Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I used to be really pro-testosterone n sh*t (into lifting too), but what really did it gave me? I'm shortish, totally not confident and awkward (T never did sh*t for that), and of course, balding started in my early 20s (thanks genetics). Sure if you're a male model with receptors that aren't fucked, I'd love me some T.
The truth is that if you're not some good looking dude, testosterone is overrated tbh. Having a high sex drive without the looks to use/release it, is a kind of torture whether u like it or not.
It's true and even in nature it is like that. If you're not the best/ strongest/ most well-designed, then it absolutely sucks to be male. A rooster can have 20 hens and if another rooster just wants 1 they will get attacked and fight and have to struggle.. on the other hand, women just have to look good.

It's not exactly the same in the modern world but elements of that exists.. The truth is that most men are attracted to most women while most women are not attracted to most men., Testosterone for most men makes us uglier and older, and horny. Men need sex more while also having a harder time getting it, this leads to torturous cycles. this is why there is so much suffering in the world ie. human trafficking, rapists, murderers and pedophiles, etc. The world would be a much better place if more people chemically or physically castrated themselves. Testosterone for men with genes designed well to react to it can become more attractive from it. They can have all their hair even if they take steroids, a clean face, have wide shoulders and athletic frame with easier ability to gain muscle... But for most men if you give them androgens it fucks them up more!, they get tons of body hair, if they go even half a day without a shower get strong pungent body odor, thinning disgustingly diffuse scalp hair, a metabolism which is too high, acne, a gaunt face, become frustratingly horny, and with progressive death and decay. most men react differently to the androgens than the top tier men, or are more sensitive to it.. and what sucks like a kick in the balls, is that nobody necessarily deserves better or worse. It's just random genetic luck..we are just born out of nowhere and handed what we get.

Science currently says that mutations are random. which is depressing.. more than 99% of the time mutations cause something negative and likely death.. and that the lucky few randomly get the good mutations.. It doesn't matter if a person is as evil as Hitler. It doesn't matter if they didn't earn it.. They can still get the lucky mutations, spread DNA, have resistance to poisons which kills everyone else, etc...

but at least now we have some control. by what choices we make.. If you have a gene version which puts you at risk for diabetes, it doesn't mean you will absolutely get it.. but that you cannot eat nearly as much sugar as other people.. and If we are balding young then we cannot handle as much androgens as others.
The hairloss is a symbol of death, mortality and genetic inferiority. It should be banished from touching our heads!!!! :mad:


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It's true and even in nature it is like that. If you're not the best/ strongest/ most well-designed, then it absolutely sucks to be male. A rooster can have 20 hens and if another rooster just wants 1 they will get attacked and fight and have to struggle.. on the other hand, women just have to look good.

It's not exactly the same in the modern world but elements of that exists.. The truth is that most men are attracted to most women while most women are not attracted to most men., Testosterone for most men makes us uglier and older, and horny. Men need sex more while also having a harder time getting it, this leads to torturous cycles. this is why there is so much suffering in the world ie. human trafficking, rapists, murderers and pedophiles, etc. The world would be a much better place if more people chemically or physically castrated themselves. Testosterone for men with genes designed well to react to it can become more attractive from it. They can have all their hair even if they take steroids, a clean face, have wide shoulders and athletic frame with easier ability to gain muscle... But for most men if you give them androgens it fucks them up more!, they get tons of body hair, if they go even half a day without a shower get strong pungent body odor, thinning disgustingly diffuse scalp hair, a metabolism which is too high, acne, a gaunt face, become frustratingly horny, and with progressive death and decay. most men react differently to the androgens than the top tier men, or are more sensitive to it.. and what sucks like a kick in the balls, is that nobody necessarily deserves better or worse. It's just random genetic luck..we are just born out of nowhere and handed what we get.

Science currently says that mutations are random. which is depressing.. more than 99% of the time mutations cause something negative and likely death.. and that the lucky few randomly get the good mutations.. It doesn't matter if a person is as evil as Hitler. It doesn't matter if they didn't earn it.. They can still get the lucky mutations, spread DNA, have resistance to poisons which kills everyone else, etc...

but at least now we have some control. by what choices we make.. If you have a gene version which puts you at risk for diabetes, it doesn't mean you will absolutely get it.. but that you cannot eat nearly as much sugar as other people.. and If we are balding young then we cannot handle as much androgens as others.
The hairloss is a symbol of death, mortality and genetic inferiority. It should be banished from touching our heads!!!! :mad:
so true!!!! my total testosterone is 1130ng/dl, I have to rub one out 3-5 times a day and it sucks!


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It's true and even in nature it is like that. If you're not the best/ strongest/ most well-designed, then it absolutely sucks to be male. A rooster can have 20 hens and if another rooster just wants 1 they will get attacked and fight and have to struggle.. on the other hand, women just have to look good.

It's not exactly the same in the modern world but elements of that exists.. The truth is that most men are attracted to most women while most women are not attracted to most men., Testosterone for most men makes us uglier and older, and horny. Men need sex more while also having a harder time getting it, this leads to torturous cycles. this is why there is so much suffering in the world ie. human trafficking, rapists, murderers and pedophiles, etc. The world would be a much better place if more people chemically or physically castrated themselves. Testosterone for men with genes designed well to react to it can become more attractive from it. They can have all their hair even if they take steroids, a clean face, have wide shoulders and athletic frame with easier ability to gain muscle... But for most men if you give them androgens it fucks them up more!, they get tons of body hair, if they go even half a day without a shower get strong pungent body odor, thinning disgustingly diffuse scalp hair, a metabolism which is too high, acne, a gaunt face, become frustratingly horny, and with progressive death and decay. most men react differently to the androgens than the top tier men, or are more sensitive to it.. and what sucks like a kick in the balls, is that nobody necessarily deserves better or worse. It's just random genetic luck..we are just born out of nowhere and handed what we get.

Science currently says that mutations are random. which is depressing.. more than 99% of the time mutations cause something negative and likely death.. and that the lucky few randomly get the good mutations.. It doesn't matter if a person is as evil as Hitler. It doesn't matter if they didn't earn it.. They can still get the lucky mutations, spread DNA, have resistance to poisons which kills everyone else, etc...

but at least now we have some control. by what choices we make.. If you have a gene version which puts you at risk for diabetes, it doesn't mean you will absolutely get it.. but that you cannot eat nearly as much sugar as other people.. and If we are balding young then we cannot handle as much androgens as others.
The hairloss is a symbol of death, mortality and genetic inferiority. It should be banished from touching our heads!!!! :mad:

it's so sad .. but it's the truth
if you can continue publishing these reflections ..


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It's true and even in nature it is like that. If you're not the best/ strongest/ most well-designed, then it absolutely sucks to be male. A rooster can have 20 hens and if another rooster just wants 1 they will get attacked and fight and have to struggle.. on the other hand, women just have to look good.

It's not exactly the same in the modern world but elements of that exists.. The truth is that most men are attracted to most women while most women are not attracted to most men., Testosterone for most men makes us uglier and older, and horny. Men need sex more while also having a harder time getting it, this leads to torturous cycles. this is why there is so much suffering in the world ie. human trafficking, rapists, murderers and pedophiles, etc. The world would be a much better place if more people chemically or physically castrated themselves. Testosterone for men with genes designed well to react to it can become more attractive from it. They can have all their hair even if they take steroids, a clean face, have wide shoulders and athletic frame with easier ability to gain muscle... But for most men if you give them androgens it fucks them up more!, they get tons of body hair, if they go even half a day without a shower get strong pungent body odor, thinning disgustingly diffuse scalp hair, a metabolism which is too high, acne, a gaunt face, become frustratingly horny, and with progressive death and decay. most men react differently to the androgens than the top tier men, or are more sensitive to it.. and what sucks like a kick in the balls, is that nobody necessarily deserves better or worse. It's just random genetic luck..we are just born out of nowhere and handed what we get.

Science currently says that mutations are random. which is depressing.. more than 99% of the time mutations cause something negative and likely death.. and that the lucky few randomly get the good mutations.. It doesn't matter if a person is as evil as Hitler. It doesn't matter if they didn't earn it.. They can still get the lucky mutations, spread DNA, have resistance to poisons which kills everyone else, etc...

but at least now we have some control. by what choices we make.. If you have a gene version which puts you at risk for diabetes, it doesn't mean you will absolutely get it.. but that you cannot eat nearly as much sugar as other people.. and If we are balding young then we cannot handle as much androgens as others.
The hairloss is a symbol of death, mortality and genetic inferiority. It should be banished from touching our heads!!!! :mad:
Very true, premature baldness indicates that your body is allergic to androgen and you need to shut them down before they eat you alive, that's why actually, male to eunuch, gender confirming surgery is now available in almost everywhere and we have tons of guys who went through voluntary castration, mainly the young guys who got fucked up receptors, doctors are more accepting to the idea, especially because the world is overpopulated, and sexual assalut is becoming an issue, I had to use diy method to induce castration, but after I did it, the urologist told that I could get the surgery for free without all the complications, because it is common nowadays


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Very true, premature baldness indicates that your body is allergic to androgen and you need to shut them down before they eat you alive,
yes yes yes! and too many guys are hanging on to thier masculinity even though its making them miserable! they think that we are crazy but everyone else is crazy.. like that guy who keeps criticizing us called Infinitepain, his user name even shows that he is in pain lol. and I bet he is pain because of androgens..

that's why actually, male to eunuch, gender confirming surgery is now available in almost everywhere and we have tons of guys who went through voluntary castration
tons?? I don't know anyone in real life who has done that. and on the internet I only know you.. but I guess you would have more knowledge of the eunuch community


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yes yes yes! and too many guys are hanging on to thier masculinity even though its making them miserable! they think that we are crazy but everyone else is crazy.. like that guy who keeps criticizing us called Infinitepain, his user name even shows that he is in pain lol. and I bet he is pain because of androgens..

tons?? I don't know anyone in real life who has done that. and on the internet I only know you.. but I guess you would have more knowledge of the eunuch community
I came across many guys who have done the surgery just for their hair lol, and many other do it because they are chronic wankers and want freedom from evil androgens, for me it was both because running on 1155 ng/dl was not fun, high androgens weren't doing me any good, except misery, so I took them down with my own hands


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I came across many guys who have done the surgery just for their hair lol, and many other do it because they are chronic wankers and want freedom from evil androgens,
you met them at the hospital? lol


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This is just tea but, men can cling onto masculinity all they want but what actually is masculinity? It's just bizarre that many guys just want to cling onto a social perspective to make themselves feel validated. Some men don't even like using basic skincare routines because it lessens their false perspective of masculinity. Some men are against using makeup, even basic makeup just to achieve a refined look, because they feel like it lessens their masculinity and it might make others think that they're gay. That's just called pure insecurity. They would even put other men down for using it, because I guess it makes them feel better. Recently, British media have been putting down people like James Charles because he doesn't follow the 'rules' of masculinity, and it's honestly so stupid!

Recently, Chanel bought out a makeup line which is made for men. It's literally just an overpriced BB cream, eyebrow pencil and lip balm (a $38 lip-balm... A $40 eyebrow pencil, WTF!). But men will buy it because it says that it's made for men, but in reality it's just overpriced items which insecure men will purchase because it says it's made for men.

From what I've seen, testosterone makes people age hideously with leathered-looking skin by the time they're 40. But, if that fulfils their insecurities, I guess it's alright!


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you met them at the hospital? lol
LOL no, but I know few eunuchs around me, what caught my attention ention was that, guys who have no genetic predisposition to baldness/body hair growth become so fat and miserable after castration, but guys like me who have hyper sensitive receptors find it a relief to get rid of androgen, so castration is not for everyone, @bridgeburn I think your baldness was severe back in the days, and I do not get why you let it advanced and get worse over the years, you should have done that earlier


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@bridgeburn, what do you think of people who say that you are flowing against nature, and if God made you bald then be it? Iam sure that a man taking estrogen is not really accepted to many people but who cares


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@bridgeburn, what do you think of people who say that you are flowing against nature, and if God made you bald then be it? Iam sure that a man taking estrogen is not really accepted to many people but who cares

L o L, 'If God made you bald, then be it'. I can just imagine a woman who will never have to experience hair loss saying this! God didn't make us bald, genetics did. Something which interests me is: did baldness occur thousands of years ago? Where did baldness even spawn? Besides from hell.


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L o L, 'If God made you bald, then be it'. I can just imagine a woman who will never have to experience hair loss saying this! God didn't make us bald, genetics did. Something which interests me is: did baldness occur thousands of years ago? Where did baldness even spawn? Besides from hell.
L o L, 'If God made you bald, then be it'. I can just imagine a woman who will never have to experience hair loss saying this! God didn't make us bald, genetics did. Something which interests me is: did baldness occur thousands of years ago? Where did baldness even spawn? Besides from hell.
Baldness is just a sign from your body telling you that androgens are too harsh on your body, it is an allergic response


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Baldness is just a sign from your body telling you that androgens are too harsh on your body, it is an allergic response
Baldness just means androgens are not good for your hair. You can't generalize it for the entire human body. Stop issuing such foolish statements. Some balding young men will end up physically castrating themselves after reading your post.
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@bridgeburn I think your baldness was severe back in the days, and I do not get why you let it advanced and get worse over the years, you should have done that earlier
Well, for one. When I was 17 the internet was not as big as it was today. when I was a kid, I didn't use the internet that much at all, that was before facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. I remember using it to send email but thats about it.. and also I actually remember when VHS was still more popular than DVDs. HairLossTalk.com is kinda old, but I didn't know about it.. I spent most of my time playing outside.

when I noticed my balding It was already a slick bald deep recession,.. It was very suddenly! and we are often taught that it is an inevitable thing and it is assumed that hair once its disappeared it is gone.. I first thought that it must be something in the shampoo, It must be societies fault cause there can't be something wrong with me.. I was a very different person back then and I am a lot smarter now.. To be honest, I was hippie-ish type that thought that natural means healthy. >.< I noticed on every singe shampoo bottle the first ingredient was sodium laurel sulfate, and i googled it and found articles saying that its so bad and dries hair and causes hairloss lol. I thought it ust be true, cause it strips the natural oil on our scalp. So I bought a bunch of sulfate free shampoo.. I also was in denial even though I hated that hairline.. "it must be a mature hairline, its a normal hairline for a man. Not everyone goes bald all the way, surely it can't progress further if i make healthy decisions, etc."

At 18, I went into the military and focused on my training for awhile and getting successful.. My hair was thick and could still be brushed to look decent and hide my hairloss. In many pics I didn't look like I was balding. like this:


If the wind blew that was stressful.
I searched on the internet and read about finasteride and min.. which the internet made it sound like those are the only 2 options and the only thing that has any proof..

Now, understand. I was really weird.. I was really religious and from a small town and ignorant.. and I had very conservative views on drugs and also doing anything unnatural was wrong. I even thought the same about trans people and surgeries. probably eunuchs too if i knew about them. Its a fucked mentality but I was like that :( . I thought everything synthetic must be evil and that marijuana was the same as meth and I believed it was morally wrong to take a pain reliever if you have a headache.. I know it sounds stupid and ridiculous >< honestly idk.. I may also have been biased cause my dad spent about half of my childhood in jail or prison because of drugs.. When I think of myself back then It feels like a previous life, rather than just a decade ago.

but I still hated my hairline and started looking into it. I read about PFS, and side effects etc. and finasteride sounded like a hardcore castration drug that will make my dick fall off. And I was young, dumb and full of c*m!! so, considering risk vs reward: My hairline then was already totally unacceptable, I didn't realize there was any possibility of regrowing anything on places that were bare skin.. I even heard doctors say this, that it is impossible to have hair from youth again.. :( Therefore, in my head. I thought its kinda pointless to spend money on a drug and risk my dick and brain fog just to maintain a hair state which I already hate.

But I tried minoxidil a couple times. and i remember once I read something that said turmeric was good against hairloss .. and I rubbed turmeric on my scalp,.. but the orange color was too strong and soaked in .. and everyone at work noticed I had orange my hair and forehead and thought WTF.. So I made up a story that I opened a can of raviolis wrong and the sauce splashed on me ><

then after that I went through a phase where I tried to actually accept it. I took the advice of "Just shave it bro" and decided I should transcend Earthly things and be spiritual like a monk and just let go..


Of course, eventually. That approach didn't work for long or make me feel better haha.

I got out of the military. and I had a mid-life crisis kinda. I left and traveled the world for 2 years,backpacker style without working. to have adventure while I was still "young". I focused on my travels as top priority and not on hair, doing as many adventure activities as I could. (skydiving, scuba diving, ice climbing, etc.) And I grew a beard to cope with my hair, thinking that I should enjoy the hair that I actually have ability to grow to the max.. and if I grew it long enough then it would take attention away from my scalp (it didn't). and I wore a straw hat all the time..

I made that my identity.


cartoon me:


I went into beard phase, haha. I liked all the beard pages on facebook and started sharing stuff like this all the time:

shaving.jpg Name-for-people-without-beards---meme.jpg it-has-been-122-years-since-we-have-had-a-4275903.png

Even then, I knew I cared about the hair on my head a billion times more..

After my trip.. my hair loss got to where I just couldn't hide it. I'd spend hours in the mirror to make it look what decent. I always told myself that if my hairline recedes I'd just shave it into a mohawk and grow the center then rock that style. but it became diffuse all over..

And then online, I happened upon the Swiss Temples regimen that was several years ago.. Which opened my eyes the first time that maybe it is actually possible to regrow hair where it wasn't there before! I couldn't believe it.. I bought into the idea that DHT causes PGD2 which is the actual real cause of hairloss rather than androgens directly, and that if you kill the PGD2, increase PGE2, stimulate progenitor cells, and use wounding.. then that can cause the regrowth.. but have to hit all the right angles at the same time..


However, I now realize that, while it is true, PGD2 is bad, its not the only problem.. and Swiss is the only one who seems to have gotten good results from that.. but back then I started researching like crazy everything prostaglandin related... I wanted to discover, some secret. I took tons of supplements,

Green apple peel extract, because procyanidin b2 has an interesting study on it. sulforaphane, supposed to increase 3aHsd which deactivates Dht into something else. vitamin e succinate, in vitro reduced pgd2 and increased pge2. Vitamin D, the active form of Vit d activates the vitamin d receptor. and vitamin d receptor activity is shown to be important in anagen initiation.. taurine, it inhibits tgfb if i remember correctly..

I used stuff from the Swiss Prostanglandin Protocal.,,, Stemoxydine, I took some sulfasalazine, mixed castor oil into DMSO.. exposed scalp to the sun,, for a brief time used some miconazole and minoxidil, lithium chloride topically, I dermarolled for a long time..
I took many things based on this:


I experimented for year or two.. with crazy hairloss theories.. But then one day. I found pictures on here.. of people who took more extreme regimens and regrowing hair.. and I learned about cases of transgender women regrowing tons of hair, I had heard of estrogen being good for hair, but when I saw pics of HRT results I realized it is actually really really good! What I thought before was impossible is now possible.. So right after I saw that. as soon as I could, I ordered HRT meds and started taking them...

I was 26 then at the start of hrt, now I'm 28..

So.. that's basically, my story.. and you are absolutely right.. I should have not let it get that far but I didn't have faith. Idk, I feel like an idiot and I don't always understand myself either. but that's why I share my story now, and do what is right now, to help others. and teach the truth.


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Well, for one. When I was 17 the internet was not as big as it was today. when I was a kid, I didn't use the internet that much at all, that was before facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. I remember using it to send email but thats about it.. and also I actually remember when VHS was still more popular than DVDs. HairLossTalk.com is kinda old, but I didn't know about it.. I spent most of my time playing outside.

when I noticed my balding It was already a slick bald deep recession,.. It was very suddenly! and we are often taught that it is an inevitable thing and it is assumed that hair once its disappeared it is gone.. I first thought that it must be something in the shampoo, It must be societies fault cause there can't be something wrong with me.. I was a very different person back then and I am a lot smarter now.. To be honest, I was hippie-ish type that thought that natural means healthy. >.< I noticed on every singe shampoo bottle the first ingredient was sodium laurel sulfate, and i googled it and found articles saying that its so bad and dries hair and causes hairloss lol. I thought it ust be true, cause it strips the natural oil on our scalp. So I bought a bunch of sulfate free shampoo.. I also was in denial even though I hated that hairline.. "it must be a mature hairline, its a normal hairline for a man. Not everyone goes bald all the way, surely it can't progress further if i make healthy decisions, etc."

At 18, I went into the military and focused on my training for awhile and getting successful.. My hair was thick and could still be brushed to look decent and hide my hairloss. In many pics I didn't look like I was balding. like this:

View attachment 113128

If the wind blew that was stressful.
I searched on the internet and read about finasteride and min.. which the internet made it sound like those are the only 2 options and the only thing that has any proof..

Now, understand. I was really weird.. I was really religious and from a small town and ignorant.. and I had very conservative views on drugs and also doing anything unnatural was wrong. I even thought the same about trans people and surgeries. probably eunuchs too if i knew about them. Its a fucked mentality but I was like that :( . I thought everything synthetic must be evil and that marijuana was the same as meth and I believed it was morally wrong to take a pain reliever if you have a headache.. I know it sounds stupid and ridiculous >< honestly idk.. I may also have been biased cause my dad spent about half of my childhood in jail or prison because of drugs.. When I think of myself back then It feels like a previous life, rather than just a decade ago.

but I still hated my hairline and started looking into it. I read about PFS, and side effects etc. and finasteride sounded like a hardcore castration drug that will make my dick fall off. And I was young, dumb and full of c*m!! so, considering risk vs reward: My hairline then was already totally unacceptable, I didn't realize there was any possibility of regrowing anything on places that were bare skin.. I even heard doctors say this, that it is impossible to have hair from youth again.. :( Therefore, in my head. I thought its kinda pointless to spend money on a drug and risk my dick and brain fog just to maintain a hair state which I already hate.

But I tried minoxidil a couple times. and i remember once I read something that said turmeric was good against hairloss .. and I rubbed turmeric on my scalp,.. but the orange color was too strong and soaked in .. and everyone at work noticed I had orange my hair and forehead and thought WTF.. So I made up a story that I opened a can of raviolis wrong and the sauce splashed on me ><

then after that I went through a phase where I tried to actually accept it. I took the advice of "Just shave it bro" and decided I should transcend Earthly things and be spiritual like a monk and just let go..

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Of course, eventually. That approach didn't work for long or make me feel better haha.

I got out of the military. and I had a mid-life crisis kinda. I left and traveled the world for 2 years,backpacker style without working. to have adventure while I was still "young". I focused on my travels as top priority and not on hair, doing as many adventure activities as I could. (skydiving, scuba diving, ice climbing, etc.) And I grew a beard to cope with my hair, thinking that I should enjoy the hair that I actually have ability to grow to the max.. and if I grew it long enough then it would take attention away from my scalp (it didn't). and I wore a straw hat all the time..

I made that my identity.

View attachment 113130

cartoon me:

View attachment 113131

I went into beard phase, haha. I liked all the beard pages on facebook and started sharing stuff like this all the time:

View attachment 113132 View attachment 113133 View attachment 113134

Even then, I knew I cared about the hair on my head a billion times more..

After my trip.. my hair loss got to where I just couldn't hide it. I'd spend hours in the mirror to make it look what decent. I always told myself that if my hairline recedes I'd just shave it into a mohawk and grow the center then rock that style. but it became diffuse all over..

And then online, I happened upon the Swiss Temples regimen that was several years ago.. Which opened my eyes the first time that maybe it is actually possible to regrow hair where it wasn't there before! I couldn't believe it.. I bought into the idea that DHT causes PGD2 which is the actual real cause of hairloss rather than androgens directly, and that if you kill the PGD2, increase PGE2, stimulate progenitor cells, and use wounding.. then that can cause the regrowth.. but have to hit all the right angles at the same time..

View attachment 113139

However, I now realize that, while it is true, PGD2 is bad, its not the only problem.. and Swiss is the only one who seems to have gotten good results from that.. but back then I started researching like crazy everything prostaglandin related... I wanted to discover, some secret. I took tons of supplements,

Green apple peel extract, because procyanidin b2 has an interesting study on it. sulforaphane, supposed to increase 3aHsd which deactivates Dht into something else. vitamin e succinate, in vitro reduced pgd2 and increased pge2. Vitamin D, the active form of Vit d activates the vitamin d receptor. and vitamin d receptor activity is shown to be important in anagen initiation.. taurine, it inhibits tgfb if i remember correctly..

I used stuff from the Swiss Prostanglandin Protocal.,,, Stemoxydine, I took some sulfasalazine, mixed castor oil into DMSO.. exposed scalp to the sun,, for a brief time used some miconazole and minoxidil, lithium chloride topically, I dermarolled for a long time..
I took many things based on this:

View attachment 113140

I experimented for year or two.. with crazy hairloss theories.. But then one day. I found pictures on here.. of people who took more extreme regimens and regrowing hair.. and I learned about cases of transgender women regrowing tons of hair, I had heard of estrogen being good for hair, but when I saw pics of HRT results I realized it is actually really really good! What I thought before was impossible is now possible.. So right after I saw that. as soon as I could, I ordered HRT meds and started taking them...

I was 26 then at the start of hrt, now I'm 28..

So.. that's basically, my story.. and you are absolutely right.. I should have not let it get that far but I didn't have faith. Idk, I feel like an idiot and I don't always understand myself either. but that's why I share my story now, and do what is right now, to help others. and teach the truth.

Honestly, that's why I want to start taking Spironolactone (+ Estradiol if it's necessary) as soon as possible. I've noticed that it's better to not leave it too late, or I will be sorry. Especially since my recession is currently mild, but has a large chance of worsening due to genetics. I went through the denial phase, where I thought I might just have Telogen Effluvium and it will grow back. But, that is not the case especially with hairlines. I would look at my sister who was suffering with postpartum hair loss, where it grew back thicker than before, and compare my self to that. But I'm not a woman. So now, I'm now accepting the issue and I will battle it rather than becoming depressed over it (literally, I would have diva meltdowns where I would scream at everyone and start crying in my bed for hours).

And honestly, I think testosterone could be causing issues for me. I do think it contributes to my severe mood swigs, and aggression. I do think it causes my acne / oily skin too. I was on Accutane, which I had to stop after 1.5 months as my liver enzymes went too high (it went even higher after I stopped it for two weeks, so my dermatologist believes it's because I take too many supplements at high doses than my liver can process) but I'm honestly too fearful to go back on it due to the horror stories where people begin losing hair (dermatologists call it Telogen Effluvium, but in men it could just turn into accelerated baldness).

After seeing your story and results, along with others, I do believe the side effects are worth it. I start having severe meltdowns where I become suicidal and depressed (almost manic) with the hair loss I have now, so I can't imagine how bad the meltdowns will be if the hair loss progresses further.

And, it's even worse when people in my family point it out every single day as if I don't notice it. And start recommending me weird remedies such as eating eggs, nuts or avocados. Or when my hairdresser cuts my hair, and she sprays water in it; that's when all hell breaks loose. I start feeling extremely uncomfortable and unsettled because people begin to stare at me. Or when my mom states that she has more hair than me and she's almost 60.


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Honestly, that's why I want to start taking Spironolactone (+ Estradiol if it's necessary) as soon as possible. I've noticed that it's better to not leave it too late, or I will be sorry. Especially since my recession is currently mild, but has a large chance of worsening due to genetics. I went through the denial phase, where I thought I might just have Telogen Effluvium and it will grow back. But, that is not the case especially with hairlines. I would look at my sister who was suffering with postpartum hair loss, where it grew back thicker than before, and compare my self to that. But I'm not a woman. So now, I'm now accepting the issue and I will battle it rather than becoming depressed over it (literally, I would have diva meltdowns where I would scream at everyone and start crying in my bed for hours).

And honestly, I think testosterone could be causing issues for me. I do think it contributes to my severe mood swigs, and aggression. I do think it causes my acne / oily skin too. I was on Accutane, which I had to stop after 1.5 months as my liver enzymes went too high (it went even higher after I stopped it for two weeks, so my dermatologist believes it's because I take too many supplements at high doses than my liver can process) but I'm honestly too fearful to go back on it due to the horror stories where people begin losing hair (dermatologists call it Telogen Effluvium, but in men it could just turn into accelerated baldness).

After seeing your story and results, along with others, I do believe the side effects are worth it. I start having severe meltdowns where I become suicidal and depressed (almost manic) with the hair loss I have now, so I can't imagine how bad the meltdowns will be if the hair loss progresses further.

And, it's even worse when people in my family point it out every single day as if I don't notice it. And start recommending me weird remedies such as eating eggs, nuts or avocados. Or when my hairdresser cuts my hair, and she sprays water in it; that's when all hell breaks loose. I start feeling extremely uncomfortable and unsettled because people begin to stare at me. Or when my mom states that she has more hair than me and she's almost 60.
Spironolactone works only for few. Estrogen plays the major role in regrowth. I have been on oral spironolactone 400 mg and it is not working for me. I have receding hairline and diffuse thinning in norwood 6 like pattern.


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Spironolactone works only for few. Estrogen plays the major role in regrowth. I have been on oral spironolactone 400 mg and it is not working for me. I have receding hairline and diffuse thinning in norwood 6 like pattern.
I'm currently a NW1 slowly turning into a NW1.5. But, I still have baby hairs near my hairline which represent my previous NW0 hairline. I'm hoping to dear Lordney Spears herself that they can turn back into normal hairs. If Estradiol is necessary to turn the baby hairs into full hairs again, I will 100% do that.

But, my biggest issue isn't even my hairline. It's the diffuse thinning. I have lost around 50% of my hair all over due to a severe eating disorder. I have no idea if it will grow back to its full thickness, or I will just follow the road of it being permanent. I have noticed regrowth after I have combated the eating disorder (around 10% of regrowth after three months) but I don't know if it will stop there due to my family history. So it's better for me to be safe than sorry I guess...


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I'm currently a NW1 slowly turning into a NW1.5. But, I still have baby hairs near my hairline which represent my previous NW0 hairline. I'm hoping to dear Lordney Spears herself that they can turn back into normal hairs. If Estradiol is necessary to turn the baby hairs into full hairs again, I will 100% do that.

But, my biggest issue isn't even my hairline. It's the diffuse thinning. I have lost around 50% of my hair all over due to a severe eating disorder. I have no idea if it will grow back to its full thickness, or I will just follow the road of it being permanent. I have noticed regrowth after I have combated the eating disorder (around 10% of regrowth after three months) but I don't know if it will stop there due to my family history. So it's better for me to be safe than sorry I guess...
What is your age? If you are in your early 20, these medication will buy you time. They helped me for almost 7 years. But my genetic is evolving now. My father is norwood 6.


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What is your age? If you are in your early 20, these medication will buy you time. They helped me for almost 7 years. But my genetic is evolving now. My father is norwood 6.
I'm 18. My fathers side has perfect hair genetics (they're all in their 40s - 60s with NW1s and full heads of hair). My mothers side has horrid genetics (I've noticed that most of them bald in their 20s).