How Safe Is Minoxidil By Itself? Are The Side Effects Permanent?


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I have receding hairline at the temples, started a few years ago but obviously getting worse the last few months, at a faster rate. I have been thinking about using minoxidil foam to help my hair. I heard minoxidil will work on the temples despite the box saying only vertex. Also, I have no intention of every using finasteride, I'd rather go bald or surgery than mess with hormones. But I have been hearing conflicting views on how bad the side effects are for just minoxidil....all dermatologists I have spoken with said it is safe and to start treatment immediately, but i keep hearing about some serious side effects. Is there a way to figure out how bad the side effects will be? Is it worth even trying minoxidil, or should I just go straight to surgery or PRP?

Here are the effects I have heard of, can you guys let me know if you how likely you think it will happen?

1) Shedding seems the most common, although was told it is a good sign. Dermatologists actually tell me that the shed would not really be noticeable? Is it possible to shed and the hair not come back?

2) Heart problems - sounds really serious - how common is this?

3) ED - that's usually for finasteride but I heard could happen for minoxidil as well?? Is that true?

4) Puffy eyes - is that true? How serious and how often? Will it go away?

5) Dry/bad skin - can make you look like a skeleton, adds 25 years to your age - is that true? If so, why is it worth it?

6) Hearing loss?? is this one true? This scares me because I have weak ears already - had ear infections growing up, and one time had to punch a hole in the eardrum (ear tube).

7) Anything else??

So how likely is it that you will get these conditions? They seem really serious and is making me paranoid. Why do most people think minoxidil is much safer than finasteride, even though there seems to be just as many if not more side effects? How can it be over the counter if the effects are so bad? Why does everyone I talk to in person say it is safe, but online it seems otherwise?

Lastly, what if I use it and I get bad reactions? How do I know it is because of minoxidil and not something else, would it be very obvious? If I stop minoxidil I assume the symptoms will resolve, or could there be permanent damage? If I start using it for a month, then get a heart attack, and then stop minoxidil, will all my hair fall out?

Basically I am trying to see what the risk are if I start minoxidil vs. not using it at all, and if I can just stop without permanent effects?
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If you are this paranoid about side effects you will get them. minoxidil side effects when used topically are quite rare, even when you do get them it is completly reversible when stopping. I use minoxidil orally, which is considered dangerous and i have no side effects at all. I also use finasteride with no side effects but its not doing much, if anything for my hair. I think you have an irrational fear of side effects. One thing about minoxidil is you cant just start and stop it because you got scared, your hair will start falling out like crazy because of how minoxidil synchronises your hair follicles so you will end up balder. It is a lifetime commitment. Treating hair loss is serious business and if you are a scaredy cat you will not be successful. Don't buy into all the horror stories you read, they are generated by overly paranoid people ( like yourself ) who end up scaring away others who could have benefitted from these treatments. Transexuals take much, much more stronger drugs which really mess with hormones and they seem happy as can be! I dont think they got many side effects from those drugs.. at least not undesirable ones. Bottom line is dude, grow a pair of balls, suck it up and do what you got to do to save your hair.. you're a grown man, not a small child afraid of his flu jag. Im just giving you the straight dope dude, don't take it personally but thats how it is.
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Are you stupid or something? If I worry about side effects I will get them? Do you know how science works? Do you think the entire medical field is one giant placebo effect? Like I am at fault for being careful when taking a drug, LOL. Take your negative BS and get out of here. You're the reason why people are paranoid.


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Are you stupid or something? If I worry about side effects I will get them? Do you know how science works? Do you think the entire medical field is one giant placebo effect? Like I am at fault for being careful when taking a drug, LOL. Take your negative BS and get out of here. You're the reason why people are paranoid.
Im not the only one who believes that.. infact alot of members of this forum do. I consider myself to be fairly knowledgable with hair loss and treatments. You are not at fault for being cautious but you expressed an irrational fear of side effects! Do you really care if you get some ball ache or some watery jizz if you get to keep your hair?? I sure dont.
I think i'll stay thanks, there are far worse members than me who would tear you to bits on here hahaha. Away with you, go and bald alone somewhere.


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I might be paranoid compared to a person with 100% full head of thick hair, but YOU calling me irrational and paranoid? Are you serious? Coming from a guy named "Anxious" Andy? Taking drugs since how old? You don't care if you get "ball ache" and "watery jizz"? HAHAHA, that's just YOU, desperate *** 20 year old LOL. I am 40 and barely have a receding hairline, so no, I do not have to compare my situation to a "sex change operation" or f*** with my hormones. You do.

I'm more than happy to "go (mildly) bald somewhere", like literally every other NORMAL MAN in this world, and leave your sh*t-talking, desperate, paranoid, psychotic self to cry alone everyday at night. Life is going to get much, MUCH worse for you, you can bet on it. Good luck :)
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I might be paranoid compared to a person with 100% full head of thick hair, but YOU calling me irrational and paranoid? Are you serious? Coming from a guy named "Anxious" Andy? Taking drugs since how old? You don't care if you get "ball ache" and "watery jizz"? HAHAHA, that's just YOU, desperate *** 20 year old LOL. I am 40 and barely have a receding hairline, so no, I do not have to compare my situation to a "sex change operation" or f*** with my hormones. You do.

I'm more than happy to "go bald somewhere", like literally every other NORMAL MAN in this world, and leave your sh*t-talking, desperate, paranoid, psychotic self to cry alone everyday at night. Life is going to get much, MUCH worse for you, you can bet on it. Good luck :)
Im desperate for hair i admit that, if you have such minimal loss why are you even here? If i had the hair i do now at 40 i wouldn't give it a second thought. Take treatments or not i dont care. Oh and anxiety comes from hair loss, i couldn't give less of a sh*t about side effects. Already been on a sex change drug, got major errectile dysfunction from using it too, fun times. Currently on a blood pressure medication for hair and it seems to be working well, i wont allow myself to go bald, so im not so anxious right now.


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YOU have major problems, physically AND mentally. YOU are the one that doesn't belong here. YOU need to shut the F up and go see a shrink, pronto.


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YOU have major problems, physically AND mentally. YOU are the one that doesn't belong here. YOU need to shut the F up and go see a shrink, pronto.
Sure thing buddy! Take you and your full head of hair elsewhere.


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nope, I am staying here as long as I feel like. you are the one that needs to get the f*** out with your sex change drugs.


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nope, I am staying here as long as I feel like. you are the one that needs to get the f*** out with your sex change drugs.
Lets not get hateful..Quite a few of the users on here use drugs that only usually transgender people would use. Simply put finasteride doesnt work all the time and we just want to keep our hair and have some hope using radical treatments, you've been dealt a good genetic hand.. at least for hair, you could be a manlet for all i know lol. Stay if you really want.. but im not going anywhere :D:D


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hateful? are you describing your desperate, psychotic self? let me remind you that the only one "hateful" here is you. i ask a legitimate question about side effects, and then YOU are the one spewing hateful sh*t to me.

I have no reason to be hateful, because I am 6ft tall, with a hot *** 27 year old gf, double ivy degrees, and make enough money where I won't even need to look at the price tag of any treatment or any operation - if I even need it in the future, which I probably don't. In 10 years I won't even give a sh*t.

and you? crying about sex change drugs as a teenager. boo f*****g hoo. why don't you grow some balls, shave your head, and not worry about your hair like a little b**ch?

so, in other words, i'm better than you in every way, shape, or form. And you want to talk sh*t to ME? That's cute.

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@aceman626 Andy was just trying to encourage you not too worry too much about the treatments or overanalyze them since millions of men take them and much more aggressive drugs and do just fine.

And as a result, you brag about how great your hair is at 40, brag about your height, brag about your supposed hot girlfriend, brag about your degrees, brag about your money, and insult a young guy who's suffering from hair loss at half your age.
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aquatic mammal

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Erhmmmm yeah ok anyways.... I highly advise against the use of this stuff. It works, works great -gave me a shiny rock and roll style lock when usually i looked more widowed peak dead dry hair but it came at a really large cost -my face. Not ashamed to say, always been a pretty boy but that stuff even made my mother say -wow -whats going on with your face?! Its that bad. I had used rogaine quite liberally for years and people were commenting how i was looking more and more tired, but i was so happy about my hair i didnt pay much response. That is until my wedding photos -jesus i looked like the walkling dead, Nasferatu -the insane puffy nasalabial fold thingie, the jet black dark circles that seemed to have their own set of bags....awful

Took me a while to catch on what was doing this as I had never heard nor thought rogaine would affect the face in any way. And no, its not all reversible like ive read around here -its better after a couple years off but if i get tired, my eyes will look really really sunk in a very non flattering way -i was never like that naturally.

Be careful with this stuff and remember -its your face, not some schmoe on the internet advising you - and when you cant get something back its a pretty sinking feeling.

good luck!


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If you're careful about the doses and use vitamin c tonic and other skin care treatments you should be alright, at least you should be able to tone them down to the point that they're not the main "feature" of your face.


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Are you stupid or something? If I worry about side effects I will get them? Do you know how science works? Do you think the entire medical field is one giant placebo effect? Like I am at fault for being careful when taking a drug, LOL. Take your negative BS and get out of here. You're the reason why people are paranoid.

Why don't you think they do the clinical trials against a placebo !? If you take something, with more than 30 years of studies that prove that is pretty safe in topical way and repeat " this will give me some side effects, this will give me some side effects " it will give you some side effects or anything that happen to you, you will thing is cause the drug. You get older ? oh , is cause minoxidil, you get a flu ? oh is cause minoxidil, etc.


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hateful? are you describing your desperate, psychotic self? let me remind you that the only one "hateful" here is you. i ask a legitimate question about side effects, and then YOU are the one spewing hateful sh*t to me.

I have no reason to be hateful, because I am 6ft tall, with a hot *** 27 year old gf, double ivy degrees, and make enough money where I won't even need to look at the price tag of any treatment or any operation - if I even need it in the future, which I probably don't. In 10 years I won't even give a sh*t.

and you? crying about sex change drugs as a teenager. boo f*****g hoo. why don't you grow some balls, shave your head, and not worry about your hair like a little b**ch?

so, in other words, i'm better than you in every way, shape, or form. And you want to talk sh*t to ME? That's cute.

Man you seem like a really cool dude, I bet everyone wants to be friends with you!


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I'd still like to see some scientific answers to OP's questions.

Do we need some moderation in here?
Yes lol. Even though OP sounds like a douche nozzle, he asked some good questions that have not been addressed, and that many users including myself would love some input on.