Jesus, guys drop that ****.
If they DID have an efficient solution they would have made a better business plan, especially since their product did launch quite successfully, probably even better than what they thought.
They just cashed out. They sold a well marketed snake oil, made a few thousands bucks and bailed.
They prolly start a new company using the same product but without the errors and suspicions associated with folexen.
This could have been worse, what's gonna happen when someone ends up swallowing something really toxic ?
Things are moving even if it doesn't seem like it. Lots of treatments that used to be underground are going mainstream. Sources are being tested by independant labs. Just be patient, and stop giving money to those assholes.
I know this has been goinng on since the dawn of time but thinking that some dude actually thought "hey, those guys are vulnerable, I could make a ****load playing on that" makes me lose faith in humanity a lil' more each time.