Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Im still going bald despite HRT for 2 months. The only effect I have is thin facial hair and muscle loss, no sperm.

Its over. I give up. I am going to stop taking all f*****g anti androgens.

Its time to be a f*****g man, deal with baldness, shave head, get an SMP, take some steroids and go to gym. That’s the only way to look good while being bald. The idea of being a trans if you are a man and feel like a man is a f*****g bullshit.

Really, Its a time to stop being a f*****g pussy.
I had an experience yesterday that confirmed my position that there are many, many hot balding and totally bald men out there. Was on my mountain bike and saw a really handsome older (50s) dude with horseshoe balding head and a stunning full beard - not long but super dense and untrimmed way high on his cheeks for maximum visual punch. Salt and pepper. I nearly fell off my bike this dude was so cute. I just grinned at him big time and I think he realized I had just mentally undressed him and he liked it.


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You guys don't understand one thing. Only DHT matters in androgenic alopecia. You can even remove your testicles, but if your body still produces sufficent amount of DHT (via backdoor pathway) then you are still going to be bald. DHT is a hormone that is not only produced by 5 alpha reductase... That’s why a lot of people who take finasteride/dutasteride are still going bald and often they have a DHT levels in normal male range...

You can have a testosterone levels 0 but your DHT can still be high in some cases and you can do nothing about that.


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I had an experience yesterday that confirmed my position that there are many, many hot balding and totally bald men out there. Was on my mountain bike and saw a really handsome older (50s) dude with horseshoe balding head and a stunning full beard - not long but super dense and untrimmed way high on his cheeks for maximum visual punch. Salt and pepper. I nearly fell off my bike this dude was so cute. I just grinned at him big time and I think he realized I had just mentally undressed him and he liked it.
Omfg no one carws


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Nah most of these fucks are just BDD, don’t even have hair loss, and just want an excuse to transition.
some members in this thread defiantly had severe male pattern baldness that progressed harshly throughout their late tweens and twenties, most predominantly the op, i don't think that you are necessarily mistaken about members desiring to be feminine and so rely on this method of reversing hair loss because they want the symptoms that go long with, however can you really not distinguish desire for femineity and transitioning to the opposite sex.
At the most members that have not sought out to be trans here identified as non binary or were already gay/bi, no one though has become trans because of being inspired by this thread (hopefully)

Mr. Slap Head

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some members in this thread defiantly had severe male pattern baldness that progressed harshly throughout their late tweens and twenties, most predominantly the op, i don't think that you are necessarily mistaken about members desiring to be feminine and so rely on this method of reversing hair loss because they want the symptoms that go long with, however can you really not distinguish desire for femineity and transitioning to the opposite sex.
At the most members that have not sought out to be trans here identified as non binary or were already gay/bi, no one though has become trans because of being inspired by this thread (hopefully)
They definitely have, namely Solxama lol


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He got banned for making death threats. He transitioned and went pretty crazy lol
oh is it that sick creep who has 1000+ alts because of his obsessive woman's fetish indulging behavior?,
he doesn't count, he wasn't even in the thread back when i followed it in 2019


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You guys don't understand one thing. Only DHT matters in androgenic alopecia. You can even remove your testicles, but if your body still produces sufficent amount of DHT (via backdoor pathway) then you are still going to be bald. DHT is a hormone that is not only produced by 5 alpha reductase... That’s why a lot of people who take finasteride/dutasteride are still going bald and often they have a DHT levels in normal male range...

You can have a testosterone levels 0 but your DHT can still be high in some cases and you can do nothing about that.
Well, Dutasteride it is supposed to attack the Backdoor pathway of dht via the 5AR1 enzyme, but for others will be enough and probably for others not. DHT being high to those who take it’s pretty crazy. There are genetic variations, etc. Nothing is fully understood yet/completely. No to mention the scalp DHT/androgens. There is even a study where Dutasteride+3a oxidoreductase inhibitors inhibited DHT more completely than Dutasteride alone in advance prostate cancer which makes sense because the Backdoor pathway is inhibited more “completely”. From the Backdoor chart, someone can conclude that the following could inhibit it in a more “complete” way:


The following studies are pretty good. Worth a look.



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Well, Dutasteride it is supposed to attack the Backdoor pathway of dht via the 5AR1 enzyme, but for others will be enough and probably for others not. DHT being high to those who take it’s pretty crazy. There are genetic variations, etc. Nothing is fully understood yet/completely. No to mention the scalp DHT/androgens. There is even a study where Dutasteride+3a oxidoreductase inhibitors inhibited DHT more completely than Dutasteride alone in advance prostate cancer which makes sense because the Backdoor pathway is inhibited more “completely”. From the Backdoor chart, someone can conclud that the following could inhibit it in a more “complete” way:


The following studies are pretty good. Worth a look.

Also, you can take a look in my thread here. I think I have gathered good information.


Mr. Slap Head

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Even KCMB never had hair loss, yet comes on here to give advice to people with actual hair loss lmao it’s pathetic. Clearly just on here for validation, same as the other incels. Janey actually had hair loss, was more intelligent, and contributed more beneficial content.

yung recession

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why are yall in this thread if you aren’t on hrt or interested in it. there’s balding but then there’s being so mentally damaged by balding you harass people on a hair loss forum