Follica touts cure for baldness


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I have been wondering for some time if FUE leaves scar? I know that FUT does leave a linear scar but with FUE, is it going to be a problem? I've seen lots of FUE pictures and there is no visible scars on donor area?...


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Yes it leaves those white dots, shaving won't be an option either after FUE.


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For diffuse thinning anything is welcomed, my hairline isn't great but I only care about my midscalp and vertex, like Kirby said hair transplant isn't even an option for some of us. Follica is on to the wound theory since 2007 if not earlier, they said recently that they breezed trials, that sounds really hopeful, for once we have something positive to look forward to.
I hope that Follica have been quietly confident the whole time, and can surprise us in a good way once they are ready, without jumping the gun with wild claims (in contrast to some of the other in-development treatments).

And yeah, some new sort of FUE with less scars, or possibly a tiny bit of regeneration is utterly useless for me. The only way to make a hair transplant work for me is if I was able to have all my DHT-vulnerable hair removed, then replaced en masse by cloned hair grown in a vat or something equally sci-fi.


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Yes it leaves those white dots, shaving won't be an option either after FUE.

Thanks!! that might be a problem ....


Senior Member
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Thanks!! that might be a problem ....

You can basically almost shave down now with FUE...white dots aren't a problem -- no one will ever notice that...a big *** strip-scar on the other hand -- screw that noise

Anyways -- reading between the lines from S-P-E-N-C-E-R-s radio broadcast, don't expect Follica to market until 2015, at the earliest


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What we need is an official date from Follica, or the results from these trials.

Articles like this about Follica have been published before, I even remember there was a TV mini-reportage (with basically the same information) when Follica started years ago. At this moment I hate/love Cotsarelis (and team) equally.


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I'm starting to think they just do it to get funding for their studies and not to put out a valid product on the market in the near future. They're scientists, have full heads of hair, they just don't care.


Whats with the whole profit bashing, guys!!!! Scientists do a THANKLESS job ... if they have toiled a lot in their labs and now want to make some money out of it , whats wrong with it!! may be they want to be sure about every step before they move you guys realize how dangerous it could be to release a technology (without proper testing) that removes whole layers of skin!!!!!!!!!!!! they will waste their research money , if they publish their research without having a patent for it!! who knows, they might be seeing if the new skin does not develop cancer?!!! it is an unexplored area and they are studying it and they are making good progress....I am 26 and I know how difficult it is to be balding and not having the youth other people enjoy....but I also understand that is is better to be late than sorry....