Has your dating game improved since you started wearing?


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I'm mostly into guys too.
I haven't found any bi/gay guys in real life yet.

And people who knew me before I either told them I wear a hair system or they sussed that...


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I'm mostly into guys too.
I haven't found any bi/gay guys in real life yet.

And people who knew me before I either told them I wear a hair system or they sussed that...

I don't think gay men care about hair as much as women do, do they?


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Everything is in the title i guess.
I don't want to come off as arrogant or an a**h** but just stick with me on this.

I have been attractive for my whole life - I am usually approached first, and at every workplace I have had the female staff into me.
I wore a hat at my last job because I had slight recession and some scars on my head (covered by hair though) but was a nw2 at most so not even considered "balding" by people who arent professional norwood spotters. Still, same result but less amplified.

I used this tactic on tinder and would get around 100 matches in a month (Low populated area, around 40k people in my town).
I went for a hair system and this number went up by 4x.

Admittedly I went for a hair system way too early and have never been fully bald so I cannot tell you if there is a major difference in bald vs hair but we all pretty much know there is one. I wanted to get out in front of it - I mainly wear at bars/nightlife and wear hats in sunlight etc (with the system still on of course).

It looks great and detectability has not been a thing for me, as I don't openly wear in critical elements where detectability would be an issue. Family did not know until I told them 6 months into wearing. I have had as good of success as I had when I was younger (im 25 now) with my real hair vs my hair system. I even was with one girl, wearing a backwards hat, and she asked to see my hair. I took it off and she said "oh good, I wanted to make sure you werent balding". Take that comment for what you will.


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I don't want to come off as arrogant or an a**h** but just stick with me on this.

I have been attractive for my whole life - I am usually approached first, and at every workplace I have had the female staff into me.
I wore a hat at my last job because I had slight recession and some scars on my head (covered by hair though) but was a nw2 at most so not even considered "balding" by people who arent professional norwood spotters. Still, same result but less amplified.

I used this tactic on tinder and would get around 100 matches in a month (Low populated area, around 40k people in my town).
I went for a hair system and this number went up by 4x.

Admittedly I went for a hair system way too early and have never been fully bald so I cannot tell you if there is a major difference in bald vs hair but we all pretty much know there is one. I wanted to get out in front of it - I mainly wear at bars/nightlife and wear hats in sunlight etc (with the system still on of course).

It looks great and detectability has not been a thing for me, as I don't openly wear in critical elements where detectability would be an issue. Family did not know until I told them 6 months into wearing. I have had as good of success as I had when I was younger (im 25 now) with my real hair vs my hair system. I even was with one girl, wearing a backwards hat, and she asked to see my hair. I took it off and she said "oh good, I wanted to make sure you werent balding". Take that comment for what you will.

Unlike you, I rarely have been approached... Even before I was bald or wore a hair system.
I also have social anxiety and other types of anxiety such as GAD. And ASD.
So I appear overly shy, act awkward etc...


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Unlike you, I rarely have been approached... Even before I was bald or wore a hair system.
I also have social anxiety and other types of anxiety such as GAD. And ASD.
So I appear overly shy, act awkward etc...
Not to be a meme but confidence does matter, even when you wear, as long as it looks natural and realistic you need to be confident even if you think someone may be able to tell. That being said I am more of an introvert and do not seek people out - only if they are in my social circle or introduced via friends will I talk to random people. Not shy around those, but like I said I rarely strike up conversations with complete randoms. I've definitely missed out opportunities by waiting to be pursued rather than the pursuer so in your case you may just need to take the initiative.


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... I took it off and she said "oh good, I wanted to make sure you werent balding". Take that comment for what you will.
Oh man this reminds me of a shitty experience i had couple years ago.
it was the middle summer and i met these two cute girls in their late teens in the bus, they were joyful and we started conversing.
things were going well, i was confident and it was obvious that i had a shot with both of them.
at some point one of them told me "i think you're cute, i hope you're not bald" i was wearing a hat that day and was well beyond nw4 by then so as bald as it gets.
needless to say my confidence dropped to zero at that moment and i got out at the next bus stop even tho i wasn't supposed to.
we still exchanged Snapchat and talked couple times after that but there was no point pursuing for me.

I always knew being bald was not a characteristic women find attractive and this was a brutal reminder, it hit me like a slap in the face.


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Oh man this reminds me of a shitty experience i had couple years ago.
it was the middle summer and i met these two cute girls in their late teens in the bus, they were joyful and we started conversing.
things were going well, i was confident and it was obvious that i had a shot with both of them.
at some point one of them told me "i think you're cute, i hope you're not bald" i was wearing a hat that day and was well beyond nw4 by then so as bald as it gets.
needless to say my confidence dropped to zero at that moment and i got out at the next bus stop even tho i wasn't supposed to.
we still exchanged Snapchat and talked couple times after that but there was no point pursuing for me.

I always knew being bald was not a characteristic women find attractive and this was a brutal reminder, it hit me like a slap in the face.
Yeah so you're in my boat then. I've had the same experience during my hat phase. The good thing about a hair system is you can still wear hats (I actually do like them) but when you want to take it off/need to in an encounter like that, boom you still have hair.


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For me, it's not so much a massive increase in dating success since wearing a system, but more a confidence boost and elimination of the anxiety I felt when I used to wear hair fibres and hair loss concealer powder. For many years, I've been the type of guy who will approach any girl I find attractive, so that worked for me no matter what my hair status was like because simply by putting yourself out there you'll eventually get girls. Even when I was losing my hair and when I was wearing concealers I still did alright with the opposite sex.

However towards the end of the time when I used concealers, it was getting harder and harder and taking longer and longer to make my hair look convincing. I would be anxious in social situations, when up close to people, under bright lights, when having photos taken etc. I would constantly be worried that people were looking up at my hair/hairline and that they would see that something was up with my hair. Once I started wearing a hair system, this problem simply no longer existed, and I can now simply relax and let my natural confidence shine around women (or anyone). Of course there was the initial anxiety period where I was new to hair systems, but now that I've got the hang of them I no longer need to worry.

I switched to a hair system not long before the pandemic started, so I haven't been able to approach as many girls as I'd have liked to (I never use online dating or apps to meet women, I always prefer to approach them in person). However I did get a few last year and now that the lockdown is easing and the summer is nearly here, I feel confident that this will be one of my best years yet on the dating/hook up front.


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For me, it's not so much a massive increase in dating success since wearing a system, but more a confidence boost and elimination of the anxiety I felt when I used to wear hair fibres and hair loss concealer powder. For many years, I've been the type of guy who will approach any girl I find attractive, so that worked for me no matter what my hair status was like because simply by putting yourself out there you'll eventually get girls. Even when I was losing my hair and when I was wearing concealers I still did alright with the opposite sex.

However towards the end of the time when I used concealers, it was getting harder and harder and taking longer and longer to make my hair look convincing. I would be anxious in social situations, when up close to people, under bright lights, when having photos taken etc. I would constantly be worried that people were looking up at my hair/hairline and that they would see that something was up with my hair. Once I started wearing a hair system, this problem simply no longer existed, and I can now simply relax and let my natural confidence shine around women (or anyone). Of course there was the initial anxiety period where I was new to hair systems, but now that I've got the hang of them I no longer need to worry.

I switched to a hair system not long before the pandemic started, so I haven't been able to approach as many girls as I'd have liked to (I never use online dating or apps to meet women, I always prefer to approach them in person). However I did get a few last year and now that the lockdown is easing and the summer is nearly here, I feel confident that this will be one of my best years yet on the dating/hook up front.

Are you using lace or poly?


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Lol. I thought gay men were blind. You always see them with other guys when there are just amazing looking MtF sissies out there with much better hair to be had.
I also see attractive women with very below average guys and it makes you realize hair is not everything either. The real world is quite different than the vanity competition of tinder. Your comment makes me think of the recent video where a hispanic reporter is doing a story and a quite good looking woman walks by, all the comments on instagram are asking for her @, only to be told its actually a man and they all freak out. They weren't freaking out when they though she looked good though... people are full of contradictions.


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Not to be a meme but confidence does matter, even when you wear, as long as it looks natural and realistic you need to be confident even if you think someone may be able to tell. That being said I am more of an introvert and do not seek people out - only if they are in my social circle or introduced via friends will I talk to random people. Not shy around those, but like I said I rarely strike up conversations with complete randoms. I've definitely missed out opportunities by waiting to be pursued rather than the pursuer so in your case you may just need to take the initiative.
Totally relate to this as I am exactly the same way and missed out on so many opportunities because of waiting to be pursued. My esteem was rather low even though I was told I was very good looking. I always compared myself to top tier genetics so I was never going to win no matter how much I tried so why try.

There was this very attractive girl in college who I was interested in but there were so many other classmates who I thought were better looking than me so I didn't bother as I figured they would get her eventually. Later, I find out after she is married and met her 10 years later, she said she totally would have gone out with me if I would have just asked. She also found me very attractive. So I totally agree, if you want something or someone in life, you have to be the pursuer no matter how uncomfortable you feel.

I think the main problem is we don't want to step out of our comfort zone because we are afraid to fail or be rejected. If you get rejected it just means it was not meant to happen. This is so true for most of the the forum members on this site even for the low Norwood.

I agree confidence does matter in the sense you have to be confident enough to be able to get out of your comfort zone. I think most people want to have an attractive partner whether you are gay or straight so hair is going to matter for those people that feel hair makes you attractive.


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Totally relate to this as I am exactly the same way and missed out on so many opportunities because of waiting to be pursued. My esteem was rather low even though I was told I was very good looking. I always compared myself to top tier genetics so I was never going to win no matter how much I tried so why try.

There was this very attractive girl in college who I was interested in but there were so many other classmates who I thought were better looking than me so I didn't bother as I figured they would get her eventually. Later, I find out after she is married and met her 10 years later, she said she totally would have gone out with me if I would have just asked. She also found me very attractive. So I totally agree, if you want something or someone in life, you have to be the pursuer no matter how uncomfortable you feel.

I think the main problem is we don't want to step out of our comfort zone because we are afraid to fail or be rejected. If you get rejected it just means it was not meant to happen. This is so true for most of the the forum members on this site even for the low Norwood.

I agree confidence does matter in the sense you have to be confident enough to be able to get out of your comfort zone. I think most people want to have an attractive partner whether you are gay or straight so hair is going to matter for those people that feel hair makes you attractive.
Exactly what I was referring to, I've had too many situations like that. It's a double edged sword, but hey at least its a good problem to have so I really cant complain that much.


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. So I totally agree, if you want something or someone in life, you have to be the pursuer no matter how uncomfortable you feel.

Amen to that! Everyone should NOT be afraid to approach whoever they find attractive and ask them out confidently and directly. Life is too short to have regrets of not trying!


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Amen to that! Everyone should NOT be afraid to approach whoever they find attractive and ask them out confidently and directly. Life is too short to have regrets of not trying!
But now that isn't possible with the pandemic crap...
So I'm chatting up guys I like instead online who are nearby hopefully in the future something great happens...


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I also see attractive women with very below average guys and it makes you realize hair is not everything either. The real world is quite different than the vanity competition of tinder. Your comment makes me think of the recent video where a hispanic reporter is doing a story and a quite good looking woman walks by, all the comments on instagram are asking for her @, only to be told its actually a man and they all freak out. They weren't freaking out when they though she looked good though... people are full of contradictions.
Not only that but how many women do we know who are married/going with complete idiots?...i certainly know some.
It always baffles me I always think i would treat their girlfriends/wifes so much better. I get told I'm so nice (agghh) and funny and how great I am with kids etc etc....So i do wonder if it really did come down to my lack of confidence about my appearance that stopped me having a very different life.

But i am a very happy person, i just want to have a laugh and fun but i'm sure i would have had an easier life if i had great hair....silly when you think about it isn't it?