Currently in a frenzy to treat lump gynecomastia caused by finasteride


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Currently trying to treat lump gynecomastia caused by finasteride

A few of weeks ago, in my third week of using finasteride, I started experiencing severe pain in my left nipple and both nipples were sore. This was after I'd noticed puffiness and dryness for several days. I'm certain this was from excess estrogens due to elevated T aromatizing. I also experienced TONS of other finasteride sides so I must have had high DHT before.

I quit finasteride and started taking a crappy OTC AI called E-Control Rx 2.0 and megadosing turmeric in the hopes of finding an OTC way of eliminating gyno - basically, neither did anything and I was foolish to think that they would. A few days into this treatment I discovered that a firm lump the size of a flattened piece of gum had formed under my left nipple.

So I've just ordered tamoxifen (Nolvadex), which should be here from India in a few weeks, and letrozole (Femara) from an American RC company which I hope will be here in a few days.

My questions at this point are: will they work for the gyno? Can I take finasteride to stop hair loss while on letro and subsequently tamox or will it negate the effects of the drugs, since DHT is supposed to help fight gyno?

Overall, any advice? This SUCKS and finasteride SUCKS.

Edit: Letrozole has worked to mostly get rid of the lump as of day 14. Still hopeful for complete resolution with tamoxifen.


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I also experienced TONS of other finasteride sides so I must have had high DHT before.

I don't think that's how it works.

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The only advice I have is this. Consult the doctor you got a prescription for finasteride from. And if you didn't go to a doctor (you clearly didn't) shame on you.

Prescription drugs are prescribed for a reason. Who knows if you were even taking finasteride in the first place. If you didn't get it from a pharmacy then how can you be sure unless you tested it? I wouldn't take any of those other drugs. Just get surgery if it bothers you and if it doesn't go away. With all of this other stuff you were doing around the same time who knows if finasteride even causes this. Who knows if the drug you were taking was even finasteride?

Fake online drugs is a huge problem and I wouldn't trust any site that gives you drugs from another country via online without a prescription. This site could be full of shills and liars advocating on behalf of their fake online drugs for all we know...


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I don't think that's how it works.
I'm pretty sure that is how it works when you experience all of the symptoms of high estrogen and high T when taking finasteride.

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The only advice I have is this. Consult the doctor you got a prescription for finasteride from. And if you didn't go to a doctor (you clearly didn't) shame on you.

Prescription drugs are prescribed for a reason. Who knows if you were even taking finasteride in the first place. If you didn't get it from a pharmacy then how can you be sure unless you tested it? I wouldn't take any of those other drugs. Just get surgery if it bothers you and if it doesn't go away. With all of this other stuff you were doing around the same time who knows if finasteride even causes this. Who knows if the drug you were taking was even finasteride?

Fake online drugs is a huge problem and I wouldn't trust any site that gives you drugs from another country via online without a prescription. This site could be full of shills and liars advocating on behalf of their fake online drugs for all we know...

I used prescription Propecia for my first try at the beginning of the year and experienced the same intolerable side effects that I experienced with the Indian generics I tried recently.
Also, the firm gyno lump had nothing to do with the OTC products I used - like I said, I started developing painful gyno a few weeks into finasteride. Gyno naturally starts to harden into a more permanent problem when left untreated. I probably didn't get gyno during my first run with Propecia because I only used it for a few days before throwing it away.

Overall, you have been mildly demeaning.


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Ignore YoshiMario, he's the resident Side Effects section troll.

First off - you need to drop finasteride. Planning on continuing with Finasteride - regardless of whether you're taking SERMS/anti-estrogens is not a good idea. The gyno will continue to develop if it's being stimulated by finasteride, and any hair benefit you get from finasteride will be negated by the impact SERMS/anti-estrogens will have (they **** your hair up). You should drop finasteride completely and see what happens with the gyno. Give it some time to see if it goes away - it does for a large majority. Gyno only becomes irreversible (surgery) when it becomes fibrotic, which usually isn't until around the 8-12 month period.

You should also speak to your GP if it doesn't go away.
If it does, you could even consider retrying Finasteride on a lower dose, I think G.I Joey got gyno from his first experience with finasteride but after dropping it and restarting at a lower dose, he didn't have the same problem.
If it doesn't, you may need to consider going the SERM/anti estrogen route - pretty sure Raloxifene is the "gyno reducer" of choice used by bodybuilders etc. Tamox is pretty hardcore. None of these drugs are to be taken lightly though and you need to do your research and/or do it under the supervision of a doctor.

g.i joey

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Run letro and once you're coming down on letro use nolva to avoid estrogen rebound. Since you're so early into gyno you will prob see a benefit just in dropping propecia alone.

Dench, I was able to treat my actual tissue but I still get mildly puffy nips while I'm on propecia. Based on experience the puffy ness tends to go away after a couple months of not being on the drug.


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Run letro and once you're coming down on letro use nolva to avoid estrogen rebound. Since you're so early into gyno you will prob see a benefit just in dropping propecia alone.

Dench, I was able to treat my actual tissue but I still get mildly puffy nips while I'm on propecia. Based on experience the puffy ness tends to go away after a couple months of not being on the drug.

Did you run letro/nolva along with finasteride or when you were off it? Did they not destroy your hair?


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Ignore me? I'm a troll? I said he should get surgery if it bothers him. That's the only advice he needs. He also gave me an opportunity to express my thoughts on why he shouldn't be taking online drugs from India.

There's no other fix than surgery. My response was perfectly fine, and was not meant to be demeaning. Simply a factual statement that no one should be ordering online prescription drugs without prescriptions.


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Surgery. Anything else is pointless.

It took only three weeks for my gynecomastia to form too.

I had to undergo surgery. You tried, and you lost unfortunately.

You should try to find a surgeon now.

What do you mean I tried and lost? I used two shot-in-the-dark home remedies with no scientific foundation. I haven't tried anything realistic yet.
I still haven't tried letro or nolva, which have worked for many to reduce or eliminate gyno. I have seen logs where letro destroyed grape sized lumps in steroid users and short-term nolva kept it from coming back.

Did you try letro or nolva? (Multiple studies have shown nolva's ability to substantially reduce gyno. Both substances are used by breast cancer patients to destroy breast tissue.)

My gyno is not severe enough to warrant surgery anyway, and most gyno surgeries I've seen made the nipples look collapsed and dead-looking. Hence why I'm exhausting other options.


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You tried finasteride and you got gyno, like 1% of finasteride users, or something like that.

Now you have to turn to surgery. I've been in your shoes and thought about trying dangerous drugs like letrozole.

They are useless once the gland is there. I have seen many specialists who all told me the same:

Once the gland is formed, nothing will get rid of it but surgery. So don't waste your time with those breast cancer drugs.

If you think your gyno isn't severe enough to warrant surgery, then you're going to have to live with it.

I'll just have to wait and see. To be fair, I've always been a fan of self-experimentation. Will update with results and before/after pictures.


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Ignore me? I'm a troll? I said he should get surgery if it bothers him. That's the only advice he needs. He also gave me an opportunity to express my thoughts on why he shouldn't be taking online drugs from India.

There's no other fix than surgery. My response was perfectly fine, and was not meant to be demeaning. Simply a factual statement that no one should be ordering online prescription drugs without prescriptions.

Yoshi what you said was all good but the manner probably wasn't. Here's a guy looking for help and you bash him on the mistakes done in the past, it doesn't help him or anyone else at this time. There is a time and place for your rightful advice. Reminds me of my mom. I always hid my injuries because she would scold me first before before tending to the injury :)


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I'm pretty sure that is how it works when you experience all of the symptoms of high estrogen and high T.

Again based on what study? If we could predict who would get sides and who wouldn't we would be doing blood tests prior to taking finasteride. You are making assumptions and using broscience and it's not based on any facts or studies.

If anything having low dht would be more likely to cause side effects in someone taking propecia. But again there is no correlation between levels of dht prior to the drug and sides while on the drug.

You got sides because of the way your body was chemically fired to react the the drug. There is no way of predicting it would happen and it's certainly not why you say it is.

g.i joey

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Did you run letro/nolva along with finasteride or when you were off it? Did they not destroy your hair?

no, i came off everything, got blood tests for the gyno, everything came back normal (mid-high test and mid-high estro) to the point where i had to call my Doctor to ask to see my blood test sheets. I then went to him with a protocol i found online to get rid of gyno (bodybuilders method) and explained to him i had a window of time before the gyno would be permanent and he agreed to give me letro. i think it was cause i acted quick that i was able to reverse some of the gyno i had. the lump i had was the size of a quarter, after letro and now it is a bit smaller than a pea. The reason i considered it a success was that i was able to go out and wear tshirts comfortably again, but if i feel around my nips i could still feel some tissue.

after all that i slowly tapered up my finasteride dose and now im just a little over 3 months on .5 ED give or take 1 or 2 days a week, have had no nipple irritation at al

I suggest speaking to your Doctor about trying a non surgical procedure before u shell out alot of money and risk having awkward looking nipples/scars from a botched surgery.


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Yeah from what I've read acting quickly is key - leave it too late and surgery will be the only option. So the letro didn't mess up your hair while off finasteride? There was a user on HLH who said their hair got destroyed from 1 month on Tamox when they got gyno.

g.i joey

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i wasnt really focused on my hair actually because i was so obsessed with ridding myself of gyno.. although now that i do think about it, im sure it played a part in me going from nw2 with nice density to nw2.5 with less density.


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Yeah I think you'd need to counter the gyno meds with topical AAs. And RU can cause gyno. Having hairloss and gyno at the same time is a b**ch.


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Day 5 on letro:
Nipple size is down, puffiness is down significantly, lump feels flatter, soreness is 100% gone. Started taking finasteride again on day 3 because I noticed my scalp started itching - I don't want to trade nice hair for nice nipples. I want them both, dammit!
Probably going to be using 5mg per day as I'm afraid my letro might be underdosed. A couple weeks of this and then I'm switching to nolva which should be coming in a couple of days.

g.i joey

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Good luck man, if they say you get low libido on finasteride, idk what to call it for letro. Expect to have no sex drive at week 2. Letro sides are brutal as hell. The lethargy that comes with it is brutal too.
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Maybe this guy and others like him are trolling. Pretending to get gyno, pretending to need to use letro. Or maybe they are shilling letro. Something just doesn't seem right to me. Although a guy that resorts to drugs for hair loss is probably way more likely to resort to drugs for their other issues as well I suppose.


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Maybe this guy and others like him are trolling. Pretending to get gyno, pretending to need to use letro. Or maybe they are shilling letro. Something just doesn't seem right to me.

LOL. "Pretending to get gyno and shilling Letro". You're always good for a laugh dude.


g.i joey

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Maybe this guy and others like him are trolling. Pretending to get gyno, pretending to need to use letro. Or maybe they are shilling letro. Something just doesn't seem right to me. Although a guy that resorts to drugs for hair loss is probably way more likely to resort to drugs for their other issues as well I suppose.

what kind of mental illness do people have to have to pretend to get gyno. you are so ridiculous its not even normal man, what benefit do we get from making this up. So its believable to take finasteride, get rid of dht for hairloss, but to get rid of breast tissue due to estrogen is so farfetched?

anyways, i felt improvement after 4 or 5 days. Gyno feeds off estrogen, if it is recent as ajbrah gyno is, cutting off estrogen supply to your tissue will reduce inflammation of the tissue.

Ajbrah, fred told me the exact same words "gyno needs surgery to be fixed, you're wasting your time...." yet i was succesful in reducing alot of my tissue. Dude is mad cause he had to get surgery, although his case was extreme and i think neither me or you had gyno similar to his.