Brandnew's Story - NEW PICS pg. 4 (09/20/10)


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

Come on guys... I need help making a decision. Should I take .25 finasteride everyday or .5 finasteride every other day to reduce sides and get the best benefit with minimal or no sides?


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

brandnew said:
Come on guys... I need help making a decision. Should I take .25 finasteride everyday or .5 finasteride every other day to reduce sides and get the best benefit with minimal or no sides?
get on .5 atleast, thats what im going to do soon


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

im currently on .5 daily but am getting sides.


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

brandnew said:
im currently on .5 daily but am getting sides.
what type of sides? Loss of libo? how bad are they


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

loss of libido... its like i have no desire any more and its hard to stay hard. I also may be getting gyno or in my head.


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

brandnew said:
loss of libido... its like i have no desire any more and its hard to stay hard. I also may be getting gyno or in my head.
well the gyno is probably in your head , the loss of libo most people have, how long have you had the side effect for?


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

probably 3 weeks. I have been on propecia for about 6 weeks. The gyno is like a slight dull ache or weird feeling around my chest to the side of my nipples. they may be growing... i am not sure. I did notice that I skipped thursday then took .5 friday then skipped saturday. today i was feeling a little frisky and hadnt felt that way in weeks.


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

brandnew said:
probably 3 weeks. I have been on propecia for about 6 weeks. The gyno is like a slight dull ache or weird feeling around my chest to the side of my nipples. they may be growing... i am not sure. I did notice that I skipped thursday then took .5 friday then skipped saturday. today i was feeling a little frisky and hadnt felt that way in weeks.
hows your hair loss coming along with it? any shedding?


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

yes its seems so. some days worse than others. Im finding shorter hairs so I am guessing the side is shedding too. it started about 1-2 weeks ago.


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

brandnew said:
yes its seems so. some days worse than others. Im finding shorter hairs so I am guessing the side is shedding too. it started about 1-2 weeks ago.
its good if you're shedding, it means its working. stick with it man


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

well yeah but should i got to .25 everyday or .5 every other day?


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

I don't think anyone can really answer that, from what I've seen of trials that have been carried out, finasteride will affect your DHT levels for several days, so it won't make much difference if you take 0.5mg every other day or 0.25mg each day. I'm currently taking 0.5mg 4 times a week, but I do that because it's easier to split Finpecia into halves and take one every other day than it is to split it into quarters, it's just a matter of convenience for me. :)


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

so have you had any luck with your .5 4 days a week? any changes? sides?


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Re: Brandnew's Story - (21 / with recent buzz cut)

still shedding... about the same as i always have though. its been a little over 2 months.


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Re: Brandnew's Story - UPDATE pg. 4 -- 09/10 NEW PICS

heres an update... I dropped finasteride shortly after my last post... I guess early October 09. I then tried saw palmetto for 2 months then got low libido all of a sudden.

I am currently trying .25 finasteride EOD. Got sides after first dose (watery c*m, and lowered libido)

I tried Rogaine foam in June 15- July 15 and started shedding and felt light headed a lot. so i quit. It really hurt my hair.

I have been on topical spironolactone for two months and have seen nothing but waitsting 10 minutes morning and night.

SO... knowing all this.. what should I do? Should I do Rogaine again and try to keep up with .2 finasteride EOD?

My pics are from stepping right out of shower... soaking wet in my bright bathroom light.


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Man your hair doesn't look to be in great shape,if you want to save it,start using Finasteride soon.Any dosage would do 0.25 EOD or 0.25 ED...Just give it more time to work and maybe try adding Rogaine somewhere down the lane if finasteride doesn't offer you much regrowth.


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Man, here's the thing, with minoxidil you need to give it at least 4 months before quoting you will shed like crazy from 1-2 months and then get regrowth, get back on minoxidil, and I bet you will be surprised of the outcome,

How's spironolactone working for you btw ?

P.s I disagree with the above poster with your hair wet it still looks good.


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im trying this .25 EOD of finasteride and im still debating rogaine... The stupid spironolactone hasnt changed a thing at all but then again its only been two months. I graduate college in mid december and I dont want to look like sh*t in my pics ya know...


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Looks like you are going down the whole "this isn't working quickly so im quitting" bandwagon. I feel like this is why so many people do not get results. You really need to be VERY patient when it comes to treating your hair loss. It is a slow painful process.

Your hair looks great as far as I am concerned. I know it's all relative but I started way worse then you are currently and I still believe I will get back to full density (eventually).

My opinion would be to get on 1mg finasteride daily, minoxidil, and nizoral and use it for 6-8 months without wavering. If you're sides never go away on finasteride then fine go ahead and drop the finasteride but I believe you won't see much success in the long run without finasteride. You could always try RU/Fluridil/Tricomin/Oils instead of finasteride but i feel like finasteride is a required base treatment and everything else supplements it.