Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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That is an interesting strategy. Have you considered trying raloxifene? It increases production of testosterone considerably, especially in conjunction with bicalutamide, and keeps gynecomastia away to some extend. Then you could cycle E2 for longer periods of time while achieving less suppression of HPT axis.
I'm thinking about it seriously, but the side effects of ER receptor blockers scare me a little, and some say it causes a fall, others don't, but I'm thinking about.


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I'm thinking about it seriously, but the side effects of ER receptor blockers scare me a little, and some say it causes a fall, others don't, but I'm thinking about.
I am not experiencing side effects at 90mg, although at 120mg I had slight inflammation in my nose. You might think about reducing bica a little and add a small amount of CPA, because testosterone can run really high when you combine bica with ralox.
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Androgenic Alpaca

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I posted this to a friend here on the forum, but there are some considerations about my treatment that may be important
I make cycles in E2

4-6 weeks 1.75mg e2 + e3

8 weeks off

check result


I did 100 days the first time without stopping and went to very high levels, I got to use these days a few days 6-8mg e2

After 100 days I was about 60 without taking E2, my testosterone returned to normal I started with very low dosages and I changed the vehicle of the topical medication before it was transdermal gel now I am using a vehicle for mucous membranes and its absorption in the skin is smaller, I felt better afterwards of this, it seems that the effect is more on the scalp, but I still feel mild systemic effects, but my erection is ok, my ejaculation volume is fine, a little pain in the right nipple, but very little I am watching her.

After those 100 days I was very sensitive to E2, any amount I feel the effect very much.

So this is my idea,

Cycle e2 and then see if I want to add it again, I think I can stimulate anagen and hold until the next cycle of e2 without the follicle going into telogene, holding with bica and finasteride.

Until I reach where I want, always with low dosage of E2, I fear fertility.

, I am mixing e2 together with e3 in a single solution, I use 0.75mg of e2 per dosage + 1mg e3, sometimes I decrease the amount of e2 (.0.30), but in general this is the dosage.

I will probably stop again with e2 soon , and keep only with e3 ( it is much less powerful and i'm think e3 alone can't cause regrowth but I think it has handling capacity after a solid result without f*** the HPT AXIS )

it’s all very mysterious, we’re creating treatments here, I’m trying to reach a "" "safe" "" point to regrow and stay masculine , things like ejaculation volume , normal erections, be ready to have sex anytime

I have testosterone levels around 500-600 ng / dl today my normal testosterone is around 740-860

I will try to achieve my result and start reducing drugs.

I try to share the maximum , because I know that there are literally desperate people like me here, If I can help get some out of that hole, it’s something good .
Peace guys
Are you experiencing and gyno?


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Я не испытываю побочных эффектов при приеме 90 мг, хотя при приеме 120 мг у меня было небольшое воспаление в носу. Вы можете подумать о небольшом сокращении bica и добавить небольшое количество CPA, потому что уровень тестостерона может быть очень высоким, когда вы комбинируете bica с ралоксом.
Можно ваши фото до згт


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Я хотел бы обсудить тему, почему мужчины повсеместно лысеют. Питание, которое представляет собой современная пищевая промышленность, снижающая уровень ШБГ? В котором много сахара и сахарных напитков, кока-кола, различные чаи, содержащие огромное количество сахара, из которого значительно уменьшается печень. В этом проблема, современная пищевая промышленность - зло. В ней слишком много сахара!


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I would like to discuss the topic of why men go bald all over the place.Nutrition which is the modern food industry that reduces the level of shbg?in which there is a lot of sugar and sugar drinks, Coca Cola, various teas that contain a massive amount of sugar from which the liver shbg is reduced in a massive way.This is the problem, the modern food industry is evil.It contains too much sugar!


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Glucose reduces the level of progesterone, and insulin is produced.sugar is an evil for sex hormones.I was sent a photo of a man who had gone bald for 10 years and turned into an old man .I then clarified what he was doing.He likes sugary fizzy drinks.


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Глюкоза снижает уровень прогестерона, и вырабатывается инсулин. Сахар - зло для половых гормонов. Мне прислали человека, который на 10 лет облысел и превратился в старика. Затем я пояснил, что он делает. Он любит сладкие газированные напитки.
Что значит згт?

Я русский. У вас есть фото перед гормональной терапией?


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Я проведу эксперемент я откажусь от сахара вообще в дополнение к моей згт


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Не буду употреблять сахар на протяжении месяца ,из напитков которые я буду употреблять только воду и чай,травяной чай.Сахар это зло ребята.Он приводит в ужас наш организм


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Еда у меня также не будет содержать сахара


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Jesus, now use hair loss as an excuse to be transexual .


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Не буду употреблять сахар на протяжении месяца ,из напитков которые я буду употреблять только воду и чай,травяной чай.Сахар это зло ребята.Он приводит в ужас наш организм
Last time i done that i lost 10kg


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Are you experiencing and gyno?
Hello, my experience has been great, I have few side effects and I can say that because I already used some drugs and I know what a strong side effect is (spinololone, cyproterone acetate and so on), I had a slight increase in transminases hepaticas at the beginning of the treatment that have now normalized.

I had an insane shedding at the beginning of the treatment around November / December 2020 / January 2021

I'm fine But I have side effects:

Metformin makes me a little sick and I get diarrhea sometimes I think this is the worst of the side effects
Sensitivity in the right nipple, but very light, in the left nothing, I am considering raloxifene, but I want to reiterate that cyproterone acetate gave me breasts much faster than bicalutamide, there is a question of biological individuality here and I am adapting well to bicalutamide. signs of feminization too, when I compare my photos from last year with this one my face is distinctly different now my skin is clearer now and I think it has a glow that had little sebum, almost nothing.

CPA made my breasts swell quickly and took on a pointed shape, which the other AA did not.

I don't have gynecomastia today, after I stopped the CPA my breasts returned to normal I stopped before significant changes.

Everything else works well, erections and ejaculations very good, I want to have sex normally.


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The problem here is that none of you have either a set, proven protocol, and I mean, one that is exactly the same as worked for someone else without dispute. You either add to them or modify them which can change effects.

The other issue is that MtF's shoot for specific hormonal profiles and increase dosage until they get there. No one appears to have set goal levels of T, DHT and E2 to shoot for in this discussion so it's not clear at which dosages, one should desist, increase or maintain dosage. What are the goals? Better hair? Maintenance? Regrowth? Increased anagen? Restoration? No, mostly it seems that the goal is inarticulately stated as "more hair".

Many of you already have much or most of your hair which is a different situation from the already balding and I expect that to be quite helpful to you but your results won't likely translate for even the moderately bald at the same dosages.
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