss really worth all this trouble?


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JayMan said:
ginald said:
marriage is only a modern day control to try to keep the fabric of society together.

it actually runs counter to our natural instinct which is to impregnate as many women as possible....for the propagation of the species.

so why are we so surprised when 50% of marriages now end in divorce?

the wonder is that the remining 50% actually stay together....poor souls!!

this is why remaining faithful/committed to one person is so difficult...when every fibre of our being is screaming "strewth i could do with the excitement of another conquest" after more than 2 or 3 years with the same partner.

its not rocket science....its quite simple really to understand....marriage is UNNATURAL....

its just that kids need ideally 16 years of parenting from their biological parents and ....oh i cant be bothered going on but you get the idea

this is real horseshit that i've heard a million times before. there is nothing natural about unfaithfulness and spreading the seed. not in these times. people like to use that as an excuse for their own moral fallibility. they'd like to think that everyone else are pigs too... just like them.

Sorry Ginald but I'll have agree with Jayman here, If this is what you really believe then I feel sorry for you.
Maybe people are struggling to keep marriages together these days but if you cant believe that 2 people can love each other enough to stick together for more than a short while then thats pretty sad. I think that any couple who manage to spend their lives together and have that special bond to offer each other freinship and companionship in their latter years are very blessed. I think that its this what people really hope for not just to be able to spread their seed like a baboon in mating season.
Maybe people nowadays are too lazy and self centred to think about anyone other than themselves but how do you explain all the people celebrating their golden wedding anniversaries.


s.a.f said:
how do you explain all the people celebrating their golden wedding anniversaries.

they are all settling. when a hotter elderly person comes along, they'll leave their current mate. no one wants to settle. a 7.5 cannot be happy with a 6.2 :roll:


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Just because people stay together does not mean they love each other. They could just love the cercumstances. When you see someone doing charity for anther person, that is when you know there is definitely some caring going on, and not just mutual benefit.


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Yes I'm thinking of getting married so that my wife can introduce me to some of her freinds, some of which may be hotter!! :D
Ps cant wait until I hit the retirement home, some of those widowed 80 yr old hotties will be gagging for it !! :p


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collegechemistrystudent said:
Just because people stay together does not mean they love each other. They could just love the cercumstances. When you see someone doing charity for anther person, that is when you know there is definitely some caring going on, and not just mutual benefit.

Yeah, I knew a chick who was banging some married guy. The wife of the married guy didn't care. She didn't put out for him, but loved the luxury SUV and the McMansion she had, so he could have a mistress and another chick on the side. Of course with the chick I know, it lowered her self esteem even further until she became pretty much suicidal, and broke it off...


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s.a.f said:
Yes I'm thinking of getting married so that my wife can introduce me to some of her freinds, some of which may be hotter!! :D
Ps cant wait until I hit the retirement home, some of those widowed 80 yr old hotties will be gagging for it !! :p

That's my ultimate fear, that I'll finally start having women be interested in me when they're old.... adds insult to injuries. When they were young and hot they wanted good looking guys and bad boys, an donly when they couldn't get them anymore, they came to me........ I'mm still young enough that women my age still have really, really high expecations, and the only ones not into bad boys are the ones with kids and are responsible enough to think of the kid before their own need for drama.


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Recboi - where the hell are you looking for women? Sounds like all the wrong places to me. The female sex is not out to get you. Your thinking, however, will result in failure. There are multiple matches out there for you. Usually they are not sitting at bars or clubs...


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I get hit on by old women all the time. It is obvious. The ones who are 45-50, wrinkly, maybe strong, but probably life long smokers or just sun bathers. Blue collar. Some of them fit, but wrinkly. 35 year old chubby women hit on me too. It is flattering. Even "respectable" house wives will stand really close to me in line. I might be reading too much into that one, though. But the young ones still have high standards. I know some single ones who won't date me because they think they have a chance with a good looking guy who had sex with them once, and is sleeping with 10 other women. I look on facebook and see all the notes they drop him, telling him how hot he is, hoping he'll sleep with them again. One attractive guy was telling me he wished soem of these women would date me instead of chasing him, and said we'd make a good couple.


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hairwegoagain said:
Recboi - where the hell are you looking for women? Sounds like all the wrong places to me. The female sex is not out to get you. Your thinking, however, will result in failure. There are multiple matches out there for you. Usually they are not sitting at bars or clubs...

Very true. You don't pick up any worthwhile women in clubs or bars.
Even if there happens to be a worthwhile women there, just having a night out, she won't be looking for you, because they don't think there are good men there. make sense? Clubs and bars are just meat markets for diseases and drunks. My advice avoid both! :lol:
Why not try some late night grocery shopping. :wink:
Be friendly around women working in places like clothing stores. Ask lots of questions and be funny. Humour goes a long waaay!


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Thinning - I couldn't agree more. Great post.


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What if you talk with strange women and she thinks you're a raper?