Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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@ali.talebi1994 So we can “confirm” that at a dose of 12.5mg that you are taking , we don’t have to worry of CPA acting like a partial agonist ? (actually is the dose that many are taking and see results) That’s what I am thinking as well, maybe higher doses will cause the agonist effect. Thank you very much for your previous response.
Spirinolactone 200 mg would be a better choice of the drug because you may not want to downregulate your HPTA axis at a young age.


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@ali.talebi1994 So we can “confirm” that at a dose of 12.5mg that you are taking , we don’t have to worry of CPA acting like a partial agonist ? (actually is the dose that many are taking and see results) That’s what I am thinking as well, maybe higher doses will cause the agonist effect. Thank you very much for your previous response.
Thanks :)
Yes cpa at such low doses wont have any agonist or antagonist activity, as it is written in Wikipedia: "Although CPA is a potent antiandrogen, relatively high doses of CPA are nonetheless required for clinically important AR antagonism."
Even at high doses, chances are that its antagonist activity will be far more than its agonist activity. But its a weak antagonist. But look, cpa shows its antiandrogenic activity mostly by its antigonadotropic effect not by blocking the AR receptors, and since it is a very powerful antigonadotropin, it maximally lowers T levels by 70% at 12.5mg/d


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Thanks :)
Yes cpa at such low doses wont have any agonist or antagonist activity, as it is written in Wikipedia: "Although CPA is a potent antiandrogen, relatively high doses of CPA are nonetheless required for clinically important AR antagonism."
Even at high doses, chances are that its antagonist activity will be far more than its agonist activity. But its a weak antagonist. But look, cpa shows its antiandrogenic activity mostly by its antigonadotropic effect not by blocking the AR receptors, and since it is a very powerful antigonadotropin, it maximally lowers T levels by 70% at 12.5mg/d
Thank you very much! That make the things more clear now. Thanks again.


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Sorry but as long as you watch potassium spironolactone is much safer than cpa.
Yeah, but 12.5mg/d doesn't expose serious side effects, and its enough for many to have a good hair... Last year when i was on 200 mg/d spironolactone, i was close to ruin my liver, in the blood test that i took i noticed that my liver enzymes were 4x of the normal range

John Difool

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potassium concentration in saliva was found correlated to potassium levels in blood serum

Use a saliva test kit every 3 months and stay away from potassium rich foods (bananas avocados etc)


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potassium concentration in saliva was found correlated to potassium levels in blood serum

Use a saliva test kit every 3 months and stay away from potassium rich foods (bananas avocados etc)

Can I ask your regime? Or if .. past experience with anti androgens/estrogen

John Difool

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I've tried them all with some success. Best regrowth was on spironolactone (weak AA but seems to do the job for hair) always keeping CPA at various doses then eventually Bica replacing spironolactone (lost ground because not enough E2) then increased E2 on Bica after lab work and regained ground measuring carefully free E2 T and DHT. At that point I had enough Bica to block T and enough Duta to block DHT. Switched recently to Enzalutamide oral and Darolutamide topical for 6 months as an experiment and using Eplerenone. Keeping CPA low dose till I get lab work soon. RU and Duta topical to cover any DHT left overs. Planning to make my own Duta injections with castor oil.


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I've tried them all with some success. Best regrowth was on spironolactone (weak AA but seems to do the job for hair) always keeping CPA at various doses then eventually Bica replacing spironolactone (lost ground because not enough E2) then increased E2 on Bica after lab work and regained ground measuring carefully free E2 T and DHT. At that point I had enough Bica to block T and enough Duta to block DHT. Switched recently to Enzalutamide oral and Darolutamide topical for 6 months as an experiment and using Eplerenone. Keeping CPA low dose till I get lab work soon. RU and Duta topical to cover any DHT left overs. Planning to make my own Duta injections with castor oil.

There was another member on this thread that said he got better results spironolactone monotherapy than bica, i think if you are using estradiol the bica might be the better choice of AA but i think while spironolactone might be weak compared to other AA's, it would work fine for the majority compared to cpa, bica etc i would never go near cpa personally, way too dangerous.

John Difool

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Everything is dangerous. It is just a matter on how motivated you are to do something about your appearance. @bridgeburn who was an inspiration for me to believe things were reversable, was on CPA 50mg for a while. Others who posted on this thread (@Itsnoahkennedy) used that dosage. Most transwomen in Europe get a daily 25mg. There has been research that demonstrated a low dose at 12.5mg can do most of what 25mg will do.
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Everything is dangerous. It is just a matter on how motivated you are to do something about your appearance. @bridgeburn who was an inspiration for me to believe things were reversable, was on CPA 50mg for a while. Others who posted on this thread (@Itsnoahkennedy) used that dosage. Most transwomen in Europe get a daily 25mg. There has been research that demonstrated a low dose at 12.5mg can do most of what 25mg will do.

(No judgement here).. does gyno concern you at all?


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I've tried them all with some success. Best regrowth was on spironolactone (weak AA but seems to do the job for hair) always keeping CPA at various doses then eventually Bica replacing spironolactone (lost ground because not enough E2) then increased E2 on Bica after lab work and regained ground measuring carefully free E2 T and DHT. At that point I had enough Bica to block T and enough Duta to block DHT. Switched recently to Enzalutamide oral and Darolutamide topical for 6 months as an experiment and using Eplerenone. Keeping CPA low dose till I get lab work soon. RU and Duta topical to cover any DHT left overs. Planning to make my own Duta injections with castor oil.

Thanks for sharing that. Can you give me any details about your spirno experience, I’ve got it on hand and seriously considering using it.
What mg did you use?


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What regime would you guys consider hair for life? dust.5, oral minoxidil, spironolactone 200mg topical E.

I think this is the way I will go in time. I have zero fear of side effect. I used ALOT of steroids in the past so I’m used to gyno coming and going, high sex drive - 0 sex drive.


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What regime would you guys consider hair for life? dust.5, oral minoxidil, spironolactone 200mg topical E.

I think this is the way I will go in time. I have zero fear of side effect. I used ALOT of steroids in the past so I’m used to gyno coming and going, high sex drive - 0 sex drive.

I would try dutasteride, 5mg oral minoxidil and 200mg spironolactone for 12 months, if results are not what you want add 2mg E sublingually or buccaly and maybe switch the spironolactone for 50mg bica. Up to you, but i would use E as a last resort.


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John Difool

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Thanks for sharing that. Can you give me any details about your spirno experience, I’ve got it on hand and seriously considering using it.
What mg did you use?

I was on 100mg bid. I switched to Bica after reading more about AA around same time as @Ikarus and others read @bridgeburn posts. Bica works on both adrenal and godane pathways and it's non steroidal. But Bica monotherapy defies the purpose of safety since you need to up the dosage for it to effectively block T (1mg for 4nd/dL). E2 provides a way to keep things in a reasonable range but then you are in hrt territory so don't expect no sides. It's all about compromise.