Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

Do you believe this theory?

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    Votes: 18 32.1%
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    Votes: 38 67.9%

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@Ritchie even in countries like Denmark or Germany where men are a litle bit more than women in 25-29 group and 30-34 men still have the advantage because conditions that retire people from dating are more common in men. Physical and metal disabilities are far more common in men than in women, homosexuality is also more common in men. There are twice as many gay man as are lesbian women. Also more men transition to become women than vice versa. They then date men and there are more men taken.


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@Ritchie I notice that men who are over 30 and are still virgins or ivoluntary single always have below average faces and are often obese. That determines that looks play a big role in dating. Look for example at this man

or this men

Both have 3/10 faces and the second one is obese.

Men who are involuntary single over 30 probably are either aiming for women out of their league, or have phyhological issues like social anxiety or are simply have trouble engaging in conversations with other people and lack social skills to initiate a relationship. I have social anxiety and that is one of the factors that I am a 24 year old virgin.

Since they are below average of looks they don't have a nice personality to compensate. As for aiming out of their league Mr gaming guitairst should stop approaching pretty girls. He should seek for a short girl with poor facial structure.


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@Ritchie I notice that men who are over 30 and are still virgins or ivoluntary single always have below average faces and are often obese. That determines that looks play a big role in dating. Look for example at this man

or this men

Both have 3/10 faces and the second one is obese.

Men who are involuntary single over 30 probably are either aiming for women out of their league, or have phyhological issues like social anxiety or are simply have trouble engaging in conversations with other people and lack social skills to initiate a relationship. I have social anxiety and that is one of the factors that I am a 24 year old virgin.

Since they are below average of looks they don't have a nice personality to compensate. As for aiming out of their league Mr gaming guitairst should stop approaching pretty girls. He should seek for a short girl with poor facial structure.
I think you have slightly more than just social anxiety tbh.


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@Ritchie There are more bullshits about aging. There is a site in which there is a reaction time test. The description said that reaction time peaks at 18. At age 18 I took the test and had very poor result. It always said that I have a reaction of a 28 year old, 36 year old etc. At age 21 I took it again and I had much better results. After taking it three times it finally said that I have a reaction of a 18 year old. Now I take it at 24 and I got a reaction of a 18 year old at first try. I will be 25 in just 9 months and I will finally be here to prove that age 25 is chronologial and not biological aging. I personally beilieve that the human body peaks at age 30. This is when it reaches it's peak bone and muscle mass. What happens after is the opposite process. Look for examples at Rob Paul from




On the first pic he's 28, on the second 29 and on the thrid he's 30. As you can see up to age 30 he was changing.

Since then he hasn't changed. His nose and cheekbones remained the same. 8 years later you can see his metabolism has slowed down, he started getting wirnkles, gray beard and head hairs and you can see bone and cartillage thinning.



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@Ritchie There are more bullshits about aging. There is a site in which there is a reaction time test. The description said that reaction time peaks at 18. At age 18 I took the test and had very poor result. It always said that I have a reaction of a 28 year old, 36 year old etc. At age 21 I took it again and I had much better results. After taking it three times it finally said that I have a reaction of a 18 year old. Now I take it at 24 and I got a reaction of a 18 year old at first try. I will be 25 in just 9 months and I will finally be here to prove that age 25 is chronologial and not biological aging. I personally beilieve that the human body peaks at age 30. This is when it reaches it's peak bone and muscle mass. What happens after is the opposite process. Look for examples at Rob Paul from

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On the first pic he's 28, on the second 29 and on the thrid he's 30. As you can see up to age 30 he was changing.

Since then he hasn't changed. His nose and cheekbones remained the same. 8 years later you can see his metabolism has slowed down, he started getting wirnkles, gray beard and head hairs and you can see bone and cartillage thinning.

View attachment 185876
So what’s your solution to baldness?


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So what’s your solution to baldness?

You gave many examples but no solutions
I have already given. Solutions are:
-Correcting craniofacial development at young age when the face is still developping through proper tongue posture, and nose breathing.
-Injecting bottox into scalp muscles.


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@Ritchie Karen Gillan is а very beautiful woman and I think she has reached her peak bone mass by age 30 too and looked her best.

Age 23


Age 25

Age 28

Age 30
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@Ritchie Ali Macgraw is one of those I would call non balding women. Those are women who have proportional faces and are able to have perfect hairline and nice thick hair for life.



Seeing her photos got me even more convinced that women in their early thirties are the best. In these photos she's 30-31 and I thought "What a beautiful and attractive woman" instead of "She's too old. Past her prime", "I wish she was younger" etc. I would rate her 9/10.

When I think about the ideal woman I imagine a woman like her but with bigger tits.


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@Ritchie I found one subreddit that sucks balls. They have shitty scale for face rating that has 0,5 but not 10(lmao). In this scale Taylor Mary Hill is presented as 9/10 which is completely untrue. She is 5/10. She has multiple facial assymmetries. If you don't conform with their rules you get flagged and eventually banned for overrating or underrating.

For example they rate this girl 5/10 which is sh*t. She's very pretty and I think she's 7/10.


Taylor Mary Hill is a genuine example how a 5/10 female look like. I think she's attractive and has great thick eyebrows but she's by no means the best and the girl above is better. She has really flawed maxilla growth and mandibula growth that creates narrow jawline, thin nose, bugged eyes that are too close to each other etc. You can go to the college and find plenty of girls that look better that her while a real 9 would be rare.

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I think for this experiment they used the wrong man. He doesn't look convincing. Many women realised that this is a fake profile and didn't like him. They should have someone like this guy.


I always considered him very good looking. If they make fake profile with him on a dating app, he's going to get a lot of matches. People with no doubt will hink that he's real and will like. I would rate him 7/10. The jawline is not wide enough and the maxilla is not prominent enough to make an 8.


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@Ritchie I am 100% sure that I lost some of my temple hair due to infection. My hairline was never that uneven. Nearly 5 years ago I developped seborreic dermatitis and the left side was more affected and itched more.





The left side has thinned but the right temple remained the same in shape with the same round inclination. I think that my face is too proportional to advance from Norwood 1 to Norwood 1.5. It's an example of extreme facial symmetry and solidity.


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@Ritchie The subreddit r/truerateme is the most flawed place on earth. Here is a photo of Taylor Hill without make up.Very plain looking.

According the scale of the subreddit r/truerateme she's 9/10 but I am sure If she makes a reddit profile and post photos of herself they will rate her 5/10 like they rate most girls not matter how pretty they are. For her that's her real rating. If you compare her with young Brooke Shields with no make up you will notice the difference.


This girl is far prettier than her and I think she's 8/10. They rate her 5/10 and if you rate her a 6 you get flagged, but if you rate her 3 or 4 there is not a problem. They don't take into account her very good maxilla development, facial proporions and feminine features.

Another evidence of how flawed this subreddit is Madison Beer. In a conversation between me and nimayazdani78 I overrated her. She's 5/10 and not 7. She has receded hairline, flat cheekbones and narrow palate.

According the scale of r/truerate me she is 8/10 but I am 100% sure If I didn't known anything about the craniofacial develoment I would still think that the girl in the middle is far prettier than both of them(Taylor Hill and Madison Beer).
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@nimayazdani78 I checked my face rating and they are mostly correct except Glen Powell and Madison Beer. Glen Powell has very good jawline and I got confused and didn't notice his cheek assymettry.


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@Ritchie Model girls don't have superior looks with few exceptions. They are just taller than the average. They aren't much different that girls we see on daily basis. Here are photos of model girls without make up and how I rate them.

















There are so many pics like these on the site I selected the ones that I think are my type and I find cute and attractive.


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@Ritchie Since craniofacial development can affect your overall health and hormonal balance in your body and people with poor craniofacial development put weight more easily and have more health problems I Wonder If crafiofacial development is related to period cramps. All women I know that have complained that their abdomen hurts during their period have cranial distortions. I also wonder if women who are 8 or 9 experience period cramps. And I am not talking about just period cramps. I am talking about PMS and all other period related symptoms.
This girl for example have kinda poor facial structure.

Brooklyn adn Bailey are also crampers and have poor facial structure.

This one also doesn't have good craniofacial development and is wearing braces.

So desn't this one

and this one

and this one

and so on.


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@Ritchie Alain Delon is handsome but I think Michael Douglas is better. The hairline of Alain Delon has slowly receded through the years while the one of Michael Douglas has stayed the same. His face is more proportional.







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@Ritchie Here is a picture of Adriana Lima without make up.


I think that she's 9/10 and she's very beautiful.

If you compare her with Taylor Hill who's 5/10 you will see the difference.


The face of Taylor looks more disproportional and more masculine. Adriana has more feminine features.