Decided I'm going the hairsystem route after meds..(maybe)


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Re: Decided I'm going the hairsystem route after meds..

Cassin, I think you are beyond the age of worrying about aggressive hair loss. I think you are the point in your life that the meds you are using will help you maintain or thin out at a very slow pace. I will have to agree that hair systems definitely seem like a better option as far as giving the best coverage versus a hair transplant. I know a guy who is in his 70's who wears a great wig and everyone knows its a wig and he can care less. I even know its a wig and I even say its looks good. I think if you pick a good style that complements your looks, you can get away with it. It will give the illusion of having a full head of hair and will fool alot of people who don't pay close attention to detail like we do. I never knew Travolta wore a wig all these years until I became obsessive with hair and learned how to spot a wig. Before, I never really paid attention and I worked with this guy and never knew he wore a wig until his staff pointed it out. I still could not tell even when they told me.
I was all ready to get a hair transplant this year or next year but now I am just not sure anymore even though I have seen some amazing transformations. However, I went to a hair transplant Doctor recently and he told me not to get one as he thinks Propecia and minoxidil should be enough to hold on to what I have along with PRP. He said with new things in the future, I will still be able to maintain enough that I would not need a hair transplant.
Recently, I have noticed more people are taking more non-invasive means to keep young looking. Instead of cutting up you face or eyelid areas, people are relying on botox and fillers instead to avoid the knife. I think we may see alot more people look in to hair systems instead of getting a hair transplant as they improve and become more undetectable. I think if they can come up with an easy to apply system with easy maintenance and very natural looking, more people would try that route if they don't want the shaved look. However, wouldn't you have to shave part of your hair to wear the hair system?


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Re: Decided I'm going the hairsystem route after meds..

DoctorHouse said:
Cassin, I think you are beyond the age of worrying about aggressive hair loss. I think you are the point in your life that the meds you are using will help you maintain or thin out at a very slow pace.

Very possible. Too be honest I would be ok with a small amount of turf left on the scalp...just not a bowling ball.

I think...hah...

DoctorHouse said:
............................. However, wouldn't you have to shave part of your hair to wear the hair system?



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Re: Decided I'm going the hairsystem route after meds..

Cassin said:
Nene said:
emex4 said:
Cassin I am disappointed. You used to be one of the most level-headed guys on here. Now your talking about getting a wig? Madness. Just buzz the hair. I dont think I'll ever completely shave my head to the skin. Ill just leave it buzzed.

Madness??? THIS, IS, HAIRLOSSTALK.COM!!!!!! We discuss all options, not just the bald head, this isn't sly bald guys.

BTW - Just for the record I have always said that those who shave their head and are comfortable with it are the ultimate success stories. There is a lot of good positive energy on that site.

Well I was making a corny 300 reference there that probably no one got. Lol. But yeah, I agree, I shave my head myself so I'm not against going sly. I think the guys here can be a little hard on the sly bald guys who are simply trying to make the best of a bad situation. My belief is that one should try many options and do whatever makes them happy. I was trying to make the point that he shouldn't be disappointed simply b/c you want to try a hair system, which sounds like something that would happen on sly bald guys, as they say "stay away from pills, plugs and rugs." I think on this site we generally have my outlook of trying out different things.


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Cassin, you changed the title of the thread to "maybe" status now. What is your biggest concern that caused you to add the word "maybe"?


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Cassin said:
I need to chat this up with my girlfriend too.
Careful how to bring this up. Women going and staying with us bald guys usually do this for some personality traits; a few find it even sexy (phallus parallelism). My wife for example gets upset almost everytime I talk about my hair loss. "What's the matter with you", "Nonsense" or "You look absolutely fine" are the usual replies. In my case it is not a problem since hair loss does not really bother me and it shows. Apparently she needs to feel that I am rock solid from a psychological point of view, not uncommon in women.

So, careful.


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The hardest thing about hair systems is other people knowing. There's the awkward transition phase, where you go from noticeably balding to having a full(er) head of hair overnight. Plus the constant worry of it falling off, being on crooked, looking worn out and thus "fake".

And just the psychological dilemma of knowing you are literally wearing a hat made of hair. That the hair sitting on top of your head doesn't belong to you, and isn't growing. Many people can handle it, but I don't think I could.

The upside, of course, is that a system can dramatically improve a person's appearance far beyond even the best hair transplant. And in my case would preserve my looks at a 7-8 range and keep me from dropping to a 4-5 without hair.

But if I wanted to make a seamless transition, I would probably need to start wearing either now or in the next 5 years. Otherwise, it would likely be too jarring and I would have to opt for a much more receded look for life.


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Thickandthin said:
The hardest thing about hair systems is other people knowing. There's the awkward transition phase, where you go from noticeably balding to having a full(er) head of hair overnight. Plus the constant worry of it falling off, being on crooked, looking worn out and thus "fake".

And just the psychological dilemma of knowing you are literally wearing a hat made of hair. That the hair sitting on top of your head doesn't belong to you, and isn't growing. Many people can handle it, but I don't think I could.

The upside, of course, is that a system can dramatically improve a person's appearance far beyond even the best hair transplant. And in my case would preserve my looks at a 7-8 range and keep me from dropping to a 4-5 without hair.

But if I wanted to make a seamless transition, I would probably need to start wearing either now or in the next 5 years. Otherwise, it would likely be too jarring and I would have to opt for a much more receded look for life.

This is the big challenge, in my view. You need to make the transition fairly seamless. The other challenges are:

- the psychological challenge of having fake hair on your head (as you mentioned)
- the hassle of maintenance
- the learning curvey and research required to buy the right piece and style it correctly

Provided the above three conditions are OK and you deal with them, the look of the piece can be good.

Cost and appearance, which used to be the two biggest drawbacks, are no longer such big issues as they used to be (provided you know what you're doing)


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I pop in now and again and know you have been a mod here for quite a while

How old are you, do you have any pics of your hair loss ?

I have been on Propecia 14 years and still going strong, I added Rogaine from hairline to crown a few years ago and my growth really took off at age 38.


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About to be 34... started losing at age 18 or so. I'll repost some picks but until then I am a thick Norwood 3'ish. Much like bill paxtons hair in big love when I let it grow out.


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Cassin said:
About to be 34... started losing at age 18 or so. I'll repost some picks but until then I am a thick Norwood 3'ish. Much like bill paxtons hair in big love when I let it grow out.

Why give up on a hair transplant ? Have you ever seen the work Ron Shapiro is doing ?

His website is about ten years old, the stuff he is putting out now is amazing


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Yes I have seen his work it's very good. And I wouldn't say I have given up at all...I am just not comfortable with what's out the at this moment. But I will stay open minded. Especially for someone in the Dallas area.


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I second what the guy above said. I didn't realize your age or your Norwood before. You sound like almost the perfect hair transplant candidate dude.


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Cassin said:
Yes I have seen his work it's very good. And I wouldn't say I have given up at all...I am just not comfortable with what's out the at this moment. But I will stay open minded. Especially for someone in the Dallas area.

You above all people should know not to let location be a factor in a hair transplant.

Shapiro, Feller and H+W, some may disagree but I would not let anyone else touch me even for free.

If you haven't been to Ron's office you probbaly haven't seen his best work and how it's repeated over and over

There is no way you pick this stuff out as a transplant, no way


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^ I agree with this, but I do think the internet's obsession with S, F, and H&W is bordering on the ridiculous. There are other great doctors out there (albeit not all that many).


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Boondock said:
^ I agree with this, but I do think the internet's obsession with S, F, and H&W is bordering on the ridiculous. There are other great doctors out there (albeit not all that many).

It's not an internet obsession in my case, I have visited all 3 of these dr's as well as others

Ron Shaprio for strip 3k grafts and under plus hairlines

H+W for Megasessions

Feller/shapiro for FUE


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yea...but think about that you will have to take the pills for ever...and maybe to increase the dosage later...I don't really know how healthy will be to take those for a lot of time...Besides this...I a few months ago I was thinking that having 30 y.o and being a norwood 1 you will not loose your hair ever...and guess what? I know a guy who at 30 has great hair and now he is a norwood being at 34 it is not sure that you will not gonna lose much more than this...besides this I know some people who have made the hair transplant and in one way they regret that they never tried a hairpiece before...
this is a guy in his mid 20's and he wears a piece...his result is better than any other transplant available now!are you agree? ... rean+piece