Hairline Getting Worse By The Month!


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I've been taking weekly pictures which was recommended by my doctor. I've tried finasteride, minoxidil, biotin, derma rollefor the last month but it only seems to get worse. All the little hairs i used to have are now totally gone. My moms side of the family has perfect hair and I am only 17 and don't know what to do.


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One month is not long enough to judge the effectiveness of a treatment in a majority of cases. Has your body or hair changed in any way since taking finasteride? Any reaction? And could you post more pictures?


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Get your TSH checked. I’m much older but similar pattern. Are you diffuse top and sides or just hairline?


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One month is not long enough to judge the effectiveness of a treatment in a majority of cases. Has your body or hair changed in any way since taking finasteride? Any reaction? And could you post more pictures?
I am taking very 0.25mg finasteride to avoid any side effects so I believe there will be nothing, all hair is really strong and thick besides the temples.


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Has there been any reduction in oiliness or sebum? I would ride it out up to at least about 6 months to see where you stand. As long as your hairline does not deteriorate further, I would consider it a success due to you being able to mantain.


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Your temple points and sideburns are diffusely thinning. Wonder if those areas would be considered more like facial hair and if you suppress your DHT, those areas will thin out. I noticed the same happened to me. Although I have thyroid problems too.


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Any thoughts on starting with no oil or sebum? Wondering what a low dose Finasteride might do when the scalp conditions are still perfect. I have zero inflammation or build up. Diffuse thinning fast.

Was thinking of trying .5 EOD


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Any thoughts on starting with no oil or sebum? Wondering what a low dose Finasteride might do when the scalp conditions are still perfect. I have zero inflammation or build up. Diffuse thinning fast.

Was thinking of trying .5 EOD
Any pictures?


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Also in regard to thryroid I came back with a high TSH 5.1 (1.0-4) and low normal T4. Ferritin low and iron saturation also below minimum range. I’m trying to factor this piece into the puzzle as the start of Thyroid meds = the start of any thinning. I dropped the levothyroxine and oral antibiotics when the first Telogen Effluvium hit 1.6 years ago.


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Also in regard to thryroid I came back with a high TSH 5.1 (1.0-4) and low normal T4. Ferritin low and iron saturation also below minimum range. I’m trying to factor this piece into the puzzle as the start of Thyroid meds = the start of any thinning. I dropped the levothyroxine and oral antibiotics when the first Telogen Effluvium hit 1.6 years ago.
I have read synthroid can cause hair loss but I am not sure if its really true. If it can, I guess that may be my problem all this time.


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Also in regard to thryroid I came back with a high TSH 5.1 (1.0-4) and low normal T4. Ferritin low and iron saturation also below minimum range. I’m trying to factor this piece into the puzzle as the start of Thyroid meds = the start of any thinning. I dropped the levothyroxine and oral antibiotics when the first Telogen Effluvium hit 1.6 years ago.

Definetly related to your thyroid and yes thyroid medications such as levothyroxine can cause hair loss.


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Also in regard to thryroid I came back with a high TSH 5.1 (1.0-4) and low normal T4. Ferritin low and iron saturation also below minimum range. I’m trying to factor this piece into the puzzle as the start of Thyroid meds = the start of any thinning. I dropped the levothyroxine and oral antibiotics when the first Telogen Effluvium hit 1.6 years ago.
Low ferritin and hypothyroidism can both cause diffuse thinning all over the scalp, even the sides of the head. I genuinely believe that your hairloss is due to those factors and is not male pattern baldness related as you don't have recession, temple points are still intact, and I'm assuming your diffusion is throughout your head.


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Definetly related to your thyroid and yes thyroid medications such as levothyroxine can cause hair loss.
What exactly does levothyroxine do to speed up male pattern baldness? Do you know what the mechanism is that causes loss. I am sure that is why I became a diffuse thinner and most likely why Propecia never did much for me.


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I’m reaching out to a friend that is an endocrinologist. It seems like a bizarre catch-22. If your TSH is high (hypo) and you address with Synthroid (first side effect listed as causes Hairloss) you are in a horrible place.

I wonder if there are alternatives to levothyroxine that can address the hypo without causing more loss. @DoctorHouse did the start of you Hairloss have any correlation timing wise with your Thyroid treatment?


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What exactly does levothyroxine do to speed up male pattern baldness? Do you know what the mechanism is that causes loss. I am sure that is why I became a diffuse thinner and most likely why Propecia never did much for me.
Found this; Ahsan et al. demonstrated thyroid receptors in human hair follicles and through these receptors, thyroid hormone can exert a direct effect on hair follicles.[4] It is very difficult to explain why both hypo- and hyperthyroid states are associated with substantial hair loss.[3] T3 at both lower and higher levels is not suitable to promote the proliferation and/or metabolism of hair follicles. Probably the magnitude of the effects of thyroid hormone on hair growth is variable, and its expression may be influenced by local factors and/or other hormones.[4] Our child developed diffuse hair loss within two weeks of starting levothyroxine, when the estimated T4 and T3 levels were high. After decreasing the levothyroxine dose, there was a dramatic improvement in the scalp hair growth, suggesting anagen effluvium. Scalp hair growth was absolutely normal in texture and distribution while on thyroxine maintenance dose. To conclude, hair follicles need adequate and correct levels of thyroxine to have appropriate hair growth and all children on levothyoxine should be monitored for serum levels of T3 and T4.


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I’m reaching out to a friend that is an endocrinologist. It seems like a bizarre catch-22. If your TSH is high (hypo) and you address with Synthroid (first side effect listed as causes Hairloss) you are in a horrible place.

I wonder if there are alternatives to levothyroxine that can address the hypo without causing more loss. @DoctorHouse did the start of you Hairloss have any correlation timing wise with your Thyroid treatment?

I have seen many people state that synthyroid or levothyroxine did not work for them and then tried alternatives like nature thyroid which is a desiccated thyroid extract and it seemed to do the trick and stop side effects such as diffuse loss. I'm not trying to promote nature thyroid by any means but only giving an example of a desiccated thyroid extract, there are various other brands such as, armour thyroid.


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@bluecyclone - where exactly do you think you're thinning? f*****g rockstar hair.