How do you view yourself?


My Regimen
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Perhaps the greatest advertisement i've ever seen. in the video women were asked to describe themselves to a sketch artist, and the sketch artist drew them according to the way they described themselves

then they met someone else, who described their looks to the sketch artist (so the sketch artist drew the people according to the description given by another person)

fascinating conclusion . . . . . i thought it applied HEAVILY here, what with all the body image issues and such, even if it was made for women, it really hit my ****ing soul as someone who has dealt with body image issues


aw **** this! :sobbing::sobbing:


My Regimen
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yea im not gonna lie i cried too lol . . . . goddamn thats touching as hell

really shows the reality of BDD, i think that we really all do judge ourselves too severely


My Regimen
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I'm just coming out of a short-term relationship with a beautiful girl. Sometimes when I was at her place, I would watch myself in the mirror and wonder how the hell she could find me handsome. When we broke up, she was very angry, called me names etc. I was sure she would mention my hair at some point, but she didn't. Maybe I have a bit of BDD after all, even if I still think my NW5 makes me genuinely ugly :(.
damn i know what you mean by "how the hell she could find me handsome" statement. it lowers your body image to the point where you feel like no one cud call u good looking dont it?

and her not mentioning it to u must have been a surprise huh? lol just goes to show how we excessively worry about this more than others are


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damn i know what you mean by "how the hell she could find me handsome" statement. it lowers your body image to the point where you feel like no one cud call u good looking dont it?

and her not mentioning it to u must have been a surprise huh? lol just goes to show how we excessively worry about this more than others are

"lol just goes to show how we excessively worry about this more than others are"...what been trying to say all the long...


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This is one of the best threads I have read on BDD is very tough to overcome. Interestingly all my image problems stemmed from someone mocking me about certain features. Yet ironically, I was never mocked about my hair. As a matter of fact that was my best feature I was complemented about the most. Yet when I started seeing myself losing density and start to thin, I created my own image problem simply because I was losing something that I felt made up for all my other image problems. BDD mostly stems from caring too much about what other people think about you. I have learned to care less and less about what people think of me and it makes dealing with BDD so much easier.


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My Regimen
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Nice ad, but didn't make me cry, far from it actually. I'm not very sensitive anyways...


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You do realize that it's wrong to associate male pattern baldness with bdd because it's neither minor nor ''perceived'' flaw.

unless we're talking about Norwood 1,5's who think they're balding severely.


My Regimen
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You do realize that it's wrong to associate male pattern baldness with bdd because it's neither minor nor ''perceived'' flaw.

unless we're talking about Norwood 1,5's who think they're balding severely.
the whole point of it is we almost always think of ourselves as uglier than we really are.

im not saying to stop worrying about it, im still worrying about it but this is still good news


Established Member
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Everyone has their own **** to wade through. You can look at a handsome NW1 guy at a bar and think "Man, I'd give anything to be him" and he could be suffering from an incurable disease. Nobody knows.

At the end of the day, the way you wade through your own **** defines you as a person. It's your choice.


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the whole point of it is we almost always think of ourselves as uglier than we really are.

before hair loss the opposite could've been said about me, i was objectively above average facially but i'd overrate myself thinking i was something special.

silly phaggit :p

it's funny how male pattern baldness turned things around, now i feel less than human.


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before hair loss the opposite could've been said about me, i was objectively above average facially but i'd overrate myself thinking i was something special.

silly phaggit :p

it's funny how male pattern baldness turned things around, now i feel less than human.

You just really need help and i hope you get it.


My Regimen
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before hair loss the opposite could've been said about me, i was objectively above average facially but i'd overrate myself thinking i was something special.

silly phaggit :p

it's funny how male pattern baldness turned things around, now i feel less than human.
lol i understand wat u mean . . . . male pattern baldness makes me feel freakish sometimes too. u just gotta remember many men have been through it

and haha pics or no care for the face comment :p


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Even Julius Caesar was worried about his bald spot. I mean, if the emperor of Rome who thought himself a sort of diety was self-conscious anyone can be.


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and haha pics or no care for the face comment :p

there's no need to question my words, mate. it only leads to unnecessary resentment.

if you have ever seriously doubted me :*
look deeply in these eyes to see that the truth has been there unraveled all along, obscured by ignorance.

i suffer-kate, mate. (a combination of suffering and suffocation.)

uncomfortable man

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Even Julius Caesar was worried about his bald spot. I mean, if the emperor of Rome who thought himself a sort of diety was self-conscious anyone can be.

What do you get the man who has everything? You give him his youth back. Most everyone in high positions of power, be it world leaders or CEOs of major corporations only want one thing... the most potent form of power, youth/attractiveness. An admiring glance from a pretty woman is the most powerful feeling there is.

uncomfortable man

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I view myself the way society does - I hate myself. I am just another cog in the machine afterall. An ugly, defective cog.


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I view myself the way society does - I hate myself. I am just another cog in the machine afterall. An ugly, defective cog.

Our self image is dependent on society. Which is a argument against those who push confidence. Your confidence is merely a product of your experiences, you can't use confidence to change how others see you. And how you see yourself is not that important if your inner qualities are mindset have to be expressed through a lens not of your own design and worst of all heavily prejudiced against you.

That's why introspection is an overrated perceptive tool. It's more important how others see you than you see yourself.


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I hate my face, not just because of the baldness. From a side angle it looks ok, but from the front, and especially when I smile, it looks horendously fat to me. I hate it.

I wonder what other people see.

I hate my brothers face too, guess I see a bit of me in him.

Nice video.

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23719_1_58982.jpgmike-omalley.jpgA lot also depends on your facial structure. Mike O'Malley is a good example. He just doesnt look good bald. Same fat face syndrome.

Saw some recent pics of a guy I went to high school with. Still looks the same, great hair, very handsome. I feel so jealous. Hate HATE being ugly.

uncomfortable man

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Yes, being angular ​goes a long way in lessening the visual impact of baldness.

My avatar for instance...

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Our self image is dependent on society. Which is a argument against those who push confidence. Your confidence is merely a product of your experiences, you can't use confidence to change how others see you. And how you see yourself is not that important if your inner qualities are mindset have to be expressed through a lens not of your own design and worst of all heavily prejudiced against you.

That's why introspection is an overrated perceptive tool. It's more important how others see you than you see yourself.

As politically incorrect as it sounds, it is a truth that not many people have the opportunity to even realize. Our level of confidence is a product of positive feedback. If someone receives positive cues in social situations then it reaffirms their confidence.... but if someone is constantly receiving negative feedback and negative cues in social situations (stares, laughs, jokes, etc.) then that directly impacts their self esteem and essentially suffocates any chance of having confidence in ones self. That is why prescribing confidence as a cure all for the bald man's plight is ultimately futile. It is your ability to conform that will determine your level of social success. Thank you for saying what must be said.