Big 3 -2 months , excellent results, 20 y/o


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Big 3 - 2 months , good results (20)

Hi,I am one of the many unlucky guys that loose hair at a very early age,currently I am 20 but I started loosing my hair from about 16,I didn't noticed at the time ,only last year I realized that my hairline is leaving me.I started finasteride at 15/6/2014 and minxodil at 1/7/2014 ,In almost two months I have seen excellent results,when I started I was nw2.5 heading fast to nw3.

My routine:
finasteride 1.25(proscar 1/4) every night(since 15/6/2014)

minoxidil(kirkland 5%) 1.5ml once a day every night.

antidandruff Ultrex shampoo.(since 1/7/2014), replaced it with wash and go, the ultrex one seems that was reacting with the minoxidil leaving some white stuff on my skin

nizoral once or twice a week(since 1/7/2014), used it only for the first 4 months

multivitamins(including iron), it seems that I have iron deficiency

Minoxidil , 3 bottles are 22 euros on ebay ,lasts 4.5 months -> 4.80 euros
Nizoral(not really nizoral,but some cheap generic with keta 2%) , an 60ml bottle costs 7.50 euros on ebay ,lasts 3 months -> 2.50 euros
Proscar , 14 5mg pills 8.90 euros without a prescription,In my country(Greece) proscar needs a prescription but most of the pharmacies just give it away without asking one :) so I guess this is nice ) ,lasts 2 months -> 4.45 euros
Total(per month): 11.75 euros , 15.40 USD .Can be lowered by at least 3 euros if I buy more quantity of minoxidil and nizoral at once.

side effects:
I gained 5 killos in 2 months!(time to hit the gym),I am not sure if this is from minoxidil or finasteride,on other sides ,in the first month of fina I had soft errections,now I am back to normal.

After starting minoxidil I immediately(only 2-4 days after) noticed horrible shedding that continues until now ,thought now I have about the 15% of the shedding i was seeing at the first month.

My opinion(from a year of research and personal experience,until now):
If you are young and you are loosing hair ,please for god shake start a treatment, don't tell to your self "its not that bad" or "it must be from bad diet" or "ok I will shave it when it gets really bad" .If its not that bad ,it will for sure go bad ,you don't want to end up trying to hold a nw4 .Second no,its not from bad diet.Last ,if you are on this forum it means that you care about your hair and shaving it ,whatever you say to your self now,its not gonna be an easy thing,there is probably a 80% chance that you will never gain the balls to shave them and you will end up with a comp over.

24/6/2014(just popped a pimple)

24/7/2014(summer tan)


My crown has the same luck with my temples ,but unfortunately I never accomplished to take photos of my crown-vertex that are focused


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My hair loss is really similar by the looks of it, nice regrowth hope my recovery is similar!


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Hope to see those two areas connect bro! Hope the hairs get thicker and longer looking, like regular ones. Just started treatments myself, hopeful to see regrowth.

I wish you good luck(its not really about luck but nvm) , The left temple has filled ,if the hairs that have grown there become really terminal it will seem like nv1,but on the right temple the progress is slower :(.The sad is that since I am checking out my hairline every day before shower the progress seems to me really slow...I wish I could just pass 2-3 months sleeping and then wake up with a good head of hair.:)


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Was your shedding noticeable in the mirror? Or did you just notice more hairs falling?

I don't want to scare the new guys but my shedding was completely awful ,my scalp on the top was visible even without lighting my hair was noticeably thinner but I guess it was for the best ,all the dieing hairs had fallen and this is necessary for the new and healthy hair to grow.My advice to the guys that want to start the treatment is to not be scared of the shedding .I waited to finish my semester and go back to my home before I started the treatment so that the shedding would hit when I didn't had classes to go and people to see :wacko: (only my parents and some friends ofc) so that I could be less uncomfortable. If the balding starts ,don't fool your self ,it will only get worse with time, better be uncomfortable with your hair for some months than be uncomfortable for the rest of your life(or atleast until you give a ****).

Wolf Pack

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Did you grow hair in completely bald areas at the front? It looks like it to me. Didn't know it was possible. Wonder if it was finasteride or minoxidil that did it.

viet nom nom

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Looks like he still had some hairs in that area. Funny story, taking finasteride and getting similar regrowth after 2 months. Wanted my burgeoning bald spot and hair island to go the other way :laugh: Oh well, gotta give it time. Just wish the shed hadn't made it worse!!!


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Did you grow hair in completely bald areas at the front? It looks like it to me. Didn't know it was possible. Wonder if it was finasteride or minoxidil that did it.

Yes ,I grew hair in my temples in areas that there was no visible hairs,my hairline on the temples lowered for like 1 cm.I will post new pictures in a couple of days comparing the beginning with the current situation.I doubt that it was from finasteride cause its too soon for it to have that obvious results.I was putting 1 ml of minoxidil every night on my temples(on the "bald" area) so I guess this had something to do :).

[URL="" said:
faskljdfoei[/URL];1199450]"please for god sake"

Made me Lol.

I am not a religious person ,the English I know are from movies and tv shows and I guess this have something to do with the things I am saying :roll:.


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Did you grow hair in completely bald areas at the front? It looks like it to me. Didn't know it was possible. Wonder if it was finasteride or minoxidil that did it.

Yes ,I grew hair in my temples in areas that there was no visible hairs,my hairline on the temples lowered for like 1 cm.I will post new pictures in a couple of days comparing the beginning with the current situation(3 months later).I doubt that it was from finasteride cause its too soon for it to have that obvious results.I was putting 1 ml of minoxidil every night on my temples(on the "bald" area) so I guess this had something to do .

"please for god sake"

Made me Lol.

I am not a religious person .The English I know are from movies and tv shows ,so this probably had something to do with the things i am saying... :) .


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Yes ,I grew hair in my temples in areas that there was no visible hairs,my hairline on the temples lowered for like 1 cm.I will post new pictures in a couple of days comparing the beginning with the current situation(3 months later).I doubt that it was from finasteride cause its too soon for it to have that obvious results.I was putting 1 ml of minoxidil every night on my temples(on the "bald" area) so I guess this had something to do .

I am not a religious person .The English I know are from movies and tv shows ,so this probably had something to do with the things i am saying... :) .

Your english is good. It just made me laugh how you were pleading, urging people to start treatment.

Wolf Pack

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Yes ,I grew hair in my temples in areas that there was no visible hairs,my hairline on the temples lowered for like 1 cm.I will post new pictures in a couple of days comparing the beginning with the current situation(3 months later).I doubt that it was from finasteride cause its too soon for it to have that obvious results.I was putting 1 ml of minoxidil every night on my temples(on the "bald" area) so I guess this had something to do .

Very very interesting! I am 28 but slowly have receded since 23. One temple is Norwood 3 and one is a little better. I have been putting laser for 6 weeks in this area, nothing so far!

Damn I am in such a dilemma. I don't want to use both finasteride and minoxidil rather one. But I have bald areas at the front, rest is thick with some crown thinning now lol.

Ideally I would use finasteride and a hair transplant for my hairline but I can't afford it being a post grad student now.


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imho, people are expecting way to much of finasteride.
I have seen very little (none) cases where finasteride as the only treatments gives regrowth like this ...
finasteride = maintenance (at best)
Min = regrowth (at best)
end of story (for most of us)

- - - Updated - - -

@bobomastoras: would love to see pics of that "awful shed" you went through.
So , you rubbed minoxidil on your entire head then ? cause on your temples there were no hairs to shed, correct ?


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Time since started finasteride(1/4):112 days
Time since minoxidil and keta shampoo:96 days

I was going to upload new photos at first of October as it was going to be 3 months since i started minoxidil ,but i forgot it :) .

I found some wet photos from before ,so you can clearly see the extend of my receding.

It seems really bad ,but cause I had my hair about 5 cm long it was easy for me to just cover my temples with the hair from the top ,and it actually looked good,I doubt if anyone that was not close to me could figure out that I was balding .

Here a before with dry hair:

Here is today:

I get results slower than I expected,but at least i am getting them.The shedding has completely stopped just few weeks ago (at about 2.5months) I shed maybe 3-8 hairs in the shower).The left side is better than the right but the right seems to be catching up as the weeks are passing.I have better confidence and I fear the evil wind and rain less,I get haircuts more often cause I don't need anymore to have long hair to cover my temples,with short hair(1-2cm) my temples have the mature hairline look ,which is not bad.Hopefully I will post new pictures with even better progress in 1 month.