Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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If it's any consolation my mom agrees with you guys that I'm mentally ill for thinking any and all masculine features are disgusting and bad. But it's true. I will never get over the fact that I went through male puberty. Transitioning is neither here nor there.


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Ye if u wanna go bald get on dutasteride.

He was never a man mentally. He likes to dress up in school girl outfit, put makeup on, fix his nails, and get drilled by jocks on grindr. My type of f**. Get over here baby boy daddy is hungry. 4141241241241
You should ask my dad, you're closer to his age than to me


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You’re transitioning because you’re a mentally ill balding incel
U cant even see most peoples hairlines, unless you wear your hair up in a pony tail 24/7. Or cut your hair short and slick it back. I personally think a round hairline is ugly, even on women. It can even make your forehead look too small, A straight hairline is nicer and more manly on guys.
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You’re transitioning because you’re a mentally ill balding incel
I used to be mentally ill until taking estrogen. It fixed all my problems. Meanwhile you're balding, neglecting your kids and beating ur wife every day because of testosterone. I feel terrible for your kids they never had a chance


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You’re a European staying up til 3am on a hair loss forum because I’ve got you emotional xD dance, puppet
you've been on this hair loss thread daily for a third of my life and you're still balding. maybe it's time to give up and accept you won't have a 20 year old hair line as a 50 year old man


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Your guessing is horrible. No wonder you’re still going bald you are too f*****g dumb to put together a decent regimen lmao
I don't need a decent regimen cause estrogen by itself is probably enough to transform my perfectly square hairline to a rounder one. Meanwhile you're nw7 on an optimal regimen including 20mg oral minoxidil


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You see what testosterone does to people? He gets his SHOE touched by some perverts finger and instantly thinks its justifiable to kick him multiple times right in the face. Testosterone turns everyone into a violent caveman
Im not a violent man at all. I even cry to movies easily despite T. My Sister is more violent than me lol.