Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I read that 10mg a day can suppress test by 60%. 25mg a day will probably nuke all test. I would start low and see how u get on.
There's a dose dependence curve with cypro alone, it goes between 70 to 80% at high doses. its required to add estradiol to get into castrate ranges.


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Hey guys, what do you think. if androgel smear on tits. will they not grow?
It will make gyno worse because breasts have high aromatase


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Men nowadays are finally beginning to realise the importance of appearance and are finally putting as much effort into it as women would. And you can’t even deny the importance of a better appearance: if a bald unattractive man and an attractive man with a full head of hair applied for the same job and had the same abilities, they would chose the attractive man with hair.
hmm, ...maybe they would hire the bald guy cause he makes them feel better about themselves


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Relationships aren’t the only things which occur in life. I’m mainly talking about the younger generation who are becoming more vain so they can try to mimic what they see on social media as an example. Men aren’t becoming more vain for women, neither are women vain for men. There’s an evident high standard when it comes to beauty and a majority of the younger population want to reach that standard.
Thats dumb though because social media is fake.. there's a million editing tools and software on Instagram. and people always present thier best on social media


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I know that your testosterone is female range but do u think you would of had regrowth just by halfing your testosterone? Like taking low dose cypro a few times a week? Along with small dose estrogen.
probably my regimen is overkill but better safe then sorry. the best regrowth from what I usually see involves something extreme. I don't think a low dose a few times a week wouldn't have been quite enough. a low dose everyday would be more likely
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The brain/nerve/psychological effects of progesterone are best achieved by its metabolites formed enzymatically in the liver. Thus, taking progesterone for the brain, sleep, calming, nerve protective effect is best achieved by taking it orally. Oral form dosages have to be much higher than the dosage of taking progesterone on the skin or on mucous membranes (inside the mouth, vagina, or around the a*** area).
Thats what I was saying earlier.. for the sleep benefits I take it orally before bed.


Do you know if commercially available pharmaceutical Oral Progesterone is POWDER?
Ive only used 2 brands but they both felt squishy. Likely, Its absorption is enhanced by lipids


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Honestly I want to take a break from the internet. I waste too much time on this website and online in general. Nothing ever changes, brotzu was a dud and everything else is years away and I just want to break the habit of checking this site daily only to be disappointed.
The cure is just 5 more years BRUH!


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What do you think, if i start treatment without minoxidil, finasteride, dutasteride, i will youse only top estrogel (for example) and top spironolactone, will be some positive effect?
It is possible, I've seen some Mtf's get results with just spironolactone and estradiol (although they take much higher estradiol) but no promises. Its better to use everything together because its all synergestic.
I'm not baldness yet, but i think i have NW3 (plus -minus), i just want to stop my shedding and keep what i have (maybe some a little bit improvements with my hair density). Maybe i also can add top dutasteride.
If thats all you want, just use dutasteride, min and nizoral..
I read a lot of posts in this forum and forums from my country that minoxidil and finasteride-duta do not help, it just can help somebody for couple of years and after that it this is all.
true but it depends on person. people who it doesn't work for are more likely to write about it online. Even if it doesn't last forever it maintains for 10 years for some people. After that you can add on spironolactone, etc.


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[QUOTE = "bridgeburn, post: 1783048, miembro: 130663"] finasteride no funciona mejor después de 5 mg [/ QUOTE]

ey bridge ... deje de tomar flutamide solo Me quedé con dutasteride 0.5 y finasteride 1 mg más minoxidil topico ... cree que perdí mucho cabello por dejar flutamide ... Espero no tener una tendencia muy agresiva ... a pregunta si sabe algo sobre el síndrome de dominancia del estrógeno ... eso puede ser lo que me causó una gran recuperación en 6 meses, consumí estrógeno, generalmente 4 mg, pero uno o dos keses consumieron 8 mg ... ¿qué piensa?


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What's a good, cheap safe site to buy spironolactone from? thailandpharmacy seems too expensive and i had a bad experience with united pharmacies in the past. Any other sites people can recommend?
Inhousepharmacy.vu , alldaychemist, beautystorefront.net, eu-aibolit.com,


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help ... as I have no idea why I lost hair this year if I used strong antiandrogens and estradiol ... the only answer I have is that it may be that my hair got worse due to the lack of androgens, it is very rare what I try to explain .. For me I am suffering something like an andrpausia ... it's like aging and maybe my hair is suffering from it ..
I really really really don't think you've lost hair. Your hair looks great, when you post a picture it doesn't look different


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All this is so ridiculous but more imporatantly


give a more honest representation of what has happened to you, dont try to paint this as some wonderfull thing
not promoting just being honest.

If I wasn't honest then it wouldn't sound ridiculous.


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Which kind of topical Estrogen I have to use? (What you recommend?). I mean name, brand, type of estrogen, e.t.c.

And, please, tell me, how I should to put it to my scalp (I need to apply gel or cream on all my problem surface or only partly?),
I use oestrogel, a couple of others are trying bi-estro care.

just rub on balding part which is balding enough for the topical to hit the skin more than the hairs.


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And he knows I've been using Control GX to color some of my greys, thats why he asked about coloring his hair - he thinks it's the Control GX that is giving it thickness!
I tried to get him on finasteride years ago and he didn't like the idea of taking a pill - imagine what he'd think of these nuclear regimes.
Your dad sounds so ignorant its almost cute. geez, I can't Imagine if you told him any of this o_O


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I think they're very religious so no premarital sex.
Which basically means pretending in front of others that there's no premaritial sex.


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The friend of mine who got Dutasteride from P/ H /G got it directly from China ... so I doubt they even bother to test every batch they are payed for.
yeah, better get the third party tested stuff from P/ H / G fourth party tested just to make sure ;)


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but again if you get nothing they won't give you a refund, they are doing their business for business, not for charity.
they are doing thier business for Neo-Nazism


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So I am literally eating around 3300 calories a day. And I’m slowly gaining the weight back.
geez, not healthy.. more calories equals more advanced glycation end products