Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I have a question: would you say bicalutamide is similar in effectiveness to flutamide? I can find several studies based around flutamide being used for female pattern hair loss but there isn't much information on bicalutamide being effective for female pattern hair loss...
thats because bica is new.. It is just as effective but safer. basically, bica is the upgrade to flut


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I sort of envy all of you. I would gladly inhibit ALL of my testosterone, however, I have a beautiful girlfriend,
does the gyno and etc. bother her?

I’m active especially surfing and the gyno just DESTROYS me.
underarmor plus light uv jacket can hide it, just tell people you are protecting skin from the sun;



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thats because bica is new.. It is just as effective but safer. basically, bica is the upgrade to flut

Does bicalutamide work in the way I think it works? After six days of 50MG/day, it would build up to 300MG in our body which will block around 1200 ng/dL of testosterone. I have confused myself since people on the transgender reddit have mixed ideas :confused:

I think this is correct because: 'Bicalutamide requires 4 to 12 weeks (1 to 3 months) of continuous administration to reach steady state (maximal) levels. However, the accumulation of bicalutamide levels is logarithmic, and so most of the increase in concentrations happens rather quickly; about 50% occurs in the first week and 90% by 4 weeks.'
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I am panicking! I am not sure why my scalp itches for months... It's not severe, it's generally just an itch or two during the day which lasts for a few seconds. However, could this mean non of this is working?
an itch or two during the day sounds pretty normal.


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Does bicalutamide work in the way I think it works? After six days of 50MG/day, it would build up to 300MG in our body which will block around 1200 ng/dL of testosterone. I have confused myself since people on the transgender reddit have mixed ideas :confused:

I think this is correct because: 'Bicalutamide requires 4 to 12 weeks (1 to 3 months) of continuous administration to reach steady state (maximal) levels. However, the accumulation of bicalutamide levels is logarithmic, and so most of the increase in concentrations happens rather quickly; about 50% occurs in the first week and 90% by 4 weeks.'


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Thanks. My insomnia is mostly gone now and my sleep quality has been improving since I stopped my regimen but since I started taking letrozole my sleep and energy levels have been getting worse again but it's ok I knew that was going to happen on this drug. I'm being careful by only taking half a pill every other day so I don't completely crash like some guys do. Also I have found that going to bed at the same time every night has been a big help to falling and staying asleep.
you could improve your sleep quality by taking oral progesterone before bed. It reduces 5ar and increases inhibitory neurosteriods in the process.


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Hey guys and girls :)

I know it is a kind of a noob's asking, but can you help me? I know there are always the same questions, but I want to be sure before I begin my journey :)

I want to start the same regimen as you @bridgeburn and want to become a god of hair :p

My regimen :
- oral minoxidil 10mg in the morning and topical minoxidil the evening
- avodart duta 0.5 mg / day
- cyproterone acetate 50mg every day
- oestrogel 2.25 mg everyday
- Diane 35 1 pill / week

Do I have to add anything else?

For cyproterone acetate, is it Androcur or diane 35???

Climen (the drug) is a better thing ?

Sorry for this, and thanks for help !
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how much were you taking?
topical %5 twice a day, it was too much for me, i had fatigue, heart pain, and my eyes are filling up with floaters (may not be related but minoxidil says it can cause a decline in vision quality) so i reduced it to once a day, which is not very effective for sh*t but idk. i should be getting the HRT drugs in the mail today so im hoping that will save me from having to use minoxidil lol.


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Hey guys and girls :)

I know it is a kind of a noob's asking, but can you help me? I know there are always the same questions, but I want to be sure before I begin my journey :)

I want to start the same regimen as you @bridgeburn and want to become a god of hair :p

My regimen :
- oral minoxidil 10mg in the morning and topical minoxidil the evening
- avodart duta 0.5 mg / day
- cyproterone acetate 50mg every day
- oestrogel 2.25 mg everyday
- Diane 35 1 pill / week

Do I have to add anything else?

For cyproterone acetate, is it Androcur or diane 35???

Climen (the drug) is a better thing ?

Sorry for this, and thanks for help !
I would advise you to take 1 ml of estradiol sublingually for 1 week so that your body gets used to estradiol, estrophym, sublingual. All estradiol hormones should go sublingually! I read enough trans forums.


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Hey guys and girls :)

I know it is a kind of a noob's asking, but can you help me? I know there are always the same questions, but I want to be sure before I begin my journey :)

I want to start the same regimen as you @bridgeburn and want to become a god of hair :p

My regimen :
- oral minoxidil 10mg in the morning and topical minoxidil the evening
- avodart duta 0.5 mg / day
- cyproterone acetate 50mg every day
- oestrogel 2.25 mg everyday
- Diane 35 1 pill / week

Do I have to add anything else?

For cyproterone acetate, is it Androcur or diane 35???

Climen (the drug) is a better thing ?

Sorry for this, and thanks for help !
Diana 35 is an EE is better not to take it! Better estrofem or gel estradiol


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Hey guys and girls :)

I know it is a kind of a noob's asking, but can you help me? I know there are always the same questions, but I want to be sure before I begin my journey :)

I want to start the same regimen as you @bridgeburn and want to become a god of hair :p

My regimen :
- oral minoxidil 10mg in the morning and topical minoxidil the evening
- avodart duta 0.5 mg / day
- cyproterone acetate 50mg every day
- oestrogel 2.25 mg everyday
- Diane 35 1 pill / week

Do I have to add anything else?

For cyproterone acetate, is it Androcur or diane 35???

Climen (the drug) is a better thing ?

Sorry for this, and thanks for help !
I started with klymen. I divided the pill in half, took 1 half in the morning, 1 evening. This helped me to see the first results, the first hair growth!


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Hey guys and girls :)

I know it is a kind of a noob's asking, but can you help me? I know there are always the same questions, but I want to be sure before I begin my journey :)

I want to start the same regimen as you @bridgeburn and want to become a god of hair :p

My regimen :
- oral minoxidil 10mg in the morning and topical minoxidil the evening
- avodart duta 0.5 mg / day
- cyproterone acetate 50mg every day
- oestrogel 2.25 mg everyday
- Diane 35 1 pill / week

Do I have to add anything else?

For cyproterone acetate, is it Androcur or diane 35???

Climen (the drug) is a better thing ?

Sorry for this, and thanks for help !

That sounds like a great regimen, and will be greatly effective. Although, what is your stance on using estradiol along with estrogel? In regards to the cyproterone acetate, it's Androcur since that comes in 50MG doses. Diane-35 contains cyproterone acetate but at a dose of 2MG, and contains ethinyl estradiol.

After a while of being on cyproterone acetate, would you consider switching to bicalutamide? I kind of want more people to use that so there can be an expanded amount of information on it, since Ein appears to be the only long-term user on this website.


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I would advise you to take 1 ml of estradiol sublingually for 1 week so that your body gets used to estradiol, estrophym, sublingual. All estradiol hormones should go sublingually! I read enough trans forums.

Thanks a lot ! I will add Estrofem in my regimen :) and I will remove Diane 35 ! Thank you !

That sounds like a great regimen, and will be greatly effective. Although, what is your stance on using estradiol along with estrogel? In regards to the cyproterone acetate, it's Androcur since that comes in 50MG doses. Diane-35 contains cyproterone acetate but at a dose of 2MG, and contains ethinyl estradiol.

After a while of being on cyproterone acetate, would you consider switching to bicalutamide? I kind of want more people to use that so there can be an expanded amount of information on it, since Ein appears to be the only long-term user on this website.

I wanted to place my order this weekend and I would like to start this diet in a few days...
I admit that I am a bit of a noob about all of this :p.

But I've been taking duta and minoxidil for 2 years now... it's allowed me to keep the hair on my head a little bit: D

Concerning estrofem and estrogel, I don't yet know the exact doses I should take....

and for biculatamide.. i think i will add it in a few weeks :) :) :) or maybe now... I will see if I can afford it now or otherwise in a few weeks

Thank you again for all your feedback, I really appreciate it!

thank you so much

edit : I find thailand pharmacy :)
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I think it wouldn't be if I stay on HRT or at least greatly inhibit 5ar. Although risky cause I know stopping it is supposed to guareentee a loss but maybe if I do it gradually enough. There was one time I found a transgender regrowth timeline where she gradually reduced min and continued growing hair.

and also, @DuckThisSheet said that Antydhtor is now maintaining with only finasteride and dutasteride.

getting DHT out of the scalp is most important for maintaining.

View attachment 120314

Antydhtor had several versions, after a few days I've heard that he just put away the topical drugs,
so the earlier statement probably does not make sense


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Thanks a lot ! I will add Estrofem in my regimen :) and I will remove Diane 35 ! Thank you !

I wanted to place my order this weekend and I would like to start this diet in a few days...
I admit that I am a bit of a noob about all of this :p.

But I've been taking duta and minoxidil for 2 years now... it's allowed me to keep the hair on my head a little bit: D

Concerning estrofem and estrogel, I don't yet know the exact doses I should take....

and for biculatamide.. i think i will add it in a few weeks :) :) :) or maybe now... I will see if I can afford it now or otherwise in a few weeks

Thank you again for all your feedback, I really appreciate it!

thank you so much

edit : I find thailand pharmacy :)

I believe you would respond greatly to:
- Bicalutamide, 50MG/day
- Dutasteride, 0.5MG/day
- Estrofem, 4MG/day (Morning & Night)
- Oral Minoxidil, 2.5MG/day

I don't think there would be a need for Estrogel with this regimen, since you are maintaining somewhat stable estrogen levels. I did lower the oral minoxidil amount since I am unaware of your current hair status.


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[UPDATE] I have noticed that my appetite has 'normalised'. Previously I would feel as if my soul was leaving my body if I didn't eat often, but now that feeling has disappeared and I can wait until my next meal without snacking. It's almost as if my appetite has feminised. I see this as a positive since I was starting to overeat previously.
I noticed too that I no longer felt like I was starving all the time. I haven't gained weight but I don't eat as much either so I think my metabolism slowed.

and testosterone does increase metabolism:

"basal metabolic rate (BMR) increased significantly after 3 months of testosterone treatment "

"Testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone stimulate RMR, in part, directly and, in part, through their effects on body composition (30)."

This is very bad because in nature creatures with slower metabolisms live longer. The more food required equals more toxic byproducts of metabolism. That's one main reason why calorie restriction extends lifespan. Amongst these similiar aged monkeys, the one on the right has restricted calories.


Also, CR slows metabolism. This is also why I believe too much muscle would also contribute to the aging process. Because bigger muscles consume more energy even while at rest. The more muscle one has, the more calories required to be able to maintain it which again leads to more toxic byproducts of metabolism; homocysteine, oxidation, glycation end products, etc.
Yet people get power and strength confused with health and longevity and the media glorifies testosterone. Women have less muscle and live longer than men, they also have slower metabolisms cause the reality is that the candle glowing twice as bright lasts half as long.