Face Alterations After Use Of Minoxidil For 2 Weeks (pics) – Tips And Advices Needed


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Hi all,

First and foresmost I wanna say that im from Brazil so my English is not the best. So forgive me if any/mistakes.

Oh and please, refrain from making hurtfull comments regarding my current looks since im alredy sad as it is from the change.

So my brief minoxidil history is this. I always had normal skin and decided to use minoxidil earlier this year for beard growth. I never had any problems regarding baldness so that was not an issue.

I actually started using it in the middle to the end of march/2018. I would apply it on my face (beard area) usually only at night. Unfortunatelly during those two weeks I did not rinse it off before sleeping because I was advised that if it stayed on my face for longer the effects would be better.

One week after starting the minoxidil I started noting some changes on my face but I could not quite pinpoint what it was. I just kinda had a tired look all day long and people began to ask me if I had conjunctivitis and if I was sad or stressed.

I didn’t think much of it and thought it would just pass in a few days. Everyone has a bad day.

But as days went on I started noticing that it was only getting worse and worse but I had no idea what was causing it so I tried taking anti-inflamatorys, anti-allergics, and drinking lots of water, exercising. But it kept getting worse.

Finally one day, about 2 weeks after starting the monoxidil I took some time to think about what had I done different in my life over the last weeks that could have resulted in the changes in my appearance.

My diet was the same. My sleep pattern the same (7-8 hours). I was exercising just as often. I also knew it cud not be any beauty products because I never had a habit of using any products on my face. I don’t even use shampoo.

So after thinking a lot I finally realized the only difference was that I had started minoxidil. So needless to say I went on the web to try to find a correlation between minoxidil and the symptoms I had to see my conclusion was right and found that many people have had similar issues.

Anyway … although im very ashamed of what my face looks right now I will post before and after pictures of my face so u can see the changes …and hopefully come up with a solution …

I still don’t know what has changed exactly as my face looks so different to me that I cant stand to look myself in the mirror for too long. . But it looks to me as if the area under my eyes and my cheeks sort of melted and now all of it is just hanging lose on my face… Also my eyelids got swollen and under my eyes it looks very dark. Feels like my face has fallen … and my skin also looks so bad overall but the pictures don’t really show it. Also I noticed a lot of new wrinkles, especially near my eyes.

I’ve seen some posts in this and other forums regarding people that went through the same but I don’t actually know if they ever recovered from it, how long it took and if they used anything go get better.

For me its been over a month and so far nothing has changed. Ive tried using retinol, vitamin c, anti-inflamatorys, anti-allergics, diuretics and nothing has worked.

Honestly, considering how different my face looks now especially my cheeks which look as if they have collapsed, I don’t have much hope it wil go back to it was before … I just wish I had my face from February still .

Please. If anyone went through this don’t hesitate in pming me. I need all the tips and sincere advices I can get. Pm me even if its to say it will never get better cuz even if that’s the case onde day I just have accept I wont get better.

Sorry for the long post.

PS: My before pic was taken in February, a few weeks before starting minoxidil and all the others were taken after using it.

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My Regimen
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1. discontinue minoxidil

2. shave beard (not everyone needs it. You certainly don't)


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I shouldn't laugh, but I did....

You never said if you stopped using minoxidil, and if you did, how long ago?

I had a chemical burn on my face once (due to an accident), and I think the swelling got better after a couple of weeks, and completely disappeared a while later.


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You wanted a beard so that you'd look older? Now you look older!

(Seriously though, I think it will resolve after a while. Try not to think about it. And I'd shave if I were you.)


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It takes 1 week to get out of your system, you will recover in a while..

I really don’t understand if these effects that many of us notice are associated with an allergic reaction or not..


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Is there any way to try to take a picture of how you were in the first picture (same lighting and positioning of your head?)

Your latter pictures are all being take more from an bottom angle and a shadow is across your face which is making you appear older and the first is in more light, your head is tilted slightly back, it is further away and the camera is at a higher angle (which usually makes for a more appealing photo).

I am not discounting what you have noticed, you know your skin. However the pictures are skewing things.


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Is there any way to try to take a picture of how you were in the first picture (same lighting and positioning of your head?)

Your latter pictures are all being take more from an bottom angle and a shadow is across your face which is making you appear older and the first is in more light, your head is tilted slightly back, it is further away and the camera is at a higher angle (which usually makes for a more appealing photo).

I am not discounting what you have noticed, you know your skin. However the pictures are skewing things.

You’re right but damn look at his eyes the difference between the first and the third photo


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Also many countries out there are flooded with fake drugs. Heck, I read somewhere that in Mexico 1/3 of all booze is fake (made by someone in his basement, and not where the label says)


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You’re right but damn look at his eyes the difference between the first and the third photo

Again though, that photo is the worst offender in terms of differences in camera shot.

Take a picture with your phone slanted upward and you are looking down at it and take it in dim lighting so there is a shadow across your face. I guarantee you that you will be unpleasantly surprised.


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Again though, that photo is the worst offender in terms of differences in camera shot.

Take a picture with your phone slanted upward and you are looking down at it and take it in dim lighting so there is a shadow across your face. I guarantee you that you will be unpleasantly surprised.
I agree, you can't really be sure of how big of a difference it is, unless you have the EXACT or near exact same lightning and picture angle both times.


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I'm not a doctor, but it looks like very subtle periorbital hematoma ("black eye"). If so, he's basically bleeding under the skin around his eyeballs.

I think people who get nose jobs develop these (but worse).

yogesh panwar

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Brother I have same issue as yours . It's been 1year of swelling and it doesn't go down
Does your swelling go down
plzzzzz contact me on this no-7877989410 what's app me


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Minoxidil makes my skin look like sh*t but it works. I limit to use it once a week but still affects my skin


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Is there any way to try to take a picture of how you were in the first picture (same lighting and positioning of your head?)

Your latter pictures are all being take more from an bottom angle and a shadow is across your face which is making you appear older and the first is in more light, your head is tilted slightly back, it is further away and the camera is at a higher angle (which usually makes for a more appealing photo).

I am not discounting what you have noticed, you know your skin. However the pictures are skewing things.
Yes. To get a fair assessment a before and after pic should be in the same setting for accurate comparison.


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Omg, of course I see the difference!!!!!!

and I experienced the same, this is crazy.
I'm off minoxidil for almost 8 months, most of those side effects are gone, but my face didnt got back completley to how it was.
thank you for sharing this, more people need to see that before using


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Min made me looked like this but not after two weeks but two years. When i quit min. Skin improved a lot. Plumped up skin and crepes skin was almost gone. I was using min on face and beard and sleeping in that sh*t. Dripping on my forehead and all. Im back on min but only use it once a week and careful of placement and not sleep in min. Still affects my skin slightly dark under eye and crepes and droopy puffy look that comes and go. Some people dont have any issues at all on skin and puffiness using min. Shows how drugs effect us all differently. Then u got ppl who even take oral min and i know one member who actually drank topical min. Lol


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I haven't noticed any difference with my skin with oral and topical minoxidil, im using retin-a though, maybe that is helping, i do have fine lines under my eyes but that's because i stupidly applied retin-a under my eyes and it damaged the thin skin and gave me lines. Hope they go away in time.