Donnie Wahlberg


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DoctorHouse said:
I ran into Marky Mark at my gym. He was wearing a hat. Maybe he was hiding "something". He was cool and he even was interested in who the hell I was. Imagine that, after walking away from talking to a celebrity to find out a few minutes later he taps me on the shoulder and wanted to know who I was. Maybe he thought he knew me or maybe he was "hitting" on me :gay: Nah, he seemed too straight. I have that "celebrity look" too. :shock: Now that made me feel like a celebrity as well. And I had no hat on and it was when my hair looked awesome even when it was not even washed yet. True story.

Its rare that you see a celebrity anywhere without a hat on. I remember there were pictures of Ben Affleck at a Sox game, sitting behind the dugout with a hat on. It was on some Perez Hilton type site. "See, now we know he's bald". f*** that. Celebrities wear hats so they don't get noticed. In addition to that, take a look at Casey Affleck. I bet Ben's about that bald.
Marky Mark's hair is real.


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s.a.f said:
muhu said:
I suspect Cruise and Pitt may have had hair transplants as well..I mean their hair looks better than most women's :dunno:

No their hair is too good to be hair transplant's.

is there a point to hair transplantation then? I am thinking of getting a hair transplant myself but if I do it I want to grow it to nape length!

this certainly demotivates me.


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muhu said:
marky mark has had numerous hair transplants perhaps?

I suspect Cruise and Pitt may have had hair transplants as well..I mean their hair looks better than most women's :dunno:
I don't think that any of them have had hair transplants. Im positive Pitt is just a lucky sob who has great hair..And as for the rest meh who cares


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I wouldn't want to be Brad Pitt and have herpes.

uncomfortable man

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Oh Obsidian, you're so noble. :roll:


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I've been nice and it gets you nowhere in life except frustrated at yourself.


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Cruise's hair isn't as good as Pitts. Pitt will have that hair forever. Cruise is thinning.

Still amazing hair for them both though. Although Personally I think you could get Tom Cruises hair with a good hair transplant.


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For the record the guy looks fine while balding. Don't see why he should worry unless his precious pearl wants him to look like a manga f**.


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Looks like this guy:



  • movie_0256380_0ca115bce02c3c37cd474f922cb9f25f.jpg
    39.1 KB · Views: 295

uncomfortable man

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Honestly, I would be stoked if I woke up with Donny's hair. It's much more than I have.


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Tyler_Durden said:
Looks to me that he probably did have the same genes, he just did some sneaky work to save it becoming so apparent (the IMDB links shows he was clearly receding):


And now:

(bumped this thread up because I am watching The Departed :p)

f*** the Departed. It's a really bad depiciton of Boston (by a new yorker), and the original Hong Kong movie is soooo much better.
The only thing I liked about that movie is Marky Mark. He was funny. The accents (besides his) were really, really bad, Baldwin's in particular.
He's receding a little, he's in his 40's. Doesn't look bad for his age at all.


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Marky Mark is NOT in his 40's. He is only 37 until next month. So if you thought he was in his 40's, maybe he does not look as good for his age as you thought. I would say my hair is almost exactly like his. When its longer it does not look as good as it is shorter. I thought this thread was about Donnie........ :whistle:


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Ok... Does anyone think MarkyMark is really going to go bald? As in worse than an NW3?


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I doubt he is going to go past a NW3 if he was taking Propecia but without it, he might get to a NW4 worse case scenario.


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DoctorHouse said:
Marky Mark is NOT in his 40's. He is only 37 until next month. So if you thought he was in his 40's, maybe he does not look as good for his age as you thought. I would say my hair is almost exactly like his. When its longer it does not look as good as it is shorter. I thought this thread was about Donnie........ :whistle:

He is 34 in the early pics I posted there.

I think he was clearly on the track to be balding, and then evidently got it fixed up. His hairline is completely different now (nearly perfect), where as he was clearly receding back then.

I just thought it put some perspective on Donnies balding.


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When I met Mark he was wearing a hat. I am sure I would have been able to tell if he had some work done or what going on with his hair. I really think he was hiding something under that hat. I have mentioned this before, I watch Saturday Night Live in high definition which shows really good details and when some of those actors wear hair systems they look amazingly natural. Last week Justin Timberlake was wearing a blonde wig with straight hair and it looked so natural I would never have know it was a wig but I know his hair is curly. I think Mark wears a hair system in his movies. I think in the movie Shooter he wore one and in Max Payne he was wearing one as well.


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He had maybe 1/2 inch of recession, if even that.

No way does he wear a piece. Might have his temples filled in though with a hair transplant.