Chubby Chasing And Being Bald (and Fit)??


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I see that guys that are deemed "ugly" and "unattractive" are often told they should just lower their standards and date chubby/fat girls. This is not just pertaining to bald guys but ugly guys in general.

This got me thinking because in my mind there are 2 types of chubby girls and it all comes down to fat distribution. If a girl has really big boobs, a huge *** and wide hips and some belly fat, that to me is super attractive and what I would go for if I was looking for a long-term girlfriend. Whereas if all her fat goes to her face and belly, then thats a big no.

And this is all a matter of taste. Most (actually all) of my friends love the typical supermodel look, pretty face, skinny, small boobs, tiny booty, which I just cant stand. (Not that I'm turned off by a pretty face I just see it as more of a bonus). So if that's what I'm missing out on by being bald, then honestly I don't mind.

I'm really into thicker/chubby women (once again, the right kind) and if those are the type of women that don't seem to mind bald guys (especially if they are fit) since they're kind of in the same boat being dissed by society and all, then thats just great.

Come to think of it (from experience), the girls that are most strict on guys having hair seem to fall into the boy band fan girl category, meaning they have cute faces but no figure what so ever. And I never wanted those girls in the first place.

So what do you think? Have you from experience noticed such trends?


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I see that guys that are deemed "ugly" and "unattractive" are often told they should just lower their standards and date chubby/fat girls. This is not just pertaining to bald guys but ugly guys in general.

This got me thinking because in my mind there are 2 types of chubby girls and it all comes down to fat distribution. If a girl has really big boobs, a huge *** and wide hips and some belly fat, that to me is super attractive and what I would go for if I was looking for a long-term girlfriend. Whereas if all her fat goes to her face and belly, then thats a big no.

And this is all a matter of taste. Most (actually all) of my friends love the typical supermodel look, pretty face, skinny, small boobs, tiny booty, which I just cant stand. (Not that I'm turned off by a pretty face I just see it as more of a bonus). So if that's what I'm missing out on by being bald, then honestly I don't mind.

I'm really into thicker/chubby women (once again, the right kind) and if those are the type of women that don't seem to mind bald guys (especially if they are fit) since they're kind of in the same boat being dissed by society and all, then thats just great.

Come to think of it (from experience), the girls that are most strict on guys having hair seem to fall into the boy band fan girl category, meaning they have cute faces but no figure what so ever. And I never wanted those girls in the first place.

So what do you think? Have you from experience noticed such trends?
Just depends on the guy.

Me and Blackg also appreciate a woman with meat on their bones.


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The idea that you can 'lower your standards' and get anywhere with a heavier, poorer, less well-educated, less refined etc. etc. woman is a complete myth. Bald is bald and is unattractive to all women. You'll get nowhere as a NW6 no matter how low your standards have been set.

Im as red-pilled as the next man but this statement is OTT IMO


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Im as red-pilled as the next man but this statement is OTT IMO

Try dating as a NW6.

Photos with NW6 outline visible: 1 match per 3 weeks
Photos taken in dark lighting so that it looks like there's a NW2 hairline (but the same haircut and beard): 3 or 4 matches per week

People will come out on dates when you use the latter setup. They'll have a good time, get along fine with you but you'll never see them again. Being a NW6 is as bad as you'd expect. With the former setup you could schedule 1 date every 2 weeks if you're using multiple apps. But there's a 50/50 risk of cancellation there. With the latter setup, however, you'll never get a same day cancellation unless there's a real emergency.


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Have you actually banged chubby women dude? Clothes these days offer a lot of illusions. A fat belly does not do it for me no matter what...


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I wish you could find a girl with a fault that would even out your own fault (baldness). But, it's just not the case, in this day and age with social media, feminism, and dating apps, all women get slayed by Chad, even the fatties. Consistently seeing the women on social media spewing about muh curves, body postivity, and fat shaming, while dating a guy with a six pack. Guess which of these two this "curvy model" is married to.

"ALL BODIES ARE GREAT!!!!! BODY POSITIVITY GIRLS!!! My husband having a six pack is just by chance!!"


No matter what flaw a woman has whether it be fat, bald, acne, short, tall, she is being told by society that she's perfect just the way she is. No matter what flaw a woman has she is being dicked down by Chad on Tinder. No matter what flaw a woman has she receives endless validation on social media. And you think a woman would go out with a baldtie just because she's fat!
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Try dating as a NW6.

Photos with NW6 outline visible: 1 match per 3 weeks
Photos taken in dark lighting so that it looks like there's a NW2 hairline (but the same haircut and beard): 3 or 4 matches per week

People will come out on dates when you use the latter setup. They'll have a good time, get along fine with you but you'll never see them again. Being a NW6 is as bad as you'd expect. With the former setup you could schedule 1 date every 2 weeks if you're using multiple apps. But there's a 50/50 risk of cancellation there. With the latter setup, however, you'll never get a same day cancellation unless there's a real emergency.

Has it ever crossed your mind to meet people without the use of the internet ?


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I wish you could find a girl with a fault that would even out your own fault (baldness). But, it's just not the case, in this day and age with social media, feminism, and dating apps, all women get slayed by Chad, even the fatties. Consistently seeing the women on social media spewing about muh curves, body postivity, and fat shaming, while dating a guy with a six pack. Guess which of these two this "curvy model" is married to.

"ALL BODIES ARE GREAT!!!!! BODY POSITIVITY GIRLS!!! My husband having a six pack is just by chance!!"
View attachment 83068
View attachment 83069

No matter what flaw a woman has whether it be fat, bald, acne, short, tall, she is being told by society that she's perfect just the way she is. No matter what flaw a woman has she is being dicked down by Chad on Tinder. No matter what flaw a woman has she receives endless validation on social media. And you think a woman would go out with a baldtie just because she's fat!
View attachment 83071
There is nothing wrong with applauding over-weight "jiggly" women.

I wish more women had some curves.


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There is nothing wrong with applauding over-weight "jiggly" women.

I wish more women had some curves.
You missed my point. I know that you're a landwhale connoisseur, and there's plenty of guys like you. That's the issue, no matter what flaw a woman has it doesn't matter, there's still going to be guys who like, even prefer girls with her flaw.

@trist92 idea is that if he's bald and fit he can get fat chicks, what I'm saying is that womens flaws don't matter like mens. Female landwhales get Chad too.


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You missed my point. I know that you're a landwhale connoisseur, and there's plenty of guys like you. That's the issue, no matter what flaw a woman has it doesn't matter, there's still going to be guys who like, even prefer girls with her flaw.

@trist92 idea is that if he's bald and fit he can get fat chicks, what I'm saying is that womens flaws don't matter like mens. Female landwhales get Chad too.
View attachment 83087
Female landwhales deserve a fulfilling life too. You would like to keep them down but I want them to sore to the heights of their Stacy peers.

Long live the landwhale!


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God you are a retard

And stop liking my posts you moron
If your posts (some, at least) are worthy of a "like" then that's what your unwashed *** will receive.
Have a good day.


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There is nothing wrong with applauding over-weight "jiggly" women.

I wish more women had some curves.

For you, maybe not, presuming you're quite a selfish person. For a lot of men and women the normalization of obesity is both a health issue and/or a finding-an-attractive-partner issue.

Fat girls do get tired of being pumped and dumped by more attractive guys, and will eventually try and settle with a more looks-matched person. If you're into that you will certainly increase your chances by going after these girls.


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thick girls are fine, I like a thick girl.... I like watching a wave. But belly fat and to much leg pudding is a no no.
For a dunk and run, fine; Ive been known in the past to get a few drinks in me and then use those goggles to get a quick dip but for a long term thing no thanks. Again, there is a difference though between thick and just fat. The line could be thin but its there. If you like it then great but if Im spending my time to work out, then she should at least look like she tries.


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For you, maybe not, presuming you're quite a selfish person. For a lot of men and women the normalization of obesity is both a health issue and/or a finding-an-attractive-partner issue.

Fat girls do get tired of being pumped and dumped by more attractive guys, and will eventually try and settle with a more looks-matched person. If you're into that you will certainly increase your chances by going after these girls.

Looks-matched person means a NW1 who is fat. A bald guy will be invisible. If he's in shape and bald then where does he fit in? Not looks-matched with a chubby and no chance with a refined person who is in reasonable shape. Similar story for a heavier bald guy. Bald is useless.


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You missed my point. I know that you're a landwhale connoisseur, and there's plenty of guys like you. That's the issue, no matter what flaw a woman has it doesn't matter, there's still going to be guys who like, even prefer girls with her flaw.

@trist92 idea is that if he's bald and fit he can get fat chicks, what I'm saying is that womens flaws don't matter like mens. Female landwhales get Chad too.
View attachment 83087

This is the most disgusting sh*t I have seen in a while. This Chads are the reasion why the average men does very bad on Dating Apps. A normal 5-6 cant get a 5-6 women. Maybe a 3-4. Those landwhales that do absolutly nothing to improve (character and body) and still can get fucked by a 9 or 10 man. Men have 0...absolutly 0 standards. If you are attracted to those landwhales I have 0 respect for you. I like to f*** women with a flat belly like God wanted me to do.


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This is the most disgusting sh*t I have seen in a while. This Chads are the reasion why the average men does very bad on Dating Apps. A normal 5-6 cant get a 5-6 women. Maybe a 3-4. Those landwhales that do absolutly nothing to improve (character and body) and still can get fucked by a 9 or 10 man. Men have 0...absolutly 0 standards. If you are attracted to those landwhales I have 0 respect for you. I like to f*** women with a flat belly like God wanted me to do.
bit of an exaggeration here, the market will eventually even out and dictate. When the 5-6 woman can't find the Chad she's looking for eventually her standards will come down. I'm sure the Chad will be too preoccupied with Stacey's to pay any attention to the 5-6.
And needless to say there are only a small % of Chad's/Stacey's in the population to go around, when the good sausage runs out at the butcher shop customers go for whats left.