Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Yes, I only know Russian and grew up under the influence of Russian culture. Soon I will leave for Russia to live with people like myself. I'm trans Russian lol. I am not religious, but Russian Orthodox culture is closer to me than Islam and black speech.
Oh, I thought you were a cis-men.


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One thing is for sure: this sh*t began to hit the young, although earlier it was a disease of the old.
Yes. Asians have protection but nothing close to Siberians, the Inuit and Native Americans in which male and female hair barely differs. The farther away from the Mediterranean that one's forebears come from, the less baldness.


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It's your perception that I'm being condescending, you're completely disqualifying the bandwagoneering tendencies of the average person to hop trends on the basis that they feel lost and overlooked and not "special". Put it this way, when it comes to women becoming trans I am in full agreement with J.K Rowling, women do this sh*t for attention far more than men do.

There are nothing but drawbacks for men to transition even still, the only exception being that I do believe there are a lot of evil mothers out there who would put shitty evil ideas in their little boys head that they are trans or trying to convince them they are. I hate to say it but women are like that.

However just look at people like Chris Chan, 100% fake trans, literally abandoned being a guy because he couldn't get any pussy and wanted to erase his old identity because it had become synonymous with ridicule. Not to mention the fact that he could get away with being a fatass with man titties if he pretended he was a woman.

Again, with the acquaintance I had who was FTM, it was extremely obvious to everyone who knew (her) that she had some deep seated self loathing and didn't exactly feel male, they were trying to get away from themselves for some reason, whether it was abuse or something else which caused that negative self image. Not genuinely transgender.

That sh*t happens A LOT more than you're possibly willing to accept because you're an ideological adherent and not looking at this whole thing pragmatically. Not saying trans people don't exist, I am 100% saying that a lot of people are bandwagon jumpers.

And now for the last time, I do not want to talk about this, and I don't want to hear about your faux moralizing and illogically claiming I have a bias when I can cite better examples than you can by merely begging the question.
ok as long as HRT is accessible for under 18s so they don't get their bones destroyed by T+GH synergy and have to live with the disfigurement for the rest of their lives because of some bad luck with a Y chromosome and/or SRY gene activation. I really don't care about anything more than that. Pharma grade estradiol should be over the counter, really.


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PRP -can- work but there are too many factors that PRP does not treat.

In my case I'm certain I get on metformin, I get at least 0.75 17b estradiol, and I get on an androgen blocker and I'm set.

What's disgusting is that doctors are reticent to do this, but they'll hand off hormones to ignorant kids who think, as mentioned hormones are nothing but magic fairy dust that will turn them into a beautiful princess without any consequences or challenges.
Nuke all testosterone before it corrupts their bones by promoting GH/osteoblasts and having unsealed epiphyseal growth plates. Fairy dust? Bone poison more like.


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Were you MtF from birth? I think people who grew up "effeminate" tend to be androphilic while we older gals are often gynephilic. Some say that you get progressively more androphilic as an MtF. What I will say and it is obvious, is that I like attention and it doesn't matter a whole lot who gives it to me:)

It's expensive being me though. How about you?
Late onset GD doesn't exist, it's just repression. I don't think our experiences are unique in having childhood gender dysphoria. It's just that puberty makes everything worse and causes the pain and suffering to accelerate.


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I would not suggest starting with 5mg oral minoxidil. Minoxidil is a medication for reducing blood pressure, hair growth is just a side effect. 5 mg could cause your blood pressure to fall to dangerous levels. Consider also that any topical min that you use will have a (very small) amount of systematic absorption as well. People on this forum take absolutely idiotic amounts of minoxidil and it is downright dangerous

I think it is much safer to take 1.25mg oral minoxidil (one quarter of a pill) every day or even every other day. If this is well tolerated, perhaps you can try moving to a higher dose, but personally I do not see myself ever going above 1.25mg everyday. When I tried 2.5mg per day, I experienced poor peripheral circulation.

Side effects at 5mg are low; within studies where they’re testing oral minoxidil for hair loss, 5mg is considered a low dose with minimal side effects. Of course, when self-medicating, you test what dose is right for you. Some people can use 5mg, some can only tolerate 2.5mg.


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Finasteride significantly enhances the effect of Bicalutamide, reducing competition. Bicalutamide and Finasteride are the base. I will add 2mg estradiol if that doesn't work. As I understand it, this is the minimum dosage.
However, it scares me that even if I do a mastectomy, my hips will enlarge, and they are already large ... Perhaps then it is safer to use spironolactone, but I cannot understand the full list of side effects. For example, people complain of weakness

Dutasteride does, not finasteride. There’s nothing which suggests that finasteride does that. Regardless, I don’t think 5AR inhibitors are required with bicalutamide if you’re using estrogen which is at a dose enough to suppress testosterone.

Spironolactone is not good stuff, those who have used it (Georgie, Ikarus, etc.) have experienced bad side effects from it at the dosages needed for hair loss.


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Can you remember what other effects he got from his regimen, really interested. And also if he actually recovered back, to a NW1? And if he is still able to maintain. Oh, and can I get the Discord Link? Haha

I'm really sorry! :(

I have him on Snapchat, and he showed me his hair now and I think it’s around a 90% recovery. When I was on his discord server, he complained a lot about the frontal region, and he said that has recovered a lot.


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Dutasteride does, not finasteride. There’s nothing which suggests that finasteride does that. Regardless, I don’t think 5AR inhibitors are required with bicalutamide if you’re using estrogen which is at a dose enough to suppress testosterone.

Spironolactone is not good stuff, those who have used it (Georgie, Ikarus, etc.) have experienced bad side effects from it at the dosages needed for hair loss.
Finasteride is an AR inhibitor, like Dutasteride, obviously, it also reduces competition and helps Bicalutamide work. Bicalutamide 50mg can block T, but DHT has a greater binding affinity for the receptor. And here Finasteride or Dutasteride come to the rescue. I do not think that it makes sense to use Dutasteride with Bicalutamide from the point of view of "cost-benefit", this is a tiny difference in the effect
If you use large doses of Estradiol - yes, perhaps you can do without Finasteride. But we want to reduce the dosage of Estradiol in order to reduce its effects. In addition, since Finasteride is a safe drug that has a beneficial effect on hair, it should be used with any regimen: you can't go wrong


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I have him on Snapchat, and he showed me his hair now and I think it’s around a 90% recovery. When I was on his discord server, he complained a lot about the frontal region, and he said that has recovered a lot.
So, even Bicalutamide and Estradiol did not give him thick temples and growth lines? Temples is a headache for all balding people, it is incredibly difficult to restore them. What is his regime now?

I see you are using the same mode. Tell us about the side effects like your hair, have you tried Bicalutamide without estradiol?
What form do you take estradiol in?
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I remember there was a fromer member taking 150mg Bicalutamide and 0,5mg Avodart, and he pretty much cured himself. His name was DHTcel, or well, all the other alt accounts he had lol. Whats everyone else's thoughts? Any old members here to proof it?

If I choose to take 50mg Bica + now I take 1,25mg finasteride, I will need a test blocker, but oh well, I dont want testicular shrinkage, I am already awared of the penile shrinkage, but I will try to compete that.


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I mean, I already have gyno and I dont mind it, I like it actually XDDD. You can get it removed etc.


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ben am 18 years old. i use minoxil %5 for 2.5 3 months,and setipiprant for 3 weeks.should i need to start finasteride ?


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ben am 18 years old. i use minoxil %5 for 2.5 3 months,and setipiprant for 3 weeks.should i need to start finasteride ?
Always start first with finasteride, drop the snake oils beside minoxidil and start to block the AR signaling, especially in the pilosebaceous unit and give it instead of androgen, estrogen supply and you are cured.

Also, if you don't mind, anti-histamina are also great for literally depleting PGD2, if you really want to include this pathway, and oh, if you believe in scalp tension, just do every 6 months botox. With that plan, you can't further bald.


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I remember there was a fromer member taking 150mg Bicalutamide and 0,5mg Avodart, and he pretty much cured himself. His name was DHTcel, or well, all the other alt accounts he had lol. Whats everyone else's thoughts? Any old members here to proof it?

If I choose to take 50mg Bica + now I take 1,25mg finasteride, I will need a test blocker, but oh well, I dont want testicular shrinkage, I am already awared of the penile shrinkage, but I will try to compete that.
Interestingly, which is better: 150mg Bicalutamide, or 50mg Bicalutamide + 2mg Estradiol. The first option is much cheaper and does not cause muscle loss, but I wonder which is more effective. 150mg can block all androgens and significantly increase estradiol, but I also know of 2 examples where it failed to restore temples
Update: no, I was wrong. The cost comes out about the same. Then I wonder which mode is better
On the other hand, as I understand it, even aggressive regimes are unable to restore temples. Even @bridgeburn did not completely restore them.


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Interestingly, which is better: 150mg Bicalutamide, or 50mg Bicalutamide + 2mg Estradiol. The first option is much cheaper and does not cause muscle loss, but I wonder which is more effective. 150mg can block all androgens and significantly increase estradiol, but I also know of 2 examples where it failed to restore temples
On the other hand, as I understand it, even aggressive regimes are unable to restore temples. Even @bridgeburn did not completely restore them.
Thats why you need to start early! Temple recession is maturing in my eyes.

Oh, but I wonder what 150mg will do to your liver.


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Always start first with finasteride, drop the snake oils beside minoxidil and start to block the AR signaling, especially in the pilosebaceous unit and give it instead of androgen, estrogen supply and you are cured.

Also, if you don't mind, anti-histamina are also great for literally depleting PGD2, if you really want to include this pathway, and oh, if you believe in scalp tension, just do every 6 months botox. With that plan, you can't further bald.
but is 18 yo early for finasteride?