Be Honest - Is All That 'red Pill' 'mgtow' Etc Etc - True Or Not?


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I personally love reading the red pill section on reddit. I don't swallow all the theories whole but I do believe there are a lot of folks over there who are writing sensible about some taboo topics that allow us to live a better life.

It may sound odd but I don't buy into the whole hypergamy thing as much as they do (that women always date across or up). This is because when I was a young student I dated and had relationships with women who earned far more money than me at the time and were far more successful than me in terms of academics.

In general, I enjoy the self improvement elements the most: how they encourage people to improve their career, frame, looks, and how not to get overly attached on women.

Heinrich Harrer

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I don’t understand why someone bashes my opinion and then once he’s triumphed gets on defensive mode.
I am really getting pissed off at women. Yeah I get that you don’t wanna f*** me, but do you have to treat me like a third rate citizen because of my hairloss? I ain’t no f*****g Pariah because I lack some follicles, you chubby c***.

I NEVER did that to ugly people myself, if anything I treated them with an additional amount of respect because they presumably have hard lifes, but where did that get me? Absolutely nowhere, karma aint a b**ch it’s a sh*t.

Swing by First Methodist Tuesday nights. See the guys with testicular cancer. That's pain.


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I don’t understand why someone bashes my opinion and then once he’s triumphed gets on defensive mode.

Swing by First Methodist Tuesday nights. See the guys with testicular cancer. That's pain.

I don’t understand what you mean. Who triumphed over what and how am I defensive? I was just drunk and needed to vent a bit.

The fight club approach.

Cue Bald

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I don't believe in Redpill and all that myself. I don't think that women are like animals in the way they always go for the high status man, in that they can be with a man for 5 years but the moment another man comes along who has slightly higher status, she will go for him instead; just like the baboon or lioness would.

I've seen women who fall in love with guys and just want to be with those guys. I've seen pretty girls fall in love with mediocre guys. I've seen a girl fall in love with a pretty boy, when he left her to become single (suspect he likes penis) she didn't get another boyfriend, she was just friends with him and still is. So I think women are just like us, they can fall for guys just as we can fall for girls.
One fat girl on reddit was posting that she felt bad as she fell in love with her co-worker who didn't love her back, she fell in love with him because he talked to her and no other guys would talk to her. so that must be female redpill.

one thing I have not seen though, or is very rare, is for a young woman to fall in love with a young bald man. haven't seen it yet. i've seen plenty of young bald guys lose their boyfriends. A girl was with her boyfriend; she was nothing special but he was model quality looks; tall, tanned with designer stubble and great hair. well over the course of just two years he lost all his hair and became a Norwood 6. she stayed with him but she cheated on him with a shorter guy with a boyish face. They are still together now.

So it is possible for a girl to fall in love with you, it just gets rarer the uglier and balder you are. Once you pass the "looks" test you have to pass all the other tests like having a decent personality, having a job, having a car, not being hooked on drugs etc. Passing the "looks" test gets you in to the next stage.

personally when I had hair I passed the looks test but my autistic personality always let me down. Now I don't have to worry about my personality because my looks fail well beyond that point.


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Certain elements of it are true for sure but a lot of it is exaggerated truth. I think the self improvement aspects of it is great and encouraging but for a lot of guys all the other stuff could send them down a spiral of hatred towards woman and life. I feel like I was actually a victim to this and I really paid for it mentally for the last couple of years. Especially the height thing since i'm like 5'5 and the more I read about height discrimination the more I saw it in real life even though it wasn't something I noticed before. I actually think I tried justifying some of this stuff in my head just so I have an excuse for why I am failing to do some things that come so easy for others and was always bitter and angry.

Nowadays I am much more accepting to the hand i'm given in life and I don't get angry at red/black pill stuff at all anymore. Yeah sure I am 5'5 and started balding young but your average guy although is probably better off in terms of genetics the effort in life isn't always there. The majority of guys out there are lazy and don't really want to give their full efforts in anything so if you can give your best at everything you do you can become above average in money,status and even looks (unless ur like nw4+ with bad head shape then its just money and status).


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Certain elements of it are true for sure but a lot of it is exaggerated truth. I think the self improvement aspects of it is great and encouraging but for a lot of guys all the other stuff could send them down a spiral of hatred towards woman and life. I feel like I was actually a victim to this and I really paid for it mentally for the last couple of years. Especially the height thing since i'm like 5'5 and the more I read about height discrimination the more I saw it in real life even though it wasn't something I noticed before. I actually think I tried justifying some of this stuff in my head just so I have an excuse for why I am failing to do some things that come so easy for others and was always bitter and angry.

Nowadays I am much more accepting to the hand i'm given in life and I don't get angry at red/black pill stuff at all anymore. Yeah sure I am 5'5 and started balding young but your average guy although is probably better off in terms of genetics the effort in life isn't always there. The majority of guys out there are lazy and don't really want to give their full efforts in anything so if you can give your best at everything you do you can become above average in money,status and even looks (unless ur like nw4+ with bad head shape then its just money and status).

Posts like this make me have faith in the sanity of this forum again, I completely agree.


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Certain elements of it are true for sure but a lot of it is exaggerated truth. I think the self improvement aspects of it is great and encouraging but for a lot of guys all the other stuff could send them down a spiral of hatred towards woman and life. I feel like I was actually a victim to this and I really paid for it mentally for the last couple of years. Especially the height thing since i'm like 5'5 and the more I read about height discrimination the more I saw it in real life even though it wasn't something I noticed before. I actually think I tried justifying some of this stuff in my head just so I have an excuse for why I am failing to do some things that come so easy for others and was always bitter and angry.

Nowadays I am much more accepting to the hand i'm given in life and I don't get angry at red/black pill stuff at all anymore. Yeah sure I am 5'5 and started balding young but your average guy although is probably better off in terms of genetics the effort in life isn't always there. The majority of guys out there are lazy and don't really want to give their full efforts in anything so if you can give your best at everything you do you can become above average in money,status and even looks (unless ur like nw4+ with bad head shape then its just money and status).

Looks are something that only get exponentially increasingly worse with age and never improve. If you were born hideous, you'll be hideous for eternity. You'll probably reach your peak appearance at around 16-18, assuming your face isn't disfigured into an ugly f*** up of a mess via acne vulgaris and you didn't let it get blasted to dry sh*t through any form of sun exposure, and then from there it's the road to ugliness. The only real option you have is getting plastic surgery, and even then that can't fix a face that is too fucked up everywhere (grossly asymmetrical faces, namely). I'm personally already looking into light cosmetic surgery, especially with the skin (dermal fillers, acid peels, etc). Every rational young guy who isn't too far gone should be looking into cosmetic procedures, as the benefits of it are eternal for the initially large up-front cost.

Shortness is in some ways almost as bad a fuckover as bad looks are. The only actual solution to fixing shortness is getting your legs snapped in half, sit in a wheelchair while constantly applying pressure to allow new bone tissue to grow in for 6 months to a year, and perhaps at best get 6 inches, while more likely to get 2 to 3. The procedure is about $20,000-$30,000. If you can't do that though (vast majority of men), then you're fucked. You'll be filtered out of female searches, you'll get absolutely no real respect whatsoever, especially if you don't have looks to compensate for it, and everything you do will assumed to be out of some bizarre Napoleon complex. I suppose the one less shitty aspect of shortness is that you don't really start to get shorter until you're much older due to the weakening of the spine. But you'll be treated like sh*t the rest of your life, whether it's to your face directly (not as common) or more subconsciously in others (more common).

The forum gives enough reasons why going bald is an atrocity, namely with it destroying the proportional balance in your face and aging you two decades, as well as a sign of disease and ruin, which in someways is true in the sense that male pattern baldness is a genetic disorder, tied to both your X and Y chromosomes.

In response to this poster, you can't become above average unless you were born on the border between above average and average. You are pretty much guaranteed to stay at the position that life gave you, or to fall and never recover. The best you can expect is a very slight improvement from where you started, and even then if you didn't start at the edge, you won't really move out of your original caste. One's intelligence, which is highly correlated to one's future income, is significantly affected by the socioeconomic standing of your parents, whom are also likely there based on their own intelligence. In other words, if you were born below average income, you will likely have below average intelligence and your future opportunities will likely result in you being stuck in a lower socioeconomic standing your entire life. The contrary is also likely true. There are of course exceptions, but that is exactly what they are, not the general pattern. It's just a result of the nature of most hierarchies, which are grounded around the Pareto principle: the majority of a given asset will belong to a minority. It's just an awful reality. You are deluding yourself with unfounded idealism if you think you really can become above average if you weren't already born on the cusp of average and above average.

I cannot see any reason to accept the hand life fucks you over with. Give it a good f*** you, then start getting enhancements as soon as you can, assuming you weren't thrown so low down the hierarchy that you are being disadvantaged from being able to achieve the means to get those enhancements. Give an actual f*** about your life, and stop deluding yourself with comforting blue pill advice that everyone can be great.


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Posts like this make me have faith in the sanity of this forum again, I completely agree.

I cannot endorse "rational" blue pill lies that will make your life worse in the long-run.

"Shave it bro", "we're all beautiful inside", "just have a good personality", "money can't buy happiness" are all demonstrably false and bullshit blue-pill cliches.

"Get on the big 3", "almost all of us are hideous; get some work to fix your jacked up face", and "the more money the better" are all self-evidently true, good red pill advice everyone is apparently afraid to admit.
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Heinrich Harrer

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Certain elements of it are true for sure but a lot of it is exaggerated truth. I think the self improvement aspects of it is great and encouraging but for a lot of guys all the other stuff could send them down a spiral of hatred towards woman and life. I feel like I was actually a victim to this and I really paid for it mentally for the last couple of years. Especially the height thing since i'm like 5'5 and the more I read about height discrimination the more I saw it in real life even though it wasn't something I noticed before. I actually think I tried justifying some of this stuff in my head just so I have an excuse for why I am failing to do some things that come so easy for others and was always bitter and angry.

Nowadays I am much more accepting to the hand i'm given in life and I don't get angry at red/black pill stuff at all anymore. Yeah sure I am 5'5 and started balding young but your average guy although is probably better off in terms of genetics the effort in life isn't always there. The majority of guys out there are lazy and don't really want to give their full efforts in anything so if you can give your best at everything you do you can become above average in money,status and even looks (unless ur like nw4+ with bad head shape then its just money and status).

This has nothing to do with pills or “accepting who you are”. If I told you today to swallow this harmless pill and be 6’0” you’d do it in an instant. The only truth to it is that as life goes by people get less and less willing to deal with this sh*t. Worrying about appearances and worrying about not being perfect and worrying about the next guy and worrying about women and worrying about stereotypes and family and status and this and that. It gets to a point where slowly but surely you stop giving a f***. You roll with it and the minute you truly do, you realize this: it doesn’t matter how little people care about it, it matters how little you care about it. You may ignore some serious deformity in yourself that everyone else might not. But the sole fact that you truly don’t care is what makes you impervious to insults. The deformity is still there and objectively it looks bad. And you know it but at the same time, you don’t care.

My point is - and young cucks here jumping on meds for no reason will realize it one day - everyone gets tired one day. Everyone realizes no matter how stubborn they are that you can’t be perfect. No matter what you do, no matter what you fix, it won’t be enough. That’s not a “plastic surgery obsession”, it’s narcissism and it influences a ton of people and also kills many.

One day you stop caring and hopefully start paying attention to things that fulfill you and keep you in a healthy mental state. For some it might be doing what they love, for others to find love, for others to make a family, to paint, to help children, whatever. Anything that isn’t materialistic and superficial. From my experience I tell you right now that when you care about the outside, you’ll only get a match with women who do the same. And when you do and live next to a person as stupid and vane as you are, you really understand how wrong it is. I lived that when I was heavy into bodybuilding (no drugs) and dated a girl my age who was also heavy on fitness. A nightmare. You think tupperware and bitching about fat is ok when you do it? Hah! Wait to see how it is when she does it.

Which brings me to my next point. You all seek to be “Chad” and date this “hot” girl. This doesn’t work. Ever. Just roll with it and date the girls you should be dating, not the ones television taught you to go for. I got this lad @disfiguredyoungman who lately has been bothering me with his idiocy, that he’s cursed and ugly and women are evil and so on. This is what we call “confusion”, I don’t think he’s a bad guy. He’s confused and angry because of it. Hair or not, he’s going the wrong way.

I registered here two months ago and said to myself I’ll get heavily involved here and exchange thoughts about this hair loss thing and try to understand it. The more I go at it, the more I realize what a trap it is. What an excuse it is for letting go of your life. And remember, I’m almost bald. This isn’t bs chat, I’ve been through it all, hair pieces, clinics, sides, mockery, depression etc. But truly, people don’t give a f*** man. And I’ve caught me miring bald men who were absolutely alphas. Seen them in streets, clubs (many of them bar men), beach, we might as well be the majority today. I think an untrained man is an instant red flag both for women and men. But a bald or balding head is only but a scratch, which women will choose to ignore when the rest of you is more interesting.

And at the end of the day, f*** it. Snap out of it and do something you love. I’ve been playing ball again after years. Yeah sure this 19y old amazing girl won’t go for me in the field, god damn it. I’m so unlucky. Well no, she wouldn’t go for me even if I had hair. And I’m having fun, I’m laughing and the guy she’s with is now a friend of mine, we all went out last night. Got to chat with them both, had fun, made new friends, I’m feeling great. I stopped and looked in the mirror today, I realized I went smiling and being a lovable person for a week now while being bald. So if I can do it and be approached and get laid, what’s the harm?

Harm’s done only in our ego boys. Past a certain age if all you gotta show to a woman is your hair, then you’re in deep sh*t. She’s gonna leave you the next day and you’ll be even more confused because according to you, hair means life. How could that happen?

I feel a balding man shouldn’t be anywhere near hair loss forums and crybabies. I mean listening to @disfiguredyoungman for the past few days was such a turn off. I wouldn’t stand this guy IRL for more than a minute, which is sad because I’m sure underneath all this he might have a genuinely nice character.

/end rant


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This has nothing to do with pills or “accepting who you are”. If I told you today to swallow this harmless pill and be 6’0” you’d do it in an instant. The only truth to it is that as life goes by people get less and less willing to deal with this sh*t. Worrying about appearances and worrying about not being perfect and worrying about the next guy and worrying about women and worrying about stereotypes and family and status and this and that. It gets to a point where slowly but surely you stop giving a f***. You roll with it and the minute you truly do, you realize this: it doesn’t matter how little people care about it, it matters how little you care about it. You may ignore some serious deformity in yourself that everyone else might not. But the sole fact that you truly don’t care is what makes you impervious to insults. The deformity is still there and objectively it looks bad. And you know it but at the same time, you don’t care.

My point is - and young cucks here jumping on meds for no reason will realize it one day - everyone gets tired one day. Everyone realizes no matter how stubborn they are that you can’t be perfect. No matter what you do, no matter what you fix, it won’t be enough. That’s not a “plastic surgery obsession”, it’s narcissism and it influences a ton of people and also kills many.

One day you stop caring and hopefully start paying attention to things that fulfill you and keep you in a healthy mental state. For some it might be doing what they love, for others to find love, for others to make a family, to paint, to help children, whatever. Anything that isn’t materialistic and superficial. From my experience I tell you right now that when you care about the outside, you’ll only get a match with women who do the same. And when you do and live next to a person as stupid and vane as you are, you really understand how wrong it is. I lived that when I was heavy into bodybuilding (no drugs) and dated a girl my age who was also heavy on fitness. A nightmare. You think tupperware and bitching about fat is ok when you do it? Hah! Wait to see how it is when she does it.

Which brings me to my next point. You all seek to be “Chad” and date this “hot” girl. This doesn’t work. Ever. Just roll with it and date the girls you should be dating, not the ones television taught you to go for. I got this lad @disfiguredyoungman who lately has been bothering me with his idiocy, that he’s cursed and ugly and women are evil and so on. This is what we call “confusion”, I don’t think he’s a bad guy. He’s confused and angry because of it. Hair or not, he’s going the wrong way.

I registered here two months ago and said to myself I’ll get heavily involved here and exchange thoughts about this hair loss thing and try to understand it. The more I go at it, the more I realize what a trap it is. What an excuse it is for letting go of your life. And remember, I’m almost bald. This isn’t bs chat, I’ve been through it all, hair pieces, clinics, sides, mockery, depression etc. But truly, people don’t give a f*** man. And I’ve caught me miring bald men who were absolutely alphas. Seen them in streets, clubs (many of them bar men), beach, we might as well be the majority today. I think an untrained man is an instant red flag both for women and men. But a bald or balding head is only but a scratch, which women will choose to ignore when the rest of you is more interesting.

And at the end of the day, f*** it. Snap out of it and do something you love. I’ve been playing ball again after years. Yeah sure this 19y old amazing girl won’t go for me in the field, god damn it. I’m so unlucky. Well no, she wouldn’t go for me even if I had hair. And I’m having fun, I’m laughing and the guy she’s with is now a friend of mine, we all went out last night. Got to chat with them both, had fun, made new friends, I’m feeling great. I stopped and looked in the mirror today, I realized I went smiling and being a lovable person for a week now while being bald. So if I can do it and be approached and get laid, what’s the harm?

Harm’s done only in our ego boys. Past a certain age if all you gotta show to a woman is your hair, then you’re in deep sh*t. She’s gonna leave you the next day and you’ll be even more confused because according to you, hair means life. How could that happen?

I feel a balding man shouldn’t be anywhere near hair loss forums and crybabies. I mean listening to @disfiguredyoungman for the past few days was such a turn off. I wouldn’t stand this guy IRL for more than a minute, which is sad because I’m sure underneath all this he might have a genuinely nice character.

/end rant

I can't not simply give a f*** about things that are objectively important like hair, skin, bone structure, appearance, height, etc. That's not to say that's all that I care about, though. I also have very strong interests in politics, philosophy, theoretical math, computer science, etc. However, I cannot go on with my life being aware of such realities and their importance and just watching them decay away while taking no action to do anything about it. If I do nothing, I will die even more full of resentment and regret. As much as I like the aforementioned previous, unless I end up working on something that fundamentally revolutionizes humanity in a demonstrable way, then I will be unfulfilled, so long as that has not been achieved. Just engaging in what I love is far from sufficient in obtaining true fulfillment. Helping to maintain and improve the physical form, including the face, add a decent degree of fulfillment, though still not enough to have really achieved the state of true fulfillment. The state of true fulfillment is one in which the individual has truly maxed out all forms of potential, with no real room for improvement left. This may never practically realize itself, but it is a target of perfection to aim at to maximize ones own fulfillment as much as possible. Deciding to hit no target whatsoever is the biggest waste of one's limited existence that one must economize, only superceded by premature termination of one's life.


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I don't believe in Redpill and all that myself. I don't think that women are like animals in the way they always go for the high status man, in that they can be with a man for 5 years but the moment another man comes along who has slightly higher status, she will go for him instead; just like the baboon or lioness would.

I've seen women who fall in love with guys and just want to be with those guys. I've seen pretty girls fall in love with mediocre guys. I've seen a girl fall in love with a pretty boy, when he left her to become single (suspect he likes penis) she didn't get another boyfriend, she was just friends with him and still is. So I think women are just like us, they can fall for guys just as we can fall for girls.
One fat girl on reddit was posting that she felt bad as she fell in love with her co-worker who didn't love her back, she fell in love with him because he talked to her and no other guys would talk to her. so that must be female redpill.

one thing I have not seen though, or is very rare, is for a young woman to fall in love with a young bald man. haven't seen it yet. i've seen plenty of young bald guys lose their boyfriends. A girl was with her boyfriend; she was nothing special but he was model quality looks; tall, tanned with designer stubble and great hair. well over the course of just two years he lost all his hair and became a Norwood 6. she stayed with him but she cheated on him with a shorter guy with a boyish face. They are still together now.

So it is possible for a girl to fall in love with you, it just gets rarer the uglier and balder you are. Once you pass the "looks" test you have to pass all the other tests like having a decent personality, having a job, having a car, not being hooked on drugs etc. Passing the "looks" test gets you in to the next stage.

personally when I had hair I passed the looks test but my autistic personality always let me down. Now I don't have to worry about my personality because my looks fail well beyond that point.

If they can't get the highest status man, they'll just get the next highest possible one they can. They may not initially go for a higher status man because she risks short term loss in security and utility from her current one, but as soon as she does get some security or her current man loses his utility, you bet you she will pounce right on to the higher status man as soon as she can. That's just female nature at its worst.

If you think a woman truly falls in love with a man or a man truly falls in love with a woman, you're foolishly naive. No such thing exists at all. No, it's purely economics. Both sexes are involved in relationships purely for the utility they get out of it. If your woman went bald, you'd ditch her *** as soon as you could. If a man lost his job and was the breadwinner, she'd ditch him as soon as possible. If he went bald, she'll at the very least cheat on him.

If you're bald, you'll always lose the looks test. Period. The only workaround you might have is tremendous amounts of wealth.

The reality is even glummer than you're making it out to be.


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This has nothing to do with pills or “accepting who you are”. If I told you today to swallow this harmless pill and be 6’0” you’d do it in an instant. The only truth to it is that as life goes by people get less and less willing to deal with this sh*t. Worrying about appearances and worrying about not being perfect and worrying about the next guy and worrying about women and worrying about stereotypes and family and status and this and that. It gets to a point where slowly but surely you stop giving a f***. You roll with it and the minute you truly do, you realize this: it doesn’t matter how little people care about it, it matters how little you care about it. You may ignore some serious deformity in yourself that everyone else might not. But the sole fact that you truly don’t care is what makes you impervious to insults. The deformity is still there and objectively it looks bad. And you know it but at the same time, you don’t care.

My point is - and young cucks here jumping on meds for no reason will realize it one day - everyone gets tired one day. Everyone realizes no matter how stubborn they are that you can’t be perfect. No matter what you do, no matter what you fix, it won’t be enough. That’s not a “plastic surgery obsession”, it’s narcissism and it influences a ton of people and also kills many.

One day you stop caring and hopefully start paying attention to things that fulfill you and keep you in a healthy mental state. For some it might be doing what they love, for others to find love, for others to make a family, to paint, to help children, whatever. Anything that isn’t materialistic and superficial. From my experience I tell you right now that when you care about the outside, you’ll only get a match with women who do the same. And when you do and live next to a person as stupid and vane as you are, you really understand how wrong it is. I lived that when I was heavy into bodybuilding (no drugs) and dated a girl my age who was also heavy on fitness. A nightmare. You think tupperware and bitching about fat is ok when you do it? Hah! Wait to see how it is when she does it.

Which brings me to my next point. You all seek to be “Chad” and date this “hot” girl. This doesn’t work. Ever. Just roll with it and date the girls you should be dating, not the ones television taught you to go for. I got this lad @disfiguredyoungman who lately has been bothering me with his idiocy, that he’s cursed and ugly and women are evil and so on. This is what we call “confusion”, I don’t think he’s a bad guy. He’s confused and angry because of it. Hair or not, he’s going the wrong way.

I registered here two months ago and said to myself I’ll get heavily involved here and exchange thoughts about this hair loss thing and try to understand it. The more I go at it, the more I realize what a trap it is. What an excuse it is for letting go of your life. And remember, I’m almost bald. This isn’t bs chat, I’ve been through it all, hair pieces, clinics, sides, mockery, depression etc. But truly, people don’t give a f*** man. And I’ve caught me miring bald men who were absolutely alphas. Seen them in streets, clubs (many of them bar men), beach, we might as well be the majority today. I think an untrained man is an instant red flag both for women and men. But a bald or balding head is only but a scratch, which women will choose to ignore when the rest of you is more interesting.

And at the end of the day, f*** it. Snap out of it and do something you love. I’ve been playing ball again after years. Yeah sure this 19y old amazing girl won’t go for me in the field, god damn it. I’m so unlucky. Well no, she wouldn’t go for me even if I had hair. And I’m having fun, I’m laughing and the guy she’s with is now a friend of mine, we all went out last night. Got to chat with them both, had fun, made new friends, I’m feeling great. I stopped and looked in the mirror today, I realized I went smiling and being a lovable person for a week now while being bald. So if I can do it and be approached and get laid, what’s the harm?

Harm’s done only in our ego boys. Past a certain age if all you gotta show to a woman is your hair, then you’re in deep sh*t. She’s gonna leave you the next day and you’ll be even more confused because according to you, hair means life. How could that happen?

I feel a balding man shouldn’t be anywhere near hair loss forums and crybabies. I mean listening to @disfiguredyoungman for the past few days was such a turn off. I wouldn’t stand this guy IRL for more than a minute, which is sad because I’m sure underneath all this he might have a genuinely nice character.

/end rant

Got it, you got the moral high ground, because you got lucky and got laid and now you see everything so clearly. Jeez I told you not to let it get to your head...these old testament sized lectures get boring quickly.

If we talked in real life I wouldn’t mention my hairloss, that’s the point of this section, a place to vent because in real life people only give you this heinrich harrer-esque pep talk, that solves absolutely nothing. Literally ‘just shave it off and be confident bro’ the post with an excess wordcount.

Balding very much is a case by case issue, no generalizing motivational speeches do the individual justice. Some people look fine bald, some don’t but can compensate with personality and some are pushed into social ostracisation territory, due to a combination of disfigurement and an introverted nature.


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Looks are something that only get exponentially increasingly worse with age and never improve. If you were born hideous, you'll be hideous for eternity. You'll probably reach your peak appearance at around 16-18, assuming your face isn't disfigured into an ugly f*** up of a mess via acne vulgaris and you didn't let it get blasted to dry sh*t through any form of sun exposure, and then from there it's the road to ugliness. The only real option you have is getting plastic surgery, and even then that can't fix a face that is too fucked up everywhere (grossly asymmetrical faces, namely). I'm personally already looking into light cosmetic surgery, especially with the skin (dermal fillers, acid peels, etc). Every rational young guy who isn't too far gone should be looking into cosmetic procedures, as the benefits of it are eternal for the initially large up-front cost.

Shortness is in some ways almost as bad a fuckover as bad looks are. The only actual solution to fixing shortness is getting your legs snapped in half, sit in a wheelchair while constantly applying pressure to allow new bone tissue to grow in for 6 months to a year, and perhaps at best get 6 inches, while more likely to get 2 to 3. The procedure is about $20,000-$30,000. If you can't do that though (vast majority of men), then you're fucked. You'll be filtered out of female searches, you'll get absolutely no real respect whatsoever, especially if you don't have looks to compensate for it, and everything you do will assumed to be out of some bizarre Napoleon complex. I suppose the one less shitty aspect of shortness is that you don't really start to get shorter until you're much older due to the weakening of the spine. But you'll be treated like sh*t the rest of your life, whether it's to your face directly (not as common) or more subconsciously in others (more common).

The forum gives enough reasons why going bald is an atrocity, namely with it destroying the proportional balance in your face and aging you two decades, as well as a sign of disease and ruin, which in someways is true in the sense that male pattern baldness is a genetic disorder, tied to both your X and Y chromosomes.

In response to this poster, you can't become above average unless you were born on the border between above average and average. You are pretty much guaranteed to stay at the position that life gave you, or to fall and never recover. The best you can expect is a very slight improvement from where you started, and even then if you didn't start at the edge, you won't really move out of your original caste. One's intelligence, which is highly correlated to one's future income, is significantly affected by the socioeconomic standing of your parents, whom are also likely there based on their own intelligence. In other words, if you were born below average income, you will likely have below average intelligence and your future opportunities will likely result in you being stuck in a lower socioeconomic standing your entire life. The contrary is also likely true. There are of course exceptions, but that is exactly what they are, not the general pattern. It's just a result of the nature of most hierarchies, which are grounded around the Pareto principle: the majority of a given asset will belong to a minority. It's just an awful reality. You are deluding yourself with unfounded idealism if you think you really can become above average if you weren't already born on the cusp of average and above average.

I cannot see any reason to accept the hand life fucks you over with. Give it a good f*** you, then start getting enhancements as soon as you can, assuming you weren't thrown so low down the hierarchy that you are being disadvantaged from being able to achieve the means to get those enhancements. Give an actual f*** about your life, and stop deluding yourself with comforting blue pill advice that everyone can be great.

damn u really gave me my first dislike on this forum lol


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I cannot endorse "rational" blue pill lies that will make your life worse in the long-run.

"Shave it bro", "we're all beautiful inside", "just have a good personality", "money can't buy happiness" are all demonstrably false and bullshit blue-pill cliches.

"Get on the big 3", "almost all of us are hideous; get some work to fix your jacked up face", and "the more money the better" are all self-evidently true, good red pill advice everyone is apparently afraid to admit.

I am not in favor of any of the blue pill lies you said, especially not the "just shave it bro". That is not the message I tried to get across with that post. What I was saying is that our goal should be to maximize what we are given by our genetics even though your maximum might be someone else's minimum.For most of us we can become better than or at least on par with the average male with average genetics because the average male is fat, dumb and does not really care about anything. The only exception here is probably looks but most guys are not disfigured to the point that they can't even become average looking. If I really believed all the blue pill sh*t I wouldn't be taking hormone altering drugs to maintain my hair and wouldn't have gone on medication the moment I noticed the first signs of hair loss. I understand that looks,money and status are important but I was just advising OP against the downward mental spiral you can enter if you go too deep into the red pill community and become depressed as OP said he was already starting to feel.
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This has nothing to do with pills or “accepting who you are”. If I told you today to swallow this harmless pill and be 6’0” you’d do it in an instant. The only truth to it is that as life goes by people get less and less willing to deal with this sh*t. Worrying about appearances and worrying about not being perfect and worrying about the next guy and worrying about women and worrying about stereotypes and family and status and this and that. It gets to a point where slowly but surely you stop giving a f***. You roll with it and the minute you truly do, you realize this: it doesn’t matter how little people care about it, it matters how little you care about it. You may ignore some serious deformity in yourself that everyone else might not. But the sole fact that you truly don’t care is what makes you impervious to insults. The deformity is still there and objectively it looks bad. And you know it but at the same time, you don’t care.

My point is - and young cucks here jumping on meds for no reason will realize it one day - everyone gets tired one day. Everyone realizes no matter how stubborn they are that you can’t be perfect. No matter what you do, no matter what you fix, it won’t be enough. That’s not a “plastic surgery obsession”, it’s narcissism and it influences a ton of people and also kills many.

One day you stop caring and hopefully start paying attention to things that fulfill you and keep you in a healthy mental state. For some it might be doing what they love, for others to find love, for others to make a family, to paint, to help children, whatever. Anything that isn’t materialistic and superficial. From my experience I tell you right now that when you care about the outside, you’ll only get a match with women who do the same. And when you do and live next to a person as stupid and vane as you are, you really understand how wrong it is. I lived that when I was heavy into bodybuilding (no drugs) and dated a girl my age who was also heavy on fitness. A nightmare. You think tupperware and bitching about fat is ok when you do it? Hah! Wait to see how it is when she does it.

Which brings me to my next point. You all seek to be “Chad” and date this “hot” girl. This doesn’t work. Ever. Just roll with it and date the girls you should be dating, not the ones television taught you to go for. I got this lad @disfiguredyoungman who lately has been bothering me with his idiocy, that he’s cursed and ugly and women are evil and so on. This is what we call “confusion”, I don’t think he’s a bad guy. He’s confused and angry because of it. Hair or not, he’s going the wrong way.

I registered here two months ago and said to myself I’ll get heavily involved here and exchange thoughts about this hair loss thing and try to understand it. The more I go at it, the more I realize what a trap it is. What an excuse it is for letting go of your life. And remember, I’m almost bald. This isn’t bs chat, I’ve been through it all, hair pieces, clinics, sides, mockery, depression etc. But truly, people don’t give a f*** man. And I’ve caught me miring bald men who were absolutely alphas. Seen them in streets, clubs (many of them bar men), beach, we might as well be the majority today. I think an untrained man is an instant red flag both for women and men. But a bald or balding head is only but a scratch, which women will choose to ignore when the rest of you is more interesting.

And at the end of the day, f*** it. Snap out of it and do something you love. I’ve been playing ball again after years. Yeah sure this 19y old amazing girl won’t go for me in the field, god damn it. I’m so unlucky. Well no, she wouldn’t go for me even if I had hair. And I’m having fun, I’m laughing and the guy she’s with is now a friend of mine, we all went out last night. Got to chat with them both, had fun, made new friends, I’m feeling great. I stopped and looked in the mirror today, I realized I went smiling and being a lovable person for a week now while being bald. So if I can do it and be approached and get laid, what’s the harm?

Harm’s done only in our ego boys. Past a certain age if all you gotta show to a woman is your hair, then you’re in deep sh*t. She’s gonna leave you the next day and you’ll be even more confused because according to you, hair means life. How could that happen?

I feel a balding man shouldn’t be anywhere near hair loss forums and crybabies. I mean listening to @disfiguredyoungman for the past few days was such a turn off. I wouldn’t stand this guy IRL for more than a minute, which is sad because I’m sure underneath all this he might have a genuinely nice character.

/end rant

I've bolded the part that I take umbrage at. Many bald guys simply want to settle down and raise a family. That fits into your framework of doing things that fulfil you. But to do that he needs to get married to a woman who is willing to do the same thing. If you're slick bald, then, in my experience, you won't be able to get any woman to go on more than two dates with you let alone be together with you long term and have a family with you.

Most guys on here don't want to date a certain kind of 'chad' woman. They only want to date the kind of woman who would be into what I described above. That's a woman with good morals and values, a sense of self respect and respect for you. That's quite important for raising a family and I don't think that we should lower the standards any further. Even if we ignore the fact that a slick bald guy can't get any woman to stay with him long term, you should note that it's exactly the kind of woman that I'm describing here that has high standards (due to high self esteem) and has no problem rejecting a slick bald guy for the most trivial reason. So, even if we ignore the fact that a slick bald guy can't get anything long term romantically with a woman, the kind of women that would be willing to be with him are the ones that wouldn't be good for raising a family together. Therefore, the bald guy can't have a fulfilling life if he wants to settle down and have a family. So the bolded part of your post, while optimistic, is nonsense, in my opinion.


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A study which shows that women peak at 18 and men peak in terms of attraction beyond their 30s:

I actually thought men peaked lookswise in their early 30s - and perhaps they do - but in terms of attraction, it is much later.

I'll hold that men peak at around 18-20, physically; basically the end of puberty, and from then there it is just physical decline. Skin aging makes you look a lot uglier, no getting around that. You cannot seriously tell me Pitt looks better at 50 than at 25. The only other real reason I can think of why attraction might allegedly grow is the association of age with more life experience and likely more financial stability. But physically in looks, your peak is 18-20. Could be even earlier if you matured quickly or you have bad skin/aging genetics.




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I'll hold that they peak at around 18-20; basically the end of puberty, and from then there it is just physical decline. Skin aging makes you look a lot uglier, no getting around that. You cannot seriously tell me Pitt looks better at 50 than at 25:

View attachment 97940

View attachment 97941
I agree. For me he peaked around Fight Club, which is when I think he was early 30s.

The study however goes against what we think.

Another interesting one:


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I agree. For me he peaked around Fight Club, which is when I think he was early 30s.

The study however goes against what we think.

Another interesting one:

Interesting read, but not convinced, lol. They could've just shortened the article to "hey fellas, you're probably not that great looking; stop trying to date 20 year olds leagues above you and settle on an aging, post-peak older female that you will never really enjoy physically. That'll maximize your happiness!"

I hate to say it, but we don't live in the old pre-Internet pre-social media world anymore. Men can now see thousands of gorgeous woman from all over and watch thousands upon thousands of hours of women with usually decently above average looks with exaggerated sexual parts to satisfy their sexual impulses (i.e. p**rn). When men know all of that is really out there, they just plainly lose interest in "plain" women, especially sexually. You can't go back to the world where you couldn't see all of those women as much as you wanted to and had to settle on the alright looking girl in the neighborhood. Because of the effects of massive globalization that have been brought about by social media, men now fairly confidently know (or get the illusion) that they can do better. This phenomenon is too widespread to stop. It will only inevitably grow. You can't go back to the old world anymore. This is the new reality.
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Interesting read, but not convinced, lol. They could've just shortened the article to "hey fellas, you're probably not that great looking; stop trying to date 20 year olds leagues above you and settle on an aging, post-peak older female that you will never really enjoy physically. That'll maximize your happiness!"

I hate to say it, but we don't live in the old pre-Internet pre-social media world anymore. Men can now see thousands of gorgeous woman from all over and watch thousands upon thousands of hours of women with usually decently above average looks with exaggerated sexual parts to satisfy their sexual impulses (i.e. p*rn). When men know all of that is really out there, they just plainly lose interest in "plain" women, especially sexually. You can't go back to the world where you couldn't see all of those women as much as you wanted to and had to settle on the alright looking girl in the neighborhood. Because of the effects of massive globalization that have been brought about by social media, men now fairly confidently know (or get the illusion) that they can do better. This phenomenon is too widespread to stop. It will only inevitably grow. You can't go back to the old world anymore. This is the new reality.
Problem is even if you do get a nice 23 year old GF then twenty years later they too will be old and past prime.

Its a flawed process just chasing youth unless you plan on never settling down.