Hair Loss Because Of Seborrheic Dermatitis


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Hi all,

I am hoping someone can help me with this.

A few years ago I started noticing very dry, itchy, red skin on my forehead. I figured it was just dry skin or eczema (which I have had all my life), and spent the next few years trying to cover it up, then trying to get rid of it with different soaps, moisturizers, etc. only to go back to the foundation and back and forth and back and forth.

I finally got to the dermatologist back in September and they decided that I have seborrheic dermatitis. I never even thought it could be something related to my scalp, but it made sense since my hair was thinning on top of my hair near my hairline and my scalp was itchy.

I was excited that I finally had an answer, but after months of using the ketoconazole shampoo for my scalp and the ointment on my face, I haven't really seen much of an improvement. I used to have really nice, long, thick hair, and now it is thin, fragile, and super thin at the top. I hate it and find it embarrassing. I really want to get back that thick, full hair I once had, and get a nice hairline again ( I'm only 29 so this is really bothering me).

I was looking up natural remedies to see if I could find anything that would keep me from going back to the doctor, and came up with a routine using Dr. Bonner's shampoo and undiluted 5% apple cider vinegar.

Has anyone had any experience with this? I have read that if the inflammation goes away, the hair will grow back. Is this true?

I really need some advice, this is all devastating to me.

Thank you in advance :)


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It took me 10 months to see major improvement...

I didn't take pics of when I had bald spots all over my head... the "before" pic I'm posting was taken like 4 months after starting treatment so there was already a huge improvement. But as you can see, it's still growing.

I never had any flake, my seb derm was more like severe inflammation all over my happened after a LONG period of sleep deprivation.

What I did to treat it:

- cutting sugar

-sleeping at least 7-8 hours a day, If I only sleep like 4 hours, my seb derm is back for a few days and I lose a shitload of hair

- rotating between 4 shampoos:

- Node DS +

- T-gel therapeutic shampoo (coal tar)

- Selsun 2,5%

- regular h&s

+ clobetasol or betamethasone (steroids) when inflamation is visible, but I don't use them that much anymore

My hair getting thicker and thicker every week, and there's new hair growing back everywhere. The bald spots above my hear are now filled, but the most important for me was to see regrowth around the hairline. The inflammation was mostly localized on the hairline so it was thinning


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It took me 10 months to see major improvement...

I didn't take pics of when I had bald spots all over my head... the "before" pic I'm posting was taken like 4 months after starting treatment so there was already a huge improvement. But as you can see, it's still growing.

I never had any flake, my seb derm was more like severe inflammation all over my happened after a LONG period of sleep deprivation.

What I did to treat it:

- cutting sugar

-sleeping at least 7-8 hours a day, If I only sleep like 4 hours, my seb derm is back for a few days and I lose a shitload of hair

- rotating between 4 shampoos:

- Node DS +

- T-gel therapeutic shampoo (coal tar)

- Selsun 2,5%

- regular h&s

+ clobetasol or betamethasone (steroids) when inflamation is visible, but I don't use them that much anymore

My hair getting thicker and thicker every week, and there's new hair growing back everywhere. The bald spots above my hear are now filled, but the most important for me was to see regrowth around the hairline. The inflammation was mostly localized on the hairline so it was thinning
A question for you. Did you lose hair from areas where there are no inflammation. I seem to have only SD symptoms on the back of my scalp. But I'm losing hair everywhere. Don't know if its related.


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yes, it is common, hormonal disbalance can cause hairloss and s. dermatitis.
apple cider vinnegar is a remedy from our ancestors but a good one.

for dermatitis you can consider nizoral, fenugreek (oral and topical) and above all a good diet.
yoy should avoid wheat, and eat healhty.

if you wanna fight androgenetic alopecia, you should use something else


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A question for you. Did you lose hair from areas where there are no inflammation. I seem to have only SD symptoms on the back of my scalp. But I'm losing hair everywhere. Don't know if its related.
I was only losing hair where there was inflammation (which was mostly on the left side of my head, above my ear, & left side of my hairline) :/