How Quick Was Your Hair Loss And When Did It Start?


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Just out of curiosity, when did everyone's hair loss start and how quick did it (or is it) advance.

And to those on treatments, what are you on? How is it going? Any regrowth? Any further loss? Sides?


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Started at 15, jumped on minoxidil until 18, terrible results, NW2-3 territory with receded hairline and big forehead
18, Finasteride, mid results, able to maintain for years
13 years later, now 31, NW3, still on finasteride, constant tiredness, slight ED, f*** this sh*t

I heard you are NW1.75ish, lucky


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Started at 15, jumped on minoxidil until 18, terrible results, NW2-3 territory with receded hairline and big forehead
18, Finasteride, mid results, able to maintain for years
13 years later, now 31, NW3, still on finasteride, constant tiredness, slight ED, f*** this sh*t

I heard you are NW1.75ish, lucky
Why dont you get a transplant of 2500 grafts and become NW2 again?

@HNMB I started balding at 14, did nothing until i was NW2 at 19. Got on finasteride for a year, accelerated hair loss. At 20 i got on oral minoxidil and have been making gains ever since. Plan on dropping finasteride soon.


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Started at 15, jumped on minoxidil until 18, terrible results, NW2-3 territory with receded hairline and big forehead
18, Finasteride, mid results, able to maintain for years
13 years later, now 31, NW3, still on finasteride, constant tiredness, slight ED, f*** this sh*t

I heard you are NW1.75ish, lucky

Do you have side effects since the beginning?


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Started at 15, jumped on minoxidil until 18, terrible results, NW2-3 territory with receded hairline and big forehead
18, Finasteride, mid results, able to maintain for years
13 years later, now 31, NW3, still on finasteride, constant tiredness, slight ED, f*** this sh*t

I heard you are NW1.75ish, lucky

So you would say that finasteride keep your hair more or less the same for those 13 years?


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Why dont you get a transplant of 2500 grafts and become NW2 again?

@HNMB I started balding at 14, did nothing until i was NW2 at 19. Got on finasteride for a year, accelerated hair loss. At 20 i got on oral minoxidil and have been making gains ever since. Plan on dropping finasteride soon.

I just don't want hair transplant actually, way too risky IMO, you can be even more fucked than before for the rest of your life and i'm not willing to flip that coin, price is ridiculously expensive also.

Do you have side effects since the beginning?

No, my 20's were fine, minor sides a few weeks, but in general nothing to report, shits hit the fan about a year ago.My regular blood tests were fine and i'm still waiting for an endocrinologist appointment just to be sure it's finasteride and not something else.Either way, i'm still on finasteride cause i don't want to be NW7 in a year and there's no other alternative unfortunately.
My father was a slick NW7 at 22, agressive genes jackpot lottery here

So you would say that finasteride keep your hair more or less the same for those 13 years?

Yes, more or less, hairline did recede a bit in 10 years, thinning also, and overally hair quality decrease but sh*t i should be NW7 ten years ago, anti-androgens are just not perfect nor cures, but it's the best we got


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Started at 22, delayed puberty. Went from juvenile NW0 to NW1.5-2 diffuse in 2 months.
Started taking antiandrogens after 6 months of denialism; currently on antiandrogens + contraceptive pills.


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Started at 15, jumped on minoxidil until 18, terrible results, NW2-3 territory with receded hairline and big forehead
18, Finasteride, mid results, able to maintain for years
13 years later, now 31, NW3, still on finasteride, constant tiredness, slight ED, f*** this sh*t

I heard you are NW1.75ish, lucky

Wish you the best man, though I certainly have it better than some in that regard I'm just worried about the future man. In 3 years I lost a considerable amount of hair, especially in the last few months, so who knows how much longer I got. Either risk going bald or risk messing up what makes me a man, what a choice.

Why dont you get a transplant of 2500 grafts and become NW2 again?

@HNMB I started balding at 14, did nothing until i was NW2 at 19. Got on finasteride for a year, accelerated hair loss. At 20 i got on oral minoxidil and have been making gains ever since. Plan on dropping finasteride soon.

How good are the gains? And any sides? Curious to see some before and after pics.


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Wish you the best man, though I certainly have it better than some in that regard I'm just worried about the future man. In 3 years I lost a considerable amount of hair, especially in the last few months, so who knows how much longer I got. Either risk going bald or risk messing up what makes me a man, what a choice.

How good are the gains? And any sides? Curious to see some before and after pics.

Thx dude
If you want to maintain until new treatments come out, i strongly suggest you get on finasteride if you aren't already, every case is different with this drug, but i've been relatively in peace for 10 years, you might get luckier.First step is to consult a qualified hairloss derm


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Thx dude
If you want to maintain until new treatments come out, i strongly suggest you get on finasteride if you aren't already, every case is different with this drug, but i've been relatively in peace for 10 years, you might get luckier.First step is to consult a qualified hairloss derm
Yeah I have always been against them purely as to avoid side effects, but seeing how quick my hair is thinning I might have to finally take the leap. I'm seeing a derm later this month, though I'm not sure how specialized he is in hair. Hoping it's not a waste of time.


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It kind of crept up on me when I wasn't paying attention. But if I had to put a date on it it probably started sometime in 2014. I am a NW3 now, so it has been somewhat aggressive. I am on finasteride and minoxidil, no side effects, and I haven't noticed any more loss. If I start losing again, I'll go on dutasteride and I eventually want to get a hair transplant.


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Started at 22, delayed puberty. Went from juvenile NW0 to NW1.5-2 diffuse in 2 months.
Started taking antiandrogens after 6 months of denialism; currently on antiandrogens + contraceptive pills.
What do contraceptive pills do for hair?

@HNMB The gains are slow and steady, my recession is reversing and my hairline looks a bit stronger than it was when i started about 80 days ago.I got lots of thin dark hairs on previously slick bald temples too. If they thicken up i could be NW1.5 again! By month 6 i hope the difference will be like night and day, and a full recovery by one year.
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What do contraceptive pills do for hair?

@HNMB The gains are slow and steady, my recession is reversing and my hairline looks a bit stronger than it was when i started about 80 days ago.I got lots of thin dark hairs on previously slick bald temples too. If they thicken up i could be NW1.5 again! By month 6 i hope the difference will be like night and day, and a full recovery by one year.
That's good to hear man, crazy regrowth. Any sides on it?


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That's good to hear man, crazy regrowth. Any sides on it?
None at all :) my hair line still sucks though, but its getting there..


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Started either just before or just after I turned 16 (hard to recall exactly). Coincided with the sudden onset of pretty bad seb derm. My scalp would itch like crazy, and when I vigorously scratched my head in that first year or so, literally dozens of hairs would fall out at a time. Fortunately my hair was incredibly thick to begin with, so the thinning wasn't noticeable at all for the first couple of years despite pretty significant loss. Recession also started around 16-17, but was much slower to progress. Now at age 39 I am roughly NW2.75-NW3 with diffuse thinning all over, along with retrograde alopecia and a huge vertex bald spot.


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None at all :) my hair line still sucks though, but its getting there..
That's awesome, I heard it can give some nasty systematic sides so be careful man and be sure to keep us updated. Maybe do it under a professional's supervision.

Tito Olva

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I started slowly thinning when I was kinda 29/30. It became a bit more noticeable two years ago, when I was 35, but I still had a head full of hair and as I used to have curly hair and sport it a bit long I couldn't realize how much hair I was losing until this june when I had a haircut and I could see my scalp. Since then, I have realized I'm losing a lot of hair every time I have a shower and a month ago I decided to buzz my hair (see profile pic) and embrace my baldness. What means that in two years I went from hairy guy to bald guy.


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What do contraceptive pills do for hair?
Sorry for the delayed response. Contraceptive pills usually contain Ethynilestradiol and progestagens with antiandrogenic activity (for example CPA, Dienogest, Drospirenone, etc). EE is a potent synthetic estrogen, it influences hair follicle growth and cycling by binding to locally expressed high-affinity estrogen receptors. You probably heard that some women experience hair loss while on contraceptive pills, that's because some progestagens possess androgenic activity—tibolone, norethisterone, levonorgestrel, etc. Their use should be avoided, cause they induce hair loss in genetically predisposed women/men (lol).


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Sorry for the delayed response. Contraceptive pills usually contain Ethynilestradiol and progestagens with antiandrogenic activity (for example CPA, Dienogest, Drospirenone, etc). EE is a potent synthetic estrogen, it influences hair follicle growth and cycling by binding to locally expressed high-affinity estrogen receptors. You probably heard that some women experience hair loss while on contraceptive pills, that's because some progestagens possess androgenic activity—tibolone, norethisterone, levonorgestrel, etc. Their use should be avoided, cause they induce hair loss in genetically predisposed women/men (lol).
Thanks for the detailed response! What one would you recommend for hair growth and where can i get it?