Day 1 on avodart.


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ppl.....................I write this only as constructive criticism. I don't know if you are just typing fast and being careless, but your grammer and spelling are so bad that your writing almost loses meaning in certain sentences. Please take a little more time in writing coherently so that we may respond with more accurate answers.


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x5o, thanks. I am a Chinese, I know my English is not good, sorry.

I re-type the meaning, I hope that I can elaborate the meaning clearer.

Since I start taking propecia in last August and minoxidil in last Sep, the hair lost is not dimishing near the hair root. I observed that it could slower the speed of hairline receding, shedding is decreased. But I find that the hair lost recently(this few weeks) is diminished near the hair root(become thinner). WHY???

1) The hair is continuing to become thinner, does it mean that the follicles are continuing to be damaged by DHT?
2) Does it mean that propecia is not working for me now(i think it was working in the first 5 months)???
3) Except the effect of DHT, is there any other reason/factor that make the hair become thinner???

My uncles(mother's side) mostly started to lose before 30, diffuse thinning progressed quite fast, but their hair loss seems to be fixed and progress very slow since 30. Now their hairloss have not great difference compare with 10 years ago. I know that most of them never take propecia).. My father start to lose when he was 40. i think my gene inherited mother's side more.

4) Should I take the strong medicine like Avodart to prevent further loss?
5) I read in the forum and some ppl said that there is a effective period for propecia, say 2/3/4/5 years, etc. (since our body will "adapt" the medicine, and lose it effectiveness. Is it correct?

Please help~


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It's hard to say exactly which product/med. may be working or not working for you. I do not respond well to minoxidil. The DHT blockers like Proscar and Spyro. work well for me.

Regarding your questions......

1) If the hair is becoming thinner I would imagine that unfortunately DHT is still adversely affecting your follicles.

2) I would not assume that the Propecia is not working for you. I would assume it is working but not to the degree you would want. Try switching to Proscar instead of Propecia which is 5x the strength. However, you should bear in mind that some studies have concluded that Propecia reduces levels of scalp DHT equally as well as the stronger Proscar. In either case both only lower scalp DHT. Neither one eliminates scalp DHT. I believe studies have shown that both doses only reduce scalp DHT by 38%. Unfortunately, that leaves 62% to continue ravaging your follicles.

3) I would guess that there are some other reasons that hair could continue to thin. Maybe a lack of nutrients to the follicle could be the cause. Re-check your diet and look into topical treatments that help nourish the follicle. A lot of this hair stuff is trial and error unfortunately. Be persistant and keep trying different products until you find a combination that gives you satisfactory results.

4) You may want to try Avodart.

5) Some do say finasteride. (Propecia and Proscar) stops working after awhile. I have been on it over a decade and it has continually given me good results in slowing the balding process.

Best of luck.


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Has anyone tried a combination of Avodart & Propecia? I have been on propecia for years & it was very effective up until a few months ago. Thinking of trying a combination of these 2 drugs for a few months to really kill the DHT.


yankeedane said:
Has anyone tried a combination of Avodart & Propecia? I have been on propecia for years & it was very effective up until a few months ago. Thinking of trying a combination of these 2 drugs for a few months to really kill the DHT.

What else are you using??


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AVODART & Propecia

I am only taking avodart at the moment after 6 years of very effective propecia. I have tried minoxidil in the past but it is totally ineffective. Would you say avodart is stronger than propecia? I am considering adding tricomin or revivogen as well. Any recommendations? Is it insane to take Propecia & Avodart at the same time?


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There's nothing wrong with it other than the fact that it won't help you at all. Avodart inhibits nearly ALL of the same enzyme that propecia works against, and you'll find that propecia will compete with avodart for the same enzymes... could work AGAINST the grain. Avodart also reduces the type 1 enzyme that propecia doesn't touch. Taking both is expensive, and pointless.

Oh yeah, that and the fact that the doctors that prescribe Avodart EXPLICITLY state that you are not to take finasteride while on a dutasteride treatment.

Any other questions?


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yeah I have a question. :) :) :)

how was the transition from fina to dutasteride? did you notice a period of initial shedding? do you feel your hair quality has improved?


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Actually, there was no change in anything... I'm shedding right now, but it's just one of those things. Way to early to know if either the minox15 or the dutasteride is working. Simply put, the transition wasn't even noticable.


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I would like to try avodart, as i live in HK, I can't buy it from the pharmacy. So, would anyone give me advice on how can I buy it? It seems that I can only buy Avodart via the net. Any suggestion for the site(must be safe, guarantee drug quality and no fake drug)?

Many thanks.


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Read post...

Start on propecia.

Save money.

Don't be a retard


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Stingray said:

Read post...

Start on propecia.

Save money.

Don't be a retard

I have start propecia for near 7 months, the hair dimension is still thinning. Maybe Propecia can't stop my hair affected by DHT. So, I would like to have try.


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Oh i apologize then. I just assumed that since you were new here, you were new to the treatments also. I believe the site I bought it from was You might be able to buy from there too. I'd stick with propecia for another few months just to be on the safe side however. Add minoxidil also if you haven't already.

Good luck.


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Using Proscar and Avodart.
Definite increase in acne with daily Avodart administration.
Acne continued with reduced bi-weekly use of Avodart.
Acne cleared after reducing Avodart to once weekly.
Is Avodart effective with a once a week dose? Who can say for sure. I don't think it can hurt. And obviously, with the way it affected my skin it has an affect on cells for at least a week in duration. I know the half life is much longer than proscar. Also, no shedding. Thank God.
Trial and error. The "fun" part of treatments.


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I currently taking:
A) 1 / 1.25mg propecia daily
B) minoxidil 5% 1 or 2 times daily
C) 1 saw palmetto tablet(160mg) per 1 or 2 days
D) 1 Hair nutrient tablet ( contains zinc, biotin etc) per 3 days
E) 1 grape seed extract tablet per 1 or 2 days
F) 1 chinese herbal tablet daily
G) 1 cup of green tea daily

Q1) I only use minoxidil for topical treatment, could anyone can give me suggestion(spironolactone/ folligen/ inovate)? as there are no such product in HK.
Q2) I take many oral treatments, will there any chemical reaction among them and affect the effectiveness of them?

Q3) I find that after taking the saw palmetto, I always have sexual response when sleeping. Is it mean my androgen is increased? Should i stop taking saw palmetto?
Q4) I would like to know the mechanism of hte sexual response, are there any relation between sexual response/androgen/DHT?

I find that there are 2 types of the packaging of Avodart.
1 is bottled(white), another is boxed(orange).
Q5) How many capsules are there in these 2 type? are they both manufactured by GSK ?

Sorry that I am not familiarize on that, could any gentleman give me some advice?
thank you.


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Bomb, come over to the "minoxidil. is bugging me out..." thread and help me out.


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Hi Im a newbie. I am taking Avodart for my hairloss
Im dosing .5 mg every day. Too much?
I dont really know if its working and I'm afraid that I am losing some of my sex drive. I'm 22, thats not supposed to happen.
I read that one of you takes it only every other day. Is it still effective?
Have any of you had negative expereinces with this drug?
And last, is it important to take it at the same time each dosing?

sorry about all the questions. I wanted to address these concerns to an intelligent forum group with first hand expereince.



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Hi Shoni, yes .5mg a day is the standard dose, I decided to take one capsule every 2nd day because I felt it would give me sufficient DHT suppression whilst keeping the amount I alter my body chemistry to a minimum.
Now I can't say if my results would've differed were I on a daily dose but obviously taking it less frequently will suppress a lower % of DHT, whether this affects the regrowth you see would depend on where your body's threshold is for the amount of DHT reduction required to allow healthy follicle growth.
Personally I haven't had any negative experiences with this drug - aside from it costing more than Proscar - and I can't remember seeing any others who have, but then not that many are taking it yet.
Lastly, I don't reckon it'll make any difference if you take your dutasteride at varying times, but you may be less likely to miss a dose if you get into a habit (not one of those that nuns wear) of taking it at a particular point of your day, ie when you have breakfast.
