Finasteride losing effectiveness after 17 months, building up tolerance or what? (Blood Tests)


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Are you able to get a transplant?
I doubt it. If I could have the donor, which I had back in the summer of 2020 when the drugs worked the best, I would be able to do something later on. Now, I am losing this density as well. I am still very young for Hair Transplant. I have not searched a lot into hair transplants, as I have with the treatments, because I am still balding aggressively. Plus, with retrograde/Dupa, I am doomed.


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I don't know if I have Gilbert's Syndrome or something like Dubin-Johnson/Rotor. THANKFULLY, I performed ultrasounds, and things are good. I need to fix my CBC. Especially RBC, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrit. Either this or maybe I have a type of hemolytic anemia, but I believe that being underweight and because of my diet, things are affected too. Although, I am already supplementing with Methyl B12 and Folate, and I am keeping stable my D3 levels. Hair-wise even when my CBC was still about the same, despite the bilirubin levels, my D3 levels were low, and I was eating the same as I do now hair was better back then. So, they were not affected, and this rings the bell to me when the drugs performed the best.

I am moving on to the hormones now. I finally received my DHT, 3a-Diol-G, and PSA levels. Surprisingly, all of them lowered significantly compared to my previous results (still normal ranges, though), but ZERO improvements hair-wise! Now with these results, it's hard to think how to act. I feel I need topical anti-androgen this time. I want to mention that I was already using my new topical solution for a few days before the test. So, it seems it went systemic and affected things (or Oral dutasteride was still in my system from early January, which I doubt it), but still, my temples/hairline/density are being massacred day by day. I still can't figure out how only three treatments: Topical minoxidil, Topical finasteride, and Oral Finasteride, worked so well, and I have tried so many different things from last summer with zero improvements! I will try to search If I can get a scalp biopsy, etc. I am now thinking again of trying oral dutasteride, like 2xWeek, and Finasteride the other five days. I still don't know because I am pretty confused.
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I have collected some photos under my cheap USB microscope, and it seems to me that some hair follicles indicate Alopecia Areata. It would be crazy to have four different types of Alopecia simultaneously! Androgenetic Alopecia+DUPA+RETROGRADE+AREATA! I need to find a clinic/dermatologist for a scalp biopsy, but I think it will be hard.

Photos below-(Scalp is a bit flaky because of Topicals)

I checked this study to evaluate: +searching google. I was searching for trichoscopy of Alopecia Areata, Alopecia Areata Incognita, and Scarring Alopecia.

@losingbattle88 @Adri23 @300 @DoctorHouse @Mr. Slap Head Any opinions, please?


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Bro you wont belive me but I've got male pattern baldness, dupa,retrograde alopecia, scarring alopecia and telegon iffluviaum that's 5 types of hairloss all at once lol not even joking I think the dupa is acually alopecia areata incognita but that's just my opinion as you dont normally just suddenly get dupa out of the blue especially being on the strongest most hardcore regimen not including woman hormones I will not go that far
Plus I'm totally fucked as I had a hairtransplant not long ago and my donor was perfect then
I wonder if I'm the only person on earth with 5 types of hairloss all at the same time.maybw I should contact the Guinness book of records lol
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I have collected some photos under my cheap USB microscope, and it seems to me that some hair follicles indicate Alopecia Areata. It would be crazy to have four different types of Alopecia simultaneously! Androgenetic Alopecia+DUPA+RETROGRADE+AREATA! I need to find a clinic/dermatologist for a scalp biopsy, but I think it will be hard.

Photos below-(Scalp is a bit flaky because of Topicals)

I checked this study to evaluate: +searching google. I was searching for trichoscopy of Alopecia Areata, Alopecia Areata Incognita, and Scarring Alopecia.

@losingbattle88 @Adri23 @300 @DoctorHouse @Mr. Slap Head Any opinions, please?
If you have Alopecia Areata usually you lose your hair within 2,to 3 weeks and after that its gonna be a slow and painful recovery Thats my personal experience..For how long you ve been like that?Are you getting any regrowth?Did you get a diagnosis?Can you post pictures from 8" away?Your hair loss is very abnormal, mine was too but in my case it was very obvious. It was clear cut that it was AA as i said above(45,47,55). All you can get here is opinions and speculations and not a proper medical diagnosis and sometimes we need it.


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If you have Alopecia Areata usually you lose your hair within 2,to 3 weeks and after that its gonna be a slow and painful recovery Thats my personal experience..For how long you ve been like that?Are you getting any regrowth?Did you get a diagnosis?Can you post pictures from 8" away?Your hair loss is very abnormal, mine was too but in my case it was very obvious. It was clear cut that it was AA as i said above(45,47,55). All you can get here is opinions and speculations and not a proper medical diagnosis and sometimes we need it.
It's been a few months now that I feel the thinning all over my head. Regrowth stopped, and I only shed. I mean, I haven't notice anything regarding the regrowth part. My scalp is now very visible when I am applying the topicals, and my hair diameter deteriorated. It was not the case before when the treatments where working best. I will try to contact a clinic for a scalp biopsy. I don't know what's going on, but who I am kidding, you saw my aggressive baldness at 18. No wonder why I am going back so fast, despite treatments.


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Get a biopsy. Those hairs are short but thick. Reminds me of what @losingbattle88 describes, and it may not even be male pattern baldness.
No way is not Androgenetic Alopecia! Minoxidil and Finasteride resurrected me from the dead! You saw my pictures above too. I have very aggressive Androgenetic Alopecia that seems now to getting again on me, or something else is messed up in combination.


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This was my donor back in 2019 when I was on minoxidil only for 9 months. You can clearly see again the Retrograde/Dupa. These areas became thicker when I jumped into Finasteride.


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No way is not Androgenetic Alopecia! Minoxidil and Finasteride resurrected me from the dead! You saw my pictures above too. I have very aggressive Androgenetic Alopecia that seems now to getting again on me, or something else is messed up in combination.
U have a combination of male pattern baldness and something else.


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I just can't put it in my head that only Minoxidil+Finasteride gave me everything, and now I am trying different things, plus tried other treatments a few months back, and no improvement but only going backwards! I just can't.


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I just can't put it in my head that only Minoxidil+Finasteride gave me everything, and now I am trying different things, plus tried other treatments a few months back, and no improvement but only going backwards! I just can't.
Same happened to me, I can't explain why treatment worked so good and now nothing seems to work..


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I have collected some photos under my cheap USB microscope, and it seems to me that some hair follicles indicate Alopecia Areata. It would be crazy to have four different types of Alopecia simultaneously! Androgenetic Alopecia+DUPA+RETROGRADE+AREATA! I need to find a clinic/dermatologist for a scalp biopsy, but I think it will be hard.

Photos below-(Scalp is a bit flaky because of Topicals)

I checked this study to evaluate: +searching google. I was searching for trichoscopy of Alopecia Areata, Alopecia Areata Incognita, and Scarring Alopecia.

@losingbattle88 @Adri23 @300 @DoctorHouse @Mr. Slap Head Any opinions, please?
Alopecia areata is characterised by exclamation point hairs. Exclamation point hairs are 2-3mm long, are thicker at the ends and then get thin towards the base, and then a thick base. Are those small hairs you circled fitting that description?


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I just can't put it in my head that only Minoxidil+Finasteride gave me everything, and now I am trying different things, plus tried other treatments a few months back, and no improvement but only going backwards! I just can't.
Well dutasteride has castrated me and oral minoxidill didnt do sh*t. Never had results and continue to thin.

Mr. Slap Head

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I mean at least try topical minoxidil and saw palmetto and keto shampoo to maintain maybe. I know you want to try bica. It’s possible it will work. But use the low dose experimentality said to use. Maybe you will respond to it better than RU. There is also fluridil