How To Cure Baldness By Altering Hormones While Retaining Masculinity

nWo Wolfpac

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So this has been a long time coming. I have to thank bridgeburn for giving me the inspiration to try HRT (hormone replacement therapy). He and I have diverging methods, goals and opinions however so it has become necessary to start my own thread. I hope I can inspire some of you to regrow some great hair like he did for me.

This stuff is the real deal. It is far more likely to work and regrow hair than anything else known in this world. If you have a few thin wispy strips of hair left or you have a norwood six heavily receded hair line and want a full head of hair again, this is the most realistic method possible. Hair transplants cant come close to what hrt can accomplish. But be aware that this comes at a cost and is a high risk high reward method that is essentially a gamble. You will get gyno from this treatment. If you are not willing to accept any level of gyno to regrow your hair than you can stop reading now. Most guys will quit at the first sign of gyno so don't even bother unless you are willing to deal with it to regrow your hair like I was.

This is a how to guide to regrowing hair and completely reverse balding by way of reducing testosterone and increasing estrogen through drugs while minimizing the feminizing effects as much as possible. I have been using hrt safely under the supervision of my family doctor who has allowed me to test this out. In these 14 months I have managed to completely regrow all of my hair from a nearly bald state all while keeping the feminizing effects to a minimum. I will explain how to do this and what drugs to take, when to take them and the dosages you will need.

Disclaimer: This regimen should only be attempted as a last resort by only the most desperate men. You should try to use everything else possible first. That means Minoxidil,Nizoral, Finasteride, Dutasteride, Dermarolling, scalp massages, Vitamins, Apples, head stands, prayer and if possible for your type of hair loss - hair. All should be taken before attempting this. Just because I got great results and hair growth from this does not mean you will too. As with any treatment there isn't a guarantee that you will regrow hair from this. You will get gyno from this regimen. That is unavoidable but I can show you how to minimize it. If you value having a perfect chest over a full head of hair than this is not the treatment for you.

WARNING: There are serious possible side effects including permanent Infertility, gynecomastia,low libido, low testosterone after discontinuing use, Insomnia, fatigue, depression, muscle loss and general feminizing of the body.

The Drugs I Use

Estrogel: This is a gel form of Estradiol (the most potent form of estrogen) It will raise your estrogen of course which is what we want. I use 2.5 g to 3.75 g per day which equates to 2 or 3 pumps per day. Sometimes I will take a week off or 5 days here and there and it still works fine. I usually apply it to my inner arms and scalp but you can apply it your stomach or thighs as well. Wait a few minutes for the gel to absorb in your skin before putting on clothes. Also wait for 5 hours after applying to shower to make sure it has been fully absorbed.

Cyproterone: A testosterone blocker that will lower your test dramatically and reduce the amount of estrogel you will need to use. I used 12.5mg a day in the beginning by cutting a 50 mg tablet into quarters. You may need less or more than me depending on how your body reacts. Even 12.5mg 3 times a week can be very effective in the beginning. Over time i started to use much less. Now I usually only take Cypro every 7 to 10 days and still my hair improves. Cypro depletes vitamin B12 which can cause depression and lethargy so take with a supplement.

Letrozole: This drug you will kill all estrogen in your body so you will use it periodically to reduce gyno. Its pretty hardcore with some bad fatigue side effects so I only take it for 10 days at 2.5 mg and then switch to Raloxifene.

Raloxifene: This will reduce estrogen but only in spcific areas like breast tissue so it is safer to take for a longer time. Ralox also works better when your at a lower estrogen level to start with which is why I take it after Letro. I would take this for 3 to 5 weeks at 60 mg a day after letrozole to further reduce gyno.

Both Letro and Ralox should not be taken at the same time as the Estrogel and Cypro. They will just fight each other and its not safe to do. Ralox and Letro will both cause a hair shed but that's okay because you shouldn't lose near as much hair as you have gained. After the gyno has been reduced simply resume taking the gel and cypro again. I started taking these 6 months in to undo some gyno and it worked great for me. There is a chance that these drugs will not work for you. You should know that it is not a miracle cure for gyno. You will most likely have some gyno left.

Remember to take breaks - even just taking a week or two off can really help diminish unwanted side effects. libidos too low? take a couple weeks off. not sleeping well? take a couple of weeks off. Gyno freaking you out? take a couple of weeks off. Its up to you how slow and cautious you want to be. Ideally this regimen should only be temporary. After you have regrown the desired amount of hair you should stop the treatment and take something more mild like finasteride for maintenance.


Do I have gyno? yes because of this treatment I have gyno. People who have seen me with my shirt off haven't noticed but its there. If I want to wear tight clothing I wear a men's compression undershirt which you can buy from amazon here is the link:
Honesly most of the time I don't think about it. I see lots of skinny fat guys around with gyno all the time and are less self conscious about it than I am. So I consider it a necessary sacrifice to regrowing my hair.

Does my dick still work? Yes it still works perfectly. My libido is much lower but it works right away whenever I want. I have a much lower amount of semen with a watery consistency that's the main drawback.

Can I still grow a beard? Yes I still can and I have one right now. It is a little more patchy than it used to be on one side.

Do I Still Have Muscle? Yes I have not lost any muscle however the stronger you are the more likely you are to lose some. I am stronger and have more muscle than most men and I haven't noticed a difference. Your case may be completely different.

Do I look like a girl?
No I look like a normal man . It has given a softer appearance to my skin which has made me look a couple of years younger.

Do I have extra fat on my hips and buttocks? No I never got any body fat redistribution.

How long did it take to see regrowth? A few months. At first I went through a shedding phase.

How long after you started hrt did you take Letro and Ralox? it was six months after I started I took my first cycle off to reduce gyno.

Do I have before and after photos? Yes I posted them online before but Ive taken them down for privacy. I wont be posting them again.

I'm sure there are things I've forgotten. I'll add to this page every so often.
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No I actually never tried it because the side effects I got from finasteride were so bad I didn't want to go through that again.
Amazing! Awesome regrowth that too without 5-ar inhibitor. How come estradiol is not feminizing you?
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nWo Wolfpac

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Amazing! Awesome regrowth that to without 5-ar inhibitor. How come estradiol is not feminizing you?

Well it is to a degree. Perhaps I am lucky to not have worse gyno than I do. But it is simple, I don't take near as high doses as trans people do so I don't get near the same effects. I work out to prevent muscle atrophy and I frequently take breaks and use anti estrogen drugs to keep the gyno down. A lot of the dramatic changes you see trans male to female people go through are actually achieved through tricks like make up and eyebrow shaping, long hair and nails,facial laser hair removal, breast Implants, facial feminization surgery the list goes on.


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Well it is to a degree. Perhaps I am lucky to not have worse gyno than I do. But it is simple, I don't take near as high doses as trans people do so I don't get near the same effects. I work out to prevent muscle atrophy and I frequently take breaks and use anti estrogen drugs to keep the gyno down. A lot of the dramatic changes you see trans male to female people go through are actually achieved through tricks like make up and eyebrow shaping, long hair and nails,facial laser hair removal, breast Implants, facial feminization surgery the list goes on.
On an average, how many days in a month do you apply estradiol on your scalp?


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No I actually never tried it because the side effects I got from finasteride were so bad I didn't want to go through that again.

what sides did you experience while on finasteride?

I'm tempted to add more "stuff" to my repertoire but the idea of developing gyno scares me to death -- I'm also equally scared of developing any "feminine traits" such as fat distribution of a woman and lack of facial hair

nice thread btw


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cool thread. I appreciate the organized info+disclaimer lol. I'm currently using bicalutamide orally and bi-estro topically. No results to speak of yet (1.5 months.) I had some vellus hairs coming in, but I think they were from oral minoxidil, which I'm gonna have to drop after a big scare today. Currently I have very minimal gyno, which is, you know, more than I'd like, but whatever.

nWo Wolfpac

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what sides did you experience while on finasteride?

I'm tempted to add more "stuff" to my repertoire but the idea of developing gyno scares me to death -- I'm also equally scared of developing any "feminine traits" such as fat distribution of a woman and lack of facial hair

nice thread btw
finasteride gave me constant brain fog and headaches so I had to give it up. I wouldn't worry too much about lack of facial hair. That is something that is usually not effected very much.


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How can you retain your same level of muscle in the body if you decrease testosterone serum levels? It may not be a problem for people who stay thin or dont work out but your fat distrubition should be more feminine as you decrease t and if you work out which is a must for me, you won't get the same results. One thing I love about dutasteride, it did change my fat distribution on the very slightest, but did not have any affect on any performance or lean muscle mass. I'm still pushing 315 for REPS on Incline press my dude. I'm grateful to that.


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One thing I love about dutasteride, it did change my fat distribution on the very slightest, but did not have any affect on any performance or lean muscle mass.
dutasteride might actually help muscle because DHT is deactivated by an enzyme in our muscles called 3a-hsd. Testosterone is more anabolic than DHT even though DHT is more androgenic


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Damn, another plus to take it other than hair. As long as it doesnt give you any sides like youre in the 5% that gets dysfunction or gyno.

dutasteride might actually help muscle because DHT is deactivated by an enzyme in our muscles called 3a-hsd. Testosterone is more anabolic than DHT even though DHT is more androgenic


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Damn, another plus to take it other than hair. As long as it doesnt give you any sides like youre in the 5% that gets dysfunction or gyno.
It also lowers allopregnalonone, possibly giving cognitive impairment.. so that's concerning o_O