friends with hairloss and how well they are doing


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anyone have 20 something friends with hairloss and how are they doing.

my brother has moderate-to-aggressive hairloss in early-mid 20s, his dating life IMO is pretty low, he has a below avg looking wife, but i dont think he has been with many women (less than 5 in his lifetime), and he is paying her with money to continue the relationship, which is sad.

they have been together for 10 years now, he has done everything for her financially, bought her flashy cars, staying in his house for free, looking after a kid not his own etc.

he spends all his time working and she sits at home and does nothing, she is getting a sweet deal, most men would never care that much.

i don't know of anyone else who has pre-mature hairloss.


I know a guy who has fuckin' full blown Norwood 6 - 7 at 22, and he doesn't even bother to shave it, he's just going around like that with grandpa hair and pale shiny scalp. He's also quite short and old looking on face. And I gotta say that he certainly isn't getting much, if any attention from women. I just don't understand why he won't shave it. He's not fooling anyone.


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I know some 'laddish' slyguys who have no problem getting average women. And some bald guys who seem to not be interested and just play the fool or devote themselves to sport or music ect. I also know one guy in his 30's with a horseshoe and pretty sure he's a virgin I've known him 7 yrs and never seen him with a bird. It all depends on how well it suits you and how much respect you have in general which could come from being good at sports or rich or a tough guy ect.


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HPM-Your brother must really despise himself too allow himself too be treated like that.I
Its a sad day when one has too validate their whole exsistance through the needs,wishes,opinions,desires,and approvals of others.


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my ex girlfriends new boyfriend, she is 18. he is 25 completly bald with a bit of a horseshoe. Is pretty average looking and isn't in good athletic shape. maybe he has a nice personality.... the girl is pretty. trust me.

another one... he is 23 i think, nw3 + now, has been dating the hottest girl from my art college for 2 years now.

I know a couple more guys in their 20s all dating hot women and doing well for themselves while loosing hair.

hope for us yet.

Guess it's how it affects ya chaps. :/


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I know a guy (I will call him friend, okay) who is in his mid 30's but he is very young looking and has very active lifestyle. He is now full blown NW3 with a very diffused top. He was also 65% grey at the age of 17, and was loosing his hair since 19-21 I think. So he was the first guy who I came to when I started losing hair myself. He said:"I think with our philosophy you shouldn't give a sh*t about it". Neverless, he has women all over him all the time, despite the fact that he is also 5' 7 and skinny. But he aslo has very proportional face and is quite dark. Always looking tanned. The funny thing - until I started losing hair myself I never even noticed he has any problems. I just thought he has a bit weird hair and cuts them very short all the time.


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Every bald/balding guy I know IRL and have spoken about it to him says he doesn't care. A friend of mine started losing hair when he was like 18. He's NW4-5 now at 26 and he just buzzes it. He is skinny, no more than 5' 8 tall with unaesthetic body build genetics, has a big crooked nose, aaand he has a way better dating life than me. My neighbor shaves his head so when I asked him when did he start losing hair and worryingly explained to him how I've been thinning for the past couple of years he just laughed and said "so what, just shave it when it becomes really obvious".

Basically, I haven't met anyone that stresses over hair loss to the extent that most of us here do.


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I met some friends on Sunday night.

We are all 29 years old or around that age. Out of the 12 of us. 3 (4 at a push but he's not one of us 'real' baldies haha) are bald/balding.

There's a NW4/5 there who has blonde hair so it is not aparent as darker hair. He's got similar hairline pattern to Arjen Robben but he buzzes it down and he's doing very well with the ladies. He's very outgoing but he's never short of women showing an interest. Ok, most of these women are nearly 9/10 older than him they are all very attractive women (the last few that I seen him with).
He is not that attractive. He is reguarly slagged off by friends but he just shakes it off and gives it back.

2nd dude is probably a NW3. Again, he has lighter hair and he has no diffuse so keeps it shortish and a smartish cut. He is married and seems happy enough with his wife but even before hand I can't ever remember him going out there and getting women before hand. He was a bit of a book boff and played sports and now he seems the happy husband.

3rd guy - He's NW2 but has a large bald spot at the back. It's become very noticeable in recent years but he has a good hairstyle. Keeps it thick on top and the back short but under bright lights you can see it. If he was concerned about it, he could use a dab of toppik and he would be fine and ready to go but he says he does not care and again, he's a fun, outgoing type who is married to a very attractive woman and has never had any problems getting women.

Then there is me. NW3 and diffuse. I use concealers and again, a long-term girlfriend but if anything I seemed to get a lot of compliments with a shaved head last year but I think that was me being very concious about it and clinging on to them when I received one.

The rest - they are all NW1s with thick, thick hair. I mean I'd even go as far as say a quarter of them have that Steven Gerrard almost NW0 hairline. I think due to them being very hairy and the realistically only 1 guy that had worse hairloss than I, I felt more uneasy about balding and diffusing.

Even though they all have their hair (or most of them) I've been making an effort to remain trim, fit and looking after myself and was told by a group of younger girls that I looked a lot younger than my friends even with my huge NW3 forehad.


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we blow up things up in our mind massively, which then leads to events which we think are caused by hairloss alone, when in most cases, are caused by us knowing and feeling that we are a lesser man by loosing our hair.


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i dont know about my brother, i woulnd't want to be in his situation that is for sure, one year he bought her a £15K car, im not sure if she is demanding it from him or he's just doing it for fear she might leave him for a guy with hair?

i know that sounds borderline paranoia but i cant make any rational explanation out of the situation.

all i know is i need out of this pre-mature balding hell hole.

problem is we're balding like at 18/19/20 but our balding patterns were different (mine was worse), so i guess we are not able to develop a strong presence around women because we never got that initial "initiation" of a full head of hair in our youth, and by youth i mean 18-22 WITH A FULL HEAD OF HAIR.

we never had that, balding problems really fast, I think it changes your mentality of the future.


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HairPieceMan said:
my brother has moderate-to-aggressive hairloss in early-mid 20s, his dating life IMO is pretty low, he has a below avg looking wife, but i dont think he has been with many women (less than 5 in his lifetime), and he is paying her with money to continue the relationship, which is sad.

they have been together for 10 years now, he has done everything for her financially, bought her flashy cars, staying in his house for free, looking after a kid not his own etc.

he spends all his time working and she sits at home and does nothing, she is getting a sweet deal, most men would never care that much.

I know guys with hair who act like that. Some guys just get a kick out of spoiling women and often the more they do the more the women take the piss, walk all over them and its a vicious circle.
I guess its just insecurity on the guys behalf that he has to keep giving to keep them interested.


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HairPieceMan said:
we never got that initial "initiation" of a full head of hair in our youth, and by youth i mean 18-22 WITH A FULL HEAD OF HAIR.

we never had that, balding problems really fast, I think it changes your mentality of the future.

I can relate to that very well. 2 years ago I never could imgained that someone is able to start loosing their hair before hitting 40's.


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HPM, I know a lad with a full head of hair who is very needy and jealous of his girlfriend. He has had a few girlfriends but they all end up dumping him because he is needy and buys her too many things and if she's out without him he is constantly checking his phone, facebook or messenger to see if she's online and is a lot less quieter in conversation.
So not just balding guys are like that and worry about keeping a woman.

Some good posts in here. I think overall we do worry too much. Most of us do look worse balding or shaved. I know myself the difference I look without my little bit of concealer, but look at the examples a few of us have made of balding/bald guys who all seem to be getting dates.
So much of this is in our heads that we are unattractive and no woman would like us. Yeah, we might take a few more hits than we would with hair but there are nice women out there who are open-minded and would date a bald guy.

My friend the NW5/diffuse. He is never short of dates. He sleeps/snogs women reguarly - and I am not just saying this but they are all usually very attractive. He himself his nickname at his work is 'Skelator' and was told by a guy he looked like he was 'on the junk' aka Heroin. I don't agree, I think he looks quite distugnished :gay: but he gets women because he takes the bull by the horns without being an a**h**.
He shows confidence but at the same time has the ability to listen, be quizitive, treat a woman with respect and have a laugh with them all in the space of night.
My craziest example is NW5 and NW1. One is Arjen Robben, the other looks like Bradley Cooper. The NW1 is very shy, no confidence and although he may get a few glances. If we start chatting to women, 10/10 times the women will want NW5s number over NW1s.

Maybe that's the problem. Some of us are too sensitive and if we go to a place like a club or bar and we seen no one lookng our way, we instantly get defensive or downbeat about our chances and shell up. Whilst my friend is either in his own world and looks past the lack of intial interest or he thinks to himself 'No lucks as usual so better work the magic'.


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Yes hairloss is going to impact your appearance which could set you back initially. And the younger the woman the more shallow and looks orientated she's likely to be.
Therefore you're going to have to find another way to impress or think more longterm. As long as your not hideously ugly you still have a chance as a balding you just need to make up for the hairloss deficiet with personality ie you need to have some game and you cant have that without confidence.

I hear lots of guys on here saying that women are only after guys with money - WRONG!

If its a 23 yr old with a 50 yr old millionaire then maybe.
However what ALL women are looking for is a guy who's got his 5hit together, a guy who's life is going somewhere and is capable of looking after her if life throws up any serious problems. Not the kind of guy who's whole life falls apart because he loses his hair.

And 99/100 those guys who have their 5hit together happen to have good careers and earn good money.


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nothing really, since he is short, balding, overweight,

what got me was the money and stuff, and fast marriage.

also she is 5 8, him 5 7, its just an odd couple, at the wedding day, they looked odd, her taller, him balding in his youth, it was just a big social wierdness, i wish if he was dating he would wear a hairpiece and lifts and go for girls 5 2 or something, and have many relations with women and just relax a little and keep the cash for himself.

at least then his lifetime lay count (age 20-90) can be more like 50-60 girls instead of 1-5, its just not normal imo.

this is more socially normal, so i think in his case the fear of balding got to him, i don't know of many guys that have done all these things soo fast, how can he be so sure she is so special if you have only been with a small handful of girls.

i dunno, who cares, no doubt i will fail with women and end up married to a large women when im 30 despite the whole "my wigs/lifts will save me" mantra.

my point is i think it fucked him over, MASSIVELY.

i know people here mention good success stories, but i DON'T see that happening in the real world, and when i see young faces that are balding in the street i can not imagine them doing well with girls at all, imo we all look fucked.

also i disagree with you saf, id rather be a 6 foot tall NW1 in mcdonalds, than a 5 5 heavily balding doctor, when push comes to shove, its going to be near on impossible to advertise yourself as a good mate like that, unless your in your 40s/50s

in this world, getting your 5hit together means not balding in your youth and reaching 5 8 or over, not being nice or having a good career lol, most males will just laugh at a young balding guy no matter how much money he has trying to do well with women, like a 5 2 asian that thinks he's the pimp, there is something called REALITY which comes knocking on the door for young balding guys.

we are fucked.


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NO women are really interested in having a LTR with a bald man.Why would they when society as a whole thinks a bald man is a piece of c**p,and there are so many men with hair,who look more approachable and "normal" looking.
The best you can do as a bald man is have one night stands/casual relationships(usually based on return for the woman).
Bald men are ugly,this is the bottom line.


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this is true, we are fucked!

we are sub-human lepers/social pariahs.


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Seb - where are you living FHM magazine HQ?
Some women will be shallow and rubber a bald man but just take a look around and unless you are living at the Playboy mansion, there are many bald/balding men with attractive women.

Like I said before, it is harder at times and I think dating younger women will be a struggle but beyond that if you are clued up, switched on and have something to say. Keep youself in shape, look after your skin and don't sport a massive Terry Nutkins esque hairstyle, then there are women who will date you.

Not every single women is as shallow as to think a bald man is a no-go area. It does dent your chances if you were average looking before hand but it is by no ways the sentence to a life of singledom that you think it is.


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HairPieceMan said:
also i disagree with you saf, id rather be a 6 foot tall NW1 in mcdonalds, than a 5 5 heavily balding doctor, when push comes to shove, its going to be near on impossible to advertise yourself as a good mate like that, unless your in your 40s/50s

in this world, getting your 5hit together means not balding in your youth and reaching 5 8 or over, not being nice or having a good career lol, most males will just laugh at a young balding guy no matter how much money he has trying to do well with women, like a 5 2 asian that thinks he's the pimp, there is something called REALITY which comes knocking on the door for young balding guys.

we are f***ed.

If you're a 6' tall NW1 working in McDonalds then you're either a teenager or a bit of a loser.
If the 5'5" bald Dr has freinds and socialises even with average looks I'd say he could get a pretty decent girlfreind.
From your last few sentances it seems to me that you live with a fear of what could happen. There will always be some morons out there but if some drunk unemployed NW1 loser calls a bald Dr baldy infront of his GF, at the end of the day when the Dr gets back in his Merc and drives to his big house who is the real loser?
News flash in situations like that real girls dont expect their Boyfreinds to spin a roundhouse kick and KO the guy then deliver a witty comment James Bond style.
I'm guessing you dont get out much? Bald or not if you've got freinds around you and are an interesting person the occosaional comment by some moron will just slide right off.
And these morons only take the piss out of bald loners with no life, if you've got freinds a job a GF and a social life then whatever comments someone gives you should'nt matter its just moments, you've got to learn to get over it or you'll never be able to live anywhere near a normal life.