Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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where do they work? they don’t work !!! where is the photo of proof of hair growth? how can you not get into the finasteride branch so everyone just writes rolled from nw2 to nw3 took finasteride for a year or skin got fat on finasteride or canceled finasteride I started to go bald with it! Doesn't work !!! The only thing that works is trans drugs !!! You won’t have any satisfying photo evidence of returning nw0! Finasteride and dutasteride sh*t!

This blyat has to be dumbest person on the whole internet.You are the guy that suggest every person on the men's general hair loss section to take 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa etc etc. Of course its hard to take you seriously while spreading brain-dead comments like this but i hope nobody takes you seriously.

You are no doctor or anything yet you prescribe people exactly 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa like you know every individual's hormonal profile.Im holding myself to not to rain insults to you but damn its so hard.

When you first came you literally replied everyone to russian while they don't understand it LOL .People actually surprise me everyday how there can be no limit to dumbness on the earth.

And don't involve others pictures to your comments withour their permission. You already posted your legs 3-4 times and i don't how its related to hair loss but i think you have to post it like 10 times more to satisfy yourself.

[QUOTE = "Гвидо, должность: 1838249, участник: 137773"] [USER = 141950] @Yar [/ USER]
Так что использование только ципротерона не помогает волосам? Вы всегда должны использовать эстрадиол? [/ QUOTE]
you don’t understand anything! The point is to replace the male hormonal system with the female system! To return to nw0 !!! To do this, drink AA and E.

You still keep insisting. AA and E are not the way everybody welcomes. Finasteride and dutasteride gives results for some nobody says they are cure. If the results are not enough then they can choose to go hrt route.

I showed you my results with dutasteride and you keep saying prove me good results with it.You have been here for a while why don't you post your own results with hrt instead posting your hairy legs?


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This blyat has to be dumbest person on the whole internet.You are the guy that suggest every person on the men's general hair loss section to take 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa etc etc. Of course its hard to take you seriously while spreading brain-dead comments like this but i hope nobody takes you seriously.

You are no doctor or anything yet you prescribe people exactly 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa like you know every individual's hormonal profile.Im holding myself to not to rain insults to you but damn its so hard.

When you first came you literally replied everyone to russian while they don't understand it LOL .People actually surprise me everyday how there can be no limit to dumbness on the earth.

And don't involve others pictures to your comments withour their permission. You already posted your legs 3-4 times and i don't how its related to hair loss but i think you have to post it like 10 times more to satisfy yourself.

You still keep insisting. AA and E are not the way everybody welcomes. Finasteride and dutasteride gives results for some nobody says they are cure. If the results are not enough then they can choose to go hrt route.

I showed you my results with dutasteride and you keep saying prove me good results with it.You have been here for a while why don't you post your own results with hrt instead posting your hairy legs?
I showed that my legs are of a female type, and finasteride and dctasteride are roulette for balding, and all I saw was baldness on finasteride and dutasteride.


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This blyat has to be dumbest person on the whole internet.You are the guy that suggest every person on the men's general hair loss section to take 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa etc etc. Of course its hard to take you seriously while spreading brain-dead comments like this but i hope nobody takes you seriously.

You are no doctor or anything yet you prescribe people exactly 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa like you know every individual's hormonal profile.Im holding myself to not to rain insults to you but damn its so hard.

When you first came you literally replied everyone to russian while they don't understand it LOL .People actually surprise me everyday how there can be no limit to dumbness on the earth.

And don't involve others pictures to your comments withour their permission. You already posted your legs 3-4 times and i don't how its related to hair loss but i think you have to post it like 10 times more to satisfy yourself.

You still keep insisting. AA and E are not the way everybody welcomes. Finasteride and dutasteride gives results for some nobody says they are cure. If the results are not enough then they can choose to go hrt route.

I showed you my results with dutasteride and you keep saying prove me good results with it.You have been here for a while why don't you post your own results with hrt instead posting your hairy legs?
with these photos I wanted to show that in order to cure baldness and no longer baldness, you need to change the hormonal system from male to female! You produce androgens, they are not intended for beauty, they are for strength and muscles, for beauty estradiol and its derivatives. With finasteride or dutasteride you never get nw0, never, because it suppresses dht and testosterone grows from it. And so it goes in a vicious circle. Testosterone growth —— growth of dht ——— inhibition of dht for a while ——— growth of testosterone ——- growth of dht. Forget about in ibitora DHT and vykente them in the trash !!! you and will go bald !!!


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[QUOTE = "mryellowman, post: 1838274, member: 136494"] Этот блять должен быть самым глупым человеком во всем интернете. Вы парень, который предлагает каждому человеку в разделе об общем выпадении волос для мужчин принимать 2 мг эстрадиола 50 мг cpa и т. д. и т. д. Конечно, трудно воспринимать вас всерьез, распространяя подобные мёртвые комментарии, но я надеюсь, что никто не воспринимает вас всерьез.

Вы не врач или что-то еще, но вы назначаете людям ровно 2 мг эстрадиола 50 мг в год, как будто вы знаете гормональный профиль каждого человека. Я держусь, чтобы не оскорблять вас, но, черт возьми, это так сложно.

Когда вы впервые пришли, вы буквально ответили всем на русский, пока они не понимают этого. LOL. Люди на самом деле удивляют меня каждый день, как не может быть предела немоте на земле.

И не привлекайте другие фотографии к вашим комментариям без их разрешения. Вы уже разместили свои ноги 3-4 раза, и я не знаю, как это связано с выпадением волос, но я думаю, что вы должны опубликовать это как в 10 раз больше, чтобы удовлетворить себя.

Вы все еще продолжаете настаивать. AA и E - не тот способ, которым все приветствуют. Финастерид и дутастерид дают результаты для некоторых, никто не говорит, что они излечивают. Если результатов недостаточно, они могут выбрать маршрут.

Я показал вам свои результаты с dutasteride, и вы продолжаете говорить, докажите мне хорошие результаты с ним. Вы были здесь некоторое время, почему бы вам не опубликовать свои собственные результаты с hrt вместо того, чтобы размещать свои волосатые ноги? [/ QUOTE]
This blyat has to be dumbest person on the whole internet.You are the guy that suggest every person on the men's general hair loss section to take 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa etc etc. Of course its hard to take you seriously while spreading brain-dead comments like this but i hope nobody takes you seriously.

You are no doctor or anything yet you prescribe people exactly 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa like you know every individual's hormonal profile.Im holding myself to not to rain insults to you but damn its so hard.

When you first came you literally replied everyone to russian while they don't understand it LOL .People actually surprise me everyday how there can be no limit to dumbness on the earth.

And don't involve others pictures to your comments withour their permission. You already posted your legs 3-4 times and i don't how its related to hair loss but i think you have to post it like 10 times more to satisfy yourself.

You still keep insisting. AA and E are not the way everybody welcomes. Finasteride and dutasteride gives results for some nobody says they are cure. If the results are not enough then they can choose to go hrt route.

I showed you my results with dutasteride and you keep saying prove me good results with it.You have been here for a while why don't you post your own results with hrt instead posting your hairy legs?
Inocennedy made a big mistake when he added dutasteride and minoxidil to his regime. I attached his photo.


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This blyat has to be dumbest person on the whole internet.You are the guy that suggest every person on the men's general hair loss section to take 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa etc etc. Of course its hard to take you seriously while spreading brain-dead comments like this but i hope nobody takes you seriously.

You are no doctor or anything yet you prescribe people exactly 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa like you know every individual's hormonal profile.Im holding myself to not to rain insults to you but damn its so hard.

When you first came you literally replied everyone to russian while they don't understand it LOL .People actually surprise me everyday how there can be no limit to dumbness on the earth.

And don't involve others pictures to your comments withour their permission. You already posted your legs 3-4 times and i don't how its related to hair loss but i think you have to post it like 10 times more to satisfy yourself.

You still keep insisting. AA and E are not the way everybody welcomes. Finasteride and dutasteride gives results for some nobody says they are cure. If the results are not enough then they can choose to go hrt route.

I showed you my results with dutasteride and you keep saying prove me good results with it.You have been here for a while why don't you post your own results with hrt instead posting your hairy legs?
finasteride and dutasteride sh*t for balding! I have not seen your results


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This blyat has to be dumbest person on the whole internet.You are the guy that suggest every person on the men's general hair loss section to take 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa etc etc. Of course its hard to take you seriously while spreading brain-dead comments like this but i hope nobody takes you seriously.

You are no doctor or anything yet you prescribe people exactly 2 mg estradiol 50 mg cpa like you know every individual's hormonal profile.Im holding myself to not to rain insults to you but damn its so hard.

When you first came you literally replied everyone to russian while they don't understand it LOL .People actually surprise me everyday how there can be no limit to dumbness on the earth.

And don't involve others pictures to your comments withour their permission. You already posted your legs 3-4 times and i don't how its related to hair loss but i think you have to post it like 10 times more to satisfy yourself.

You still keep insisting. AA and E are not the way everybody welcomes. Finasteride and dutasteride gives results for some nobody says they are cure. If the results are not enough then they can choose to go hrt route.

I showed you my results with dutasteride and you keep saying prove me good results with it.You have been here for a while why don't you post your own results with hrt instead posting your hairy legs?
the fact that legs with hair is not scary, soon everyone will fall out


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finasteride and dutasteride sh*t for balding! I have not seen your results

I linked it to you but you didn't check it seems.


Look the link i posted.

Obviously im not claiming i got full results with dutasteride. My hair still thin but before i couldn't cover it with length now nobody would think i have thin hair but its there. And i didn't get any results on my temples with dutasteride. These are the facts. This drug doesn't work for 100% results but it is not completely sh*t either. It stopped my shedding and gave me some results. And there are people they got nearly 100% results with these drugs.But its so rare



Check this threads.One of them is only dutasteride and the other is finasteride user.You can't deny they have results and you can't claim these drugs completely sh*t. If one cannot get the full results with 5ar inhibitors,they need to use AA if they are willing to.Simple as that.


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Does anyone have any letrozole etc lying about that they would be willing to sell to me? I can't order from ADC etc if there is a website that sells it and accepts visa,mastercard, paypal etc please post for me. This gyno really snuck up on me, im panicking about it now lol


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Does anyone have any letrozole etc lying about that they would be willing to sell to me? I can't order from ADC etc if there is a website that sells it and accepts visa,mastercard, paypal etc please post for me. This gyno really snuck up on me, im panicking about it now lol
Why not raloxifene? Take it as: 200mg for first 2 weeks, then 160 for next two, 120mg for next two and then 100mg for next two and then 60mg till your gyno vanishes.

Raloxifene would be less harsh on hair if at all.
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exactly, thats my point. finas/dutas are sh*t.

every guy I know that took finaasteride in real life said it didn't work so they just stopped taking it and shaved their heads.

the real results come from bica/flut/cpa/progesterone. high doses too ;)
hey bro why do you take Bica while you are using Cypro??? Cypro is a potent antigonadotropic and when you take it you dont need any androgen receptor blocker like Bica... if you take bica at high doses you should regularly check you liver enzymes... even cypro it self doesn't have favorable effects on liver o_O be careful :)


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Why not raloxifene? Take it as: 200mg for first 2 weeks, then 160 for next two, 120mg for next two and then 100mg for next two and then 60mg till your gyno vanishes.

Raloxifene would be less harsh on hair if at all.
Are you able to get your hands on raloxefene?


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Really confusing regarding the dutas/finas vs. bica/flut/cpa/progesterone debate.

According to this well known study: https://academic.oup.com/edrv/article/27/6/677/2355194


I will try my very best to sum up the relevant excerpts:

Here you go. Brace yourselves as this post is going to be very long....

Taken from: https://academic.oup.com/edrv/article/27/6/677/2355194

"For many decades, androgens have dominated endocrine research in hair growth control. Androgen metabolism and the androgen receptor currently are the key targets for systemic, pharmacological hair growth control in clinical medicine. However, it has long been known that estrogens also profoundly alter hair follicle growth and cycling by binding to locally expressed high-affinity estrogen receptors (ERs)."

"Besides altering the transcription of genes with estrogen-responsive elements, 17β-estradiol (E2) also modifies androgen metabolism within distinct subunits of the pilosebaceous unit (i.e., hair follicle and sebaceous gland). The latter displays prominent aromatase activity, the key enzyme for androgen conversion to E2, and is both an estrogen source and target."

"Estrogens are able to modify androgen metabolism within distinct subunits of the hair follicle (e.g., in the dermal papilla), diminishing the amount of 5α-dihydrotestosterone formed after incubation with testosterone."

"Also, many of the growth and transcription factors, cytokines, and hormones that are currently recognized to control hair growth (21, 34–36) are themselves modulated by estrogens."

"We still do not know exactly what cellular or molecular mechanisms control these vascular changes. Besides the two major recognized angiogenesis stimulators, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) (65–67), processes of angiogenesis can generally be modulated by hormonal changes, including changes in estrogen levels (68). In fact, E2 reportedly even stimulates human hair follicle synthesis of VEGF."

"A multibillion dollar industry worldwide caters to the unmet needs in managing unwanted hair loss (alopecia, effluvium) and unwanted hair growth (hirsutism, hypertrichosis) (87), advertising allegedly hair growth-stimulating products or procedures such as vitamins, trace elements, exotic herbs, amino acids, etc., which typically have not been subjected to professionally designed and executed clinical trials (88). Although topical formulations containing either 17β- or 17α-estradiol have long been successfully employed for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, where they appear to improve the telogen/anagen ratio of scalp hair follicles, this critique also applies here."

"Moreover, in different cell types, estrogen regulates the expression of EGF, IGF-I, and TGFα, suggesting that these growth factors are mediators of estrogen action (181). Thus, given the well-appreciated central role of IGF-I, EGF, and TGFα in hair follicle biology, the cross talk between peptide growth factors and ER signaling pathways may be highly relevant in hair growth control."

"ERs are more widely expressed, and importantly, ERβ is strongly expressed in the bulge region of the outer root sheath. This region contains stem cells for hair follicle keratinocytes that regenerate the follicle during the anagen phase. This suggests that these epithelial stem cells are targets for estrogen action."

Estrogen target genes in the pilosebaceous unit."

"For human scalp hair, topical E2 has long been used in the management of telogen effluvium and androgenetic alopecia, especially in women (29, 58, 275). Although this remains to be unequivocally demonstrated in vivo, E2 has been proposed to decrease the telogen rate and to prolong the anagen phase in human scalp skin, justifying the use of topical E2 in the management of hair loss characterized premature catagen entry, such as androgenetic alopecia and telogen effluvium. This makes estrogen species-dependent as the opposite effects are shown in mice and rats."

"Although rodent hair follicles generally respond to E2 stimulation with an inhibition of hair shaft formation, this is not necessarily true for human scalp hair follicles, at least in males. Studying the isolated effects of E2 on human hair growth in vitro (in organ-cultured, microdissected human anagen hair bulbs), we recently showed that, in frontotemporal male hair follicles, E2 indeed slightly prolongs anagen and stimulates hair shaft elongation (11). Corresponding studies (279–281) have reported that E2 inhibits hair shaft elongation in vitro or that E2 does not influence the decay rate of organ-cultured human anagen hair follicles from occipital scalp skin (measured by morphology and autoradiographic 3H-thymidine incorporation) (279). These partially conflicting reports may become reconciled, once larger studies with organ-cultured human scalp hair follicles have been performed that systematically distinguish between male, female, frontotemporal, and occipital follicle populations, and that correlate hair shaft elongation with hair cycle effects. In addition, these in vitro studies need to be complemented by and compared with the results of clinical trials on the scalp hair growth effects of topical E2, documented by professional phototrichogram methodology."

"Estrogens act, either alone or together with androgens, directly at the level of the hair follicle in pubic skin to stimulate hair growth. However, in the absence of active androgen receptors, E2 cannot promote sexual hair growth, e.g., in patients with complete testicular feminization who do not grow pubic and axillary hair, despite signs of E2 effects in other tissues (33).

In human occipital scalp hair follicles, E2 may inhibit hair shaft elongation in both males and females in vitro (279, 280). However, we found sex-dependent differences of frontotemporal scalp hair shaft elongation after E2 treatment in vitro: in females the hair shaft elongation was inhibited, whereas E2 significantly stimulated hair shaft elongation in human frontotemporal anagen hair follicles from male patients in vitro (12, 281). This corresponded to a significantly up-regulated proliferation rate of the matrix keratinocytes in the male frontotemporal scalp hair follicles compared with female hair follicles (12)."

"Estrogens have been used for topical treatment of hair diseases for more than half a century (284) and constitute a firm staple of management strategies for female pattern androgenetic alopecia in central Europe (88)."


"Exciting new connections between the ER and other important factors critically involved in hair growth control were found in recent years. This is highlighted by the convergence of estrogen signaling with the Wnt signal transduction pathway (320, 321) (Fig. 6). The morphogenetic factors involved in this pathway have been the subject of studies centered on the hair follicle, including stem cell regulation, hair follicle induction, morphogenesis, and differentiation (323–326)."

Again. I highly urge all of you to read this study like your life depended on it.

In retrospect, given the vital role estrogen mainly 17-beta plays on the human hair follicle, do we really need androgen suppressants if estrogen already diminishes androgens even at the scalp level?

Is dutas/finas/spironolactone/bica/flut/cpa/progesterone really that important??????

According to the Nw0 hair line that is starting to grow on my forehead (which i have never had before in my life)
Anti-Androgens are very important. Taking estrogen without them (especially at low doses) is useless, this is androgenic alopecia, not lack of estrogen alopecia.
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