Dr Nigam working with Dr Mwamba do prove the potential of Donor Doubling!


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Donewithit, you can change that around as people have in worse situations. When you become so negative, the body starts to manifest itself and its probably a reason your hairloss started. Don't be selfish and take the easy road out. There are people in your life that will feel bad and have regret that they didn't do something. I know someone who's mother committed suicide and he hasnt been the same since. It's that negativity that keeps being repeated over and over in your head, that's all you see and miss out on the positive things. You should have more hope and in vision a bright future. Fight for yourself like other people, look into a diet that works. Maybe a paelo diet with organic food might help as I have seen food taking away stress and anxiety alone. You might have some food sensitivities that affect your mindset and stress levels.

Do some research. The truth is, there is no one who is completely healthy in a developed country anymore. All the toxins and bad soil makes us deficient in some nutrients at least. I have also never met a girl, no matter how "attractive" that is not insecure about herself. That's the truth. I also find that female hair loss is usually easier to treat due to hormones I guess. Definitely keep researching, make sure you have no mold in your house or high EMF radiation. Eat more vegetables, grass fed beef, krill oil or fermented cod liver oil. Practice positivity and believe in yourself that you can accomplish what you desire with enough hard work and patience. It goes a long way and your life is worth fighting for. There are already so many treatments coming up in the medical field, there is also so many things you can do naturally that will improve your life. There are also experimental things going on like dermarolling and scalp messages that are helping some people. No matter what there is hope and I am confident that you can improve if you learn enough.

Keep yourself busy when you're sad such as art, hobbies, studying, etc. I would also recommend to practice mindfulness meditation. http://youtu.be/3nwwKbM_vJc

People are in DIFFERENT situations yes, but who are you or anyone really to judge which are "worse".
I only know my situation and to me it's unbearable.
Something I've learned is that anxiety and depression as severe as mine has been and is, today, multiplied by a thousand,
does manifest itself in your body and gives physical symptoms.
I've been through them all; insomnia, stomach problems, headaches, muscle aches, rashes, fatigue, dizziness, problems concentrating, back pain +++.
I've suffered from something called Generalised Anxiety Disorder, or GAD, and the best way I can describe it is being in a constant state of fear 24/7. People are affected to varying degrees, and I've been told mine is severe.
On top of this I've ALWAYS, since a child, suffered from very low self esteem, and low self worth in general.
I had problems long before my hair loss started, and believe me I tried treating my disease with various anti depressants,
going to several shrinks etc.
It never helped because although I knew that the advice the doctors and shrinks gave me made sense,
it's like my mind always told me differently. I just couldn't let go of the fear no matter what.
There was a time when I told myself enough is enough, and started living a very healthy life like what you are talking about,
with healthy food and very regular exercise. Even did yoga to relax my mind.
After a while I developed serious fatigue, which sent me right back into anxiety mode, and forced me to stop exercising.
Shortly after that the hair started falling out. I had plenty of triggers for my hair to start shedding,
including anxiety/depression, a thyroid problem etc.
But none of those factors will cause balding. Maybe they set it off early, sure, but balding is genetic and it would have hit me anyway.
It is not my fault I'm balding, it's my damn genetics.
Before hair loss I suffered severe anxiety and mild depression, hair loss turned it into severe depression.
As of now the anxiety is slowly letting go as I'm resigning to the fact that I am, indeed, balding.
I've spent months and months doing research on hair loss, trying to find out if I was actually balding,
going to a dozen of doctors and so called "specialists", trying out different treatments, foods etc. that is supposed to help.
What I'm left with in the end is the fact that I am rapidly balding, and it's probably nothing I can do about it.
The fear of going bald has turned to some sort of acceptance, where I am no longer afraid,
just exhausted, and incredibly depressed. I have no fight left in me whatsoever.
When you reach a point where you are so depressed you no longer "care", and I don't mean in a way where I don't give two sh*ts I'm going bald, nothing will ever satisfy you.
I used to love photography, music, dancing, makeup, clothes, shoes, laughing, painting, reading, sex...
None of those things give me even a fraction of joy anymore.
When I force myself out of my house about twice a month to hang out with friends, all I wanna do is go home anyway.
You become so resigned you just wanna give up and give in, if you know what I mean?
Thanks for your advice but I've tried it all and none of it has helped even a bit.
Also about hormones I've tested mine like 100 times and they are always "normal".
I just have some really bad hair killing genetics, I guess.
Without comparing my situation to other problems I do wanna say though,
personally I think mental problems are some of the worst things in this world.
You can't really speak until you've been there.
Imagine not having ONE second of peace inside your head for months, even years.
There's always a war going on inside my head, with millions of thoughts on top of each other.
Can't expect someone who's not been there to understand though.
And I'm not saying you've never been depressed or anxious because we all have,
but it becomes a disease when it never lets go, and I mean never,
even when I sleep all I have is nightmares about hair.


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People are in DIFFERENT situations yes, but who are you or anyone really to judge which are "worse".
I only know my situation and to me it's unbearable.
Something I've learned is that anxiety and depression as severe as mine has been and is, today, multiplied by a thousand,
does manifest itself in your body and gives physical symptoms.
I've been through them all; insomnia, stomach problems, headaches, muscle aches, rashes, fatigue, dizziness, problems concentrating, back pain +++.
I suffer from something called Generalised Anxiety Disorder, or GAD, and the best way I can describe it is being in a constant state of fear 24/7. People are affected to varying degrees, and I've been told mine is severe.
On top of this I've ALWAYS, since a child, suffered from very low self esteem, and low self worth in general.
I had problems long before my hair loss started, and believe me I tried treating my disease with various anti depressants,
going to several shrinks etc.
It never helped because although I knew that the advice the doctors and shrinks gave me made sense,
it's like my mind always told me differently. I just couldn't let go of the fear no matter what.
There was a time when I told myself enough is enough, and started living a very healthy life like what you are talking about,
with healthy food and very regular exercise. Even did yoga to relax my mind.
After a while I developed serious fatigue, which sent me right back into anxiety mode, and forced me to stop exercising.
Shortly after that the hair started falling out. I had plenty of triggers for my hair to start shedding,
including anxiety/depression, a thyroid problem etc.
But none of those factors will cause balding. Maybe they set it off early, sure, but balding is genetic and it would have hit me anyway.
It is not my fault I'm balding, it's my damn genetics.
Before hair loss I suffered severe anxiety and mild depression, hair loss turned it into severe depression.
As of now the anxiety is slowly letting go as I'm resigning to the fact that I am, indeed, balding.
I've spent months and months doing research on hair loss, trying to find out if I was actually balding,
going to a dozen of doctors and so called "specialists", trying out different treatments, foods etc. that is supposed to help.
What I'm left with in the end is the fact that I am rapidly balding, and it's probably nothing I can do about it.
The fear of going bald has turned to some sort of acceptance, where I am no longer afraid,
just exhausted, and incredibly depressed. I have no fight left in me whatsoever.
When you reach a point where you are so depressed you no longer "care", and I don't mean in a way where I don't give two sh*ts I'm going bald, nothing will ever satisfy you.
I used to love photography, music, dancing, makeup, clothes, shoes, laughing, painting, reading, sex...
None of those things give me even a fraction of joy anymore.
When I force myself out of my house about twice a month to hang out with friends, all I wanna do is go home anyway.
You become so resigned you just wanna give up and give in, if you know what I mean?
Thanks for your advice but I've tried it all and none of it has helped even a bit.
Also about hormones I've tested mine like 100 times and they are always "normal".
I just have some really bad hair killing genetics, I guess.

Fight and fight and fight and fight...that's your reason to live...this universe has kicked you in the gut for some reason -- get up, give it the f-u-c-k-i-n-g finger and fight back :firing:...don't let it win by you giving in and checking out..


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I've been through depression for about 7-8 years, but looking back, if I knew the things I know now things would be much better. If only I pushed myself more. Still not too late though, but having a victim mentality is very unhealthy no matter how justified you feel about it. Thyroid problems do cause hairloss actually. It affected my mother's hairloss and after doing this thyroid eating plan from this book practical paelo (you can probably find similar diet for free on the net) and removing her amalgams and heavy metal detox, a year later she's doing much better. I don't know if women in your family have the same problem but genetics or not, you have the power to change your life. The mind is a powerful thing. It helps to have support too but if you take small steps everyday, you'd be surprised how things turn out. You don't have to do everything at once as that's overwhelming. Just small goals. Steve jobs had cancer, one could say there was no point for him to strive for his company when he could sit at home and be depressed. Instead he followed his dreams and made the best of his life even though I'm sure was very hard. You can genuinely work on your weaknesses. If you can't relax your mind, why not try meditation and doing that for a week and giving up is not trying. You already went to shrinks and doctors and didn't work, now take responsibility in your own hands and see how you can help yourself. Try to find the root of the problem no matter how long it takes. Maybe you have a parasite problem, or lyme, hypothyroid, nutrient deficiencies, adrenal fatigue, etc. These things are not easily tested. I recommend a homeopathic approach, or whatever it takes to find the answer. You will be proud of yourself for the effort. See what people in similar situations have done. Go to a garden somewhere to breath in fresh air and enjoy the little things to calm your mind. I wish you the best and truly believe you can improve your life as I have seen many people come out from a negative past.


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Steve jobs had cancer, one could say there was no point for him to strive for his company when he could sit at home and be depressed. Instead he followed his dreams and made the best of his life even though I'm sure was very hard.

Steve Jobs is a terrible example. Dude was a dumbass about his cancer. He refused proper treatment from decades of scientific research only to try natural/home remedies.


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I've been through depression for about 7-8 years, but looking back, if I knew the things I know now things would be much better. If only I pushed myself more. Still not too late though, but having a victim mentality is very unhealthy no matter how justified you feel about it. Thyroid problems do cause hairloss actually. It affected my mother's hairloss and after doing this thyroid eating plan from this book practical paelo (you can probably find similar diet for free on the net) and removing her amalgams and heavy metal detox, a year later she's doing much better. I don't know if women in your family have the same problem but genetics or not, you have the power to change your life. The mind is a powerful thing. It helps to have support too but if you take small steps everyday, you'd be surprised how things turn out. You don't have to do everything at once as that's overwhelming. Just small goals. Steve jobs had cancer, one could say there was no point for him to strive for his company when he could sit at home and be depressed. Instead he followed his dreams and made the best of his life even though I'm sure was very hard. You can genuinely work on your weaknesses. If you can't relax your mind, why not try meditation and doing that for a week and giving up is not trying. You already went to shrinks and doctors and didn't work, now take responsibility in your own hands and see how you can help yourself. Try to find the root of the problem no matter how long it takes. Maybe you have a parasite problem, or lyme, hypothyroid, nutrient deficiencies, adrenal fatigue, etc. These things are not easily tested. I recommend a homeopathic approach, or whatever it takes to find the answer. You will be proud of yourself for the effort. See what people in similar situations have done. Go to a garden somewhere to breath in fresh air and enjoy the little things to calm your mind. I wish you the best and truly believe you can improve your life as I have seen many people come out from a negative past.

The problems with humans is self-consciousness. A guy told me that we should all think by living for the moment, living for today just like a dog. He was about right.


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The problems with humans is self-consciousness. A guy told me that we should all think by living for the moment, living for today just like a dog. He was about right.

I agree. I've often thought to myself "I wish I was my dog!" haha she's so simple minded, lives in the moment and doesn't care for the past or worry about the future. She's a totally free spirit. If it was only that simple to cure a very depressed mind, though... Oh well back to thread, kinda hijacked it with my nonsense (not nonsense, but it was besides the point):
I really hope there's gonna be some much better treatment in the near future for all of us. I'm rooting for Dr. Nigam and Dr. Mwamba to pull it off, but not gonna get my hopes up until they actually offer the treatment. With that said I'm not kidding when I said I would volunteer as a guinea pig lol. I think hair cloning or hair multiplication might be the C-U-R-E we are waiting for, but in all honesty that is probably 10-15 years away, if not more? Unless something extraordinary happens. Donor regeneration is probably our best chance right now, and if all goes well maybe it will be available to the masses in just a few years? I don't know but I'm hoping not as far away as the cloning. Also I'm hoping for something better than Rogaine and Propecia, like maybe an injection you have to take once a year or something that completely stops the hair loss at least. We need something that is truly effective in stopping hair loss at the root cause. Have anyone heard of Acell-treatment? So far they've had really great result and the injections have given 30% more hair than transplanted in some patients and stopped hair loss in most. But it's still under trials as everything else and although it sounds really great again I'm trying not to get my hopes up. It's not a definite cure like we all want though, but if we could at least get something better and more effective than what we have today that would be gold. Also not having to put something on your head twice a day *cough cough Rogaine* that mostly doesn't even work would be great.

uncomfortable man

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Donewithit, you can change that around as people have in worse situations. When you become so negative, the body starts to manifest itself and its probably a reason your hairloss started. Don't be selfish and take the easy road out. There are people in your life that will feel bad and have regret that they didn't do something. I know someone who's mother committed suicide and he hasnt been the same since. It's that negativity that keeps being repeated over and over in your head, that's all you see and miss out on the positive things. You should have more hope and in vision a bright future. Fight for yourself like other people, look into a diet that works. Maybe a paelo diet with organic food might help as I have seen food taking away stress and anxiety alone. You might have some food sensitivities that affect your mindset and stress levels.

Do some research. The truth is, there is no one who is completely healthy in a developed country anymore. All the toxins and bad soil makes us deficient in some nutrients at least. I have also never met a girl, no matter how "attractive" that is not insecure about herself. That's the truth. I also find that female hair loss is usually easier to treat due to hormones I guess. Definitely keep researching, make sure you have no mold in your house or high EMF radiation. Eat more vegetables, grass fed beef, krill oil or fermented cod liver oil. Practice positivity and believe in yourself that you can accomplish what you desire with enough hard work and patience. It goes a long way and your life is worth fighting for. There are already so many treatments coming up in the medical field, there is also so many things you can do naturally that will improve your life. There are also experimental things going on like dermarolling and scalp messages that are helping some people. No matter what there is hope and I am confident that you can improve if you learn enough.

Keep yourself busy when you're sad such as art, hobbies, studying, etc. I would also recommend to practice mindfulness meditation. http://youtu.be/3nwwKbM_vJc

You sound like one of those new age kale eating, gluten-free hair-krishna hippies who thinks everything can be cured by organic foods and disregards anything scientific or genetic, smh. You probably have long locks of nappy dreds crusted with petchuli oil. Totally ignorant of what it feels like to be bald... let alone a bald woman.


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You sound like one of those new age kale eating, gluten-free hair-krishna hippies who thinks everything can be cured by organic foods and disregards anything scientific or genetic, smh. You probably have long locks of nappy dreds crusted with petchuli oil. Totally ignorant of what it feels like to be bald... let alone a bald woman.

Can't help ..man laughing out loud! Man.,. sometimes you are friggin funny!


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You sound like one of those new age kale eating, gluten-free hair-krishna hippies who thinks everything can be cured by organic foods and disregards anything scientific or genetic, smh. You probably have long locks of nappy dreds crusted with petchuli oil. Totally ignorant of what it feels like to be bald... let alone a bald woman.

Yep I doubt organic food is gonna give me my hair back. It's not like I haven't tried eating healthy. In fact I've tried everything, and I mean EVERYTHING to stop my hair from thinning, with one exception; Propecia. That will be my last hope, if I can get my doctor to prescribe me it. But she friggin has to, I'm on the verge of suicide (not just saying, I'm actually admitted to a clinic and on strong anti depressants right now - all because of hair loss). If anything she needs to let me at least try it before I actually go through with it. I've lost all value in this society and I feel the the worlds biggest loser and ugliest woman, I feel pretty disgusting most of the time. Wig is NOT an option for me. I want MY HAIR BACK! If I can't have it, I will be gone. Can't expect everyone to understand though, but premature baldness (or baldness in general) is a disgusting curse and to me it is THE worst thing that could've ever happened to me. I mean, if I got cancer I would not be sad because it would take the suicide pressure off of me. I would refuse treatment and die, at last. And I'm not just saying this, I've seen someone close to me battle cancer for 10 years (with treatment of course) and I saw the hell that person went through. But I'd rather take that over this overwhelming depression who just feels like you are trapped, with no way out.


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Yep I doubt organic food is gonna give me my hair back. It's not like I haven't tried eating healthy. In fact I've tried everything, and I mean EVERYTHING to stop my hair from thinning, with one exception; Propecia. That will be my last hope, if I can get my doctor to prescribe me it. But she friggin has to, I'm on the verge of suicide (not just saying, I'm actually admitted to a clinic and on strong anti depressants right now - all because of hair loss). If anything she needs to let me at least try it before I actually go through with it. I've lost all value in this society and I feel the the worlds biggest loser and ugliest woman, I feel pretty disgusting most of the time. Wig is NOT an option for me. I want MY HAIR BACK! If I can't have it, I will be gone. Can't expect everyone to understand though, but premature baldness (or baldness in general) is a disgusting curse and to me it is THE worst thing that could've ever happened to me. I mean, if I got cancer I would not be sad because it would take the suicide pressure off of me. I would refuse treatment and die, at last. And I'm not just saying this, I've seen someone close to me battle cancer for 10 years (with treatment of course) and I saw the hell that person went through. But I'd rather take that over this overwhelming depression who just feels like you are trapped, with no way out.

If comments like this aren't enough for the industry to get off its *** and find a solution to this curse, I don't know what would be enough. Fvck society too for having the guts to cripple and destroy those who are unfortunate to be given this plague. Reading comments like that makes me want to rip someones head off.


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DoneWithIt -- Like I said, you DO NOT KNOW what is waiting for you if you commit suicide...Forget religion, science is showing findings that there is wayyyy more to life than we can possibly understand right now....Given the massive power and scope of what this universe contains, I WOULD NOT want to screw around with what may be waiting for you if you kill yourself...Take your chances in this life and live fight against this the best you can....

As for the rest of you -- let's keep this thread on it's intent...

Breaking Bald

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DoneWithIt - Hang in there as best as you can, I know it's tough! But in the long run it will make you such a stronger person!! HANG IN THERE!!! We will see better treatments coming our way.


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DoneWithIt - Hang in there as best as you can, I know it's tough! But in the long run it will make you such a stronger person!! HANG IN THERE!!! We will see better treatments coming our way.

If I can get through this I will get through anything. And I mean anything. The problem is just, am I gonna get through it? I don't know. It doesn't look good for me, that's for sure. But at least I had a good nights sleep tonight so that gave me a little energy. I'm just taking it one day at a time, but I know for sure I won't give up until I have tried everything to save my hair, including propecia and avodart. I just don't know who of the two I should try first. I wanna get it right, cause my hair doesn't have much time! It's going down FAST! Also I'm trying to talk a hair transplant clinic into letting me try something called hydracell injections which they claim stops hair loss in 70% and gives 30% more hair than transplanted. I'm not having a transplant yet, but I just wanna try the goddamn treatment but they are telling me it's not been tested on women in my country yet and blah blah blah, just like us unfortunate women are being told time and time again. But I'm having a good conversation with them, and I'm trying to let them know how much I NEED THIS. I have no problems being a guinea pig if it can help me, and in the long run other sufferers. After all I have nothing to lose, if my hair goes any worse my life is over anyways. I think what the hair loss community needs is people pushing through and demanding a better solution. I know I can't do it alone but I'm sure gonna try my hardest. All is dark now but when/if I leave this world I will have given everything I have to give. And so should you. The only way we are gonna ever move forward in the hair loss nightmare and towards a cure is if more people demand a better solution and people stop looking at hair loss as a vain issue. The people who claim it's out of vanity almost always have hair, or they're one of the "lucky" f*cks that doesn't give a damn if they're bald. Sure, some people take it a lot harder than others. Especially women but also men, many which I've seen on this very forum. People need to give more attention to the impact of hair loss and how much it can make you suffer. For me it's destroyed every positive aspect of my life and sent me into a depression so deep I no longer have the ability to feel joy. And I know I'm not alone, we just suffer in silence. Well I'm not gonna suffer in silence, I'm gonna do everything in my power to find a solution although I probably won't. One thing I have as a woman though, in this horrible situation, is my ability to appeal to people's conscience. People feel sorry for me. I don't want them to, but at least it makes people listen. People wanna help me, if they can is another situation. Aside from that being a balding woman is the worst thing E-V-E-R, trust me.
If I am good with something it's words, although it can never truly describe how I feel. But spread the word, share my story, if you want to. I don't give a damn as long as I don't have to show my face. Send it to follica, histogen, Dr. Whoever. Share YOUR story, and make 'em listen.

- - - Updated - - -

Little update. Can't post a new thread cause moderator moves it to the female section (where there is NO activity and NO ONE sees it -.-).
My DHT test just came in today.
Yes, it is high. Am I sad? Of course. Am I sadder than before? Nope.
I already knew I was losing my hair, it's just a number on a piece of paper confirming what I already knew.
Baldness is genetic and hormonal.
Your DHT can be high without it giving a problem, but baldness is definitely in my family (not the females, sigh) so I take it I am genetically predisposed to losing hair, and when the DHT for some reason rose it caused a problem for me.
In a way this is good, cause all the tests always came back normal yet I knew I was balding.
Everyone around me did not even believe I was losing my hair but guess what, I totally am!
At least now I have a chance for Propecia or Duasteride. I don't know which one I should try though. Any advice? My hair's going fast and I wanna get it right.
BTW the "norm" for DHT was 0,20-1,00 for women, and mine was 1,12. Which was not a really high number according to my doctor but for a poor pile of bad genetics like me I think it's enough to cause the problem. Maybe if I get it down, I can put an end to this nightmare.
My hopes are low after losing so many times but at least there is a tiny tiny hope now, before nada.
I was seriously expecting the test to show nothing like always, and me being left balding and without justification for treatment.
What do you guys think?


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just looked at Nigams website. Why are people taking him seriously when his photos are terrible and claim to grow 40,000 hairs?


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just looked at Nigams website. Why are people taking him seriously when his photos are terrible and claim to grow 40,000 hairs?

I think now his credibility is questionable...to be honest, I think the guy might have stumbled onto something but he is a terrible hair transplant surgeon -- that's why he is trying to team up with someone



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just looked at Nigams website. Why are people taking him seriously when his photos are terrible and claim to grow 40,000 hairs?

Just looked at the photos, my heart sunk immediately. Some of the photos look worse after than before, some look the same, some gained like 5% hair and a few decent ones. Why is it so goddamn hard to grow hair, when you can grow a freaking nose on a persons forehead (yes I read an article today)????


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Just looked at the photos, my heart sunk immediately. Some of the photos look worse after than before, some look the same, some gained like 5% hair and a few decent ones. Why is it so goddamn hard to grow hair, when you can grow a freaking nose on a persons forehead (yes I read an article today)????

Forget about Nigam as a hair transplant surgeon -- focus on the cloning...the fact that he can even clone 1 single hair means he's got something to contribute...


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Why is it so goddamn hard to grow hair, when you can grow a freaking nose on a persons forehead (yes I read an article today)????

Big pharma and the assholes in the upper class don't want the cure. They just want to gouge your wallet for an extended period of time and KEEP you on that treatment. Plus, nobody cares abut baldness... think of the Positional Good theory by Fred Hirsch. It was explained on Big Bang Theory perfectly:

"There’s an economic concept known as a positional good in which an object is only valued by the possessor because it’s not possessed by others. The term was coined in 1976 by economist Fred Hirsch to replace the more colloquial, but less precise neener-neener."

Society doesn't want us to be happy. Their value in life is determined by someone else's misery. Thats why is perfectly acceptable to mock, ridicule and destroy those who are balding. Take this for example, FIVE guys laughing on national television at LeBron James and mocking him even with some photoshopped images of his headband;



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Society doesn't want us to be happy. Their value in life is determined by someone else's misery. Thats why is perfectly acceptable to mock, ridicule and destroy those who are balding.

Then why is it rude to mock someone who is fat, but to mock someone who is balding is okay? At least fat people only have themselves to blame for their fatness, unless of course they are on some kind of medication making them gain weight. But balding is completely out of our hands, still people find it okay to mock us. Well maybe they don't mock women like me, but the look of pity and disgust will not feel good either...

I can't even wrap my head around why there is no goddamn cure or better treatment in 2013, what progress have been made over the last decades? All we have is Propecia and Rogaine and hair transplant, which all are not candidates for or even moderately good responders to.

I hate this defect more than anything in this whole world. At least my DNA will die with me when I go, so I won't spread the disease to my children.

The video was ridiculous. Why would a group of bald men mock a balding man? It's people like them who makes loosing hair seem like nothing, something to laugh at, that keeps us from moving forward to a cure. If a cure ever comes, you can bet your *** it will come from someone who struggles with being bald like many people do!