How hairloss affects my life in a very strong way


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How hairloss affects my life

Every day i spend half an hour from getting into the shower to go out of the house fully clothed, because it takes me a lot of time to use minoxidil and to blow-dry my hair afterwards

Every day I try to avoid windy places because it messes up my hair.

Every day I meet people, I can see their eyes looking at my high forehead and my hairloss.

Every time I meet a girl, I feel uncomfortable because of my hairloss. I don't even try anymore to get a girlfriend, I am so ashamed of my hairloss. I am now single for 2.5 years without any girl being slightly interested in me. I gave up hope already of having kids or having a family. That's one of the hardest parts.

Every day I spend so much money in order to slow down my hair loss.

Every day I fight against starting taking finasterid, because I DON'T WANT to grow breasts, fall into depressions, have bad sperm quality and errection problems. I just use minoxidil, kertoconzal shampoo and nettle shampoo.

Every time I meet the rest of my family (which mostly has no hairloss), I have to listen to jokes they make about bald people.

Every day I hold myself back at work, because I am afraid to lose more hair if I work to hard.

Every day I think about other options to slow down hairloss.

Every day I imaging myself with no hair, to be prepared for the day when I cut the rest of my hair off.

Every day my hair decides whether I am in a good mood or in a bad mood.

There are days, I don't want to live, because this hair-thing affects my life so badly (see above or other topics) and it's only getting worse and i cannot change it.


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I don't buzz it shorter, because i have a very high forehead since I was born (twice as high as normal). I try to use my remaining hair to make my forehead smaller, I feel more comfortable that way. But since I lose so much at the temples and the rest of my head, my foredhead keeps growing.

Applying minoxidil is pretty okay for me. After blow drying it, my hair gets kind of stable, as if I used hairspray. Feels more full that way.

Also I have to admit, it affects my life so much, that there are days when I prefer to stay at home rather than going out and partying. Not good: staying home makes you even more sad.

I think in about 2 years i will have to shave it all of and use a razor everyday for my head and be grumpy and cranky all day.

Jeremy K

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Even though I've been slowly losing hair since 2003, it started to get bad in 2008 which is when I lost probably 60 percent of my density by that point.

So, from June 2008 until March 2010, I went through everything that you just stated. It really does destroy your soul. Even though I've reversed the process, I'm still trying to recover from the several years of psychological damage that the hairloss rendered on me.

In addition to the things you mentioned, I also went out of my way to avoid mirrors. When at work, I would avoid using the bathroom as often as possible, and when I had to, I'd walk past the mirror without looking at it, but knowing it's there, and use the sink away from it. This was especially the case when I would get out of the shower, I would not look at my hair when it was wet.

In my case, I was trying everything that I could find knowing that my back was against a wall, but I had a little bit of time before my hairline would slip into oblivion, so I kept frantically trying things, having to know when to move on to something else because my time was limited. For me the stakes were especially high because I've had long hair since I was 15 (1997) and I don't have a headshape that would look good bald, or with a shaved head.

The thought of going from "the guy with long hair" for most of my life to "the bald guy" was just too much to take.

But yes, I can totally empathize with you, I spent so much time avoiding social interactions and functions that I've fallen out of contact with many of my friends because I became too hard to get ahold of, and when I did get out, I was always too consumed by my hairloss to have a good time. Also, anything good that would bring me joy in life was negated by the nagging remind that "but I'm still losing my hair" and the smile would quickly turn to a frown.


I gauss it's freaking depressing to be full bald but you just can't live all your life on that thing, you need to eventually live somehow, bald guys gets married too you know


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Beingbaldsucks said:
I gauss it's freaking depressing to be full bald but you just can't live all your life on that thing, you need to eventually live somehow, bald guys gets married too you know

Yeah but 'apparently' (if you believe some on here) they have to pay for it. :laugh:


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exactly, you best save up for it.


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HairPieceMan said:
exactly, you best save up for it.

Can you or someone else please explain something to me.

I know losing hair sucks, but if it is such a big f'ing deal, why is there such a lack of activity on hair loss forums? I've only in the last 2 months started to do research into hair loss and I thought there would be many forums to visit with lots of suffers. I have found the complete opposite.

If you look at the stats of hair loss suffers it is high, yet these forums aren't that active. So the question is why? You can go visit a sporting team forum and it will be full of activity with far less people following that team than people suffering from hair loss.

I'm having a hard time dealing with my loss as well, but lets get a grip on reality.


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zeroes said:
HairPieceMan said:
exactly, you best save up for it.

Can you or someone else please explain something to me.

I know losing hair sucks, but if it is such a big f'ing deal, why is there such a lack of activity on hair loss forums? I've only in the last 2 months started to do research into hair loss and I thought there would be many forums to visit with lots of suffers. I have found the complete opposite.

If you look at the stats of hair loss suffers it is high, yet these forums aren't that active. So the question is why? You can go visit a sporting team forum and it will be full of activity with far less people following that team than people suffering from hair loss.

I'm having a hard time dealing with my loss as well, but lets get a grip on reality.

Because the real truth is this forum is a place for the emotionally stunted.


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That is what I have started to realize s.a.f. I used to take this place seriously and get depressed reading some of the sh*t on here, especially from HPM and seb. I now laugh at HPM comments.


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the amount if people getting hair transplant and wigs is actually pretty high, it's just that no one really sits on hairloss forums discussing hairloss related issues.


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HairPieceMan said:
the amount if people getting hair transplant and wigs is actually pretty high, it's just that no one really sits on hairloss forums discussing hairloss related issues.

The amount of people that follow a sports team and don't sit on a forum is also high, but there is still far greater activity on forums like that vs baldness.


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well its just not a forum-ey type subject, i mean who would talk about pre-mautrely balding white guys on a hairloss forum.

most forums are just before and after results of people that have had hair transplants or WIGs, not a social get together of premature balding guys that talk alot about it.

honestly how long could you talk with someone about hairloss for, say someone you know, vs a football team.

i mean imaging you are balding and you know someone who is totally bald in his 20s, i mean how long can you talk to him for about it for, maybe 2 minutes max, any other subject (footbal, games, music) talk for hours.


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I'll grant you some of that. However if hair loss is such a major drama for so many people, places like this would be flooded with new users looking for a solution or at least telling their story.


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zeroes said:
I'll grant you some of that. However if hair loss is such a major drama for so many people, places like this would be flooded with new users looking for a solution or at least telling their story.

I don't think the number of posts or members is representive for the activity in a forum, but the number of readings (since you can read without being a member). And I think this is pretty high.

I am following this forum (not daily but once a quarter) since three years. No use to use it daily because new researches and regimen take a lot of time.

Although we are off topic right now, it helped me a little to write about this. I hope this feeling will last some time.


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i don't think men like to deal with real life issues. that's why the average male has worse health then the average female.


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HairPieceMan said:
the amount if people getting hair transplant and wigs is actually pretty high, it's just that no one really sits on hairloss forums discussing hairloss related issues.

Yeah really high like 1/10'000 men. :roll:


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well at least those guys get to keep their wallet!


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antman said:
i don't think men like to deal with real life issues. that's why the average male has worse health then the average female.

Thats because men have more things to worry about in life. The social pressure is much higher


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im changing career for the third time (first two wasnt because of hair loss) but now b/c of hair loss its totally unrelated to the first two. :sobbing: .