I am seriously considering castration: one contingency


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well i must say u guys have been surprisingly open minded and tolerant

im still leaning towards the castration, but ill hold out a few more months for news of HM

That´s enough for tolerance here.
I´ve ever have a son that´s balding and starts considering ballsplitting for hair conservation, I´m going to throw him a punch that he´s going to lose every single hair he has in his head as a consecuence of the impact.
Consider I´m from a country very near from Africa, with solid traditions. :p
About you, you can do your will with your properties.

Btw, have you ever heard about the "castratti"?? they were italian reinassance singers who were castrated before puberty, so they conservated they childish voices. They were like the Mtv stars of today, gorgeous singers, but disgraced. This practice was prohibited becouse of the disgrace they suffer their entire lives. Search for info, it´s a good story, apart for your crazy and stupid idea of self-mutilation.


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Cornholio said:
I got a lot of perspective and useful tools thru reading the Dahli Lama's "The Art of Happiness." Boiled down, Buddhism is cognitive therapy, and for me (like antidepressants) it works... One of the reasons it has been around 4000 years.

Kudos, Cornholio. Great post on all numbers. And I wish everyone here would study Buddhism and practice it in some form or at least consider some of its teachings.

Gilgamesh, read Cornholio's post about 100 times.

And after you're done reading the book he suggest, read this one:
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... s&n=507846


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Come out for a night with me, i'll introduce you to enough girls and you'll get laid for sure....... you are taking this way to seriously...letting hairloss control your life and if you feel like your life should end because of it you need some serious help. Stop, re evaluate your situation and think long and hard about it.


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VWdude said:
Come out for a night with me, i'll introduce you to enough girls and you'll get laid for sure....... you are taking this way to seriously...letting hairloss control your life and if you feel like your life should end because of it you need some serious help. Stop, re evaluate your situation and think long and hard about it.

I don't want to get laid. I just wanna be happy with myself.

Wanna hear a funny story
I was gonna get castrated like 2 years ago and my ex-fiance (who I'd been with since I was basically a kid) talked me out of it. Said I was crazy and she'd love me if I had no hair, blah blah. Then I got on oral flutamide from India and she talked me out of it because she missed the sex.

Well I stopped taking it, went past a NW2 and she left me for my NW0 roomate. Said she was no longer attracted to me and couldn't help she felt that way (while crying). This is someone I spent every second with for most of my life. This isn't why I feel the way I do.

but let that be a lesson to ya. girls can't be trusted


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a girl should like you for being you... not for the amount of hair that is on your head... think about that. She has to be one hell of a shallow girl to leave you for a man with more hair than you. That being so, she wasn't worth it at all. People grow and change, someone should genuinely like you for you and not your hair and if that person dumps you because you are losing your hair than she's not worth it and you should move on.

sure baldness effects us men but its something we just have to deal with... we have our treatments we just gotta give it a good go...

god handes us our cards and we have to play with the cards we were dealt... do you think i wanted to loose my hair.... or anyone else on this site and in the world??? I think not... but do we have a choice? No. so we gotta make the best of what we have.


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I think people in general can´t be trusted, but it often is quite hard to figure girls out.

You were only experiencing lowered libido while on flutamide? I would suggest you start using it again, together with a growth stimulant like minoxidil. You say sex isn´t important to you, and in some ways I can relate, BUT: If your nuts go they´re GONE. Flutamide seemed to work for you, so get back on it and wait for HM to arrive. You can always quit the drug, but quitting a castration is a little trickier.

And if results are bad, get a hair system in the meantime.

Why me?

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Alopecia,Hair Loss and Hair Regrowth
hair loss treatment
Androgenetic Alopecia-- Aka, "Pattern Balding" or "Seborrheic alopecia" )

Dawber (1) summarizes it best: " The contemporary nomenclature is confusing. In some countries " seborrheic alopecia " is favored. This term is unfortunate in that it has misleading aetological connotations. " Male pattern alopecia " is perhaps the most widely-used term, but is descriptively misleading when applied to androgenetic alopecia in women. " Pattern baldness " is unobjectionable but has not found favor. The preferred term is androgenetic alopecia which stresses both the hormonal and genetic basis."

Incidence of battern balding in males roughly corresponds to age (i.e., at age 35, about 35% of males show hair loss). Incidence of baldness and hair loss in women half to third this, at least before menopause, when the incidence of hair loss greatly increases. The inheritance of pattern hair loss is complicated. Possibly: "autosomal dominant with mixed penetrance". Translation: you can inherit pattern balding from mom or dad and hair loss expresses itself variably.

Increased Androgen uptake, conversion to more active forms, receptor sites may be involved in balding.

Four major androgens may be involves in balding: Androstenedione. DHT most potent-- but, DHEA from adrenals important in women and possibly men. Likewise, androstenedione in men may play a key role in hair loss.
Anatomy of Balding
In balding, the hair follicle progressively " miniturizes " or becomes smaller. The hair that grows from it also miniaturizes, loses its pigmentation and decreases the amount of time it spends in the Anagen or growth phase, which goes from 2-4 years to a month or two for really fine " vellous " hair. The terminal stage in balding involves atrophy and fibrosis ( scaring-up ) of the hair follicle. Interestingly, the SOD's noted below reverse fibrosis in some experimental systems and there is reason to think they do this in pattern baldness also.

As the follicle miniaturizes, the oil gland attached to it becomes progressively larger and produces more oil or " sebum ". The resulting increase in scalp sebum accounts for one alternative name for balding, " seborrheic alopecia " ( latin: alopecia seborrheica or seborrhoeica = " fatty hair loss " ). This is not to be confused with alopecia due to seborrheic dermatitis, which may also contribute to the balding process.

Emerging Model for Pattern Balding (after Kligman, others )
Balding begins when male sex hormones do "something " to the scalp hair follicle which causes it to be read as a "foreign body". Your immune system then mounts an attack on the hair folllicle. The main damage in pattern hair loss is probably immunologically-mediated. Damage to lining of blood vessels, which produces hair growth factors, makes the balding process worse.

Hormonal factors:
Castration, lack of DHT-receptors/enzymes (testicular feminization) , feminine status block the progression of balding and hair loss. However, women and castrated males have other sources of androgens and can still experience pattern loss.

Immunological factors:
Microscopically, balding looks like organ rejection. That is, increased number of immune system cells clustor round the base of the scalp hair follicle. Interestingly, lessor numbers of immune system cells normally cluster around the hair follicle. These may have a role in the normal hair cycle.

Organ rejection drugs ( e.g., cyclosporin ) reverse balding better than antiandrogens. This gives a rough indication of the relative importance of hormonal verses immunological factors in maintaining the balding state. Conversely, cyclosporin and similar agents may also have a "phenytoin-like" action on follicles which induces hair regrowth, separate from their immunosuppressive properties.
Antibodies to hair follicles are also present in blood in some cases of pattern hair loss.

Blood Vessel Lining in Pattern Hair Loss

Minoxidil, other agents apparently imitate hair growth factors ( nitric oxide radical, etc. ) produced by vessel lining. For a paper on this, go here. In diseases involving damage to vessel lining (e.g., atherosclerosis) production of these hair regrowth factors decreases. Such diseases are associated epidemiologically with severe balding. Also, decreases in circulation reported in balding scalp may reflect local damage to vessel linings. Alternately, some deficit in both the blood vessel and the hair follicle produces coincidental deterioration in both organs, producing hair loss. Again, a good candidate is the nitric oxide/superoxide system.

Regrowth of Hair Loss
( for a good review of surgical treatment of balding go here)

Aside: Forget looking in the medical literature for new hair loss treatment drugs and hair regrowth agents. Because of the commercial potential of hair regrowthstimulators, everyone (including me) goes after patents. Most drug companies want to keep things secret as long as possible and so often don't publish on a new drug until commercial release.

BTW, when developing a drug such as for hair regrowth, the first place a PhD pharmacologist ( the guys who really develop drugs ) looks is in the patent literature. Most physicians and nonpharmacologists biomedical researchers do not know about patents, so you will rarely see them quoted. Most media. writers don't know about patents either, so they often get surprised by new products..

Even if a researcher is just interested in basic mechanisms of hair loss and balding, this is a bad mistake. For example, several patents indicate that superoxide dismutases or "SODases" stimulate hair growth and have hair regrowth properties. Still another patent from the Procter and Gamble company indicates that an SODase inhibitor blocks hair growth.

The implication is that superoxide radical ( an important messenger in many biological systems ) also modulates hair regrowth. Similarly, another patent claims that inhibitors of the systhesis of nitric oxide ( the "natural minoxidil" ) also inhibit hair regrowth. There is no hint of this in the "open" biomedical literature.

Besides, at last count, over forty US and several hundred foreign patents are issued in the areas of baldness treatment, hair loss, and hair regrowth. Probably most work at least some to reverse hair loss. But few if any of these hair regrowth agents have been published.

Antiandrogens: E.g.: Propecia (Finasteride), Cyoctal, spironolactone.

These agents have significant hair regrowth properties.. They are also useful as adjuvants to other hair loss treatment where they 1) make it work better 2) Help prevent tolerance. Every few years, a new antiandrogen will be presented as the ultimate "solution for balding". This has yet to work out. E.g., clinical trials with cyoctal, arguably the most potent topical antiandrogen, were terminated because of lack of effectiveness. Even castration, the commonly used treatment for prostate cancer, generally doesn't do a lot for balding and hair loss.
Arguably, the most promising new antiandrogen is Propecia ( finasteride), from Merck. For more on this agent, go to propecia.com. Tho the weakest antiandrogen on paper, it seems to be as effective as the others in baldness treatment. My experience is that oral finasteride works about as well as topical spironolactone, about a 50% response rate, at one year. Some individuals take even longer to respond.

BTW, I have prime patents in this area ( for growth stimulators plus antiandrogens ). In fact, because of the publication of our patents, the combination of a hair growth stimulator plus and antiandrogen is now " obvious " and thus unpatentable. I sure wish antiandrogens worked better.

Possible explaination: Male hormones only initiate balding. Further, whatever hormones do seems to be mostly irreversible. The main damage to the hair follicle seems to be done by other factors, especially immunological. But I reserve the right to change my mind about this.

Nitroxides: Minoxidil, nicorandil

These are blood vessel dialating hair regrowth stimulators. OTOH, most dialating agents don't stimulate hair regrowth. So, vessel dilatation is not directly related to hair regrowth.

Possible explaination: Nitrovasodialators mimic some natural messenger substance coincidentally mediating both bloos vessel dialatation and hair growth. Currently, the best candidate is nitric oxide ( aka, EDRF or NO ). For a paper summarizing the evidence that minoxidil is an artificial form of nitric oxide, go here.

Nitric oxide is a very important messenger molecule. e.g., the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to the scientists who first worked out the nitric oxide system in blood vessels.

NO is a ubiquitous transmitter which has identical effects to minoxidil on blood vessels. The action of both these agents and nitric oxide seems to be secondary to opening "K-channels", important for regulating a variety of cellular processes.

Whenever you see NO ( as in miNOxidil or naNO ) in the name of a drug, it probably has the nitric oxide chemical group in it. Similarly, as you might expect if nitric oxide is an important stimulator of hair regrowth, inhibitors of NO production reduce hair growth. See: "Reduction of Hair Growth", US pat# 5,463,478.

For a good review of the chemistry and the myriad biological functions of NO (with emphasis on its messenger functions for stuff like neurotransmission, blood pressure maintenance, blood clotting, etc.) go here

Also, not only is nitric oxide important significant enough to win a Nobel prize, but it now has its own home page:

Nitric oxide Homepage.

Superoxide Dismutase Mimetics: ( more )

e.g.-- Prazotide copper (Procyte corporation) and Copper-Binding Peptide (Procter and Gamble). Also, a peptone-derived copper binding peptide was recently patented by Loren Pickart, who did the work with prazotide. It is marketed as "Folligen". A form of Prazotide copper, Graftcyte, recently received FDA approval for preventing hair loss in hair transplant surgery.

In the late 70's, we found that SODase prevents stress-induced hair loss in experimental animals. This was an incidental observation while we were trying to prevent diabetic cataract in rodents with the copper/zinc peptide antiinflammatory agent Orgotein, a purified SODase. BTW, Orgotein is FDA-approved in the US as the veterinary drug Palosein . Such diabetic animals undergo massive hair loss.

Orgotein didn't provent diabetic cataract. But, quite unexpectedly, it did prevent the hair loss. Go here to see a picture. From evidence like the antiinflammatory activity of Orgotein, we know that superoxide is a messenger for inflammation, among other things.. So, this suggested that superoxide might also be a natural messenger regulating hair fallout. Superoxide also seems to inhibit hair regrowth in the normal hair cycle.

TEMPOL is another SODase. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute report that TEMPOL stimulates the regrowth of hair in experimental hair loss following radiation. I own the patent for TEMPOL and other similar nitroxide spin labels and spin traps as ahir regrowth stimulating agents. These may have uses in many other degenerative diseases such as age-related neurological disorders like Parkinsons disease and Altzheimers. The may also be useful in the amelioration of sepsis, tissue ischemia, and reperfusion injury.

Because of our early discoveries, the US patent office issued me the dominant patent on using SODases and other metal-binding peptides for hair loss and hair regrowth.. This covers all the others. Other radical scavengers are also effective to induce regrowth or hair loss.. So are hair growth stimulating Pyridine-N-oxides such as NANO and its esters, for which there are patents to both a Japanese drug company and myself for hair regrowth and the treatment of hair loss..

In fact, this technology is so mature that the Procter and Gamble corporation has a US patent on a well-known SODase inhibitor ( DDTC ) to prevent hair regrowth.

SODases destroy superoxide free radical: Superoxide reacts with nitric oxide ( the putative "natural" minoxidil ) to produce other toxic products. So these hair loss treatment agents probably stimulate hair growth either by increasing nitric oxide levels or by destroying these reactive hair growth inhibitors..

Peroxynitrite may be the most important of these hair growth blocking compounds.. From work with Parkinson's Disease, Altzheimers, as well as many other human diseases, a picture is emerging indicating SODases protect against peroxynitrite production. For example superoxide and nitric oxide may interact in heart attack to produce peroxynitrite, which may actualy cause much of the damage. For more information, go to the Peroxynitrite home page.

Alternately, such hair regrowth stimulators may interfere with the immunological component in hair growth. Active oxygen species, which seem to mediate hair loss and inhibit hair regrowth, are also the most important mediators of cell-mediated immunity. BTW, a mild infiltrate of immune cells develops around the normal follicle as the hair cycle progresses. This may be the source of the superoxide that tells hair not to regrow..

Significantly, nitric oxide and superoxide have opposing "yin-yang" effects on a number of bodily systems. Examples include blood-vessel dialatation ( nitric oxide dialates, superoxide constricts ), blood clotting, hair regrowth, etc. Also, nitric oxide and superoxide react with each other to form toxic nitroperoxynitrite.

Most likely, the apparent superior effectiveness of the SODase growth-stimulators over the nitric oxide-like growth stimulators is due to such multiple actions.

Superoxide and nitric oxide may be the most ubiquitous paired transmitter substances around. Apparently, nitric oxide is the transmitter that initiates and maintains hair growth and hair regrowth in the hair cycle. Similarly, superoxideinhibits hair growth and regrowth. It also may cause hair to transition from the growth phase to the loss phase in the hair growth cycle. Also, superoxide reacts with nitric oxide to form toxic products. These may be important in mediating the immune attack.

Interestingly, such processes may play a role in other disorders such as Altzheimer's disease. Here, the pathogenic mechanisms are worked out in some detail. For a recent review of this, see:

"Altzheimer's Disease, A Radical Vascular Connection", J. S. Stamler, in Nature, vol 380, p108 ( March 14, 1996 ).

A Superoxide / nitric oxide interaction may also figure in high blood pressure: E.g.:

Tschudi, et al. Direct in situ measurement of nitric oxide in mesenteric resistence arteries. Increased decomposition by superoxide in hypertension. Hypertension, vol 27, p.32, (Jan. 1996 ).

The mechanism is probably rather similar to what happens in balding and hair loss, as well as other degenerative diseases. E.g., the first article even suggests treating Altzheimers with SODases,

1) Dawber, R., Diseases of the Hair and Scalp, Blackwell Science, Oxford (1997) p101.


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Considering castration because you are going bald is borderline psychotic in my opinion. If it wasn't male pattern baldness then it would be something else you would be obsessing over. I think you need to see a therapist. I know a fair amount of sexy ladies and most of them could careless about the amount of hair on their lovers head but they would be disgusted with any lover who could have such a low level of self esteem that they would even consider CASTRATION to solve their problem with losing their hair. Think about that before you blame your receeding hairline for all your problems.
For me, this discussion is outragious and the only response for anyone who is considering castration (or hormone drugs for that matter) for the purpose of fighting male pattern baldness should be outrage and the suggestion that those who do consider that avenue seek proffesional help for their obvious lack of respect for themselves. I do wish you luck with whatever choices you make but I think your issues run far deeper then the amount of hair on your head.


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Gilgamesh said:
VWdude said:
Come out for a night with me, i'll introduce you to enough girls and you'll get laid for sure....... you are taking this way to seriously...letting hairloss control your life and if you feel like your life should end because of it you need some serious help. Stop, re evaluate your situation and think long and hard about it.

I don't want to get laid. I just wanna be happy with myself.

Wanna hear a funny story
I was gonna get castrated like 2 years ago and my ex-fiance (who I'd been with since I was basically a kid) talked me out of it. Said I was crazy and she'd love me if I had no hair, blah blah. Then I got on oral flutamide from India and she talked me out of it because she missed the sex.

Well I stopped taking it, went past a NW2 and she left me for my NW0 roomate. Said she was no longer attracted to me and couldn't help she felt that way (while crying). This is someone I spent every second with for most of my life. This isn't why I feel the way I do.

but let that be a lesson to ya. girls can't be trusted

Maybe if you didnt talk about castrating yourself and shown her a good time instead of obsessing so much about your hairloss she might have still found you attractive?

Shave my poodle

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global said:
Maybe if you didnt talk about castrating yourself and shown her a good time instead of obsessing so much about your hairloss she might have still found you attractive?

EXACTLY! Talking about cutting your balls off would be enough to scare ANY woman off! :roll: She left you because she thought you were crazy NOT because of your hair.


If my girlfriend left me because of my hair then that's her problem not mine. But it does seem that you freaked her big time.

If she said she did not love me anymore, I would glady open the door and lock it behind her. No use in fretting over it.....


...::traxdata::... said:
If my girlfriend left me because of my hair then that's her problem not mine. But it does seem that you freaked her big time.

If she said she did not love me anymore, I would glady open the door and lock it behind her. No use in fretting over it.....

I totally agree.

I know I don't know you personally Gilgamesh, but I think maybe your girlfriend may of left you because of hairloss screwing up your mind and taking over your life. If you ended up becoming a deprssive, whiney guy over it all she may have got fed up with listening to you moan and b**ch about it - women do not find guys that lose their confidence attractive, its a fact.

If you are over her and can still contact her, ask her straight why she dumped you?

If her answer is because you lost your hair then you should laugh about and feel better in a way because that b**ch was not with you for any of the right reasons and is also materialistic.


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Would one of the mods please close this thread? I think we've had enough of a spat with Gilgamesh, and, frankly, this whole castration idea is making me sick. This is not the place to discuss a serious underlying mental issue. He needs to see a professional.



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Agreed... it's not a positive influence on other people who are trying to stick to the positive side on things.


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yeah, it's run its course I agree

two things

(1) everyone keeps saying, 'you can still get the ladies', fails to realize I'm for the most part asexual and indifferent to porking b****s, really..

(2) no, the ex-gf was just as 'psychotic and neurotic' as I was. she understood the importance of hair and we openly discussed it. we are both realistic people understanding the evolutionary significance of scalp hair.

(3) yes yes, i'm aware I'm 'crazy'. professional help is not as professional as you might think. if you go to them, you're just another customer of the drug pushers. or they might try cognitive behavioral therapy on you (which acts on the ridiculous premise that 'irrational cognitions' can be modified. problem with this is, irrational cognitions stem from adjusted and adapted personality curves that form as a protective nest in response to trauma during formative years of development (and remain that way).

CBT = monkeypoo


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Your crazy man. This is it for me addressing psychotic issues but "proffessional help" does not simply mean a shrink. It can mean anything from joining an organized religion, social groups, yoga, meditation and on and on. First and formost I suggest being active. Run, lift weights, volunteer, get a second job, involve yourself more with your family and get some new hobbies. Life is always worth living and no one should change their chemical or physical make-up because of feeling of inadequacy in my opinion.
I can't believe I am even discussing this issue, maybe there is something wrong with me........