FeelsBadMan is the only guy i can relate to on here


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@Feelsbadman is a typical genetic filth like me : short, balding, dark circles, I feel like he's a copycat of me ngl. We're both womb to tomb genetic rejects who were born to live as subhumans. The only difference is that he managed to get a relationship before - and get cucked brutally - while i was never able to. But we can all agree that me and him are the biggest subhumans even on this shithole forum that's already filled with baldcel subhumans


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People just dont get it
I go to the gym and workout hard i have abs
I have a hair and skin routine
I dress well i have an ok job
People are under the impressesion that I/we just sit around and complain and do nothing
But thats not the case
Theres no solution if you have crap genetics women disdsain you


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People just dont get it
I go to the gym and workout hard i have abs
I have a hair and skin routine
I dress well i have an ok job
People are under the impressesion that I/we just sit around and complain and do nothing
But thats not the case
Theres no solution if you have crap genetics women disdsain you
I wish it was only about women, but being short in itself will cause other men and society to never take you seriously or consider you a man. Add balding/bald to the mix, and you're not even considered human anymore

I wish i had it in me to simply end it all and be done with this inferior existence


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I wish it was only about women, but being short in itself will cause other men and society to never take you seriously or consider you a man. Add balding/bald to the mix, and you're not even considered human anymore

I wish i had it in me to simply end it all and be done with this inferior existence
How short?

You could go for broke and get limb lengthening surgery. Believe it or not there is a surgery for being short. It's similar to a hair transplant though as in the most you can really get out of it is about 2-3 inches before it makes you look weird with bad proportions, whereas beyond norwood 4 it takes good donor hair and multiple sessions to get an ok and not as natural looking result.

But if you are 5'6 you could get to 5'9 and be considered average (in America). Will women still reject you for not being 6 ft? Yes. But some won't.

A cure for baldness is a cure for 50% of male asthetic problems.


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How short?

You could go for broke and get limb lengthening surgery. Believe it or not there is a surgery for being short. It's similar to a hair transplant though as in the most you can really get out of it is about 2-3 inches before it makes you look weird with bad proportions, whereas beyond norwood 4 it takes good donor hair and multiple sessions to get an ok and not as natural looking result.

But if you are 5'6 you could get to 5'9 and be considered average (in America). Will women still reject you for not being 6 ft? Yes. But some won't.

A cure for baldness is a cure for 50% of male asthetic problems.
edit - yea i'll spend like $50k ruining my legs to increase my height


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How short?

You could go for broke and get limb lengthening surgery. Believe it or not there is a surgery for being short. It's similar to a hair transplant though as in the most you can really get out of it is about 2-3 inches before it makes you look weird with bad proportions, whereas beyond norwood 4 it takes good donor hair and multiple sessions to get an ok and not as natural looking result.

But if you are 5'6 you could get to 5'9 and be considered average (in America). Will women still reject you for not being 6 ft? Yes. But some won't.

A cure for baldness is a cure for 50% of male asthetic problems.
I've known all about leg lengthening surgery, but it's not an easy choice to make. It's ultra expensive, you can never run again, huge risks, put in wheelchair at like 50, social death sentence if people know about it, frauding genes so your children will still suffer from your garbage genes


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im under 6' and never got rejected for my height, to this day women approach me more often than do approach women...

i still recommend getting surgery, using lifts, or stop whining about your height...

also: why dont you all get a room? would help you maybe...


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I am almost 5' 6" still after years of hormones and I only lost maybe a size feet wise but otherwise janey's like will all brand new and shining wish we had pics they says.


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I am almost 5' 6" still after years of hormones and I only lost maybe a size feet wise but otherwise janey's like will all brand new and shining wish we had pics they says.
most people over 190 dont look good anyway, either slender man style, or massive (and not the muscular type if massive)...


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most people over 190 dont look good anyway, either slender man style, or massive (and not the muscular type if massive)...
I regularly see men in bars and convenience stores stuff like that and they are huge and must have to eat all day to maintain that which boggles pretty Janey's mind, all aflutter....fanning...nay, fainting as I used to do under spironolactone when it was 99 miserable degrees f*****g Fahrenheit why do we need two systems....<janey pouts some>


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im under 6' and never got rejected for my height, to this day women approach me more often than do approach women...

i still recommend getting surgery, using lifts, or stop whining about your height...

also: why dont you all get a room? would help you maybe...

really great insight thanks man
ill just go outside and women will approach me


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