Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Dude can you actually just knock it off. You are lucky the dude is treating you with respect at all and restraining from calling you out as the idiot you are. Real morons are the people who insult others just for some instant gratification rather than having a proper discussion.
Oh! I am really sorry... I would not do it again Please forgive me President Putin. :D


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Another day another hair, Haha.


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I have been looking for some good and working medicine for my hair lately.. What do you guys think is the best option? I like some from virtual pharmacy here, for example. But maybe you can recommend more? It would be really cool!
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Has anyone used estrogen topically for hair benefits without lowering testosterone levels?


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I have started to apply topical bio-estrogen.. 1mg estriol and .25mg Estradiol.

I will apply this every other day. Along with my current regime.

avodart .5mg
15mg Loniten


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Could someone please explain to me, if the possibility of the partial agonist effects of SAAs like CPA/spironolactone, it is capable of making the things worse? Reading older threads, some members mentioned that is somehow fifty-fifty chance, and I believe it's making sense since Testo/DHT it will still do damage. Although, as long as I have been looking for, the majority gets very good results with CPA/spironolactone without the adverse effects of the partial agonist on the AR. So, how much should someone need to take that under consideration?

**Directly from Wikipedia: Spironolactone, similarly to other steroidal antiandrogens such as cyproterone acetate, is actually not a pure, or silent, antagonist of the AR, but rather is a weak partial agonist with the capacity for both antagonistic and agonistic effects. However, in the presence of sufficiently high levels of potent full agonists like testosterone and DHT (the cases in which spironolactone is usually used even with regards to the "lower" relative levels present in females), spironolactone will behave more similarly to a pure antagonist. Nonetheless, there may still be a potential for spironolactone to produce androgenic effects in the body at sufficiently high dosages and/or in those with very low endogenous androgen concentrations.

Thank you very much in advance.


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I have started to apply topical bio-estrogen.. 1mg estriol and .25mg Estradiol.

I will apply this every other day. Along with my current regime.

avodart .5mg
15mg Loniten

15mg is too much, been there, done that, higher dosages don't really give better results. You are going to be taking it for the rest of your life, be gentle on your heart.


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Could someone please explain to me, if the possibility of the partial agonist effects of SAAs like CPA/spironolactone, it is capable of making the things worse? Reading older threads, some members mentioned that is somehow fifty-fifty chance, and I believe it's making sense since Testo/DHT it will still do damage. Although, as long as I have been looking for, the majority gets very good results with CPA/spironolactone without the adverse effects of the partial agonist on the AR. So, how much should someone need to take that under consideration?

**Directly from Wikipedia: Spironolactone, similarly to other steroidal antiandrogens such as cyproterone acetate, is actually not a pure, or silent, antagonist of the AR, but rather is a weak partial agonist with the capacity for both antagonistic and agonistic effects. However, in the presence of sufficiently high levels of potent full agonists like testosterone and DHT (the cases in which spironolactone is usually used even with regards to the "lower" relative levels present in females), spironolactone will behave more similarly to a pure antagonist. Nonetheless, there may still be a potential for spironolactone to produce androgenic effects in the body at sufficiently high dosages and/or in those with very low endogenous androgen concentrations.

Thank you very much in advance.
I don't have much information about spironolactone but if you use cpa 12.5mg/d, due to its potent antigonadotropic effect it will lower your T levels by 70% and its pretty enough to maintain a good hair, by the way, at such low doses, it wont have any antagonist or agonist effects... I have been on cpa 12.5mg/d plus finasteride 2mg/d (1mg day and 1mg night) for 20 days and its working well... And remember that you should periodically check you liver enzymes while you're on cpa


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I don't have much information about spironolactone but if you use cpa 12.5mg/d, due to its potent antigonadotropic effect it will lower your T levels by 70% and its pretty enough to maintain a good hair, by the way, at such low doses, it wont have any antagonist or agonist effects... I have been on cpa 12.5mg/d plus finasteride 2mg/d (1mg day and 1mg night) for 20 days and its working well... And remember that you should periodically check you liver enzymes while you're on cpa
It means the CPA is suppressing your hpta axis. Fat redistribution will happen for sure.


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@ali.talebi1994 So we can “confirm” that at a dose of 12.5mg that you are taking , we don’t have to worry of CPA acting like a partial agonist ? (actually is the dose that many are taking and see results) That’s what I am thinking as well, maybe higher doses will cause the agonist effect. Thank you very much for your previous response.