Dangers of nano-fibers (ie.Toppik)


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I'm also concerned about this, because I almost certainly regularly inhale both the fibers and the Toppik fiber spray. My gut feeling is that it can't be healthy, even if these aren't "nanoparticles" per se. The fact that they contain keratin doesn't give me much solace, because I'm sure they have other ingredients as well (dyes etc.).

Jack Ryan

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#1: If you live in any major urban area, you are inhaling dust, secondhand smoke and exhaust fumes from restaurants and vehicles on a daily basis. If you're concerned about the health of your lungs, all of these are worse than anything Toppik or any concealer would do to you.

#2: Wear a painter's mask or hold your nose with one hand and sprinkle with the other when you use the concealer.

#3: The fibers are weighed down by gravity. They end up on your sink or on your toilet base. They don't just hang out in the air. You would have to inhale the fibers while they are being sprinkled on your head at the same time. See #2 above and then clean your bathroom so the fibers don't sit around on surfaces.

#4: You can get cancer from pretty much anything. Two-thirds of cancers are actually random genetic mistakes in your body with no discernible cause.

#5: So much quackery and pseudo-science exists on the internet right now, especially on forums and hair loss sites. Example: I once read someone claim Minoxidil gives you brain cancer. Yet there are men who have used Minoxidil since it was FDA approved in the 80's and are still walking around today.

#6: Try not to take anything as truth unless it is a peer-reviewed, unbiased scientific study with a control group.

You have two options:
A.) Live in fear, avoid fibers and have a bald spot or less-full looking hair
B.) Work up a solution to not breathe in the fibers if you're scared of them and go forward


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I’m definitely concerned too. I have been using them the last few years and recently have been having a sharp pain in my chest when I laugh. It might have something to do with an infection because my gland under my chin was slightly swollen. The dermarolling could have caused it too. I will be using a mask in future.


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I’m definitely concerned too. I have been using them the last few years and recently have been having a sharp pain in my chest when I laugh. It might have something to do with an infection because my gland under my chin was slightly swollen. The dermarolling could have caused it too. I will be using a mask in future.
How are your lungs?


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I think there might be something to this ... I've used Toppik since 2010, a moderate amount every single day for a few years but only a couple days a week in recent years, as I wear a hat to work most days now so I only use it when I'm out socially. Starting around 2015 (my mid-30s) I noticed I was getting breathless pretty easily, not during exercise but for long periods after.

In 2019 it got to a point where I started to suspect something's wrong, if I had an intense workout I'd be fine during it but the rest of the day I'd be completely wiped and feeling starved of oxygen. So I went to a pulmonologist, she had me take a spirometry whose results indicated that I was in the beginning stages of COPD (never smoked a cigarette in my life).

My reading of the results, cross-checked with various legitimate medical resources I found online, led me to believe that I was just barely on the non-COPD side of threshold, so I got a second opinion from another pulmonologist who also had me take a spirometry, which this time indicated that I did not have COPD ... but it is still very concerning and I certainly do have symptoms that are out of the ordinary for my age (early 40s now). It currently does not really impact my quality of life except for when I work out hard, but I am very concerned for the future ... and at the same time I cannot stop the Toppik! I do use a surgical mask and hold my breath now though (I also think it hurts the eyes but not sure what to do about that).

Capone, do you still have chest pains? I haven't experienced that yet ...


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Man, is this talking about the same toppik fibers or some other sh*t? Can someone confirm that first


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Seems like it’s referring to synthetic nano fibers used in building bulletproof vests and other materials.

Not hair fibers.