Hair Signals (TM), the next generation Folligen


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Gotta agree with Bryan. I'm probably the biggest Fedor fan alive, but in a straight-up boxing match he would get KILLED by Ali or Tyson.

And Cassin, believe it or not, Bas used to be a model back in Holland with a FULL head of hair. I've seen the pics!


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I've never seen Fedor fighting but I was reading about him today. I don't believe he could beat Mike Tyson (when Mike was young and at his best). Tyson would kill him in the ring! You can't compare legends like Tyson or Ali with some mma fighters.


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You have to keep in mind that Fedor probably has one of the strongest jaws, he takes elbow shots and knee shots and fights on. I have alot of respect for Iron Mike, he is a boxing legend, but Fedor probably has faster hands atleasat that can be argued.

I would say if you put 4-6oz gloves on them and lightened up the boxing rules alittle Fedor could win. The problem with boxing is that.......boxing is not fighting, its a sport. MMA is damn near as real as it can bring any style or tactics into the cage. So by saying Tyson / Ali are great questionable. They are great boxers however, infact in my opinion the 2 best boxers. (Tysons career got screwed over because some wh*** cried rape)

Its been proven that any 1 dimmensional boxer that has came into the cage has been beaten brutally. The only reason i made the comment that Fedor could probably out-box those 2, is for the shear fact his hands are "as quick if not quicker" than theirs....and because his jaw is definatly stronger. However nobody will ever know for sure due to the fact we don't have time machines :(

None the less they all are legends in their sports, and yes i just found out Bas Rutten used to model lol, he looks great with bald head too.
Another MMA fighter who models is a bald guy named "Frank Triggs" he also appeared on the Jerry Hall reality TV show called "Kept" Frank Triggs fought at 155 mostly. Another great bald good looking fighter.

Personally i dont think life being bald is so bad with people like Bruce Willis, Jason Statham and these MMA fighters walking around, Perhaps instead of me dumping 10k - 14k on hair transplants.....maby i could dump that into some nice cheek and jaw implants to enhance my masculinatly with a shaved head ?? I already have the body since im a amature bodybuilder.


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DarkVctry: what's your work out routine? I would like to gain some muscles.
I weigh around 150lb - look at my avatar picture.


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As a long-time MMA fan (16 years and counting) and practitioner, I have to disagree with you big-time.

No f#cking way are Fedor's fists faster than Tyson's and ESPECIALLY Ali's!!! Fedor's boxing is actually very sloppy, but it suits him well in MMA because his punches constantly put him in position for the throw/takedown.

As far as having a great jaw, Fedor HAS been rocked. Once by Fujita who, while strong, has terrible hands and is primarily a wrestler, and once by Mirko CroCop with a straight left and Mirko's punching power is average.

In regards to elbows, Fedor has never fought in an organization that allows elbows.

And lastly, if we want to talk about jaws...Ali had arguably one of the best chins in boxing history! I dare say if he didn't he would have lost MUCH more than he did. Tyson's chin wasn't too shabby either.

BOTH boxing and MMA are sports. Both are very different. Put the best boxer in the world in the ring against the best mixed martial artist in the world with MMA rules and the MMA will win 98 times out of 100 (barring a lucky punch) Do the same with boxing rules and I would bet my saving that the boxer wins 100 times out of 100. And while I'm a big boxing fan/historian, I am a bigger MMA fan/historian.


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I totally agree with JWM. Fedor or any other top class mma fighter wouldnt have chance in the ring with Mike Tyson or Ali. They would be KO in one of the first rounds.


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Cassin said:
Bryan said:
DarkVctry said:
Tyson and Ali are great 1 dimmensional boxers, Fedor could probably even out box them.

LOL!! I'd have to see that, before I could believe it! :)
fedor is a machine. His boxing is outstanding and his calmness in a fight has never been seen before.

Cassin, no! Please don't tell me you agree?? Yes, Fedor IS a machine, and yes his calmness in a fight IS amazing, but his punching technique by boxing standards is sloppy! He is the MAN in MMA, but in a straight boxing match? He would be killed! Hell, even elite K-1 kickboxers get killed by clubfighters when they try boxing. And we all saw what 50 year old Ray Mercer did to Tim Sylvia in 11 seconds with ONE punch. Cassin, no! Not you!


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Okay okay i revoke my statement, any MMA fighter can't just go to straight up boxing rules against a elite boxer such as Tyson or Ali and win. And we all agree the same goes for boxers going to MMA.

However i want to put out that Ray Mercer got his *** whooped by a amature Kimbo Slice, lets just put that out there. And Fedor was dropped on his head by Kevin Randleman and still came out on top. I will say i was wrong for saying Fedor could out box them. However we can all agree that Fedor (the guys avatar) is and always will be known as one of the greatest Fighters of all time.
: rcom440 :
Now to answer some work-out questions. First off that is me in my avatar so i don't go all crazy i just have some decent mass, i go for more symetry. What i like to do is 6 weeks of a 3 day work out split.

Day 1 ill do your basics like bench press 3 sets x 8 reps / dips (do them with weighted belt or untill fatigued) And then bicept curls ill go for 3 sets of 8 [ if im feeling a good pump i will do a 4th "super set" with a lighter weight untill complete failure]

Day 2 ill do 3 sets x 10 reps pull-ups, sometimes ill start with weighted pull ups and work down on my last set. Then ill do military presses 3setx8rep, and Tricepts ill work like 2 excersises for that.

Day 3 is heavy sqauts / deadlifts / then leg press.......i don't do leg extensions that much, their is alot of negative press about the leg extension, however i will do hamstring curls, usually i try to do 8-10 reps per set on legs.

The key thing is, if you find a program, like the one i just put up is my simple "mass routine" just to build it, then i start doing more symetrical stuff and clean my diet up more. The key is, get in the gym and get out before 60 mins, you do not want to over work. Also don't be afraid to eat big once your out, as soon as your done your workout CONSUME whatever your heart desires. Sometimes ill slam protein drink mixed with alot of tasty ice cream, because all those simple sugars will spike my insulin levels up again (which have been depleted by a hard workout) So if you ever have a sweet tooth, the best time to eat it is right after an intense work out, so you can re-spike your insulin levels.

Remember, if you can put on 3lbs of lean mass a month......your doing good, i try to shoot for 1 pound a week. REMEMBER though if you don't see alot of gains on the scale...........use your mirror, the mirror is the best scale, and use tape measure to track your gains. This is just basic knowledge, hell i could write a damn novel on all the other things, but the basics is.......if you want to gain mass Low reps, 3-4 sets, heavy weight, and not afraid to slam down some food.


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Hey rcom440,

I notice your almost stricly a topical man yourself, im curious to know about how you have been maintaining, and how long you've been on your regime. You look like you still got a good head of hair on your pic, do you feel you have "halted" your hairloss ?

If i dont think i can stop mine, i dont think ill get hair transplants......i could really see myself just spending money on maby getting my ears pinned back and maby some facial implants of some sort to enhance my face when i have a shaved head :)

I think if the jawline and cheeks are good, and my ears don't stick out like they are now, i could really pull off the shaved head look. But who knows maby i can keep using a topical to slow it down enough for 10 years untill maby cloning is out. I wont hold my breath for that though.


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DarkVctry said:
Hey rcom440,

I notice your almost stricly a topical man yourself, im curious to know about how you have been maintaining, and how long you've been on your regime. You look like you still got a good head of hair on your pic, do you feel you have "halted" your hairloss ?

If i dont think i can stop mine, i dont think ill get hair transplants......i could really see myself just spending money on maby getting my ears pinned back and maby some facial implants of some sort to enhance my face when i have a shaved head :)

I think if the jawline and cheeks are good, and my ears don't stick out like they are now, i could really pull off the shaved head look. But who knows maby i can keep using a topical to slow it down enough for 10 years untill maby cloning is out. I wont hold my breath for that though.

I believe that anyone is able to slow hair loss. If I were you I would forget about Hair Transplant or facial implants. Start with 5% spironolactone + Nizoral for around 2 months maybe more then you can add minoxidil.

Try to apply spironolactone twice a day, morning and night and wash your hair with Nizoral 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday - thats what I do) I also leave Nizoral on my hair while in the shower for around 2 minutes then I wash it off and then I apply little bit more and leave it for around 5 min then I use moisturizing conditioner. Nizoral is drying hair that's why I think conditioner is important.
You may experience slight shed at the beginning. Nothing major from spironolactone but Nizoral may cause slight shed, don't be afraid, It mean that it's working.
After a couple of months you may consider minoxidil for regrow.

Hair Signals is another DHT blocker that you may want to consider.

Yes I believe I slowed down my hair loss. It seems to be under control for now which is good thing. In the future there can be new options available for us.


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DarkVctry said:
Okay okay i revoke my statement, any MMA fighter can't just go to straight up boxing rules against a elite boxer such as Tyson or Ali and win. And we all agree the same goes for boxers going to MMA.

However i want to put out that Ray Mercer got his *** whooped by a amature Kimbo Slice, lets just put that out there. And Fedor was dropped on his head by Kevin Randleman and still came out on top. I will say i was wrong for saying Fedor could out box them. However we can all agree that Fedor (the guys avatar) is and always will be known as one of the greatest Fighters of all time.
: rcom440 :
Now to answer some work-out questions. First off that is me in my avatar so i don't go all crazy i just have some decent mass, i go for more symetry. What i like to do is 6 weeks of a 3 day work out split.

Day 1 ill do your basics like bench press 3 sets x 8 reps / dips (do them with weighted belt or untill fatigued) And then bicept curls ill go for 3 sets of 8 [ if im feeling a good pump i will do a 4th "super set" with a lighter weight untill complete failure]

Day 2 ill do 3 sets x 10 reps pull-ups, sometimes ill start with weighted pull ups and work down on my last set. Then ill do military presses 3setx8rep, and Tricepts ill work like 2 excersises for that.

Day 3 is heavy sqauts / deadlifts / then leg press.......i don't do leg extensions that much, their is alot of negative press about the leg extension, however i will do hamstring curls, usually i try to do 8-10 reps per set on legs.

The key thing is, if you find a program, like the one i just put up is my simple "mass routine" just to build it, then i start doing more symetrical stuff and clean my diet up more. The key is, get in the gym and get out before 60 mins, you do not want to over work. Also don't be afraid to eat big once your out, as soon as your done your workout CONSUME whatever your heart desires. Sometimes ill slam protein drink mixed with alot of tasty ice cream, because all those simple sugars will spike my insulin levels up again (which have been depleted by a hard workout) So if you ever have a sweet tooth, the best time to eat it is right after an intense work out, so you can re-spike your insulin levels.

Remember, if you can put on 3lbs of lean mass a month......your doing good, i try to shoot for 1 pound a week. REMEMBER though if you don't see alot of gains on the scale...........use your mirror, the mirror is the best scale, and use tape measure to track your gains. This is just basic knowledge, hell i could write a damn novel on all the other things, but the basics is.......if you want to gain mass Low reps, 3-4 sets, heavy weight, and not afraid to slam down some food.

Thank you for the replay.
My friend who is a bodybuilder also told me that less is more meaning 6-8 reps with very heavy weight and do not work out for more than an hour. He also told me that you don't want to overwork your muscles.
Reps until failure but it shoudn't be more than 8. Chest-triceps, back-biceps etc.
that make sense


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: rcom440 :

Yep your friend is right, 8 reps should be max, if i can't complete to the 8th ill stop at 6th or 7th so i can rest about 3 mins before the next set.

Whoa im glad to here spironolactone has done the trick for you, so spironolactone halted it and minoxidil you used to regrow some more.

Im going to do some research on this Hair signals to see how exactlyy it works, and how it could be be joined with spironolactone. Does it do a differnt purpose than spironolactone ?

Also do you use Dr Lee's spironolactone, or try to use the s5 cream on this site, (which for some reason i can't order stuff on this site it doesnt let me)


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DarkVctry said:
: rcom440 :

Yep your friend is right, 8 reps should be max, if i can't complete to the 8th ill stop at 6th or 7th so i can rest about 3 mins before the next set.

Whoa im glad to here spironolactone has done the trick for you, so spironolactone halted it and minoxidil you used to regrow some more.

Im going to do some research on this Hair signals to see how exactlyy it works, and how it could be be joined with spironolactone. Does it do a differnt purpose than spironolactone ?

Also do you use Dr Lee's spironolactone, or try to use the s5 cream on this site, (which for some reason i can't order stuff on this site it doesnt let me)

Yes I use S5 spironolactone from this site but remember spironolactone is spironolactone as long as it's 5%. There is other side that you can order spironolactone. I forgot the name. It was around $27 a can + shipping.
Hair Signals contains Copper-Peptides as well as Saw Palmetto Oil, Pygeum Africanum, and Lavender Oil, Tea Extracts. I believe that Saw Palmetto is an inhibitors of DHT, some people may disagree because there is not enough studies but I had a good experience with it while I was using Scalp Med which contained liquid Saw Palmetto.

Copper-Peptides increase hair growth and hair follicle size while reducing apotosis.

I came across a couple of bodybuilding forums and I noticed that some of the heavy lifters use spironolactone in order to prevent hair loss.
I think some of them mentioned that they also use steroids - not to prevent hair loss that is.

oh I just fond the web page where you can order 5% spironolactone cream if for some reason it won't let you order from

It's $25.99 but I think shipping is around $5


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Just got my Hair Signals in the mail. From what I read, it's pretty potent solution that should be applied only once a day.
I'm wondering how much of it you guys use per application?
I got liquid but I noticed that the cream had slightly different ingredients list.

I'm applying minoxidil then around 45 min later spironolactone and then hour later Hair Signals.
I like the fact that Hair Signals contains saw palmetto but I noticed that cream has olive oil extract while liquid don't.