Do I Have A Chance As A Bald Short Dude ?


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Damn, you looked gorgeous with hair.

You have a handsome face, even bald (albeit less so than with hair). Just make sure to keep your bodyfat low. I think if your face puffs up, it's game over


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This sh*t has been so depressing. I was so attractive with hair. I have thought about suicide but that is slowly fading. I can't tolerate finasteride so I will be a cue ball. Here are some pics I really want honest opinions. Will I be able to land a normal looking girl ? Or will I be forced to be incel or date fat chicks ? I'm a smart guy that has been accepted to a nursing program. Does any of that matter or will I literally be fucked solely cuz of my hair and height ? My height was not an issue before hairloss, I'm guessing it will be now. I'm 5"6 with a nice body. I put muscle on very easily. Please be honest I don't want to be delusional.

You look good enough to land a decent looking women. In nursing program, you will meet a lot of women. That's a huge advantage. Don't let it go to waste. I am in software field and have zero women around me as a result.


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This sh*t has been so depressing. I was so attractive with hair. I have thought about suicide but that is slowly fading. I can't tolerate finasteride so I will be a cue ball. Here are some pics I really want honest opinions. Will I be able to land a normal looking girl ? Or will I be forced to be incel or date fat chicks ? I'm a smart guy that has been accepted to a nursing program. Does any of that matter or will I literally be fucked solely cuz of my hair and height ? My height was not an issue before hairloss, I'm guessing it will be now. I'm 5"6 with a nice body. I put muscle on very easily. Please be honest I don't want to be delusional.

Also, you said finasteride doesn't work for you but have you tried minoxidil? If you haven't, just give it a shot. Basically, do everything you can to keep your hair and maximize your looks.But it doesn't mean you are done without hair. Like I said, you are good looking enough to pull decent looking women even without hair.


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Also, you said finasteride doesn't work for you but have you tried minoxidil? If you haven't, just give it a shot. Basically, do everything you can to keep your hair and maximize your looks.But it doesn't mean you are done without hair. Like I said, you are good looking enough to pull decent looking women even without hair.
I have been using minoxidil since 19. I swear it is aging my face below my eyes. It could be from smoking weed ? I'm not sure but it scares me. Was thinking about dropping it. I appreciate the words


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Damn, you looked gorgeous with hair.

You have a handsome face, even bald (albeit less so than with hair). Just make sure to keep your bodyfat low. I think if your face puffs up, it's game over
Yea it's pretty fucked up. And thanks I will make sure to do that. I hope it doesn't catch up with being short and all


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2 words:

Short girls.
Sorry to spoil it for you, but short girls want tall guys too. People tend to look for what they lack in their partners.
The difference between short girls and short guys is that short girls are able to get tall men, short guys on the other hand aren't able to get tall women.

Many members here have expressed that they specificly look for girls with good hair genetics, so that their children wont go bald and have to go through the same hell as themselves.

Short girls don't want short children.


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Sorry to spoil it for you, but short girls want tall guys too. People tend to look for what they lack in their partners.
The difference between short girls and short guys is that short girls are able to get tall men, short guys on the other hand aren't able to get tall women.

Many members here have expressed that they specificly look for girls with good hair genetics, so that their children wont go bald and have to go through the same hell as themselves.

Short girls don't want short children.

It's over bro. Even if we do manage to slay at some point we're just gonna get dissapointed in the end.

Was talking with a scandinavian girl on the internet yesterday

She doesnt like lachowski she doesnt like mcgregor and about Gandy she said he's "alrite" while also saying she doesnt like body hair in men.


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Honestly being 5'6" as a man you might as well be a midget bro. You're fucked unless you can get huge as f*** then get shredded. Getting shredded alone won't help unless you have size at your height.

Edit: I would suggest hopping on some steroids if you wanna pack on some mass quickly. Don't eat like sh*t though or you'll look terrible still gotta eat clean. Since you're balding what do you have to lose by hopping on some gear?


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Sorry to spoil it for you, but short girls want tall guys too. People tend to look for what they lack in their partners.

From what I have seen, not only short girls want tall guys, many times they have even stricter height requirement than taller girls. I knew some 5'1 to 5'3 girls in college and they all wanted 6 feet + guys whereas their 5'7 to 5'8 female friends had no issues dating 5'8 guys. Just because a women is short, it doesn't mean she will want to date short guys. It's more of an individual preference.


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Honestly being 5'6" as a man you might as well be a midget bro. You're fucked unless you can get huge as f*** then get shredded. Getting shredded alone won't help unless you have size at your height.

Edit: I would suggest hopping on some steroids if you wanna pack on some mass quickly. Don't eat like sh*t though or you'll look terrible still gotta eat clean. Since you're balding what do you have to lose by hopping on some gear?

agreed. nothing a lady loves more than a short, bald, muscle freak with penile shrinkage from steroid abuse

unleash the short bald beast!!! girls dig


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I don't know. I'm 5'8", never had an issue getting hot girls, many around my same height. If you're good looking, it shouldn't matter, most here will disagree with me, but whatever. If you're short and ugly then yeah, thats going to suck.


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agreed. nothing a lady loves more than a short, bald, muscle freak with penile shrinkage from steroid abuse

unleash the short bald beast!!! girls dig
No woman wants a guy that looks like he can be blown over by a gust of wind.


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I don't know. I'm 5'8", never had an issue getting hot girls, many around my same height. If you're good looking, it shouldn't matter, most here will disagree with me, but whatever. If you're short and ugly then yeah, thats going to suck.

I agree that 5'8 guys can and do get good looking girls. I have seen it countless times with my own eyes. However, height is a massive, massive advantage. No doubt about that. Guys who get hot women at 5'8 will get SIGNIFICANTLY more women if they were 6'2.


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It doesn't mean you have to turn into a steroid muscle freak. Also, why would you advise a man who is already suffering from hair loss to take steroids?
You don't just instantly become the freak you say alone with a cycle here and there, I'm not saying he should continuously take them. It's just a suggestion.