FDA Approved HairMax Laserband 82 released today at CES. Thoughts?


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I've been using a hairmax laser comb and probably not getting results. I do have starting photos, I'll post end photos in March or something.

It's actually a real hassle to use. You have to find 15 minutes every second day. It doesn't sound so bad in the abstract, but it gets boring real fast, even watching DVDs or netflix it's boring. If you're ever lazy about brushing your teeth, that takes about 60 seconds, this takes 15 minutes.

With this new system they claim to have found the right medical grade lasers and it only requires 90 seconds a day three times a week. Much easier than the lasercomb, which probably has less effective lasers (hence the 15 minutes) and is much easier to get lazy and forget a day.

Maybe the new system will work, I wonder if theres a way we'd know what exact lasers they are using in it.


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that thing is a joke. It only requires 90 seconds?Well if you re thinning all over the scalp how shell this thing. Look at the area it covers. You have to position it after 90minutes to another part of the scalp that it also gets some lasers. I also bet this diodes are weak af. You better build your own laser helmet for less money which works better



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This one looks pretty nice;



Pretty fashionable and only for $3000.

Armando Jose

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[h=1]Low level laser therapy and hair regrowth: an evidence-based review.[/h]
Future randomized controlled trials of LLLT are strongly encouraged to be conducted and reported....




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Low level laser therapy and hair regrowth: an evidence-based review.

Future randomized controlled trials of LLLT are strongly encouraged to be conducted and reported....


Based on this review on all the available evidence about effect of LLLT in alopecia, we found that the FDA-cleared LLLT devices are both safe and effective in patients with MPHL and FPHL who did not respond or were not tolerant to standard treatments. Future randomized controlled trials of LLLT are strongly encouraged to be conducted and reported according to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement to facilitate analysis and comparison.


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Based on this review on all the available evidence about effect of LLLT in alopecia, we found that the FDA-cleared LLLT devices are both safe and effective in patients with MPHL and FPHL who did not respond or were not tolerant to standard treatments. Future randomized controlled trials of LLLT are strongly encouraged to be conducted and reported according to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement to facilitate analysis and comparison.

You are trying to convince yourself huh? :laugh:


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You are trying to convince yourself huh? :laugh:

It's obvious isnt it :innocent:


The real answer is both yes and no, because i'm reading two conflicting things, one from forum users, one from researchers. I'd just like to know who is right, with some solid evidence behind it.

Agustin Araujo

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I've been starting to get the impression that LLLT perhaps works best for senile alopecia.


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It's obvious isnt it :innocent:


The real answer is both yes and no, because i'm reading two conflicting things, one from forum users, one from researchers. I'd just like to know who is right, with some solid evidence behind it.

Kinda yeah :roll:.

If it was working that well overall, don't you think that many more people would be using LLLT though?


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I would like to bump this thread. Anyone currently using this product?
I still use my Laser Cap. I still believe in it even if its science fiction.

Armando Jose

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female hair loss is less severe because they have lower levels of dht

Have you any data regarding differences of DHT inside pilosebaceous unit in men/women?
It is possible that it could be similar in both sexes because this "miniorgan" make its own androgens, ... think that androgens can be related with hair cycle and our scalp hair are asynchronous, then we can imagine that androgenes levels can fluctuate during the hair cycle

And LLLT can be useful to mantain a healthy hairs but other thing is the regeneration of new hairs.....


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Another complete waste of time. From someone who has tried laser on my head and had about 20 sessions.

Ended up getting a hair transplant, topical finasteride and a dildo. Now NW0.

Lol laser.