How Uneven Is Your Loss, Thinning And Recession?


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Nape recession what the hell? My girlfriend has the same hair as you on the back when she wears ponytail and she's definetly not receding. You're worrying way too much @Georgie


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Nape recession what the hell? My girlfriend has the same hair as you on the back when she wears ponytail and she's definetly not receding. You're worrying way too much @Georgie
Dude, not every female has the same hair. That’s a really silly statement. My nape is normally a square shape with hairs reaching down my neck. What it looks like on the side side is a bit more like what it naturally is. Please don’t generalise.


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Dude, not every female has the same hair. That’s a really silly statement. My nape is normally a square shape with hairs reaching down my neck. What it looks like on the side side is a bit more like what it naturally is. Please don’t generalise.
Sure thing, you know best but I still think your hair looks great. I used opportunity to brag about having gf :p


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My left side which is my “good side” unfortunately has receeded ALOT more than my right , lol how ironic right.

Japnicks India

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Right side temple was deeper than the other since birth but as i’m a diffused thinner, i feel right side has diffused more than left. However for nape, left feels bit less because of areata’s small patch.

Please god release tsuji and me a sigh of relief.
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Here are some more photos from around my head (please be aware that my hair has A LOT of thickening product in it; and it’s been washed and blow dried so it looks much thicker than it is in reality) these are pics of my left hairline, side, and on top vs the right side. I’m aware that my hairline looks pretty good at the moment because the minoxidil hairline growth has recently kicked back in.


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My entire right temple had gone before my left had even moved!! I'm now NW4 and my left side has just about caught up

Btw your hair also looks completely fine


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My entire right temple had gone before my left had even moved!! I'm now NW4 and my left side has just about caught up

Btw your hair also looks completely fine
Yeah that’s what happened to me.

I’m on a lot of sh*t. When I get regrowth, and I wash/blow dry it, it looks passable.
I lose 150-200 hairs a day.
It’s not fine. I’m not going over this again.


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Oh wait , i am a male , idk if i can be of any help in this


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Call me crazy but your hair always looked normal to me Georgie? However only you know your hair the best.

For me, my left temple is a little more receded than my right.


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My right temple has been obliterated in the last 6 months and the tip of my right temporal triangle is now very wispy and see through. My diffuse is also much worse on the right half of the top of my head. Left side is still going as strong as it was before October and is pretty much the same as it has been for the last 4 years. Right foot is also slightly smaller, leg a little shorter also now that I think about it ?? Georgie your hair does look good. I don't think most anyone would notice after you style it but I can see the deep hairline thinning in the side profile pics. Everyone is still telling me my hair looks the same as it always has and after 6 months of 100-300 hairs a day I just can't even talk to them and can hardly function.

And, unfortunately, these asymmetric characteristics take a toll on your attractiveness. A very observant friend of mine once noticed my smile has the right part slightly less open than the left. I myself find my right ear more weird than the left.

Roberto can I ask why you dropped RU and Stemox ?
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View attachment 86531 View attachment 86532 firslty yes we all know i’m a chick and I’m here posting in the male section but let’s face it, the female section gets no traffic, and besides this is a question for everyone.

I notice that my loss and recession overall is much worse on my left side. Eyelashes, eyebrows, hairline, nape - that whole entire side is just thinner and more advanced. Here’s and example of my nape recession on the left vs the right side. You can see that the left is quite a lot more receded.

My question is - who else finds that one side is way worse than the other? Do we know if there’s a reason for this?

My right side has slightly more recession.

I think that it was @Armando Jose who first brought asymmetric hair loss to the attention of the forum.

ETA: The left side of my face has a deeper dimple, and my abdominals appear a bit stronger on the right.

Mate we don’t all live on the same contient. Ever thought: maybe this person lives in a different time zone? No? Didn’t occur to you?

There was no point you moron, this entire thread is an open question. Don’t have an answer? f*** off. Cheers.

I would sometimes get that same stupid comment when I lived in Australia.
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Call me crazy but your hair always looked normal to me Georgie? However only you know your hair the best.

For me, my left temple is a little more receded than my right.
I don’t have a good way of showing you how sparse my hair is because it’s long and I always have it either up or blowdried, but it’s as thin as old woman hair. The hair strands themselves are very fine.


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My right temple has been obliterated in the last 6 months and the tip of my right temporal triangle is now very wispy and see through. My diffuse is also much worse on the right half of the top of my head. Left side is still going as strong as it was before October and is pretty much the same as it has been for the last 4 years. Right foot is also slightly smaller, leg a little shorter also now that I think about it ?? Georgie your hair does look good. I don't think most anyone would notice after you style it but I can see the deep hairline thinning in the side profile pics. Everyone is still telling me my hair looks the same as it always has and after 6 months of 100-300 hairs a day I just can't even talk to them and can hardly function.

Roberto can I ask why you dropped RU and Stemox ?
I can hide it when I tie it up but I can no longer wear my hair down because it’s just too thin. My hairloss has crept all up the back of my head again and I have no areas that are unaffected by it. All the hair on my body grows back finer than it should.

Do you have photos? I lost a lot of hair every day too.

Japnicks India

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Here are some more photos from around my head (please be aware that my hair has A LOT of thickening product in it; and it’s been washed and blow dried so it looks much thicker than it is in reality) these are pics of my left hairline, side, and on top vs the right side. I’m aware that my hairline looks pretty good at the moment because the minoxidil hairline growth has recently kicked back in.

Wanted to dislike this post, because i dislike this curse. I always thought that you exaggerated your situation as you look pretty.

Guess what? i understand your pain now with these photos & it gave me a panic attack about my hair as i woke up. Gotta gather some courage to leave my bed now. lol


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Yeah i've got this as well.. My right side is about 1.5cm more receded (da Fuk ?). Coincidentally the right side of my head is also slightly more developed than my left (More prominent cheekbone etc)

Can i just like restart life or something when medicine isn't only 100 years old?


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My right temple has been obliterated in the last 6 months and the tip of my right temporal triangle is now very wispy and see through. My diffuse is also much worse on the right half of the top of my head. Left side is still going as strong as it was before October and is pretty much the same as it has been for the last 4 years. Right foot is also slightly smaller, leg a little shorter also now that I think about it ?? Georgie your hair does look good. I don't think most anyone would notice after you style it but I can see the deep hairline thinning in the side profile pics. Everyone is still telling me my hair looks the same as it always has and after 6 months of 100-300 hairs a day I just can't even talk to them and can hardly function.

Roberto can I ask why you dropped RU and Stemox ?
Because they did not work for me anymore.
As didn't finasteride.
It is nor my impression: derm took pictures and in six months the crown had thinned very strongly while on RU.