Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I found a doctor in my city who can remove the gland for $ 500.
I start a speedrun to accumulate this amount
Janey, give me money, help the kid fight this disease
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Женщины тоже частенько лысеют из за сбитого менструального цикла или его отсутствия, так как эстроген за 2 недели проходя через печень обеспечивает высокий уровень гспг, вторые 2 недели идет через выработка прогестерона тоже проходя через печень вырабатывается гспг.Именно из за сбитого менструального цикла или отсутствия цикла идет снижение уровня гспг.Становится больше свободных андрогенов которые могут превращаться в дгт


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In addition to expanding your hips, HRT can also reduce your height by tilting your pelvis. My height is 169cm, I don't want to get even smaller, sh*t ...
I do not recommend HRT to anyone. Only if you are on the verge of suicide, in other cases, it is better to put up with baldness.
The distance between cartilages also decreases
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Prob the last time I will post pictures on this forum for a period of time.


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Damn ... I'm not ready to be a dwarf, I'm too small for a guy anyway. I don't know, HRT scares me ...


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Such irreversible changes suggest that it is better to temporarily abandon HRT altogether so as not to turn into a gnome with a big ***. Cycles only.
If I succeed, I'll do a thread about cisgender cyclic HRT. I'm not sure if this is feasible, rather you will have to constantly be on it ...
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There is also an option to keep the T level at the lower limit of the male norm in order to have at least some opportunity to have a male figure and not lose muscle too much. This low T level will block Bicalutamide. This will be an option for support between HRT cycles, possibly allowing hair to be preserved and not causing too much feminization and fat redistribution. In general, stay midway between hormones
A low level estrogen monotherapy would likely be better for that purpose. Like try to aim slightly above normal male estradiol range to suppress T while increasing hair growth through increased E2.
Combined with finasteride/dutasteride of course. Perhaps topical E too to maximize hair growth?
In addition to expanding your hips, HRT can also reduce your height by tilting your pelvis. My height is 169cm, I don't want to get even smaller, sh*t ...
I do not recommend HRT to anyone. Only if you are on the verge of suicide, in other cases, it is better to put up with baldness.
The distance between cartilages also decreases
FWIW I grew 1cm after starting dosing estrogen and apparently it's not that unusual. Women can grow in height during pregnancy even with increased relaxin which should logically make them shorter, this is probably due to the high levels of circulating estrogens.


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A low level estrogen monotherapy would be better for that purpose. Like try to aim slightly above normal male estradiol range to suppress T
Yes, I will try 1.5mg E of Estrogel for this purpose. If it doesn't help, I'll try 2mg E sublingually. I'll try to be in the middle between T and E, but to be honest, given recent events, I doubt that anything other than HRT does at least something


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It would be very interesting to see someone mirror similar cycles of that used in bodybuilding. 3-8 week cycles where you take roughly the same amount off that you were on. Ex., 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off for a total of 3 cycles. So long as you're protected by finasteride/duta/min/etc on the off cycles, I can see it working. But one never knows unless it's been put into practice.


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A low level estrogen monotherapy would likely be better for that purpose. Like try to aim slightly above normal male estradiol range to suppress T while increasing hair growth through increased E2.
Combined with finasteride/dutasteride of course. Perhaps topical E too to maximize hair growth?

FWIW I grew 1cm after starting dosing estrogen and apparently it's not that unusual. Women can grow in height during pregnancy even with increased relaxin which should logically make them shorter, this is probably due to the high levels of circulating estrogens.
Interesting. I had a question about height increases and usually, MtF's lose some height more so than gain it. I think it probably has to do with compression of tendons and ligaments and cartilage as shoe sizes can go down too.


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It funny because someone just contacted me and wanted before balding crown pics so that he could keep the faith in HRT. I was like, sure. I have them on another drive. For almas, there are three or four that he clings to, including ein, icarus and DHT somebody, I think. Role models for youth, we successful hair pioneers become!


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Oh, no. We don't allow that guy's name to be said because it acts like an incantation on Almas. Icarus, Icarus, why did you ban yourself? Young guys need you!
I am confused. I never banned myself?