Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I say prove it. A picture of your hair then and now isn't going to expose you. Most of us are looking for a glimmer of hope to continue or even embark on this path. Your contributions are no exception. Talk is cheap...
I've already posted several pictures of myself here, from every possible angle.
I even posted my blood tests, you have no idea what you're talking about, I've been posting things here for almost 1 year; I come here to expose information for free for people like you to challenge what I say, this is impolite.

I've posted pictures of myself here more than 3 times, you can check, don't be lazy.
Sorry, I won't post pictures of myself every time, because one or another user didn't see.

I'm sorry.

Believe if you want.

Talk is cheap, do something, i do, and u?
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zero strength loses or any gym related side effects.
E2 (small amounts)
Loniten 5mg (up to 40mg in past)


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E - 193pg/ml
T - 0,35ng/ml

The E level should be above 300, but I do not know if it is worth increasing the dosage, because a cumulative effect is possible. Thus, after the next injection, my minimum will be higher. Plus, my T seems to be perfectly suppressed even with Bicalutamide. I will be tested for estradiol again, monitor the changes in levels
As you can see from my example, 1 injection every 2 weeks is a completely realistic option, it is very convenient
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I was about to talk about this but hadn't had time. I find it completely unreasonable to use a drug for 1 f*****g year "to see if it works".
Specially because if it doesn't then maybe you could get fucked for life because of that hairloss you allowed to happen.

I've been on dutasteride for 4 months and I'm sure that this is doing nothing for me. Took some pictures of my crown that nearly made me end it right there so I'm not willing to wait 1 single day. Today I'm going all out and I'm upgrading to minimum 2.5 brand avodart. Ordering RU, oral minoxidil, topical and also experiment with the scalp injections.

All my money from this week spent on hairloss drugs that started before being 20!
Don't waste your money on RU, it's a dummy. If you want Minoxidil, choose the oral one. Don't waste your money


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my hair is turning from black to brown for some unknown reason.
Hair loses pigment when miniaturized. This is a bad sign
My sequence was as follows:
I didn't see the point in using anything else. Now, from my experience, I realize that if you have early baldness, it is easier to use HRT right away. But hardly anyone will go for it, because it requires a lot of awareness and courage, which will come with the experience of a desperate struggle against baldness. I don’t want to advise everyone on HRT, so I’ll just advise you not to waste time on questionable drugs. And sooner or later you will reach the point where you will have a choice between baldness and HRT. Everyone chooses their own.


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I mean, if you have aggressive hair loss, then you're not likely to get regrowth from much of anything; the best you can hope for is stabilization - but what's the point of stabilizing something that's pretty far gone. So I understand why people use HRT, although I don't see myself ever going down that road. I would try to stabilize and get a transplant, or at worst I would probably just resort to a piece. I honestly wouldn't really mind shaving it but my head shape doesn't even look good with a buzz cut. But anyways, it's really difficult for people with aggressive hair loss, especially if you're young.


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@Descending Dog give oral minoxidil some time and you might see a lot of progress. Your problem appears to be mostly miniaturization rather than bare spots, so something like OM might really improve the quality. That's the main difference I've noticed between inhibitors vs. stimulants. 5ARIs will keep hair around longer, but most of the time they are just "garbage hairs" and it doesn't really improve the quality. OM has given my hair a thick sheen to it; finasteride never improved my actual hair quality. Maybe for the time being you can also try some hair products that volumize.

It also looks like you have a dandruff problem?


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I've already posted several pictures of myself here, from every possible angle.
I even posted my blood tests, you have no idea what you're talking about, I've been posting things here for almost 1 year; I come here to expose information for free for people like you to challenge what I say, this is impolite.

I've posted pictures of myself here more than 3 times, you can check, don't be lazy.
Sorry, I won't post pictures of myself every time, because one or another user didn't see.

I'm sorry.

Believe if you want.

Talk is cheap, do something, i do, and u?
Tato, I don't have time to sift through 900 pages to identify when and where you posted pictures. Unfortunately, when I select your handle name to find your most recent posts, the webpage displays an error.

I guess I'm lazy.... ohh well, my loss.
zero strength loses or any gym related side effects.
E2 (small amounts)
Loniten 5mg (up to 40mg in past)
No offense but your nipples say otherwise.


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Hair growth is provided by a decrease in the T level to the castration level and an increase in the E level
T levels below 50 ng / dl are normal, but the ideal level is less than 20 ng / dl, this corresponds to castration levels and affects prostate cancer outcomes. Thus, we need to reduce T as much as possible. To do this, our E levels must be at least 250-300 ng / dL
It is not advisable to raise estradiol levels above 700 pg / ml, because in this case SHBG will go crazy, the level of free estradiol will decrease. This reduces the effectiveness of HRT. Therefore, "one cannot be mistaken in the big direction" is not quite a true statement. Ideal E levels are in the 300-700 pg / ml range, SHBG levels below 115. But because the main thing is to lower the T level to the castration level, then the error in the big direction is not as critical as in the lower one, and you will still get the result

If you do injections of Enanthate every 2 weeks with a minimum of 300 pg / ml on the last day, then according to my calculations, the peak level is around 1500 pg / ml, which is a lot. If injections are done once a week, then the peak level at the same minimum does not exceed 700 ng / dl. Therefore, I will consider giving injections once a week.

The Ikarus T level was above 100 ng / dl and the E level was 195 pg / ml. These are poor numbers and this could be one of the reasons why he was unable to restore the hairline.



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no, i have the same side effect, i think from topical estriol. the aerola enlarges, and does not seem to return. (I am on 150mg raloxifene with 150mg silymarin for 2 months now).
Yeah it's a side effect (for men not wanting to look like women) but not related to strength in any way.
BTW I'm almost 2 years into my estrogen treatment and my nipples haven't changed much, it's hard to hide the "gyno" though.


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this is one of the most positive images in this thread. i'm going to run min, tret & prog topically. will report EOY.

i use canrenone and raloxifene to counter adrenal type steroids. maybe that will sub for the HRT.
Adrenal function under long-term raloxifene administration | Request PDF (researchgate.net)
Effects of spironolactone, canrenone and canrenoate-K on cytochrome P450, and 11beta- and 18-hydroxylation in bovine and human adrenal cortical mitochondria - PubMed (nih.gov)

hair is a small part of a larger biochemistry journey for me. e.g. mental, athletic, productivity optimization.

View attachment 165217
I'd smash her


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By the way, my erection and orgasms are fine. No difference between finasteride monotherapy. My libido is lower, but I can still get aroused
I feel an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples, some kind of itching of the nipples. Gynecomastia is visible through any clothing, if I straighten my shoulders back, I want to remove it as soon as possible
There are no psychological effects


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Tato, I don't have time to sift through 900 pages to identify when and where you posted pictures. Unfortunately, when I select your handle name to find your most recent posts, the webpage displays an error.

I guess I'm lazy.... ohh well, my loss.

No offense but your nipples say otherwise.

“no offence your nipples say otherwise”

how is gyno a gym related side effect?

the people on this section of the forum are getting worse haha.


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Whatever happened to the OP? Any one know?