Baldies and the reason they have to be buff


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s.a.f said:
And find a post where I'm crying "Oh its impossible, 90% of girls think all bald guys are gross its not fair, NW1's get all the girls, you need to have 18" biceps and be rich ect ect ect....."
Find one post where have I ever complained about not getting laid.

All my posts are trying to talk some sense into the crazies like Hairpieceman.

Read between the lines on his posts, this is a guys spouting percentages on what women are thinking as if its fact, clearly he's does'nt women at all.
You make it sounds like women care only about inner qualities..... :whistle:


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This is so entertaining :woot:


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s.a.f said:
And find a post where I'm crying "Oh its impossible, 90% of girls think all bald guys are gross its not fair, NW1's get all the girls, you need to have 18" biceps and be rich ect ect ect....."
Find one post where have I ever complained about not getting laid.

All my posts are trying to talk some sense into the crazies like Hairpieceman.

Read between the lines on his posts, this is a guys spouting percentages on what women are thinking as if its fact, clearly he's does'nt women at all.


I never said you NEED to have 18inch arms and be rich. All you need is some game and the ability to approach a couple hundred women. That is why I think hair piece man doesn't need LL, if he just realized it's all a numbers game.

Yes Hairpieceman is a little crazy, but he does have REAL problems, sometimes surgery is actually a solution even though it's not "needed".

And layoff the %. Some people are just numbers oriented and it's an easy way to communicate something.


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these rock guys can do that they want, their image consultant has no influence on what they do, what about rob halford?

ok he is hats a lot for promos, but i have seen him take stage without hat or glasses and just a goutee!

judas priest are pretty large!

jordan ruddess from DT is also recently bald, although is a beard compensator (although not always)

what about lars ulrich, that guy receeds like hell, ok it was early 40s but still, thats some high recession

also half the time the beard makes little difference on open air concerts, check system of a down or slayer, these guy still look like trash due to Hairloss.


yes no one is saying you NEEED to be perfect in face (and hair is a big part of what makes your face look like),height,body.

that is just silly.

however all we are communicating is that the two big things for a guy usually is the face and the height, and hair or lack thereof can actually destroy faces (examples brad pitt, joe satriani + 100s of guys i see on the street).

and + there is still a lot of general negative social stigma of "the bald guy" who isnt 6 ft and looks like vin diesel, especialy when in the bar 99% of the guys are NW1, i mean occasionally i see bald guys in bar but at each time I have seen them they have

1. looked better than i did bald (which wasn't hard anyway)


2. and are at least 4 inches taller than me (again, not a hard accomplishment for most guys)

so what I mean when to say my genetic life is a joke would be an understatement since im basically the lowest end of looks guy (and due to baldness) and shorter guy in bar!

do I "NEED" hair, i would personally say...yes....yes i do.

do I "NEED" height, well i'd say doing one LL surgery to make me 5' 6.5" should make me more normal, I'd say I would highly benefit from that, i'ts not as if im sitting in a corner saying i need height or kill me, im just saying i'd highly benefit from being 2 inches taller.

so im not crazy, im just very much disadvantaged, it's kinda obvious, I can see that.

also as far as height goes it's been recognised since the dawn of human mating the importance of male height, it's almost well known in society that if you turn up short ( 5 7) or tall (6 0) that will affect the way women see you as a potential mate.

at the end of the day i do have real problems, im not crazy, i saw some guy who was 5 9 on a height forum, he has like 1000s of posts and is trying to obtain his dream height of 6 3 doing some crazy exercises

now THAT guy is crazy, I mean 5 9 is a good height for a guy, if i woke up 5 9 tomorow i'd be soo happy and have a great life, i wouldn be on a forum all day trying to become 6 3 or something lol


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also when im bald i look like joe satriani/lord vertmot (only shorter)

so what am i meant to do, i mean even HE knows he doesn't look anywhere near presentable fully bald when he plays on stage so he is in shades 24/7.

so what am i meant to do, meet girls in bars with shades on? and hide in shades like all the time so that i dont unviel my lord vertmot type look? how the f*** would that work socially.

it's almost like i have no choice but to wear hair.

in the words of james hetfield "it's sad but true."

also jordan looks kinda cool, i think satch just looks the worst, and that's the level im at.

so im not crazy to think i NEED hair, becuase Im actually one of those poor sods that does look pretty damn bad without hair.

one height surgery would be benefitial, a second one (to make me 5 8.5) would be a bonus.


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Thanks, I'm glad some people are seeing sense that these two things are big deals.

and + if i wear a wig and get 2 inches taller that will TOTALLY elimate the genetic freak that i am.

becuase id basically go from
1. looking like lord vertmon and
2. being very short

which is a great combination ^^

1. looking like a regular looking guy, and
2. being short

that is a FAR CRY from my previous "look", its like going from a freak to a normal guy.

so there you go.

also i'd like to point out that people are still seeing baldness like it's the same problem for everyone, like you can make some blanket statement such as "there are other bald people, therefore you do not need hair," but this simply isn't the truth and im fed up of people saying these statements on this forum i find it very annoying!

here are my bald categories, keep in mind the great looking bald guy is on the same level as a regular looking NW1.

1. great looking bald guy (great face/build + tall) - vin diesel

2. good looking bald guy (good face + tall) - billy corgan, UCMan, patrick stewart, possibly bruce willis.

3. ok looking bald guy (ok face, short or medium height) - neil strauss, and a lot of regular looking bald guys in bar.

4. bad looking bald guy (tend to hide in hats/glasses with shame, short or medium height) - joe satriani, lord vertmon, hairpieceman, anthrax guy if he got rid of his beard (actually i saw a pic of him withouth bear and he looked like me/satch etc.

so what im saying here is that you cannot make blanket statements to people and offer advice that such as "baldness doesn't matter as much as you think it does", that maybe true if your in category 3, and being in 2 or 1 would be great, but in category 4 which is the lowest level of baldness then no way, that reality is just too much to bear for a young man.

also see this qoute below for what my life is ACTUALLY like.

HairPieceMan said:
most guys have hair, but occasionally i see bald guys in bar but at each time I have seen them they all have

1. looked better than i did bald (which wasn't hard anyway)


2. are at least 4 inches taller than me (again, not a hard accomplishment for most guys)

so you have to keep in mind that this is my actual life and reality, which is not like CCS reality, i am the worst case baldness (level 4 ) and im at the lowest hieght for guy being as tall as girls, if i was shorter people would think i was a kid!


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jijijijiji said:
I never said you NEED to have 18inch arms and be rich. All you need is some game and the ability to approach a couple hundred women. That is why I think hair piece man doesn't need LL, if he just realized it's all a numbers game.

Yes Hairpieceman is a little crazy, but he does have REAL problems, sometimes surgery is actually a solution even though it's not "needed".

And layoff the %. Some people are just numbers oriented and it's an easy way to communicate something.

I know Hairpeiceman is in a bad situation being both short and bald, but my issue here is that he's making overly negative statements about baldness that will be inciting paranoia in a lot of the young balding guys on here.
The main problem I can see for him is that once he gets all this stuff, LL surgery, hairpiece, wigs ect he will basicly be living a lie and holding some huge secrets which will in turn give him more issues re women.
Lets face it yes being bald and short will put limits on your pulling ability, but surely the real issue is he's trying to punch above his weight.


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HPM - you make a lot of assertions of rating people and breaking everyone down into a bracket or a number.
For a lot of people who are short and balding, I'm sure it is quite difficult to pull a young 19yr old fresh off the conveyor belt of talent, but she is 19, young and probably very attractive and in a way has the choice of many young suiters.

Look around - there are plenty and I mean plenty of baldish, balding, and slick bald men with beautiful women and not all of them have been dating since high school e.g when the dude had hair. I know 3 slick bald guys, who don't look that great bald - they drink too much beer, don't exercise enough but they have attractive beautiful girlfriends and the reason is because they are comfortable in their own skin, they've accepted their fate, they can laugh and point at themselves without getting up tight, broken, hurt or defensive if someone makes a joke with them.

I think most people on here are too insecure - we can't take a joke or hear a comment and rub it off - Just yesterday, I head 2 small girls walking past a plaza where I was sitting relaxing - there were other people there too and they were only about 8 or 9 and one said to the other ''How many bald guys are there in the world?'' and then reply was "3 billion maybe?'' from the otherfriend.
I have hair - it's NW3 but I know that about a year or so ago, I'd have been thinking ''sh*t, is that me? Did she ask her friend that question because they seen me? Do little kids see me as a bald guy?'' I didn't think twice and even if it was me, they were refering to - it's my fate - I can try to do the best I can with what I got and move on with life.

The key to pulling women - apart from being reasonably attractive - is confidence. I'm no Neil Strauss and I think PUA at times it a lot of crap - e.g act like a total spooner to get women. There are some good ideas in it, but going up to women and being very forthcoming just is not for some people.
If you work on your confidence, be sure of yourself, and even if you are criticised or joked with - you need to learn to brush it off and continue on your path.
Another final example, I met a friend last weekend and I play soccer outside his mom's house(she lives next to a park) - he said to me ''My mom loves the way you run. It's so funny and she gets a real smile out of it and always watches your matches'' - 2 years ago, I'd have most defo been thinking ''sh*t! Why is she laughing at me? Irun normal. I score goals in soccer. I'm not that bad am I?'' and that type of mentality would run suit with me and I'd keep thinking about it. So I didn't, I just said ''Ah cool. Glad that I make her happy. Next time I score a goal - I'm going to run across the park and give your mother a high 5 - tell her to keep watching?''
He said ''Yeah, you should. I'll tell her to get a water ready for you''

Take everything with a pinch of salt and move on. Life is too short to be anaylising every move and every 'off' comment from someone. For every person who doesn't find you attractivve, there will be another who does - focus on the positive not the negatives.

P.S. Apologies for this being so long


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i understand what your saying saf but my main point i am trying to drive here is this.

1. not every bald man is create equal.

you say sometimes im striking fear into bald people, that is not true, it depends how you look bald, i already explained i looked the worst bald and MOST bald guys look better than me (+ taller)

i already explained i do not look presentable bald to women, im like satch in that i'd have to hide in shades or hats or something, which is 10x worse than a good system.

as i said before, I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO WEAR HAIR.

2. claim that its a big secret.

The only "secret" i have atm is wearing a hair system, there are LOTS of guys wearing hair systems,i don't see this as being a big dark secret that onyl HPM is doing in the club, i see it as being a normal solution.

in fact the guy i got a hair system from was an indian guy, his system looks great, but the guy was indian w/ dark skin tone, and was a great looking guy, the guy actually looked decent bald (a 6 bald and a 9 with hair), but for me white caucasian i REALLY needed the hair system (im a 2 bald like satch/lord vertmon and i'm a 6 with hair), also he had 40,000+ customers in the UK.

so some people wear systems to improve themsevles a little bit (such as him), others wear it as kinof an emergency (like me)

so for me the need for hair totally outwieghs the negatives.

like i dont even know why the indian guy wore hair, maybe he just wanted to look a little bit better, but for me wearing hair isn't about vanity, wearing hair is about being normal!

again, this is FOR ME, there have been bald people on this forum that look good bald, better than me with hair, and i see it often, they suit it, but for me being bald is great shame, a far greater shame than hair system, let alone the shortness.

as far as other goes, well i haven't done the LL, id likely do ONE LL operation of 2 inches...but again i don't see it as a big deal i just did something to make me's like who the f*** cares?

i mean if i went form 5 8 - 5 10, that would be wierd, but 5 4.5 to 5 6.5 seems reasonable and more socially acceptable, i woulnd't think that person was crazy as example, especially when it only took 6 months to complete.


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Satriani looks pretty bad bald. The problem being his weak chin. The hair camouflaged it by taking attention away and instead pandering to the cute boyish genius stereotype. Many of the bald guys mentioned in this thread look bad. Willis looks good, although he would look better with stronger eyebrows. Patrick Stewart looks awesome baldie or not.

Someone mentioned its all about conforming to stereotypes. I agree. In addition, I will add that its also about busting stereotypes. Hence my very first post in the thread.

This also means that its not just about the body, the clothes you wear and your demeanor are just as important. Usually normal baldies (I'm talking NW5) cannot pull off the college tshirt, jeans look. Does not work unless you are jacked. Put on some power clothes (suit, etc), and its a different story. I think Lex Luthor in Smallville looked pretty darn good. He looked better than the normal with hair Rosenbaum, Patrick Stewart looks super awesome in a suit.

A lot of the balding/newly bald guys are clinging on to their old image, and accessorising according to that. LET GO. Work with the new reality.


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that is some good advice there.

but living in power suits to make yourself look cool literally sucks though.

but yeah when im in a jogger and a tank top i feel like a crazy monk bald, or some sort of mini wrestler (but without muscles - like i am in training)

i never tried power suit, im guessing it would look cool though.

but this advice is good but it is ultimately offensive to think the only way i could look cool is by following some very small amount of dress code.

+ on PUA guys, neil DID try wigs, they didn't work for him, i doubt it was a morality/confidence thing, but more of a technical problem to do with adhesives at that time, or possibly money.

PUAs lie to women, here is some example of what they do

1. they start conversation with fictional stories,

2. mystery made up promotional posters (claiming it was for his "agent") and put them in his room to make it seem as if he was famous (lies),

3. he got his friend to pretend he was a hired photographer to take photographs of him in the club to make him seem famous so he get a 10, this was mentioned on his DVD archive.

4. mystery used to hand out cards and sign them for women and he claimed he was famous magician even though all he ever did was perform at childrens parties. :shakehead:

5. they also made up ficntional stories that made them seem cool ( more lies),

6. they put women down wth "negs".

7. they manipulated women with NLP (search ross jeffries).

8. neil drench himself in tan and probably put liquid foundation on his head, he also did facial hair and metal type earings, compensation!

9. he faked a full 2 inches of height in the clubs.

10. got veneers, entirely fake teeth there!

11. LASIK eye surgery so no glasses

12. dressed a certain way etc.

believe me these guys arn't confident, their lyers, all guys LIE to women, im sure neil would have been happy to lie a full head of hair if it actually worked with the adhesives, he just didn't due to technical reasons.


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I dont rate these PUA's anyway I think they could easily be conmen just to sell their books. I mean who's verifying their claims? Are any of them married? I've seen Neil Strauss with some girl who's appently his G/F but he could be paying her for all we know its just another con to sell books. Its probably easy to pretend to be a big shot and get women to talk to yoyu in a club but longterm what do women really think of them?


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hiya said:
HPM - you make a lot of assertions of rating people and breaking everyone down into a bracket or a number.
For a lot of people who are short and balding, I'm sure it is quite difficult to pull a young 19yr old fresh off the conveyor belt of talent, but she is 19, young and probably very attractive and in a way has the choice of many young suiters.

Look around - there are plenty and I mean plenty of baldish, balding, and slick bald men with beautiful women and not all of them have been dating since high school e.g when the dude had hair. I know 3 slick bald guys, who don't look that great bald - they drink too much beer, don't exercise enough but they have attractive beautiful girlfriends and the reason is because they are comfortable in their own skin, they've accepted their fate, they can laugh and point at themselves without getting up tight, broken, hurt or defensive if someone makes a joke with them.

This is true, I'll admit it myself I'd do better as a bald guy with confidence than an insecure guy with a hair transplant.
Nothing is more of a turnoff for women than insecurity in a man.


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so are you saying you yourself are insecure and you made a mistake doing the hair transplants?

then isnt what your saying about me with the wig is you being hypocritical, since you tried to save your hair yourself and wasn't willing to accept bald.


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also by that argument being bald is insecure, becuase your trying to turn baldness into a fashion style/statement.

it's a trick, a gimmick as larry david would put it.

true bald is grown out horshoe, that is real bald confidence.

when i see a man with no hair i think he is insecure, if he was truly confidence he would grow out his hair and have it on display for the world the mock.

GRANDPA HAIR = confidence

VIN DIESEL hair = insecure or in denial he thinks he's vin diesel.

+ being fully bald is only being going for a short while, in 40 years we might be back to square one grandpa hair.


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HairPieceMan said:
so are you saying you yourself are insecure and you made a mistake doing the hair transplants?

then isnt what your saying about me with the wig is you being hypocritical, since you tried to save your hair yourself and wasn't willing to accept bald.

Yes I am insecure. If I was'nt I'd probably never have had the hair transplant's. Its not hypocritical if I admit that I'm insecure about it. But unfortunatley thats just the truth.


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well the definition of insecurity is hard to grasp.

i mean if you look like crap then you look like crap, if its due to having no hair on your head, or having too much hair (like long hippy hair), then same difference really.

im sure you look better with hair transplant than a bald head.

+ if you wish to bring your security back then why not shave your head, it is who you are naturally afterall!


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HairPieceMan said:
well the definition of insecurity is hard to grasp.

i mean if you look like crap then you look like crap, if its due to having no hair on your head, or having too much hair (like long hippy hair), then same difference really.

im sure you look better with hair transplant than a bald head.

+ if you wish to bring your security back then why not shave your head, it is who you are naturally afterall!

Yes I do look better with the hair transplant's however I'm still the insecure person,thats why if I shaved my head I'd be a bald guy with numerous hair transplant's scars which is even worse.
However most confident guys in my situation would'nt have got the hair transplant's but would still probably be living better lives just because they dont have my issues.


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yes but were your issues the insecurity of being bald and that insecurity was lifted with the hair transplants or not?

becuase i think if you fix the bald "problem" with hair transplant or wig it works so long as it actually DOES bring positive benefits to your life.

i think the point your trying to make is your admiting to your mind that your insecure as soon as you walk into the wig shop or hair transplant surgeans door.

and thus the act of fixing the problem doesnt help, it makes things worse somehow.

but i actually disagree with that theory, my thoughts are if you fix something and it brings benefits to your life then you have won.

i mean if you have two lives to choose from

1.baldness and you don't like it (or suit it)

2. baldness and you don't like it, and your wearing hair/hair transplant (and suit it) so that you have hair.

id pick the second, i mean it just makes sense, even if your the same guy as life 1 or life 2, then it still makes sense to lead life 2, you put across that if you choose life 2 its 10x worse due to your secret or it damages you phycoligically (which i disagree)

its all about how you feel about things in life i suppose. but not everyone has the same mindset as another person (for example i hate the beard compensators and i think they should all wears wigs becuase they are admitting they don't like being bald)