Female But Needing To Talk About This


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I over-grew my hairline with minoxidil. Like an insurance measure. Here’s a photo of the density and thinning at the female pattern areas
There is no cure why have you come here ? You can still make the incels here happy


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It’s easy for people to minimise my issues. It’s so easy to say “you look fine, you’re trolling”. Fact is you can’t really gauge the severity if my loss and how much hair I lose based on a few photos. I counted yesterday. It was 224 hairs. My I can’t wear a middle part because it’s too wide now. I have to strategically place hairs over my crown, and it is only getting worse by the day.


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imagine the amount of attention she will get in reddit

200+ comments from cucks


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Yeah I do see a shrink thanks. It’s f*****g hilarious making fun of someone who is suicidal.
no one makes fun about u ... the way u wrote about ur hairloss doesnt match ur hair in pics thats all ...


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Shower pics with full density and arm covering nipples.

Half the forum just logged off livejasmin for the first time in weeks to give full attention.

All the incel squad already checked-in, thread is 2h old, 5 pages already


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Check you hormones. If you have an androgen excess, or PCOS-related hyperandrogenemia, then Diane 35 will be not enough.


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Shower pics with full density and arm covering nipples.

Half the forum just logged off livejasmin for the first time in weeks to give full attention.

LOL this comment got 6 alerts within a minute and I don't think I've ever seen such a fast response.

Now 9



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So this is a group for hairloss support. I come here for support, reaching out, worrying about my hair 24/7, considering killing myself because things are getting so bad quickly, and you’re all having a laugh and telling me I’m an attention wh*** and I’m trolling? Are you f*****g kidding me? I spend days where I don’t leave me house because I can’t stop crying. I have tried to hang myself because of this. I cannot believe this.


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female troll confirmed

This is my last post in this thread because holy sh*t it's already 5 pages and it's just going to be a trainwreck.

But it's probably not "trolling" exactly, as "trolling" implies it's intentional.

OP clearly has borderline personality disorder. I hope someone has already told her this and she knows it. If you've never heard of it look it up.

Obviously BPD + Androgenic hair loss = horrible combination.

Don't expect a lot of rational thought, insight, or self awareness from OP. She won't be capable of it at this stage.

OP, consider ordering something like this:


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So this is a group for hairloss support. I come here for support, reaching out, worrying about my hair 24/7, considering killing myself because things are getting so bad quickly, and you’re all having a laugh and telling me I’m an attention wh*** and I’m trolling? Are you f*****g kidding me? I spend days where I don’t leave me house because I can’t stop crying. I have tried to hang myself because of this. I cannot believe this.
you posted pics half naked and got yourself in your avatar. sorry but definitely comes off looking for attention