Drink glass of Red wine every night and see thick hair


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Well for all that is reading this, I hope you try this. If your hair is just starting to thin, I will almost %100 guarantee that drinking a glass of red wine every day will bring back your thick hair. You most certainly do not need to be taking finasteride if you do drink atleast 4 glasses of red wine a week. I became curious about red wine because when I was in college, my major was Horticulture. One day my teacher was talking about how he use to teach wine classes while he was getting his Doctorine at Ohio State. Anyways hes a big wine guy and drinks red wine all the time. He also has tons of hair and the guy is over 50. But the interesting part was when we were talking in class and he started talking about his younger brother. I don't know how it got brought up but he said his brother was bald by 30. I was thinking well thats crazy because i know not one hair on my teachers head has thinned. He has absolutely no recession of the hairline. So I thought i would try to start drinking red wine since i stopped using finasteride for 3 months due to sides. After 2 weeks of drinking it...I began to get the same sides that I got with finasteride just not as bad, but my hair was shedding like crazy but i couldn't tell because it was also growing back thicker at the same time it was shedding. It was honestly like finasteride on steroids for me. I'm a early thinner so i could tell when the spots that were thinning would be thick because i could no longer see my scalp, and thats what happened after just 2 weeks drinking red wine. So i hope you guys try it, and if you start getting your hair back...I accept donations. ha please just try and let me know if you have success.

I don't know why your username is "commonsense" when you clearly don't have it. That post was a lot of bull**** and you know it (or do you?). If not you are seriously deluded. The reason why the 50+ year old REALLY has got all his hair while his brother doesn't? Genetics. Not red wine.


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I confirm. I have alopecia and when I drink wine, half a glass, my hair grows back a little. Wine is not a cure, just helping. We don't all have the same genes so it might not work for you.


My Regimen
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I confirm. I have alopecia and when I drink wine, half a glass, my hair grows back a little. Wine is not a cure, just helping. We don't all have the same genes so it might not work for you.



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I can definitely confirm, after not eating much crap, bread, etc last weekend and drinking one bottle of red wine (last small glass was Sunday night) my hair was feeling much better Monday morning. I did use Regaine foam Sun night though.

Murkey Thumb

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Red wine is full of inflammatory histamines so is technically bad for your hair. I think drinking a bottle a day would be good to make you forget that you are going bald though so try that!

Murkey Thumb

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"Histamine is present in a variety of bacterially fermented products such as wine, aged cheeses, and sauerkraut. Red wine has 20–200% more histamine than white wine, and those who are allergic to it may be deficient in the enzyme diamine oxidase." = Bad for hair!


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In the first pic he has to be almost 50 and in the second he's like 80 years old. He has more hair at 80 then some have at 25.
and you attribute that to him drinking wine?


Established Member
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No, what I'm implying is at 50 to 80 years old hair loss is normal.
Some are direct descendants of some HairGod like James Brolin is.