Has your dating game improved since you started wearing?


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Reddit in general is an echo chamber by design, you will never find balanced discourse there. It's like when you go on r/bald and 90% of them look like sh*t but you have 200 comments saying "you look great bro!!". Any comments saying anything less than a glowing response like "I think you looked better in the before picture" are buried.

Look at the comments. This guy looks like a 12 year old gulag escapee.
I agree with this thoroughly and I avoid all sites where people ask for other people's opinions about looks but especially those involving the use of hormones to purportedly change, and hopefully improve looks or one's ability to integrate oneself seemlessly into society.

I have seen many "results" among transgender individuals that even to me as an advocate appear all but tragic and yet, every single person says some variant of "you go girl". I have seen MtF makeup implementations that appear to me to be some sort of joke with a heading "Finally Discovered how to Hide My Beard Entirely with Makeup" and I mean, all I can think is that, "no, Madam, you have not". If you leave even a middling comment on the MtF versions of such sites, people try to have you banned. It's all very much the Emperor's New Clothes. That being said, there are hair and transition results that are amazing and we do need fora for people to post these without thinking that they are somehow run of the mill results. @bridgeburn on the main hormonal thread that people post on had startling results and became semi-famous but not just for regrowth and hair counts. He regained rock star hair with ringlets.


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Let's not forget the title of this thread.
It's played out and like I said, this really isn't a system thread, it's a question about whether dating improves when there is substantial hair improvement. Except for the insecurities about wearing a system, how could dating not improve if a system is not detectable but maybe I am wrong. I could never tell if George Costanza looked better with his system or not and the show might have made it fit somewhat improperly to make it funnier. But I always stare hard at George in his system trying to decide. Ultimately, to me, his improvement as shown in the show and not reality was not enough to be worth the time, hassle and expense. But again, we knew from the start that he was wearing one so that can make a difference.

Some MtF's actually move to different cities to live in stealth. I guess one could do that with a system and have a whole new crop of females that never saw us bald.


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I wouldn't take this forum as a good representation of people who wear hair/use meds/had a hair transplant. This forum by nature attracts people who are more obsessive about it. I don't avoid any activity while wearing, it just wouldn't be worth it then. Most people who used one of these routes to solve their hair issue isn't on online forums, infact, i'll probably be leaving for good because these forums cause more bad than good.
That's definitely true. I remember many years ago when my hair loss started i was all over forums totally obsessed but when I figured out what i was going to do and what my options were i then spent less time on the forums (not going on them for years until recently) and because you're not on hair loss forums you do tend to think about it a lot less. These forums can be so great but they also can perpetuate the obsession.

It's hard to read some of the threads where people seem to but hair above everything else and indeed think losing hair is the end of their life, but we all probably had bad thoughts when it first started, as the years roll on you get much more perspective and realise where hair really fits into the scheme of things.


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I agree with that but there is generally with respect to the med threads, a much higher level of discourse on here than on Tressless where every other question has to do with minoxidil actually causing long-term hair loss. finasteride too. I don't know how any balding kid could go on Tressless and come away anything but completely confused and despondent. That site is a negative to me and the misinformation runs rampant, far beyond the misinformation on MtF sites. I gave up even bothering to post on Tressless because 20 fans boys respond nonsensically no matter what one posts. I have made my piece with the anti-finasteride and anti-min people. It just makes the rest of us look a tiny bit better by comparison when other people proselytize against medical intervention for hair loss.
I can't remember exactly what the site was..maybe propecia.com (???) but many years ago when I was considering meds i made the mistake of reading that forum and they lined finasteride & min to every possible health problem known to man and it completely put me off taking meds. A year later my hair loss was so bad I started anyway and no sides. Of course taking any drugs can cause sides but like anything you have to have a level head about it and sometimes forums are unbalanced.


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I wish you would stop projecting your own insecurities onto others.

Edit: this didn't seem to include my quote. That was aimed at Janey.
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That's definitely true. I remember many years ago when my hair loss started i was all over forums totally obsessed but when I figured out what i was going to do and what my options were i then spent less time on the forums (not going on them for years until recently) and because you're not on hair loss forums you do tend to think about it a lot less. These forums can be so great but they also can perpetuate the obsession.

It's hard to read some of the threads where people seem to but hair above everything else and indeed think losing hair is the end of their life, but we all probably had bad thoughts when it first started, as the years roll on you get much more perspective and realise where hair really fits into the scheme of things.
Yeah a year into wearing i'm used to it now. I was over the moon about it at first, but now it's just hair to me. Funny how much importance I placed on hair previous to doing this. Obviously it makes me look more handsome but that's not where the world starts and ends. Ill continue to wear but like you said, these forums just accentuate obsessive thought patterns.


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It's played out and like I said, this really isn't a system thread, it's a question about whether dating improves when there is substantial hair improvement. Except for the insecurities about wearing a system, how could dating not improve if a system is not detectable but maybe I am wrong. I could never tell if George Costanza looked better with his system or not and the show might have made it fit somewhat improperly to make it funnier. But I always stare hard at George in his system trying to decide. Ultimately, to me, his improvement as shown in the show and not reality was not enough to be worth the time, hassle and expense. But again, we knew from the start that he was wearing one so that can make a difference.

Some MtF's actually move to different cities to live in stealth. I guess one could do that with a system and have a whole new crop of females that never saw us bald.

That is crazy moving to different cities to live in stealth...
Totally avoiding the toxic people and going on anti anxiety meds or similar like CBD oil/vape etc is the answer there...

However if the toxic people are in the workplace. Meds is the only solution other than changing jobs..
CBD sometimes can make you fail drug tests.

I used to be on anti anxiety meds and bullies/toxic people didn't get to me much...
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I wont lose this

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Reddit in general is an echo chamber by design, you will never find balanced discourse there. It's like when you go on r/bald and 90% of them look like sh*t but you have 200 comments saying "you look great bro!!". Any comments saying anything less than a glowing response like "I think you looked better in the before picture" are buried.

Look at the comments. This guy looks like a 12 year old gulag escapee.
I shouldn't be laughing but your comment killed me

I wont lose this

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I must mention that isn't the fact that he's bald, but the comments of the thread. It doesn't help in any way.


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My ex girlfriend looked very good. I mean like those video clip models. I met her in a club. And she is the most fake looking person I have ever met. With fake I mean like, hair extensions, fake eyelashes, fake BOOBS, and the classic make up.
Sometimes when I woke up next her in the morning I was like who the hell is this 16 years old dude next to me. But i didn't give a f***. Bevause when I met her at a club she looked hella sexy FAKE. And fake she looked good to me all the time.
So if your hair is fake and you look good then that is definitely a plus.
We humans are superficial. whether we like it or not. Personally I think dating life has nothing to do with hairs. I have many friends who are on steroids ( fake!!!) And women don't give a sh*t about their bald heads. But if you also have hair then your chances are far higher
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You genuinely believe they think Q belongs in game? Not simply a typographical error?
Come on now
Q belongs in words like f*** Q or when you are referring to James Bond's gadget maker but in the word game, I think not. Game over.


My Regimen
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There is an easy way to test. Just wear the system every other day and see how you fare in say a bar setting with the ladies. If you get more with the piece, then keep wearing it. If you get fewer, then dump it. Easy peasy problem solved for OP.


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Q belongs in words like f*** Q or when you are referring to James Bond's gadget maker but in the word game, I think not. Game over.
Typographical error. I'll keep an eye on your posts and let you know when you're slipping....


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Typographical error. I'll keep an eye on your posts and let you know when you're slipping....
I guess I need to prepare myself because I now have a new stalker. Just be careful you don't slip and break your neck following me around. I tend to live dangerously on this forum.


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I also see attractive women with very below average guys and it makes you realize hair is not everything either. The real world is quite different than the vanity competition of tinder. Your comment makes me think of the recent video where a hispanic reporter is doing a story and a quite good looking woman walks by, all the comments on instagram are asking for her @, only to be told its actually a man and they all freak out. They weren't freaking out when they though she looked good though... people are full of contradictions.
Men care about looks much more than women do. Gay men are way more critical of appearance.
You are right about my having lots of "free" time since I have been working at home since the plague. This is supposed to be Swiftian satire in which one takes basic truths about society to reach extreme conclusions like "eating the Irish to solve the potato famine". Some times it is a hit; some times a miss and some times satire misses its target because people fail to perceive the tongue-in-cheek element and that the writing is satiric to begin with.

But what is true is that HRT is immensely powerful and now, largely unregulated for XY's. FtM meds tend to be illegal to possess in contrast. While I support the use of puberty blockers, these are extremely strong meds for adolescents and many might argue that parents allowing the usage of such meds for a 12 year old are making an irreparable decision about his/her/their future.
You don't even keep the discussion remotely centered on hair. This is not a Hormone forum, just as it's not a Literary forum or a Basketball forum. It's a toupee forum, so wtf are you talking about?